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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 458 KB, 2448x3264, MShvhkd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14195254 No.14195254 [Reply] [Original]

Can I get an honest rate of my fit and aesthetics?

>> No.14195257


>> No.14195258

0/10 didn't even have to wait for the rest of the pic to load

>> No.14195291

>slim fit everything

>> No.14195319

It seems really fitting from the way you look anon

>> No.14195328

Why do bald people or people with ugly faces or people with small penises or people under 6'0 even try to dress nice. What's the point

>> No.14195330

Bobble head

>> No.14195446
File: 52 KB, 500x753, 25400-is-blck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honest opinion time, anon. We'll start from the top down.
You appear to be thinning a little on top, anon. Jokes aside, you don't have a poorly shaped head. Your biggest problem right now is ironically too much hair. Bald guy stubble is the worst thing in the world. It makes you look 20 years older at the worst. You need to knock that shit down every day. I'm not sure what sort of facial hair would work on you, but whatever it is, it needs to be thicker, to balance out your top. Try minoxidil.
>Neck + Shoulders
Very skinny, almost painfully so. This is the part of you I have the biggest problem with. It makes your head look massive, and that combined with your haricut (or lack thereof) is very unappealing. You need to bulk up your frame. And, NEVER WEAR YOUR TOP BUTTON WITHOUT A TIE. It makes you look like a divorced sheet metal salesman, especially with your...
>Shirt + Jacket
Your shirt is not great. Like I said, you commited a capital sin by buttoning it all the way. Plus, I would argue that it's not your color, but that's more my personal taste. The fact you layered it with a jacket (shirt? jacket? shacket?) in almost the same cut looks lame and sexless. I would recommend A) having your base layer be a white t-shirt, and B) investing in a better denim jacket if you're dead set on it. Or, I think a leather jacket would look good on you too, especially combined with a chunkier sweater or cardigan to fill our your frame (pic related).
Slim fit everything doesn't always work, especially on an unreubenesque gentleman like yourself. I don't have any personal suggestions, but try different cuts of jeans or chinos. Also, your belt is dopey. I don't know why, I just have beef with it. Keep it if you like it.
Absolutely terrible, 0/10, ruin the outfit. Can't believe you would ever go out in those. They look like the frame of a mirror. Sickening.

You were given a bad hand, but you can pull out of it. Chin up.

>> No.14195460


>> No.14195464

Need more denim

>> No.14195466

I don't get how people even think buttoning the top button without a tie is a good idea. Even when I was fashionably retarded (less so than now) it always looked dorky af to button it

>> No.14195508

What's strange to me is that literally no celebrity does it. Where do most people pick up the habit? Only thing that comes to my mind was The Rock's SNL skit with male enhancement drugs.

>> No.14195513

you look like the guy I decided if I was bicurious or not on

>> No.14195517

People figure if it has a button you have to use it. Honestly, sometimes I intentionally don’t button the bottom button on my untucked dress shirts so that my abs occasionally show, and I never button the top 2, sometimes down to 3.

>> No.14195553

The virgin top two buttons open vs the CHAD TOPMOST AND BOTTOMMOST BUTTONS ONLY

>> No.14195800

is this that trunks fag that used to post here

>> No.14195814

Whilst being a bit outdated, it's not a bad fit per say.
You do look a bit like REM's singer. But he is a flamboyant homo. Nothing wrong with that.
I think you look decent, but not very original.

>> No.14197138
File: 81 KB, 540x674, C5CC0D74-AB8D-48A2-9814-36A08A5994A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your main asthetic problem is that your head does not fit your rather slim frame. you could consider bulking up a bit and start to work on your delts, especially middle ones -through lateral raises etc. appearing wider especially helps when your are bald because your head becomes a lightbulb if you have a small frame along with it

>> No.14198881
File: 37 KB, 401x349, 130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I see that. Your daddy gave you good advice

>> No.14198941
File: 1.24 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190322-185446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /fa/, I sometimes get told that my head looks big. Im focusing on training my delts, shoulders, chest and traps to sort of compensate for it. Is my head really that big?

>> No.14198959
File: 113 KB, 1080x1080, 1546048080059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad?

>> No.14198965
File: 785 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190322-190942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another pic as well for reference

>Inb4 you look gay
Yes I know and yes I am

>> No.14198971

Yep its fucking massive

>> No.14198984

You think it will look smaller if I buzz my hair off?

>> No.14198991

looks too skinny and tight on you
slimfit clothes dont look right on bald guys, maybe it's too twinkish

>> No.14199022

Hm. As far as frame goes, you need to put on some weight. You don't look to bad, and i disagree that the bald stubble is necessarily bad. The problem is really that you have a grown-up head on a childs body, which makes the proportions look bad, and your clothes accentuate it.

Your shirt... i dont mind the colour, but that type just screams cheap fashion. Dont button it all the way up, but again, non-functional buttonups will never look good. I might like the jacket, but hard to say in combo with the shirt. I would probably also go for something chunkier, especially the small collar of the shirt makes your head look larger. Same thing goes for the pants. Dont wear a belt with a tucked shirt so that the belt is the focus of the clothes (especially with tight pants and a non-dress shirt).

TL:DR - gain weight and get grown-up clothing (esp sizing).

>> No.14199054

how about second button? 3rd button often looks like an Italian stallion

>> No.14199803


Your head looks a little too big for buttoning shirts up all the way. The jacket is too mallcore being its brand new levi's. bigger shirt size, let it untuck a bit. I know what you're going for with the tight tuck and the full button up collar but it doesnt fit your head.

>> No.14200139

To load? How shit is your internett?

>> No.14200142

¡El chadó!

>> No.14200318

Don't buzz,the hair suits you. Head is big but fine

>> No.14200320


>> No.14200326

First we feast.

>> No.14200347
File: 131 KB, 277x401, 1392164612360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to load

>> No.14200350

I've seen it done a lot on fashion sites by models. COS for instance, their shirt section has pretty every top button done.

>> No.14200499

It really depends on the person but I always button my top buttons even on polo shirts and I've never had anyone say it looks bad. To me leaving the top button unbuttoned looks sloppy.
I see plenty do it. The thing is that they're celebrities and they are typically in better shape, and more attractive than your average person, with better fitting clothes, so it doesn't look so uncomfortable if they're buttoned up.
OP is actually a decent looking guy. Not sure why people are saying he's ugly and pointing out he's bald, like it's not obvious that he shaves his head. He could bulk up a little and that would help but I think what's not working for him is the color of his clothes. They aren't complimenting his skin tone and the clothes themselves are brand spanking new, too neat and pressed to pull of the work-wear look. I generally like my clothes to fit well but he should probably ease up on how tight his pants are.

>> No.14200582
File: 103 KB, 640x853, cold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do it when it's cold inside and I don't have a scarf to put, simple as this

>> No.14200606
File: 52 KB, 685x564, 1548967213823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14200640


bruh moment

top button is quintessential MOD style

>> No.14201456

Yeah you're attractive. Working out those parts might offset it a bit and would just make you even better looking in the process. win-win

>> No.14202443

I dunno man. Probably a little bit too far in the department. It has so much going on that I feel like I should sit down and think about it but I'm already sitting down so I guess I should lay down? I dunno. I feel like the face doesn't really work with the get-up. At the same time though that's probably the kind of person that would wear that kind of swagger. That jacket is a no go in my book. Way to boring. And that shiny head of yours is giving no positive attributes either. I dunno. I can't see what got on your feet. Maybe if you got some nice kicks you could pair up with that fur? Maybe that what I need to see to understand what you as a individual is trying to express. I like kinda think the belt works with that shirt but it's just too much. I dunno. Your eyebrows are giving me bad vibes man. Like I don't trust this dude if he has weird ass eyebrows. And most of all you need to do something about that fuzz on yo face. Grow it or drop it. Honestly, lose the jacket and fix them brows. Maybe see if you can get a hat. Show me some fire on those feet and I would possibly approve. I dunno. That photo makes it hard to judge as well. So like all things considered I would give this artistic fabric of self confidence a 5.5/10. I dunno

I dunno. Your head seems fine. Maybe a little big. I dunno man. I like need a full Pic of you standing to grasp yo proportions. Maybe you are over thinking it. I dunno