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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 18 KB, 615x412, 1540764965466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14176921 No.14176921 [Reply] [Original]

there were a couple anons interested in ftm fits in a different thread so ill start off by posting some i like. basically this is a thread for ftms/butchcore/andro/(wo)manlets. no terfs thanks

>> No.14176923
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>> No.14176925
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>> No.14176928
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pre-t core

>> No.14176937
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remember to style your hair well & that that it fits your face shape boys

>> No.14176944

how do we know whats a good hair style thats not "compensating masculine" but not too girly?

>> No.14176954
File: 75 KB, 564x563, bd515c7333b25cd2f275946c4fe2d4ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else realize theyre too small to look 100 passable as a regular guy so they lean more towards the twink look? its kinda humiliating but id rather be seen as a femboy than a butch girl

>> No.14176969

depends on what kind of hair you have (how straight/curly it is) and your face shape but i can recommend some basic tips (if you reply to this with some info i can help you out better)
don't buzz (unless youre black and it would look good)
if you have short hair remember to get the hair on your nape taken care of often because it can get ugly fast
if your sideburns are long dont tuck them behind your eyes because it tends to look pretty girly
youll probably look awful with unnaturally dyed hair (pretty much everyone does)

>> No.14176975

i feel the same way, im not on t yet but im so short (5ft 4) that i feel like getting more muscles wouldnt help out a lot. being asian helps i guess but it still sucks. do you tend to wear makeup btw? a lot of (20 something, like your pic) asian guys tend to wear basic makeup (foundation, brows, contour) so that might help you pass (i dont have any specific advice bc i dont wear any though)

>> No.14177007

im 8 months on t and it hasnt done shit. i work out so im on the skinnier/toned side but i have trouble gaining any muscle. i dont wear any make up and i dont think i plan to. in the back of my mind i feel like wearing makeup would make me pass less because its an inherently womanly thing to do. where do you shop for your clothes anon? im 5'1" and often have to shop in the little boys section ): any cool online shops?

>> No.14177023
File: 116 KB, 520x747, image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its pretty much straight unless i let it air dry. i honest to god have no idea what to do with it

>> No.14177033

i dont know of any good online shops that ship to the us desu, idk where you live but i tend to shop from thrift stores, outdoor markets, and http://smallman.co.kr/ (korean shop that caters to short/thin guys, clothes quality and prices are okay)

>> No.14177050

ngl i kinda dig this, what pants are those?

>> No.14177057

hmm first off if youre going for a two-block (idk if youre asian or not but if youre white and have this cut youll look awful imo) id recommend cutting the length of your bangs until theyre a little below your eyebrows and using a roll brush & hairdryer to give some volume to your bangs/back would be a good start. this guy has a lot of hairstyle videos that i find useful and you might too (though his taste in clothing is hit or miss)
this features a androgynous woman getting her hair done
title is about gelling hair but he gives great advice near the 2 min mark

>> No.14177062

idk sorry, maybe you can ask in the w2c gen or mfa

>> No.14177096

counterpoint i personally love buzzcut on girls
and as a man going for the androgynus look i tuck my sideburns behind my ears, althou i have to admit thats not the hair what makes my style androgynous

other than this i dont have much to give to this thread so use as a bump

>> No.14177167

this site is a godsend thank u anon holy fuck

>> No.14177181

youre welcome (:

>> No.14177209

>tfw fit into adult mens clothes just fine
I’m a (fe)manlet myself at 5’7” so you guys must be literal hobbits if you can’t shop in the men’s section at any given store

>> No.14177218

someone already said theyre 5'4" lmao no need to shit up the thread

>> No.14177329

shut the fuck up roastie we get it you have it easier than trans men and cis men now get out

>> No.14177332
File: 77 KB, 564x564, d32dfeff1ffd85cd78e02bdd2c1a7e5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this an acceptable ftm look

>> No.14177343

its ok, would look better if it was without the shirt and just the sweater tucked in (trendy in korea rn which is where the pic was taken based on fit and background) & the necklace is a little too much with everything else

>> No.14177349
File: 564 KB, 1080x1062, E7A10E50-1FC6-435C-8B31-6075A32A336D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sleeves are gonna make your wrist and hands look smaller/daintier.

also, does anyone know how how to style straight leg trousers so they don’t fit on you like mom jeans, or should i just go full thinspo

>> No.14177368

by mom jeans do you mean covering your hips or something? im not really understanding it sorry & being thin is good especially if you arent on t because you dont have fat redistribution (but if you are on t depends on you/your body type)

>> No.14177471

i’m pre t but yes i basically want to minimize the appearance of my hips

>> No.14177489

hmm i dont really have that problem (im skinny everywhere) so i cant offer specific advice but wear dark/black pants? a pair that isnt too tight or loose, length probably depends on what you like/whats trendy where you live. dark color shirts that cover what you want can help if you wear a lighter colored jacket/top/whatever over it
other than that im not really sure, there arent really any comprehensive guides (http://www.ftmguide.org/shortmensclothes.html is good for learning about basics on mens clothes but i dont agree with some of his fashion tastes) because clothing is so subjective but good luck dude

>> No.14177661

bump so this doesnt die while im sleeping hopefully

>> No.14178149

Lose weight, it’s the only way you’ll look good in anything.

>> No.14178260
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>> No.14178432
File: 1.35 MB, 1242x1613, C2F78D39-B3C3-476D-B17D-7C76B2FA4A06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who’re some good /butchcore/ models to follow for inspo? Pic related is my waifu.

>> No.14178462

Wtc hoodie? Holy shit.

>> No.14178493

Shoes id?

>> No.14178516

>only 8 posters so far
Oof. I really do want to make these threads a regular thing, so we need to come up with ways to attract more posters.

Any ideas? I think instead of “ftm/androgynous” as the thread title we should start calling it /butchcore/ general. Appealing to cis femanons on top of afab trans people might be the only way the threads will stay alive since it doesn’t look like a whole lot of ftms post on /fa/.

>> No.14178585
File: 1022 KB, 588x591, elliot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We probably should collect some links/resources and make a pastebin to include in future OPs. I do know that there are a few guides out there for FtMs but the people who write them are typically not effay at all.

I mean this one is decent but his fashion sense is pretty meh, not to mention he was blessed with being tall and narrow-hipped unlike most of us:

>> No.14178590
File: 589 KB, 475x595, madison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a thing for tucked-in tshirts, they're also said to help minimize the appearance of hips.

>> No.14178612
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>> No.14178632
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>> No.14178661
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>> No.14178667

Could you suggest a haircut for me too? I’m a cis girl but I want to look androgynous/like a twink. I have thin, mostly straight, slightly wavy hair and a square face. Right now it’s cut in a short shag, but I want something a little neater.

>> No.14178757

Generally men's haircuts are short on the sides and longer on top, cut with clippers instead of scissors. Become familiar with the names of different cuts for men so that you can ask the barber what you want, or bring in a picture. The fact that your face is square is actually good because most cuts will look good on you, and from your description it doesn't seem like you have a shitty hair type that will limit your options either.

Speaking of barbers, if you really want a masculine haircut, go to a barbershop instead of a salon. You're going to get some funny looks and there's a slight chance they may shoo you out the door but most barbershops will take in butch girls.

>> No.14178797
File: 634 KB, 476x552, 189471898349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going to break the mold and start posting ftms

i would kill to be able to pull off this hairstyle (minus the shitty green color) but my face is too round. ;__; how long on test before my jaw/chin becomes more defined? or will i need a jaw implant?

>> No.14178889
File: 323 KB, 704x364, 권현빈.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, thats a good point (also agree with the post below yours)
maybe something like pic rel? i dont know what a shag is sorry but bangs like this are fairly androgynous, styling your hair should make it more neat
that person is wearing a bunch of contour/highlight so dont expect to look like that realistically (especially if you have a naturally flat face). im not on t so i cant give personal advice except eat well and get some exercise

>> No.14178941
File: 1.01 MB, 597x898, 1345363465656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More butchspo (sorry I don't know of any /fa/ transmen)

>> No.14178943
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>> No.14178944
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>> No.14178947
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>> No.14178974
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>that person is wearing a bunch of contour/highlight so dont expect to look like that realistically
oh, i didn't even notice the contour :s
still i do believe there are some afabs who were kissed by the gods at birth when it comes to androgyny. i'd take 6 inches off my height if i could have a face like this.

>> No.14178985
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>> No.14178994
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>> No.14179000
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>> No.14179006
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>> No.14179012
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>> No.14179015
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>> No.14179095

That's 90% filters and angling, anon.

Holy shit these are cute, almost makes me wish I didn't have such raging dysphoria so I could be a qt butch girl.

>> No.14179125
File: 99 KB, 564x968, tumblr_olyxmi9xX81rjnodoo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an entire folder of qts, should I continue to post or am I flooding at this point?

>> No.14179139

of course go ahead, thanks for contributing (:

>> No.14179147
File: 314 KB, 445x667, 1435353634578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay good to know. :) Tbh I really hope butchcore takes off and we get more women into it, there are far too few tomboys on this Earth and that is just a shame. ):

>> No.14179149
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>> No.14179151
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>> No.14179153

yeah i hope it does well too & if anyone wants feedback on their own fits/someone elses thats okay

>> No.14179156
File: 183 KB, 1024x684, tumblr_p4pzf86Qmx1qew7xjo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, sorry I didn't realize this what ant-sized.

>> No.14179165
File: 55 KB, 527x790, tumblr_oig3yiqeoT1ufpv23o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to see some transguys post their fits, I've never seen a transman into fashion except for a select few musclechads who mainly model underwear.

>> No.14179169
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>> No.14179172
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>> No.14179177
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>> No.14179182
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>> No.14179192
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>> No.14179198
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Alright I think that's it for now, I'll save the rest for a future thread so we're not posting the same pics over and over. Ending with some cool tattoos. :)

>> No.14179216

Goddamn, I want to bully these guys so much

>> No.14179222

don’t be rude

>> No.14179571

ID on henley?

>> No.14179719

not sure what it is exactly but https://www.buckmason.com/collections/curved-hem-henley-tees the tri blend shirts look similar, idk if it has a button tab on the sleeves but it wouldnt be hard to go to a tailor or add them yourself

>> No.14180005
File: 99 KB, 540x810, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i genuinely like the vibe of this but im too much of a pussy to pull it off :(

>> No.14180021

i get called mister a lot in the street but it makes me feel uncomfortable.. i have short hair but i don't know how to make people realize i'm not a man :( do you have any tips ?

>> No.14180026

jewelry, accessories, working out hips and thighs/buttocks, makeup

>> No.14180032

wearing tighter clothes would help, not thotcore but baggy clothes hide chest/hips making you look more masc

>> No.14180048
File: 237 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno if i fit here..

>> No.14180052

ok i'll try! the problem is that i'm really skinny and i don't like wearing tight clothes because i feel like they're too revealing.. when i had long hair i used to wear big sweats etc

>> No.14180053

OP here, thank you for posting yourself! im jealous of how nice your hair looks ahah, do you have any full outfit pics? :3

>> No.14180067
File: 1.44 MB, 4032x3024, Lz0qeaXuRIiAKZ0KsL+bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have this!

>> No.14180109

thats a cute fit, i like the diy tricky rickys

>> No.14180178


>> No.14180202

Where do you anons with tiny baby feet buy your man shoes? I'm currently preparing a Google spreadsheet with links to online shops that cater to us (found a lot of good ones). Do you just shop in the boys section or elsewhere?

I wear a US 9 in mens shoes so I've never had to find alternatives to fit my feet. I only have two links so far but those are for height-increasing shoes.

>> No.14180262

i linked this site (http://smallman.co.kr/product/list.html?cate_no=75)) earlier but i either buy from there because of the built-in lifts or i just wear unisex/womans shoes desu
(for reference im 245cm/8 womens us and 7 mens us i think?)
i dont really know a lot of online shops sorry :( hope your spreadsheet goes well & youll link when youre finished so someone can put it at the top of the next general

>> No.14180645
File: 59 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20190302_194159_701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I androgynous?

>> No.14180652

Are you a female? Then yes.

If not, then no. You look like a fag.

>> No.14180681

lol am I a cute fag, fag?

>> No.14180688

Not really. Your eyes and brows have this obnoxious angle to them and your tiny mouth just makes you look constipated and stuck up.

>> No.14180724
File: 54 KB, 571x715, D1eN4efWsAUtO5g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jeez anon my mouth is huge imo

>> No.14180848

as a skinny guy (182 cm 58 kg; 5.97 128 lbs) I'm thinking of giving in to my andro tendencies and giving up hope to attract straight girls. what are some general tips are there? baggy/skinny pants?

>> No.14180888

also how is shopping online with sizes and such?

>> No.14180919
File: 351 KB, 487x463, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at 8.21.18 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since youre tall and skinny, id recommend tighter pants over baggy ones & you shouldnt have that much problems shopping online since you arent a manlet but i cant rec any stores to you i guess just cop stuff you like
if youre going andro i think longer hair looks great on tall lanklets, if you want inspo bowie is based

>> No.14180932


>> No.14180950 [DELETED] 

so since (cis)male anons are posting here now, should the next gen just be androgyny general?

>> No.14180953

Stop shitting up this board faggots.

>> No.14180957

It's /fa/-related you dingus, unlike your retarded shitpost.

>> No.14180980 [DELETED] 

No, absolutely not. Mtfs are just going to take it over and completely shit it up.

Biological females only

>> No.14181240

fucking zoomers, look at those pathetic "men"

>> No.14181310
File: 272 KB, 243x582, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at 12.22.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a fan of the shoes but everything else works well

>> No.14181336
File: 347 KB, 375x504, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at 12.35.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14181468

Ohh this sounds so good please post the finished result... or any sort of result... i need as much resources as possible

>> No.14181474
File: 65 KB, 640x671, tumblr_ncdk8lIHTX1qznydjo1_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a good andro haircut?

>> No.14181484

its boring but fine, you might want to have it cleaned up near ears instead of long

>> No.14181531

No, it's too feminine.

>> No.14181608

Be nice to transmen and tomboys.

>> No.14181618

With fempenis
And manboob

>> No.14181628

Feminine penis, masculine vagina. Just as god intended.

>> No.14181795


good inspo for trans folk here

>> No.14181923
File: 52 KB, 564x845, tumblr_p290k6rpLv1x1o64go1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14182024
File: 572 KB, 680x528, manwhofellfromearth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we tend to look like this too

>> No.14182353


>> No.14183293

started a new one since this one is dead
