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14160957 No.14160957 [Reply] [Original]

Every time I see a reasonably attractive white "art hoe" type, I get incurable visions of her being railed by Chad.

How do I stop this?

>> No.14160962

does it count as chad if the dude wears a blazer/suit?

>> No.14160990

you can apply that to any type of woman. ugly, pretty, stupid and smart. they all get fucked by Chad

>> No.14161001

just be rational and honest. realistically they aren't getting railed by "Chad".

they're getting railed by ME. the male art hoe (minus the sjw ideals. i'm still a social justice warrior, but not in the crazy left wing way). i wear a beret, listen to post-hardcore, and i'm a writer.

so don't worry, anon. do not fear Chad. fear me.

>> No.14161007
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>they're getting railed by ME. the male art hoe (minus the sjw ideals. i'm still a social justice warrior, but not in the crazy left wing way). i wear a beret, listen to post-hardcore, and i'm a writer.

>> No.14161016
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>> No.14161025

Jerk off thinking about it until it gets old and find a new fetish

>> No.14161027
File: 126 KB, 634x906, brian wilson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

become a musician so you can steal them back
the guy in your photo isn't wearing a beret

>> No.14161035

>t. incel

>> No.14161045
File: 56 KB, 469x700, 273287_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit tier piecing
>nice guy face
>meme glasses in context of face and expression
>punk haircut but clearly isn't hardcore enough to pull it off
>sorority noise (actually they're pretty good nevermind)

this is not me, though. try something like this, but i don't think i'm this hot desu.

>> No.14161152

Old Gray was a better band.

>> No.14161180

this is the faggiest thing i've ever read

>> No.14161342

visualize the end-stage chad: freebase cocaine addicted, potbellied, overburdened with child support payments and hating life

>> No.14161742

this. OP has a self image problem, and unless that is addressed, and his self image, and self worth are all sorted in a healthy way, it's going to turn him into this guy >>14161180

OP, stop fetishizing art hoes, and start seeing women as humans, warts and all. They are no different than you. They have standards, and so do you. Here's a hard question - do you meet your own standards? if not, work on it by segmenting your goals and ideals into manageable steps.

>> No.14161752

Wow a decent thought, in all honesty, this dude fucks

>> No.14161812

s o i b o i

>> No.14161814

If you arent a chad then what's the point of living?

>> No.14161906

I bang art hoes all the time

Just do something cool?

>> No.14161996

Post-hardcore is kind of basic and teencore to be honest...why are you so proud of listening to high school music?

>> No.14162090

tell me a high schooler who listens to fugazi and unwound.

>> No.14162101

firmly agree on this one.

this is correct.

to OP: art hoes aren't shit desu. i like them because they fit my aesthetic and interests. there are girls, just your average girl mind you, much more self conscious than you. work on loving yourself first and people will notice. how can you expect others to accept you if you keep putting yourself down.

i mean, i am bi, but the only one being faggot here is you, bud.
wait.. i stand corrected >>14161812

>> No.14162109

me lol jabodied

>> No.14162126

well you know what.

you're a pretty cool guy, anon.

>> No.14162146

Art hoes are just girls dressing trendy, nothing more, nothing less you dingus
Sure, individual "art hoes" can be fake, slutty, pretentious, smelly etc. but you've got to know them first to tell, and if you already know them you're one step closer to bang them anyway. They can be pretty cool people too, dressing in that style doesn't mean anything more than, let's say, wearing vans

>> No.14162165

Failed Chad here but I’ve smashed a decent amount of art hoe roasties AMA

>> No.14162167

whats your approach game

>> No.14162169

Tinder or just go up to them at a party and start dancing with them

>> No.14162171

Also this one in particular kinda approached me and had her friend who I knew tell me she thought I was cute but I guess that’s an exception

>> No.14162178

>sjw but not in a left wing way
the fuck?

>> No.14162193

yeah, i didn't know how else to phrase it. i have pretty strong opinions on social/political problems but i don't subscribe to any ideology. i'm definitely not a white-guilt, politically correct shitlord nor am a hard right-wing conservative. i call people out on bullshit they spew when i know it's wrong. so i'd say i am fighting for social justice in a way.

>> No.14163542

men call women neurotic but it’s never came across my mind to imagine a dude i find attractive constantly banging sorority chicks

>> No.14165157


>> No.14166577

Ok ok but why are you here? This board is for sad larps and twinks

>> No.14166578

art hoes are for fucking, not dating