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14153574 No.14153574 [Reply] [Original]

SummerCut Edition

>post thinspo
>stay hidratted
>read the FAQ

old >>14125790


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Fasting Resources:

Feel free to post questions and requests, report about your progress, and ask for support.

To get helpful replies make sure to post:
>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
>tdee and your deficit
>highest and lowest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you are going for

>> No.14153577
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EC(A) stacking guide:

>> No.14153980
File: 278 KB, 750x484, 9C4570A0-1684-4B0D-963E-4BDB49699723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I’ve been wanting to lose weight recently. Mainly because my brother weighs 150 and I saw him without a T-shirt and made me feel fat. Clothes look great on him, they sort of just hang off him. And I want that hang effect too. The dude eats junk food and drinks soda all day but doesn’t gain anything at all. It’s not fair.
Anyways, I’ve been trying to fast but my mom notices if I’m not eating and gets worried then causes a big problem. Because I have past problems with depression. Also I am way too lazy to workout.
What would you guys do?

Pic is my body. I weigh 170 and I’m 6’1. Would like to be at least 160-155

>> No.14153992

Thoughts on her surgery/work done on her face? >>14152565

>> No.14154049

you eat less calories per day than you currently are, then when your weight loss stalls you do it again

>> No.14154064

> The dude eats junk food and drinks soda all day but doesn’t gain anything at all. It’s not fair.
yeah, i know the feel OP. keep in mind that it's maintenance calories + quantity of food being eaten.
> Anyways, I’ve been trying to fast
good choice OP. don't fall for the calorie restriction meme
> my mom notices if I’m not eating and gets worried
again, i relate. no clue how to resolve that, apart from reassuring them, giving off the "i'm not depressed" vibe or whatever
> I have past problems with depression
assuming that you can't get access to ephedrine (see ECA stack), and that you're currently on depression meme pills, you might want to ask your doc to be put onto an NDRI like wellbutrin.
i've mentioned it already, but despite being "antidepressants", they also work as veritable appetite suppressants too. i'd say that wellbutrin is actually superior to ephedrine because of it's greater dopaminergic activity, but whatever. YMMV, and you may not want to use drugs for weight loss so

> What would you guys do?
your main problem just seems to be your mom forcing food onto you. maybe if you convinced her that you'd cook your own food, you might be able to get her off your back.

good luck anon, post updates if you want

>> No.14154088

i just gave these a quick skim, and one of them is a little old, but comparing bupropion and ephedrine (i.e, without caffeine, etc), bupropion is apparently superior for weight loss.

again, i didn't read the full study, only the abstract. but y'know, it's interesting.

>> No.14154247

Thanks a ton. I decided I’m going to fast regardless of what my mother thinks. How many days do you reckon I should fast in a week?

>> No.14154274

as long as you can handle it. try one day. or even half a day, and keep trying to go a little longer each time.

generally it gets easier around day 2 or 3, you don’t get any hungrier and it becomes easier to forget almost. i found myself actually being disgusted by food sometimes.

make sure you’re breaking your fast with something non carby

>> No.14154295

I can easily pass day 1 but man day 2 is always harder for me.

What foods would you recommend? Oh and any tips on getting through day 2 would be amazing.

>> No.14154298

>i found myself actually being disgusted by food sometimes

How to ed

>> No.14154398
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Went crazy on the sugar over the last two weeks. I'm day 2 into the detox. I've water and pain killers to deal with the withdrawal headaches and cravings.

>> No.14154411

she just lost bodyfat, doesnt look like she got any plastic surgery done at all

>> No.14154497

does fasting make loose skin worse

>> No.14154537

You’ll lose weight faster than normally so yes, but if you’re not super fat and losing less than 10kg I wouldn’t worry about it

>> No.14154545
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When fasting can I drink zero calorie sport drinks instead of snake juice or nah?

>> No.14154552


>> No.14154554

I haven't eaten for 6 days and I felt great until just now. What's something low carb I can get from a gas station to break the fast? It's 3am here.

>> No.14154614

Not trying to argue, just curious. Why?

>> No.14154624

Not that guy but they have artificial sweeteners which can trigger an insulin response (I believe they don't for everybody, but there's no way to know whether they will or won't)

>> No.14154631

beef jerky

>> No.14154671


>> No.14154705


>> No.14155876
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>> No.14155899 [DELETED] 


>> No.14155903

Whats her ig?

>> No.14155907

Ferri, you're utterly disgusting. you'll never be a real female. please kys

>> No.14155919
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my diet has done a complete 180 and ive lost weight but i cant get rid of the small amount of annoying chub on my stomach that gives me a tiny but super aggravating muffin top. thinspo help me pls

>> No.14155939


she definitely photoshops her waist though. been proven heaps in candids vs irl

>> No.14155941


>> No.14155945
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>current stats: F, 20'S, 5'9, 120 lbs
>tdee and your deficit: ~1600
>highest: 160 lowest:80
>goal weight:105
>preferred method of losing weight: not eating
>aesthetic you are going for:heroin chic

i put on 20 lbs this month due to a medication and everyone saying i looked too thin. but now i look bloated and chubby. going to lose weight again now.

the first few days are always the hardest, i have taken in about ~600 cals today. want to get low again fast, but cant decide if i want to be a fit thin or just skelly thin.

>> No.14155951

which medication?

>> No.14155958

>been proven heaps in candids vs irl

Got any proof because I've seen videos of her on other people's accounts out partying and at the beach etc... and she's still really thin with that curvy small waist line. I was going to unfollow her because I thought she shopped her pictures until I saw videos from other people.

>> No.14155964


>> No.14155973

Here (You)

Is that what you wanted?

>> No.14155981

Is this legit?
Anyone here tried it?

>> No.14155988

nvm I looked it up myself. Not as scandalized as I thought I'd be like I said she's still perfectly small shopped or not.

>> No.14155993

F, 5'5, 149.6. SW was 180, UGW is around 120.

Could anyone tell me how to properly go about raising calories back to matinence after restricting for a while without gaining? I've heard about your body adapting to long term restriction and although it makes sense, how could someone gain weight from consuming the minimum amount of calories to not be in a deficit?

>> No.14156005

I was just kidding, don’t know who she is. Is it really a wo(man)?

>> No.14156097
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Gym currently

>> No.14156233


>> No.14156261

That’s the plan

No more thinspo for me :,)

Sex core here I come

>> No.14156267

is it normal for purging to become less painful the more you do it?

>> No.14156313

Two days way under my calorie goals.. Never knew large Americanos could suppress hunger that much. Feels almost relieving having such less dependence on constantly eating and needing bigger portions. Not on any starvation diet, just training myself to be less food-centric.

>> No.14156317

Shoulda posted F, 5'5, 128lbs
Goal weight probably 120

>> No.14156421

I’m in the same boat. I’m trying to get in the habit of doing cardio and ab workouts so hopefully that’ll help.

>> No.14156448
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>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
M, 20s, 183cm (6ft), 73kg (160lbs)
>tdee and your deficit
>highest and lowest weight
Current is highest, lowest at 183cm was 62kg
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you are going for
Thin but healthy

Hey guys, I achieved this weight but I don't really know how I keep it, I lose weight too fast, I'm not used to eat the 3000 kcal required, it's hard. I don't want to lose weight, but I don't want to worry about not eating enough all the time, and I don't want to change my exercise routine either (running and calisthenics 3x/week) What should I do?

>> No.14156459

>my mom notices
just say you're not hungry, it's that easy
or 'i have snacks in my room'
and keep a stash of (healthy) snacks in your room in case she decides to look

>> No.14156463

lose 20 moar

>> No.14156531

>smoke first 2 cigs in like three months today
>feel dizzy but great at first, then like absolute shit for an hour straight
I can't be that fucking weak can I
Literally want to fucking throw up

>> No.14156645

whats your routine like fren?

>> No.14156933

in my experience yes. and much easier

>> No.14156946

you clearly havent been on a dopaminergic anti-depressant... they can make you hungry all day, every day, all the time, even when you are dying you will want to eat.

not good.

>> No.14156953

Give it a few more years. This problem has its own way of going away when you hit 30.

>> No.14157109

eat something zambz you fucking corpse

>> No.14157129

Not that anon, but have you used any stimulants (like amphetamines or ephedrine?). How does that compare?

>> No.14157202

Different anon, but stimulants always have a strong appetite suppressing effect on me. I'll literally forget to eat. But I have a naturally low appetite so it might be different for others

>> No.14157206
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>> No.14157230

> do a ton of manual labour type shit yesterday
> lifting heavy shit all day, literally from 9 to 5
> eat NOTHING all day, feel absolutely fine
> no muscle achey
> go to sleep
> literal burger dreams
> wake up, sudden compulsion to eat brie
> fast is broken
> do absolutely nothing for rest of day
> eat like absolute shit
> muscles start hurting MUCH

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. but at least i know that doing exercise somehow makes me less hungry, good to know. still kinda sad at what i did today, borderline binge eating

>> No.14157268

Wouldn't consuming a shit ton of caffeine just keep you up at night and deprive you have sleep and therefore fuck with your hunger hormones and ultimately prevent you from maintaining long term weight loss?

Just a google lack of sleep and weight gain and you'll found thousands of pages which detail the link between short sleep duration and weight gain.

Not getting enough sleep reduces leptin (apatite suppressing hormone), and elevates ghrelin (appetite stimulating hormone, increases food intake, and promotes fat storage).

Not to mention, caffeine raises the stress hormone cortisol and too much cortisol contributes to weight gain

>> No.14157290

>doing exercise somehow makes me less hungry,
The work kept you occupied and your mind off hunger. The hunger went away because you're not starving. It's just like eating a very early dinner and then going to bed 7 hours later. Your stomach will growl but you're in bed falling asleep so you ignore it. When you wake up in the morning you're not as hungry as you felt the night before.

>> No.14157291

When you do this you should eat high protein foods like cheese. Otherwise your muscles (which are being damaged by the work) won't be able to recover without canabalizing your existing muscle tissue. It'll also make the soreness go away faster

>> No.14157297

yes. unfortunately the retards that put this shit together (i'd say people with EDs, but it actually originated from the bodybuilding community) don't want to bother understanding any of it

additionally, as was previously mentioned, caffeine causes your shit to move through your digestive tract more quickly. which leads to less water and electrolytes being reabsorbed. which leads to an electrolyte imbalance.

just stay away from caffeine or stimulants ffs. water fast is the only way to go

>> No.14157335
File: 310 KB, 1080x1350, 47582209_220478288875287_6167309911577675816_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 3 of sugar detox. No headache today, but I still have a small craving for sugary foods. I've already been offered tea and coffee today but turned them down. More water, and I've snacked on cream cheese and bread after my breakfast of just bacon and eggs this morning.

>> No.14157472

you can have tea without sugar anon

>> No.14157507

I do, and often, coffee as well but thank you for the tip anyway lol.

>> No.14157785

drinking diet soda containing caffeine on a fast made me hungry before which i wasn't whatsoever. the sweet taste leaves a tingling sensation in and around my mouth for hours. that feeling causes a sudden craving for more sweetness from carbs so it must be an insulin spike

snake juice always boosts my energy when i get weak but after drinking two cups of coffee the snake juice stopped giving me energy. it was a really blatant difference in fatigue and i was unusually stressed and preoccupied with eating throughout the day. guess that's from increased cortisol, dehydration and inhibited electrolyte absorption

>> No.14157890
File: 666 KB, 176x216, Naw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3rd year medical student here, I'm a doctor in one year and have a more in-depth understanding of endocrinology, pathophysiology, biochemistry, and autonomic regulation than most folk. Some of you are throwing around hormones and batty psuedo-science bullshit that is making me cringe. Barring any prior disease, taking this shit with proper hydration and decent enough nutrition is safe enough.

An EC stack works incredibly well. Caffeine on it's own is already a powerful stimulant with proven hunger fighting effects. You already down a lot of coffee and I'm sure it's not for the taste. Some claim that this stack can increase your BMR so that you burn an extra 300 calories a day.

Bronkaid (brand name for Ephedrine and Guaifenesin) is a long acting beta-agonist and expectorant that can be bought OTC for asthmatics. It's intended purpose is to relieve chest congestion and dilate parts of your lung. The beta-agonist part of this drug is acting on certain receptors to mimic the physiology involved in a "fight-or-flight" situation.

The sympathetic vs parasympathetic systems in your body are responsible for powerful regulatory effects. Sympathetic activation is often known to the lay person as an "adrenaline rush." Running from a wolf, engaging in a fight, stressful situations. Your body isn't concerned with sex, sleep, hunger, rest, or pissing/shitting. It's only concerned with moving oxygen, activating muscles, maintaining heart rate.

On this stack, you'll feel like a god. You become less interested in food, can breathe better than you have ever before, and will be very alert. Proper timing can help you avoid the sleep issues with taking excess caffeine and stimulants. However, you may be less able to have an erection, will experience increased heart rate with palpitations, issues urinating.

tl;dr Research more, make decisions. I stopped taking it because I had 3 fuck buddies at the time and couldn't fuck on it.

>> No.14158374

Should I break my fast? It’s only been three days but I’m doing it more for the hell of it than to lose a lot of weight. If I did it would be with either chicken noodle soup or the broth from cheap ramen noodles.

>> No.14158390

wait people legit got suger abstinence?

>> No.14158410

in case you are not bullshitting with your medical knowledge,
im on a benzo prescription. should i drink coffee? without that im pretty tired throughout the day, but could the fact that coffee and benzos have the opposite effect cause any issue long term?

>> No.14158464

What are you on benzos for (anxiety, seizure disorder, etc)? When, what and how much do you take? There's no physiological problem with taking caffeine and benzodiazepines but you're right about that it would counteract the effects somewhat. The pharmacology behind how both those chemicals work aren't really related or anything. If you are taking them for anxiety, drink as much coffee as you want, but be aware that you could just end up being anxious with all that caffeine in your system.
Just don't mix your benzos with alcohol. I know it's fun but you'll fuck yourself up.

>> No.14158478

Oh well in that case, is it true that Is fasting more dangerous for women or is this more pseudoscience regarding hormones? Asking because I am a chick, and I’ve heard that women’s bodies are more sensitive when it comes to starvation mode.

>> No.14158500

Extreme fasting in general can be dangerous, but for women there is an extra concern about disrupting a hormonal system when you get to low enough body fat percentages. You mostly just lose your period and stop ovulation, effectively reverting back to pre-pubertal form of womanhood. There are cases of women still getting pregnant though.
Beyond that, it's mostly just as dangerous for men and women.

>> No.14158626


>> No.14158667

food is so fucking stupid

>> No.14158669

what do you think of Jason Fung? is fasting just some BS meme?

>> No.14158692

I'm not familiar with his work but I feel like there is no issue with fasting safely (i.e. not for days at a time.) Intermittent fasting does have some promising research supporting its usage with normal weight/overweight people. Unsure of its usage in the main demographic of /thinspo/ folks who are likely already underweight.

Search fasting or intermittent fasting and pubmed on google and there will be a plethora of research articles delineating proper usage and results of IF. I've always felt that calories in/out is the most logical way of losing weight, it just makes sense thermodynamically.

>> No.14158728

is there any reason you do avoid them?
is there any reason I should?
another question, do you take pain pills on the regular or ocasionally for the pain of sugar withdrawls? :)))))

>> No.14158736

avoid that anon
bad for teeth and breath, just dont eat it trust me

>> No.14158770


>> No.14158775


thoughts ketofags

>> No.14158786

thanks for the answer anon. yeah, i take it for anxiety. been taking it for a really long time to be honest. i wanna taper off eventually but i just cant deal with reality now and have to improve things before i face it or i might just end up killing myself when the realisation kicks in.
although even without worrying about my own fuckups, i have severe anxiety. if i have to go through the city, im so anxious im sweating like i just run a marathon. cant look in the eyes of literally anyone. i avoid going into bars or shops unless i really have to. i used to not leave my room for weeks.
back then i used to be so social, i really wonder when went everything so wrong
sorry for blogpost

>> No.14158803

yes. i used to take like 40 minutes to an hour to purge and now it takes about 5-10 minutes (or less) and it's so easy.
i'm proud of myself ngl

>> No.14158841

It’s been two days and I haven’t ate anything since I posted, just been drinking water. Going onto day 3 tomorrow. I’m so proud of myself.

>> No.14158851

fucking gross faggots

>> No.14158864

Sugar is basically a drug and it provides zero nutritional value. All it does is taste good, release dopamine to get you high, and wreak havoc on your body making you unhealthy and overweight, with rotten teeth. Sugar has also been linked with declines in cognitive functions, it's basically turning you into an ogre.

I avoid sugar because I genuinely feel better when it's mostly gone from my diet (higher energy, better appetite, more focus), I usually get it from fruit and some starchy foods but I stay away from foods and drinks with processed sugar in it. Plus avoiding sugar keeps my face looking young and my body tight and muscular.

I very rarely take pain killers, I only have them now for the two days of headaches I get after I decide to clean up my diet again. They're just over the counter ibuprofen nothing addictive.

>> No.14158893
File: 515 KB, 1080x1350, 2455F598-BC52-4C00-AA36-688D46851388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your daily routines usually like? What do you do in the morning, before falling asleep, or general habits and way of life throughout the day?

>> No.14158920

yeah man go for it, my life changed a fuck ton when I started the fitness life.

>> No.14158930

what even is purging?

>> No.14158936


>> No.14158953

Same desu :/
I’d like to find some other way to cope though

>> No.14158985

Wake up, groom, gulps of water, go to uni, maybe band rehearse for the day. Finish class, maybe eat, leave uni around 8, definitely eat. I smoke a little weed nightly, I'm working against pot binge.

>> No.14158999

It's okay, anxiety is really common and a lot of people get overwhelmed by it. Have you thought about getting into counseling or therapy? Have you ever had a panic attack? Benzos are effective but sometimes pills can't do what talking to someone supportive can. It sounds like you might have a little agoraphobia but I can't tell for sure.

You're a beautiful person because we all are. Nothing is wrong with you, you're not crazy or weird. You just might need to change a thing here and there.

>> No.14159093
File: 271 KB, 1536x1024, o-COCONUT-WATER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coconut water is the nectar of the gods

>> No.14159187

Benzos are the last thing you should take for anxiety. Shit ruins your life so quick if you aren’t careful.

>> No.14159922

i'm so happy guys!
i have this pair of shorts that have never been my size that i routinely use to gage my progress and they're too big now. still far from my end goal but at least i know what i'm doing is working.

>> No.14160040

Doing a salted water fast for the entirety of lent, wish me luck

>> No.14160154

Slightly unrelated but does bronkaid help in any way as a cheaper alternative for ADHD medication? Asking because I have ADHD and I am taking adderall, not even to restrict because it helps with focus, but it’s expensive and I don’t want to become dependent on it.

>> No.14160189
File: 124 KB, 960x958, CBCF71A6-F671-4096-ABC7-A39481238DD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today i was at the Chinese place at the mall and they had a deal: 4.90€ for one plate from the buffet.
I loaded my plate up with all kinds of fried shit and Sushi it was awesome. I stacked it up to a gluttonous mountain and drenched it in tons of teriyaki sauce. I wasnt even hungry but I just couldn’t control myself.
Then I felt guilty, purged and had an apple instead.
Rate my day.

>> No.14160214

How fucking good is that feeling.

>> No.14160216

Fat cunt/10

>> No.14160236
File: 225 KB, 720x652, EE1RclC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 151 cm and about 52 kg...
But used to be 65kg
So now I'm trying to be 40kg, but with 1200 calories, if I eat less I binge like a pig

8 months ago I was 50kg, but gained from a shitty binge/restrict cycle, I hope I will break the cycle !

>> No.14160237

BMI 19 desu

>> No.14160242
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>> No.14160251


it is vile.

>> No.14160252
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>> No.14160255
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>> No.14160260
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>> No.14160292

bulimics are gross

>> No.14160355

what's your height and weight

>> No.14160362


>> No.14160554
File: 1.14 MB, 640x1136, EAE898E8-4886-492F-A880-E06F87F5FA0F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progress pic. Want to bulk my chest up more while staying lean.

>> No.14160581


>> No.14160588

how the fuck you do this?

>> No.14160603

>not doing OMAD and eating six unsatisfying meals a day instead of one where you eat all you want and still lose weight


>> No.14160610

Fasting mostly and also working out. I’ve been only eating one meal a day for the past 2-3 weeks. Been going to the gym like 4/5 times a week. I workout after school and eat my one meal after my workout. Working out fasted allows your body to burn/use the excess fat for energy. Then eating after allows your body to use the food to help build up your muscles. You can’t snack though. You have to be strict with the fasting to burn the fat. That’s what been working for me anyways and I’ve leaned out nicely. Now I just want to build up my chest muscles

>> No.14160613

Yep this. Didn’t see until after I posted my reply

>> No.14160727

stats? you look pretty good

>> No.14160754

160 cm and 46 kg

>> No.14161439

Sorry man I know that feel. Remember the feeling of nausea and disgust after you finished next time you want to do something similar, works for me. Breathe and drink some water, tomorrow is a new day.

>> No.14161441

these look awful stop posting this crap

>> No.14161445

no fuck off. we get to eat whatever the fuck we want and not gain anything.
better than just restricting

>> No.14161464

What about the retention of fluid in your face? Can you really be thinspo with chipmunk cheeks?

>> No.14161465

EC stacks and stimulants in general make me horny and more orgasmic, not sure what your issue is mate

>> No.14161470

not remotely thin, that's normal/average

>> No.14161484

it goes away after a while

>> No.14161489

>no gain anything

then why do most bulimics tend to be chubby?

>> No.14161495

because they're not purging correctly?
i have never ever gained anything when purging. i gained weight after i stopped doing it. i started again recently and lost 5kg so far.

>> No.14161513

so you're an outlier. i wouldn't promote a known fat people eating disorder just because you personally don't represent the other 90 percent of the the people with the disorder.

>> No.14161731

They definitely work for some people but I agree that I wouldn't want to be on them for anxiety. But psychiatry is this dirty field of medicine where things work for some reason and sometimes they don't. It's better to be on benzos and somewhat functioning than not to function at all.

It might make you more alert and awake, but it has a totally different mechanism of action. Keep on your adderall if it helps. Sorry anon.

There's this thing where different people react differently to different things, you know?

>> No.14161734

i'm not promoting anything. i don't want anyone to start purging.

>> No.14161782

>start taking wellbutrin
>more depressed/anxious/exhausted than before i started
>thinking about food more
>eating more

what the fuck? i was finally doing well and staying on track with my weight loss before i got on it and weight loss is supposed to be one of the more common side effects
not to mention this fucking headache that hasn't gone away since day 1 no matter what i do
just fuck me up desu

>> No.14161802

Most of your problems could be fixed by drinking more water.

>> No.14161820

>those thigh scars

>> No.14161821

I promise you, I have been. I might just stop taking it because it feels like it's making me worse than before, but I'm seeing my doctor again on Wednesday so I'm trying to get through until then. When I say the headache hasn't gone away, I mean I wake up with it, I deal with it all day, I fall asleep with it, advil/tylenol/etc won't make it go away, adjusting the lights won't make it go away, drinking more water hasn't made it go away... It's driving me fucking insane. They told me I might get headaches the first week or so until my body gets used to the wellbutrin but jesus christ

>> No.14161827

>eat whatever the fuck we want
Sure, until your enamel thins out and it can't be too hot, cold, acidic, spicy, etc.
I hope the bulimics in this thread have access to decent therapy and dental care.

>> No.14161899

6”2 and 155-160

>> No.14163114

>a known fat people eating disorder
that's called binge eating disorder. if you gain weight after throwing up you're doing bulimia wrong and shouldn't bother

>not remotely thin
19 is 0.5 away from underweight. it's below average

>> No.14163205


Is there anything Ephedrine can be subsituted with?

Ephedrine's illegal in my country

>> No.14163476
File: 51 KB, 682x1024, goal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to achieve body aesthetic like pic related?

>> No.14163926

Do you think that the single hand cigarette' roll of Ruth Roman in "Lightning strikes twice" is fake?

>> No.14163963

>wake up
>black coffee
>3 mile walk
>stare at yourself in the mirror and dream of food

>> No.14163981


>> No.14164263

it depends on where you live anon

>> No.14164319
File: 158 KB, 720x1280, E7CB321F-D88E-4DEB-835A-76CD80E60C1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to achieve this physique

>> No.14164335

is there more of her?

>> No.14164339

Starve and do crunches/leg lifts.

>> No.14164409

thats the side effects of wellbutrin. Happened to me as well, made me not give a shit about anything.

>> No.14164596

Im currently at 180lbs (my highest was 190) and i'm 5'7 tall. will i have much loose skin if i go down to about 110lbs? and if yes how can i avoid it? im 20 Btw.

>> No.14164601

post body so we can give you a proper assessment

>> No.14164604

i can't i'm really camera shy :(

>> No.14164652
File: 374 KB, 1200x1600, 98330FA5-D9E9-4F31-9040-F80B880500FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh sweet sweet summer child...
just obscure your background and censor your face/recognizable features. then nobody would recognize you or dox

>> No.14164662

So shopped.

>> No.14164888

> Im currently at 180lbs
> if i go down to about 110lbs
you're never getting down to 110lb. just give up now fattie :)

>> No.14164896

the fuck is your problem?

>> No.14164941
File: 1.79 MB, 450x254, 9F81C596-05AA-4F15-A04B-C267D875CD68.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its only ever jealous uglies from /fit/'s general /fat/ that make rude posts like this

>> No.14164955

Have reached 156 lbs now at 5'10 (started from 190)
What would ideal weight be? also appropriate thinspo people to inspire me?

>> No.14164961

male or female? BMI 18-19 is usually a good starting goal
people should be posting more thinspo but they'd rather shitpost I guess

>> No.14164968

Female, and thanks! 60 kg it is.
It's unreal how I almost arrived at my first goal weight (70) and now I feel this 'where to now?' feeling, because I still feel big.

>> No.14164971

good work so far and good luck! you can do it!

>> No.14164982
File: 30 KB, 750x500, ffabb223-05d3-460e-b06a-6a70cdc2e4cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my current thinspo

>> No.14165042

i just need to stress starve instead of stress binge

>> No.14165228

Hey guys
i've started my 4 day fast today
wish me luck pls
I really need support

>> No.14165261

Good luck! Drink snake juice!

>> No.14165356


>> No.14165777

it is, it's just so fucking sweet it makes me gag. most of the stuff with added sugar do.

>> No.14165837

good luck anon. keep us updated

>> No.14165861

It’s been 5 days since my fast. I ate something yesterday which was a little bit of plain crackers. Today I’m going to the movies and I don’t think I’ll be able to stop myself from getting nachos.

>> No.14165892

thanks a lot! It's not about health , I was always having 10/10 sport control , excellent health..but I was always from bulky to chubby. and all my life is desperately about wanting to stop being emotionally dependant emotionally on food, for years now

>> No.14166024

I've been trying to lose weight, rate my diet Currently 5'6 150lb gw 130

Breakfast: grits or a boiled egg, coffee
Lunch: tomato juice and a handful of nuts
Dinner: more coffee and steamed veggies
If I get hungry throughout the day I'll have coffee, diet soda, or a cigarette

>> No.14166104

Cardio and rice

>> No.14166215

Started my fast today (going to go until Thursday at least) and break it with something light.

If I treat myself to something other than water during the 5 days, what are my options that won't break the fast?

If I do break my fast with calories from a drink - what are the repercussions?

>> No.14166304
File: 331 KB, 540x347, 1547948064386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck eats nachos at the movies

>> No.14166446

ive found that a cup of soup and some nicotine is a pretty satisfying lunch

>> No.14166448

I live in Germany. But close enough to the Dutch border to go there for shopping trips

>> No.14166502

Taste like oily water

>> No.14166573

>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
m, 24, 188 (6'2), 80kg (180lb)
>tdee and your deficit
~2500, deficit of 700 on a 'proper' day
>highest and lowest weight
currently at lowest since highschool years, highest was like 240lb but i didnt look 'that' fat bc my fat goes to my ass/thighs and i lifted. i posted on /fit/ and they doubted my weight because i'd only post torso shots not legs
>goal weight
i don't know, whatever i land at to get to my goal bod
>preferred method of losing weight
i've found that keto was the only way i could really do it effectively since i binge on junk food, particularly bakery shit and my flatmate bakes a lot of cookies
>aesthetic you are going for
i like slp core but don't want to be skelly core, somewhere between that and ottermode i'd say. as lean as possible with the drape effect and ability to wear skinny jeans without them looking like leggings

desu i'm just curious to know how far off i'd be from that goal, i know what to do i just gotta stick to it proper and stop fucking up the diet

>> No.14166772

In the past 11 days I've only consumed water, unflavoured mineral water and espresso (1 every 2 days). I'm also only sleeping 2 or 3hrs per night. I've gone down 2 belt holes.

A girl has done this to me. Am I going to die?

I've had my blood sugar and pressure tested, both were normal.

>> No.14166969

how long to get like this?

>> No.14167092

I think my body is proportioned strangely, as if it is confused as to what it wanted to go for. Also I kinda want to go ottermode, or at least get 'lean/toned'. I'll admit I eat pretty shit, but not a lot of food in general.
I have broad af shoulders, thus longer than average armspan and a thick neck, but a skinny 30" waist/hips and skinny af legs (finding pants that fit me is impossible, but it's okay I like belts)

>Male, 23, 5'11", 66.6Kgs

My weight is pretty dramatic, I used to be low 60's kgs a few years ago, then bulked to roughly 76kgs when I became a builder, then during one summer I lost weight to 66kgs not sure how, I didn't do it intentionally. And thus that became the trend, during summer I drop to 66kg, and in winter get to between 72-74kgs

I struggle to find a 'style' and stick with it, the most consistent thing I have done is had the same hair cut for 3+ years. Aesthetically I like black clothes, greys etc. I prefer vintage formal looks. I prefer winter also.

besides that, I kinda just want to be more muscularly defined, because it seems like im doomed to be thinly built.

idk I feel like I've just rambled random info you you lot. thanks anyway.

>> No.14167096

What is your 'dream' aesthetic thinspo gf/bf

>> No.14167136

sleep more and at least eat something.
I went through the same sleep thing cuz of a girl too...

>> No.14167174
File: 33 KB, 500x750, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
male, 24, 186cm 6'1, 70kg 155lbs
>tdee and your deficit
>highest and lowest weight
160lb 73kg highest, 145lbs 66kg lowest
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
I dont eat alot, just got a new desk job and have time for exercise
>aesthetic you are going for
pic related

the fat I have has built up on my hips, got nothing else on me, lookin for that V

>> No.14167244
File: 142 KB, 717x1169, D966AA4F-EBB1-4591-B3E9-CA656C8FE3C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuu working on it

>> No.14167247

> wake up, new day
> time to fast
> parents repeatedly force food on me
> make me eat it in front of them
> fast is broken
> give up and cave in

>> No.14167248

0 Calorie drinks usually aren't actually zero calorie. If you look into the laws regarding nutrition labels they can do all sorts of shit to manipulate the numbers.

0 cal drinks usually have something like 5 calories, but they are allowed to round down, so they round to 0.

Go look at the nutritional labels of a jar of pickles, it will say 0 calories. There is no way that pickled cucumbers can have 0 calories but they somehow game the rules so they can label them like that.

>> No.14167480
File: 571 KB, 635x772, love_me_some_pickles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well actually, pickles are 0 calories. Try and eat a handful or two and watch how it'll cleanse you. One might even say they are minus calories. Pasta included is related very much

>> No.14167672

im the same height and weight but am woman lol. i used to weigh less by just eating less (just avoid fast food most of the time, eat the occasional piece of fruit) and drinking a lot of water but ive gotten lazy with it lately. it was easy to maintain but i got a job at mcdonalds and now i eat there all the time now it's so fucking bad

>> No.14167677

looking good my dude

>> No.14167695

Why is a cutie like you working at McDonalds?

>> No.14167699

a lot of them have added sugar

>> No.14167704

just dont eat lmao

>> No.14167705

What's a good weight for a 174cm guy? 64kg/141lbs currently and still feel a little fat (especially the legs)
I have a pretty small frame as well

>> No.14167710

big yikes from me to be honest
this thread has a lot more bulimics than it did a while ago

>> No.14167766

You feel so out of control with your direction in life that you end obsessing over the only thing you can control. How much food you eat. You tell yourself you do it to look thin, but really, it's just because it's the only thing within your influence. Eating is one of the core things humans do. It's up there with breathing and sleeping. It requires no real thought or effort yet you find a way to make a mental illness out of it. Now my taxes are spent teaching adults to eat food again in hospital. Congratulations, if the treatments for your eating disorder have been successful you are now where my kid was at around 6-8 months old. Truly pathetic.

>> No.14167904

sir you're a tranny

>> No.14167927

Savage truth bomb

>> No.14167950
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>> No.14168025

my family is fat and wants me to be too. hate them

>> No.14168113

same. considering murder.
anything to be thin

>> No.14168620

I've been fasting but my abs still aren't showing wtf am i doing wrong

>> No.14168645
File: 427 KB, 640x1136, 2DDA4C7D-AAE0-4A82-BF10-F33647CCECD8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

current stats: f,18,1,69 cm, 61 kg
1500 cal and i try to eat 1200
80 kg and 58 kg
goal weight: 50 kg
preferred method of losing weight: cardio and starving
aesthetic you are going for : pic

>> No.14168763

25 y.o. 5'6" anon here. I used to travel between 160-180 but now I'm stuck at 140. My skin is very soft and my tits droopy but you're not going to have skin flaps like you see former obese have.

>> No.14168775
File: 113 KB, 900x1200, D0Y68mxVYAADzs9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
>tdee and your deficit
0 cal
>highest and lowest weight
130 kgs / 69 kgs
>goal weight
Maybe around 60 or 50 kgs
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you are going for
Trap aesthetics

I was just wanted some advice regarding trap aesthetics because I want to look incredibly skinny since rn I look too manly, would fasting help me lose some of the remaining weight in my thighs, arms and waist? I want to go full skinny so I can look cute for my bf. Also some kind of workout for the people that are also in this, just so I can maybe build my butt and abdomen a bit.

>> No.14168842

Is it ok to fast if you are suffering from generalized anxiety and depression?

>> No.14168874
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Honestly it helps, it makes me too sad to eat sometimes.

>> No.14169475

>>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
F/24/5'5", 116 lbs
>>tdee and your deficit
>>highest and lowest weight
135 and 110
>>goal weight
>>preferred method of losing weight
>>aesthetic you are going for
skinny legs, brandy melville model

>> No.14169503
File: 58 KB, 921x834, 1552182845397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advice for 25+ anons trying to be thinspo? Ever since I turned 24-25, I've bloated up and cannot thin down like I used to be able to.

>> No.14169541

you will end up puking up stomach fluids at some point without intending to do so. just a heads up.

>> No.14169595
File: 19 KB, 123x128, 23E85FD6-BFF2-43BD-BFF9-C7095724FAC4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twinks and women hit the wall at 30

>> No.14169813
File: 949 KB, 2742x2685, IMG_0489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a loser and i couldnt be bothered to write a resume. also i knew a bunch of weirdos would work there too and so i'd get along with them well
biological womyn pleze

>> No.14169824

can't imagine how i'd get through working there without stuffing my face with free(?) mcds every day for lunch. have you not gotten sick of it yet?

>> No.14169851

the mcdolan qt

>> No.14170119

how do i suppress these 8-9pm cravings

>> No.14170121

how do i suppress my cravings when i have built a tolerance to caffeine?

>> No.14170129
File: 74 KB, 1200x461, Screenshot_20190311-082551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sustains an injury
>eats in bed for a week
time to get on track

>> No.14170133

drink lots of water and go to sleep earlier

>> No.14170295

adderall, undereating and few crunches every other day

>> No.14170371

fat man

>> No.14170434
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>> No.14170524
File: 493 KB, 480x600, vlcsnap-2019-03-11-08h53m04s92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody PLEASE tell me her name or her username etc. I have looked for this model everywhere. She is the perfect thinspo for me PLEASE HALP

>> No.14170877


>> No.14171161

Well you do have to direct your eating habits carefully if you don’t know how to. Environment is not under you controll and a lot of our parents, and society at large corpulent. So I don’t understand the problem most people on diet already know this. That is why they are “ dieting “

>> No.14171205
File: 175 KB, 590x421, mcdiddler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>M 20
>5'7 125lbs (170cm, 57kg)
>picrel is my goal

I started doing cardio and lifting again 3-5x a week . Trying to eat at around 1000-1500cals/day but how can I stop being so fucking hungry all the time ?
inb4 coffee

>> No.14171541
File: 467 KB, 1600x1066, AFCE656B-739B-4607-9F93-6CE70CAAC555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on these? (I just ate one)

>> No.14171555

expensive sodium filled trash

>> No.14171559

this lol

>> No.14171564
File: 82 KB, 488x488, E34153F9-CE22-41A8-A49D-7D2B2BC78F64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the amount of sodium (and carbs) they all have sucks, but I’m currently staying in a hotel and needed something for my OMAD so I had to find something microwavable at the grocery store. Pic related is what I got, only 150 calories and not bad-tasting. I’m almost tempted to buy more of them when I get home.

>> No.14171694

Meat, stock

>> No.14171697
File: 434 KB, 436x720, B40C3854-EFDE-4CFB-BFB9-E4574A1C7D2E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I find thinspo white guys? Just about every thinspo dude in my school/city in general is a ghetto black guy.

>> No.14171705

I got discharged from a 7½ month admission to a SEDU yesterday, ama.

>> No.14171747

whats that

>> No.14171751

specialist eating disorder unit

>> No.14171756

Coffee unironically.

>> No.14171758

mental hospital? why for so long?

>> No.14171761
File: 72 KB, 736x981, 1552097687891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bf is really skinny which is super cute and hot.

>> No.14171762

What was your starting weight and how fat are you now?

>> No.14171767

it takes that long to restore a healthy bmi and to begin to break some of the anorexia habits.

>> No.14171772

i was admitted with a bmi of 13.6. They've made me gain to 19.7 but I'm determined to lose 10-15 kilos now I'm out.

>> No.14171773

So that means we won’t hear from Cooney until past halfway to 2020? Bummer.

>> No.14171775

>but I'm determined to lose 10-15 kilos now I'm out.
Why the fuck would you do that, you moron? Did 7 months of treatment not teach you anything?

>> No.14171782
File: 124 KB, 403x334, 7AB60EF7-DE8B-45A5-BF1A-512092360C83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why the fuck would you do that?! Fat is healthy dammit

>> No.14171790

I'm prepared to admit that being so thin that I lost the ability to walk was perhaps an overprioritisation of form over function. I'll try not to get that thin again. But I really hate what they've done to my body, and am still desperate to lose weight. I think a compromise is possible.

>> No.14171791

>thinking a 19 BMI is fat, after being locked up for 7 months being lectured every day to believe otherwise
I can’t imagine having this much of a thick skull.

>> No.14171797
File: 1.59 MB, 411x488, 9A798CCF-F967-44E5-87D5-A90AA4439F33.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-I cant imagine life without burger

>> No.14171804
File: 98 KB, 960x841, chadistani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and thinpilled

>> No.14171805

t. fat pig

>> No.14171816
File: 119 KB, 640x588, F541B4FF-28CB-47D8-AEE7-E64A0AAB5341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try getting fit instead. Losing that much weight when you’re already slim is only going to make you slip back into your old habits.

I expect better bait from 10-year-olds.

>> No.14171819
File: 288 KB, 700x598, 7B24B26B-F17D-4FE2-B8DD-041A9BA0625D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whos this

>> No.14171821

she looks cuter on the left. and fat on the right

>> No.14171824

>Why the fuck would you do that
>I can’t imagine having this much of a thick skull.
you're in an eating disorder thread friendo (albeit very, very thinly disguised as a dieting thread). nobody here can justify it either, that's what makes it a disorder.

>> No.14171826
File: 1.37 MB, 1080x1057, thinspo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no no
you have to go back
i fucking hate /fit/ rats
why you're here pig?

>> No.14171827

Just stop wasting people's money. Refuse to go next time?

>> No.14171829

>also i knew a bunch of weirdos would work there too and so i'd get along with them well

Fuck me this board is gay.

>> No.14171831

I refused this time so they sectioned me.

>> No.14171832

You eat food. Those cravings are your body telling you to eat food, retard. You don't suppress cravings, you just endure them because you're mentally ill and need to be thinner than what is biologically and scientifically healthy.

>> No.14171843

I hate /fit/ too and muscle girls look like shit but she by far looks better on the right. You're probably gay or a tranny or something so you have terrible perception of what's attractive and normal by default but cachexia isn't a good look by the standards of about 99% of the population. Get help.

>> No.14171846

there is no space for straight men in this general
so kindly fuck off

>> No.14171858

>imagine caring about people """standards"""
lol you're insecure

also thank u for you're concern but im healthy with 18 bmi

>> No.14171866
File: 19 KB, 474x328, 280E19D3-D21F-43AA-B4A6-54699EB3BD8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

straight male here ama
also checkem

>> No.14171869

would you rather be slender and cute or all gross and muscley?

>> No.14171871
File: 66 KB, 350x524, 73B2CB52-538F-496A-972A-75608F1CD97C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're in an eating disorder thread friendo
I’m aware, and I’ve been admitted to a hospital for ana/mia myself twice (not for 7 months, first was a month and a half and second was about 3 weeks) I just came here to lurk briefly until I saw anon’s post, I’m not a regular in these threads.

Just giving advice to someone fresh out of treatment because I’ve been in their shoes, and I was warning them that going back to old habits is going to land them right where they started, wasting away their life locked in an institution when they could choose to learn how to be happy instead. I’m trying to help, not be a dick.
Oh and /fit/ can be thinspo too, you know.

>> No.14171872
File: 1.39 MB, 2208x937, E8778910-27F6-4106-AB1F-4DF2176F632F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have body dysmorphia
she obviously looks better on the left.

>> No.14171882

slender and cutesy wootsy ofcourse

>> No.14171894

most /fit/ tards are obsessed with gaining 40lbs of muscle rather than looking slim.

>> No.14171934

And nowhere in any of my posts did I suggest anon gain 40lbs of muscle, I only suggested it’s a better way of obtaining a good body without relapsing into your eating disorder.
Also I’m not a /fit/izen, but I do lift.

>> No.14172046

damn this is ideal gf

>> No.14172266
File: 46 KB, 640x640, 285656F7-D0B4-4CCF-AE1A-90DDB68C7C01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes i just want to stab my stomach

>> No.14172270
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>> No.14172965
File: 86 KB, 487x460, Chaika!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to the first page!

>> No.14172994

only half price because the owner is a jew but yeah i've stopped eating there mostly because i felt bad about it, not that i gained any weight though. now i just go to the supermarket 3 mins walk from my house and buy shit every day and i cant stop doing it how do i not do that
i'M nOt LiKE thE OtHEr GirLs i'm a WeIRdo

>> No.14173077

Heavy wide grip bench press

>> No.14173140

nice gyno fag

>> No.14173590

delusional and jealous

>> No.14173637
File: 210 KB, 720x720, 1546335119832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you do decide to ec stack, please adhere to the cycling and taper off properly. I didn't and I'm pretty sure I got depression bc of it for a while

I got to my lowest weight though which was pretty sicko mode

>> No.14173661

I’ve been gaining weight back recently (I was 113 at the beginning of this year and now I am at 120) and I really want to get back under 115.

>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
female, 18, 5’4, 120.4lb, 22.5 percent bodyfat
>tdee and your deficit
1449, aim for a 400-500 calorie deficit right now. I want to get down to eating 700cal a day.
>highest and lowest weight
Highest ever is 129lb, lowest ever is 111lb
>goal weight
My ideal weight would be 110 with 18-19 percent bodyfat.
>preferred method of losing weight
running and eating less
>aesthetic you are going for
I just want to be skinny and wear loose pants. I dress like an art hoe honestly.

Does anyone have tips on getting more protien while also eating less calories? I’m vegan and it’s easy for me to get enough protein when I’m eating 1200 or more calories a day, but once i start going under 1000 it gets hard to get 55-60g a day.

>> No.14173718

Then go to the ER, suffer and reconsider your life. Or you can do just the latter without spending money.

>> No.14173905
File: 1.65 MB, 2162x3476, IMG_20190312_192321__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not trying to be thinspo just naturally skinny, always wished I was less thin

>> No.14173912

do some Cryolipolysis

>> No.14173934

What about modafinil?

>> No.14173951
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>started new medication for bipolar disorder
>one side effect is loss of appetite
>have barely eaten anything for the past two days
>dropped 3lbs on the scale

i like how this is going.

>> No.14173957

Be my bf

>> No.14173963

I am taken :s

>> No.14174016

Gay or straight?

>> No.14174024
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roided and btfo

no natty has nipples like that

>> No.14174025

I have a girlfriend but I'm bi

>> No.14174030
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gfy faggot

>> No.14174032

what pills are you taking?

>> No.14174033


>> No.14174034
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gay and >>14174024 you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.14174053

you look good

>> No.14174081
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we all have a past

>> No.14174222

Is she fat? I swear I only ever see skinny guys with fat chicks, and they're usually the type to try to force you to eat even though they secretly hope you never gain weight.

>> No.14174264

M 23
170cm, 72kg (5'7, 159lbs)
used to be 86kg before my last diet.

I've started the Great Lent on monday, so basically vegan diet and no oils of any kinds until april 27th. I decided to completely cut all sugar as well.
I have no real goal but I hope I won't break my fast anyways.

>> No.14174440

w2c tank

>> No.14174466


>no force more powerful than a woman determined to rise

Except the man who will slap her back into the kitchen...

>> No.14174557

How long did it took you to get from 86kg to 72?
I'm the same height as you (82kg) and i need like a week or so to lose at least 1 kg.

>> No.14174588

She's slim :) but I don't mind girls who are kinda soft

>> No.14174590
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>> No.14174782

nice try bitchtits

>> No.14174786
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>> No.14174791
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>> No.14174801
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>> No.14174836
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>tfw no art hoe bf

>> No.14174855
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>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
male, 19, 6 ft, ~115 lbs
>highest and lowest weight
113 lowest, 121 highest (only been weighing myself about a month and a half)
>goal weight
about within 115-120
>preferred method of losing weight
none, usually just lose based upon a fairly inconsistent diet
>aesthetic you are going for
skinny but somewhat toned

dropped to about 113 last night based upon not having any full meals and had fairly decent muscle definition, felt great
moving forward I'd like to be eating more consistently and have a healthier diet in addition to getting back into the groove of exercising some, winter weather has been an absolute bitch for my motivation

>> No.14174878

awesome up until the barfing. don't do that. instead, just go to the gym. take a jog for a few miles. whatever throws your ass in a circle.

>> No.14174892

Major depressive disorder/anxiety

>> No.14175161

Not really, but I guess it's better than hitting the wall at birth like most of us men

>> No.14175450

I took me about 4 or 5 months without any exercise. Just by cutting out snacks and drinking a lot of water. Also no alcohol, beer fucks you up.
I still go out, but drink only sparkling water. Makes a surprisingly good topic to talk about with strangers.

I wanted to lose like 5kg but I felt so great I kept going.

Be strong anon !

>> No.14175451

fat pig nigger

>> No.14175862

how to stop stress eating

>> No.14175960

develop a different method of coping with stress, eliminate stress t. not a doctor

>> No.14176506


>> No.14176785

do NOT do this. Or do, natural selection has it's ways.

>> No.14176909
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This bit is a helper for real weight loss;
Weight loss is full of memes like 'coffee, 'cigarettes, 'genetics, etc. The absolute truth is down to one thing : if you eat more calories than you burn, your body will store excess energy as fat tissue. If you use more energy than you consume, your body with use and reduce it's fat tissue.

The calories you burn during a coma is called BMR [basic metabolic rate], and the calories burned through labor are tiny compared to the calories you use burning energy to maintain body heat. That's why reptiles eat so little.

So find your BMR, and eat at that number, not under it, hopefully not too much above it. 2.5lb weight loss pr. week is the maximum threshhold for safety. It took time to put the fat tissue on, and it will take time to reduce it.

Diet tips
>wheaties replace cookies. I snack on them through out the day.
>drink flavored water v soda... because we all know you're not drinking plain water.
>drink tea and coffee, black.
>chinese food's appeal is the aroma of onion fried ina tiny amount of oil, peppered, and mostly crunchy/raw. Meatless stir fry of onion, jalapeno, zunchini is a god send.
>avoid all white bread, white flor, white rice. There's no fiber, only starch.
>Hungry? eat a third size meal, wait 20 minutes. You'll probably not be hungry. Eating until full is instinctive, but eating until satisfied is learned.
>sugar free candy is better.
>don't eat chocolate. It's really just oil and starch paste with sugar and light cocoa dusting.
>don't go pro-ana, bullemic (vomit). It will destroy your teeth and your dentist can tell. Hydrochloric acid will fuck your teeth up real quick.
>stop eating beef. It's bland, calorie laden, and a historical anomally.
>most eating is out of boredom and emotionally neglect, not hunger. We eat because we think we should, and that I thought I was depriving myself by not eating, as opposed to the reality that I was unhealthy.
>find your body fat % goal, and don't go below it.

>> No.14176930
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>know your current body fat%, write it down. That journal is what grounds your experience.
>write down thoughts, experiences and all. It can be useful.
>thinspo images are cool, but staged. The bodies are real, but those people are as boring as anyone else. Be happy with your goals, but don't idolize models beyond what your goals call for.
>tobacco use is common as an appetite supressant, esp. cigarettes, but no sane person peacocks the pack. If you have to smoke, smoke a pipe. Cigarettes are designed to be addictive. Pipes are designed for smoking.
>write your main body measures; neck at base, bicep, forearm, wrist, chest, waist at navel, butt at biggest part, thigh [one inch below butt cleft is standard], calf,and shoulder [wrap arms and tape around mummy style] keep this recorded.
>eat more fiber, floss and brush your teeth
>Once you hit your ideal body fat %, write your measures down again.

ps - this recipe needs 2 eggs, not one, and is a stiff batter, not a dough.