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/fa/ - Fashion

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14145991 No.14145991 [Reply] [Original]

I miss old /fa/, guys ;_;

>> No.14146002

who is this semen demon


please be in göteborg

>> No.14146070

Then stop complaining and start trying to bring it back. Even if it'll just be a single thread, it'll be better than everything else here.

>> No.14146072

looks like shit

I miss the old old /fa/ when adults were here before it got invaded by teenagers who think tricky ricky schoolshooter is good fashion

>> No.14146220

the days where only slim fit selvedge and slim fit v-neck tshirts were allowed

>> No.14146229

>I miss the old old 4chan when adults were here before it got invaded by teenagers
underaged kiddos went from being millions of lurkers to just fucking taking the place over

>> No.14146247

literally no one lurks anymore
they just click a random board and shit post instantly
first time I posted on /b/ back in 2007 I got a huge adrenaline rush because I lurked the site for months beforehand and wanted to see if i'd be able to fit in

>> No.14146253

>dude just start a thread about high fashion, a designer item you bought, making your own clothes etc, it'll survive on a board all about who the most effay rapper is and where to buy cheap t shirts!

>> No.14146261

Remember American apparel

>> No.14146334 [DELETED] 
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>teenagers who think tricky ricky schoolshooter is good fashion
There was always a tricky ricky school shooter demographic on /fa/. It comes with being a fashion board on an anime website.
The difference is that old /fa/'s goof crowd was complemented by jcrew wearing, rawdenim & peacoat dadcore fags for who cared just as much about appearances as the goth kids but for totally different reasons (social capital vs internet points).
Banter between the two is what gave this board its best memes.
Now the dadcore crowd has aged out and been replaced by 15 year olds who can't afford anything over $100 and for whom fashion is all about landing an art hoe gf. They have no common ground with the remaining oldfags, so there's no more good banter and the waywts have become seas of Seinfeld extras and wanna be instagram influencers.

Remember the daily w2c AA blanks at wholesale threads? Or how APCs were poor man's diors?

>> No.14146340
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>teenagers who think tricky ricky schoolshooter is good fashion
There was always a tricky ricky school shooter demographic on /fa/. It comes with being a fashion board on an anime website.
The difference is that old /fa/'s goof crowd was complemented by jcrew wearing, rawdenim & peacoat dadcore fags who cared just as much about appearances as the goth kids but for totally different reasons (social capital vs internet points).
Banter between the two is what gave this board its best memes.
Now the dadcore crowd has aged out and been replaced by 15 year olds who can't afford anything over $100 and for whom fashion is all about landing an art hoe gf. They have no common ground with the remaining oldfags, so there's no more good banter and the waywts have become seas of Seinfeld extras and wanna be instagram influencers.

Remember the daily w2c AA blanks at wholesale threads? Or how APCs were poor man's diors?

>> No.14146341

ok newfag

>> No.14146347

I miss the old effay, straight from the 'Go effay
Chop up the soul effay, set on his goals effay
I hate the new effay, the bad mood effay
The always rude effay, spaz in the news effay
I miss the sweet effay, chop up the beats effay
I gotta to say at that time I'd like to meet effay
See I invented effay, it wasn't any effays
And now I look and look around and there's so many effays
I used to love effay, I used to love effay
I even had the pink polo, I thought I was effay
What if effay made a song about effay
Called "I Miss The Old effay, " man that would be so effay
That's all it was effay, we still love effay
And I love you like effay loves effay

>> No.14146546

10/10 trap.

>> No.14146553



Tyvärr du.

>> No.14146737

U will just have to accept change. Or die

>> No.14146951

this. we need more diversity up in here and to kick these fucking broke high schoolers down a level.

>> No.14146959

bättre än sthlm favä

>> No.14147179

Eh va, göteborg och stockholm är skithål
Malmö is the shit

>> No.14147187

Fuck Malmö. My ex’s new boyfriend lives there. Hope some refugees fuck him up.

>> No.14147193

>Sweden's immigrant, shooting, and bombing capital

>> No.14147209

You haven't been here bro baka

>> No.14147241

Lmao Muhammed snälla

>> No.14147280

alldeles för många gånger. häng dig

>> No.14147283

>tfw "old /fa/" is not the old fa you're thinking of anymore.. even "old /fa/" is too old

>> No.14147370

käften möt mig i malmö så kan jag visa dig

>> No.14147382

just go back in time 7 years bro

>> No.14148054

haha, vilken tuffing du är ;^) tack för att du bekräftar våldsstatistiken för sandnegrer som du

>> No.14149331

Va.... Jag ville visa dig Malmö... Är inte ens en sandneger bor i de fina kvarteren ;)

>> No.14149333

if you look on the bright side, this board is a lot faster now

>> No.14149342

J, a qt~

>> No.14150667


streetwear getting popular with normies is what killed it, Literally everything that gets popular with instafags and twitter normies gets ruined 4chan memes , rick and morty all that shit not supreme tho supremes always been shit

>> No.14150790

I remember thinking this board was past its prime half a decade ago
where the fuck does the time go

>> No.14150833

I miss ivanposting

>> No.14150847
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>> No.14151565
File: 568 KB, 1189x1356, 851837AA-EDBB-4869-8EC0-5C3CEDD6017F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When newfags don’t even know Strawtengu or when’s Theodore used to posts on here before Cav Empt was a thing

>> No.14151581


Yikes - that fit hasn't aged well.

>> No.14151593

i'm applying to the uni at göteborg, pls tell me it's effay there
(hälsningar från helsingfors)

>> No.14151606

also what are u still doing here?? all the other cool trips have left

>> No.14151674

damn i love the velcros