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File: 86 KB, 1024x783, vintage-shaving-gillette-3-piece-tech-safety-razor-made-in-england-1950s-1960s-standard-de-blades-[2]-6397-1-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14129647 No.14129647 [Reply] [Original]

Who here uses safety razors?
After leaving pic related - my grandfather's razor - lying in a drawer for years, I dug it out after chucking the last of my gillette disposable razors when the soiboi incident occurred.
Cleaned it up nicely - looks spanking new - and got some Wilkinson Sword blades (never buying Gillette again - but I'll use the razor).
Great shave, had forgotten how good these beasts can be.
Anyone else here use safety razors or straight blades?

>> No.14129699

My parents think Im an old man for using a safety razor. It's the only way I get a close shave. Tried the electric razor, and it was garbage. The mach 3 triple bladed razors were decent, but not quite the best for removing hair around my adams apple. I bought an assortment of different blades; my favorite being the durablade. Feather is good too, but give me micro cuts around my neck

>> No.14129708

Yeah I hear you. I had an electric as well, but didn't like it at all. Mach 3s are good but too bloody expensive. I'm glad I remembered this piece of family heritage, and that good blades are still easily and cheaply available.

>> No.14129717
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I'm using the "russian army" d-e razor because it's the cheapest plastic safety razor I could find.

>> No.14129721

Nice Tech, OP.

Most people who are patient enough to learn how to use these tend to keep using them. Once you've mastered the basics, sampling different blades is a must. Going further... using a brush and creams/soaps for lather can get an even better shave, but it's debatable whether or not it's worth the money/effort. It can be fun if you're into that rabbit-hole sort of thing, but a can of Nivea is pretty fucking good.

>> No.14129732

pic isn't mine, found it online, but my razor is the exact same one, and just as shiny now that I scrubbed it clean. I had used it when it was first given to me by my grandmother, but cut myself and gave up, years ago. I have a brush somewhere, but shaving foam (or oil) will have to do for now.

>> No.14129773
File: 153 KB, 960x720, Voskhod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

safety razors shave amazingly and are economical too. i bought a 50 pack of voskhod blades like a year ago and I dont think ive gone through a fourth of it

>> No.14129777 [DELETED] 


>> No.14129878

how many shaves do you get from one blade, on average? Is there a big difference across brands?

>> No.14129886

I use one and change the blade after a few uses. Single razors are so cheap that I can afford it. I just like the feeling and the multi blade razors have such tiny little blades. Also of course you have to be circumcised like 13 times to want to buy girllette crap.

>> No.14130084

Depends how much beard you have, I usually change after 5 but could probably do a couple more

>> No.14130213

Bought one earlier today and just used it. Usually I have used a knife or one of those Gillette interchangeable ones, think it was fusion or pro-glide or something like that.
In my opinion the safety razor glides the smoothest and is the best option out of the three. The knife gives the closest shave, but it also has a bigger margin for error and is more time consuming.
The Gillette was all around decent, a lot better than those single use ones, but it is just wayyy too expensive in the long run.

So yeah, the only regret with the safety razor is that I didn't buy one earlier.

>> No.14130309

How long before you got the hang of using one? I got one two weeks ago but still cut myself every other shave.

Also the safety razor head makes it hard to get the area just under my nose.

Gonna keep at it because the mach 3 heads dll quickly and are bloody expensive.

>> No.14130360

I have never been able to get electric shavers to work, like they don't shave fucking anything. What am I doing wrong

>> No.14130380

It really depends on how often you shave.
I would say that you should have the hang of it after around 5-10 shaves.

But stuff like the angle you're shaving and how much pressure you're using may be the problem.
The only time I ever really cut myself is either when I am hurrying or when I start by going against the grain instead of going with it.

>> No.14130514
File: 353 KB, 1140x1209, de blades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is your favorite DE blade?

>> No.14130531
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I just buy the cheapest ones. Astra was like $10 for 100. Can't beat 10 cents/shave.

>> No.14130540

>Can't beat 10 cents/shave.
Well, sometimes I go a few weeks without shaving and then just use my wahl balding clipper.

>> No.14130639
File: 43 KB, 1000x1000, razorine shavette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually shave with mine 2-3 times a week

>> No.14130798

Personna Med Prep and Lab Blue are good budget blades. Astra and Wilkenson Sword are popular cheapies, but IMO aren't worth it because I only get only 2 good shaves out of one blade. Pol Silver and Gillette Ultra Blue are awesome but expensive and made in St Petersburg. I don't buy them anymore because fuck Putin. Feather are expensive Japanese blades that are extremely sharp and long lasting. They can cut the fuck out of you if you aren't good yet, but veteran shavers really love them... it's pretty much all I use these days.

>> No.14130925
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I remember the last time I bought a razor, which was about 8 or 9 years ago. I started out on dollar store cheapies, then tried the multi-bladed gilette insert things and they never seemed to do well on one pass, and gave some irritation on a second. I found a straight razor to do the job cheaper and better than anything else.

>> No.14130941

Got one because I was fucking sick and tired of the gilelte blades being expensive as shit, and not knowing when they're good/bad. I love it personally, cheap as fuck, looks and feels better. I only have to shave like once a week though.

>> No.14130991


Started using it because fuck Gilette, also better and cheaper shave, after a couple years will look into straight edge shaving. also I dont use any other fag shit, just water no soap or later and after shave

just spartan it out make you skin adapt and get stronger

>> No.14130998
File: 11 KB, 398x425, muhle-r89-safety-razor-chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also here is my razer MUHLE R89

>> No.14131021

First time I hear about shaving with just water. How does that go?

I don't think I would be able to drag my razor across my face without at least some kind of lubrication.

>> No.14131045
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For most people it's painful and causes cuts and a great deal of irritation... not to mention, it's not even a close shave. That anon is full of shit and trying to act like a tough guy on the internet.

>> No.14131059



yeah goy keep buying shaving soap and aftershave... ohh and I forgot...dont forget>>14131021
shampoo whilst youre at it...


Just take a shower and after just shave, go with the grain first and then next shave against if you want baby smooth skin, you can re water your face again if it starts feeling dry

>> No.14131078

>finish showering
>step out
>wipe hole in mirror steam
>apply shaving cream to face
>shave (safety razor)
>rinse razor in cup of hot water, set aside to air dry
>turn shower back on
>re-wash face briefly
>step out again
>apply alcohol-free witch hazel
>apply face moisturizer
Awkward system but I really want to wash my face again after shaving, after reading about it leaving bacteria/causing breakouts. How could I improve my technique here?

>> No.14131088

This is probably the best way, anon. I basically do the same thing except I shave inside the shower. For me, alcohol aftershave is best by far... sometimes moisturize later.

>> No.14131158

Doesn't alcohol dry out your skin though? Do you apply moisturizer too?

>> No.14131160

Why wouldn't you use soap? Do you care about your skin or...? Organic soaps like Dr bronners don't contain cancer-causing sls

>> No.14131174

m8 you don't have to change the blade every single shave

>> No.14131422

Bought refills for my mach 3 yesterday and I'm fed up with it. $41 after tax and all. The cost per shave is absurd so this will be my last refill before I got safety razor. How's the learning curve?

>> No.14131528


>> No.14131534

I have one laying around. Last time I used it, I still had hair on the top of my head. Do people use these to shave the head too?

>> No.14131540

>How's the learning curve?
not bad at all. it was maybe 1-2 days when it took some extra effort to shave + make sure I didn't cut myself, after that it's no problem

>> No.14131552

>tfw don't get a good enough shave from cartridges but too afraid I'll fuck myself up if I use a safety razor.

>> No.14131569
File: 39 KB, 798x800, razorock de1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can get very mild safety razors for pretty cheap


>> No.14132135

You'll have it down in like 2 or 3 shaves. with the grain then against remember that and you'll do fine also make sure to stretch the skin you're shaving.

>> No.14132142

i use the gillete gaurd. the most comfortable shave ive ever had. cheap and disposable but they are the closest thing to a sr but much more comfy. shitty that they only market them in india.

>> No.14132150

it's fine with some practice
you basically just have to hold the thing at an angle yourself and not move it sideways
not gonna lie though i got a couple small cuts before i figured it out

>> No.14132195

Thoughts on Feather "Popular"? It's cheap and seems to be decent.

>> No.14132257

honest question, but where how do you shave with one exactly?

>> No.14132288

>I dug it out after chucking the last of my gillette disposable razors when the soiboi incident occurred.

red and basedpilled

>> No.14132304

same here

>> No.14132307

face rather than genitals bud.

>> No.14132329

>I dug it out after chucking the last of my gillette disposable razors when the soiboi incident occurred.
I hope you at least used them before chucking them. The money was spent anyway and chucking new razors won't affect Gillette.

>> No.14132468

I do. I started to save money but also to reduce plastic waste.
3 minimum. Usually 5.
Under the neck took me months to get used to. It's still not easy. It's a time consuming process so if you're a busy or impatient person it might not be for you. Rushing leads to cuts.
I used to like Derby but they're made in Turkey so I switched to BIC Astors made in Greece. I'd probably buy German blades if they were more reasonably priced. Most blades are made with the same Swedish steel anyway.

>> No.14132485

What safety razor should I get, is there any difference if I buy a Muhle or just some cheap stuff from italianbarber that someone linked here?

>> No.14132490

That looks annoying to use desu, how does it compare to a standard safety? And why no teeth?

>> No.14132491

OP here: I don't know man, as I said, I inherited a Gillette Tech, cleaned it up and it looks good as new. You could probably pick one up at a flea market or something similar for quite cheap and do the same.

>> No.14132497
File: 28 KB, 554x554, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga you don't need special shaving cream, froth up face wash in a coconut shell with pic related, maybe add a bit of aloevera for hydration/soothing

>> No.14132503

Not that anon but yeah, it does dry it. Just apply moisturiser or aloe cream or what have you afterwards and you'll be fine. Does a great job of killing shit on your skin

>> No.14132506

Pretty easy, the only times I've ever cut myself with one was when I was 16 and cut the top off of acne bumps, as log as you have a steady hand you'll do fine

>> No.14132508

Most are a three piece design made of durable metal. However the angle of the blade can differ giving you a harsh or mild shave. I was recommended an Edwin Jagger DE89 as an entry level razor by geofatboy. He has many reviews of razors.

>> No.14132688

Gillette greens ("Super Stainless") are a great mild blade, I use them now that I shave every day because it helps me not cut the fuck out of my neck. Feathers are GOAT tier and will absolutely give you the closest shave, but most people (including me) can't handle shaving with them daily. I also liked Bolzano Superinoxes a lot, they just don't have anything on Feathers for me personally and are still too aggressive for daily use. BIC yellows are ghastly.

>> No.14132704

It ain't 41 dollars bad, I'll tell you that much.
Jesus Christ, guy, $41 buys you a DE and a year's worth of blades. Sure, you need a brush and soap too, and ideally a bowl, but only once.

>> No.14132706

These guys' basic TTO razor is probably the best value in shaving.

>> No.14132908


idk, lad if I can skip three steps and still get a very good shave why should I buy this jewish propaganda, can you tell me that much?

>> No.14133230


A nice good brush made from badger hair holds warm water and lathers up nicely, genuinely feels good on the face. Also if you don't treat your skin well (especially face) you'll fucken regret it when you look like shit later.

>> No.14133275
File: 94 KB, 900x900, FTH803111_Feather_Stainless_Steel_DE_Razor6_x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best razor and blade combo on the market
Fight me

>> No.14133346


>> No.14133493

>Sure, you need a brush and soap too, and ideally a bowl, but only once.
not really. i use pinaud clubman shave butter and get a great shave without the extra accessories

>> No.14133561

old gilette ads seem based, what went wrong?

>> No.14133753

I have been using the Astra Platinum for 3 years, probably won't get done with my box for another 2. I get about 5 - 8 shaves per blade. I definitely have a shave or two past the blade's lifetime because I'm lazy, but my beard hairs are light and not very thick. I had the Super-Max platinum before these Astra blades. I preferred the Super-Max blades since they were a bit sharper. Safety razor is the life though, never have to spend any money on razors and shit.

>> No.14133786


Astra (SJW Gilette) is not what it's used to be. They cheaped out on build quality. You could use the old blades (black old font) from four sides. You are lucky if you can get a good shave out of the new ones (quite transparent font).

>> No.14133794


I shave before showering.

>> No.14134905

This shit made shaving fun for me

>> No.14134919

I like Persona for cheap beginner blades. I got 100 for $10. Japanese Feather blades are the sharpest. Work great, but you need to know what you're doing. I think I paid $14 for 50 Feathers. They're so sharp that you can use them longer.

>> No.14135140

Rockwell and Wilkison

>> No.14135146

you try it on your balls yet?

>> No.14135151

wash your face in the sink????

>> No.14135216

Took me about a week to get the hang of it, but I took it reeeaaal slow. After gaining my confidence I got an antique straight razor from Sheffield, England by a maker named Jonathan Crookes. I’m still cutting my face with that thing, but now my DE razor is a breeze by comparison. Try using a straight if you can, and then go back to the DE. You’ll be amazed how easy it is to shave with a safety razor

>> No.14135643
File: 116 KB, 426x349, 1546715483388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no warm water coming out the tap lads im gonna have to shave with cold
wish me luck bros

>> No.14135654

Got some cheap Merkur and a blade variety pack a couple of years ago

I honestly feel so dumb for having spent so much money on Mach 3 and Fusion blades in the years before, safety razor both cuts better and irritates less.

>> No.14135666

It's just shaving, stop fetishizing it.
If a Mach3 or Fusion works for you, use that. If a safety razor works better, use that. One is not inherently more masculine than the other.

What is behind the drive to immediately tribalize everything?

>> No.14135669

don't be daft, if you bothered to read through the thread you'd have noticed that most of the gripes are about the price of mach 3.

>> No.14135680

The price of the Mach3 is overrated. Gillette DRASTICALLY underreports how long their cartridges last.

With proper blade care (not letting them sit wet, rinsing them with alcohol, etc) I have been able to make a Fusion cartridge last 88 shaves. That makes the four-pack a one year supply.

Cost is also overblown in that guys who get into traditional wet shaving also go way overboard in terms of buying all sorts of brushes and soaps which aren't exactly free.

I know this, because I'm one of them. I have to shave every day for work. I haven't bought anything in about three years and I still have a decade of soaps and blades to work through.

>> No.14135685

this sounds meme-tier. especially if you're using it every day. sorry man, I don't buy it. 20+ probably, but 88? come on...
I haven't gone overboard in either shaving or writing with fountain pens, have minimal but functional equipment that is efficient and pleasant to use, and value for money too. It's not always about the image or the pretension.

>> No.14135687

>88 shaves
I was deployed. It's not something I would have done ordinarily.

>> No.14135805

That sounds terrible.

>> No.14136029

I switched to them.

They’re pretty good once you get the hang of it. The shave is closer and the experience is overall...nicer? It’s hard to describe but I actually enjoy shaving now

>> No.14136103

How do you keep yours sharp? I've only gotten 3 shaves before it went dull.

>> No.14136598
File: 139 KB, 1280x893, Razor661-GilletteSlim-H4-1962-VG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gillette superslim from the 70's. Pre-cucked era.

I use centwin blades, and set the razor to setting #7. bought 50 blades about a decade ago and still have 20(I only shave for certain occassionas, so maybe like 20 times a year, otherwise i just use a beard trimmer. I dont grow the hair fast, id never have what would be considered a beard, just scruff or a 5o'clock shadow)

Theres also a knock off the the merkur 2000 on aliexpress which is supposed to be pretty good for someone who wants an adjustible one without spending $60 on ebay.(I tried it, it isnt as good as the slim i have)

>> No.14136636

not that anon, but a good stropping.

>> No.14136646

looking to buy one. there is the cheap classic one by WS and then they have a premium vintage set too with soap and a brush. the silver razor itself might be more high quality too but the classic plastic ceramic or whatever looks a bit better.

>> No.14136649

used all sorts of razors. electric, disposable, mach 3 etc. While the technique with de razor takes a bit of practice, the most noticeable improvement is the complete lack of burn, especially on my cheeks. They just cut the hair so cleanly.

>> No.14136656
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>> No.14136666

Just don't shave dude.

Or boil water, use hot towel, then dip razor in bowl of hot water

>> No.14136676

Wash in sink, switch to alcohol splash, wash again, and then put on balm

You need alcohol here m8

>> No.14136681
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Switched two years ago. It's nice to enjoy something that used to be a bitch

>> No.14136774

this sounds a bit like the Withnail drinking game, if you don't mind me saying.

>> No.14136780

just like a roastie, eh?

>> No.14137277

are you sure your straight has been properly honed/stropped?

>> No.14137312

>tfw sinklet

>> No.14137338
File: 39 KB, 420x605, c00mys740o7jjt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe straight razors come off the production line with a poor edge, which is often necessary for shipping around in a factory full of workers who might be look lapse in their safety.
You're going to want to put your own edge on, which is not about removing metal, it's about creating an edge. There is no difference between knife and razor sharpening. Get it right on a thrift store non-stainless knife, and you'll get it right on a razor.
It took me two stones to do it - a cheap combination stone from a hardware store, used with water. And a black arkansas stone, used with water or oil... or spit. And even before the sharpening I had to thin down the spine to make it a non-wedge, and thus allowing me to get that good acute angle. Your blade geometry might be different. It took me 20-50 passes for each stone on a carbon steel pakistani $5 razor, and about 10x that on a stainless one. Stainless makes for lousey razors.
Allow ony the blade's own weight to do it, don't press, take your time, and then strop the blade. I use my chinos leg, then my inner arm, [or the pad of my thumb while shaving] to channel those little micro saw teeth inline.
Strop every shave, dry your razor, and keep it out of the humid bathroom.

... and smoke a pipe.

>> No.14137364

holy fucking hell i grew a neckbeard reading this

>> No.14137614

yo, that seems like a lot of hassle.

Do shavettes perform similar to straight razors?

>> No.14137733

the worst part is people are gonna think this is serious

>> No.14138082

not him, but yes

>> No.14138149


>> No.14138182

live a little.

>> No.14138207


I was nervous to even shave my face the first time now I happily shave balls and taint without a second thought

>> No.14138293

How does this factor into your skin routine?
Do you clean the face with cleansers like usual, and then proceed with shaving cream?
Do you need aftershave if you already use toners and such?

>> No.14138371

I've used olive oil as shaving lubricant for 5 years now. Works perfectly and I don't have to whip a foam in a special magic bowl with a special badger pube brush.

>Doesn't it smell?
Only for like 5 minutes, then it dissipates.

>> No.14138915
File: 144 KB, 1440x900, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got one of this adjustable Gillettes from gramps before he died but my father keeps it in his city even though he doesn't shave, gotta snatch it from him one of this days. Personaly I use a non-adjustable bakelite Gillette with some red and silver razors, gotta buy more soon.
Shit is super cash and I cannot stress enough how good a shave it gives you, once you get used to it and don't cut yourself. Truly an ideal machine, never touched another disposable again

>> No.14139091
File: 211 KB, 736x1015, 8ccfa5ff6910d31c0f9401e1adb678f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and maybe when you grow up, you can grow a real beard.
The entire sharpening time was about 10 minutes. Then the razor should barely ever need to touch a stone again. Stropping is done before a shave on canvas/a trouser leg, and sometime during.
A shavette is simply a disposable straight razor, and for the money you might as well get a real razor and stones - the arkansas needn't be big.

I also use the stones in the kitchen, and the workshop to keep knifes and tools keen.

>> No.14139095

Beard technology is going backwards so good on you. Also good on you for not buying some $80 meme art of manliness bullshit, when I started everyone just bought used ones on eBay and sterilized them. Now they're trying to make it some fad product.

Get a variety pack if you ever buy more blades so you can find one you really like. Feather fucking skinned my neck so you can't always go off the ones with good reviews. No I didn't use any pressure I just have weird grain directions on my neck so it becomes an issue with sharper blades.

Invest in the other barber products like badger brushes, soap and hell maybe even one of those cream warmers they got sometimes.

>> No.14139237

Either feather popular or weishi, feather is mostly plastic while weishi is brass

>> No.14139466

Derby suck thickk dick tho

>> No.14139598
File: 349 KB, 2400x1046, P1160517-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Always shave before you shower. Easily wash off shaving cream/soap and if you get a wheeper it just goes away in the shower.

>b...but I need to soften my beard

Wash your face with hot water and soap before you shave. Let it soak into the beard before applying cream/soap. This will make it soft enough.

>t. shave company owner

>> No.14139612

not jamming them into your skin and rubbing the shit out of your face with it repeatedly. You have to be aggressive with some.

>> No.14140211


back to laddit

>> No.14140702

thoughts on voskhod?

>> No.14141043


Voskhod felt really dull and the Teflon coating is just a meme. Astra are my #1 favorite. Feather are in second place but they seem to grab skin and slice it off more. There was a little more resistance going through whiskers as well. I think it's because the Feather blade is thicker.

>> No.14141053

Terrible, Astra is the only decent Russian blade.

>> No.14141066

Feather. I have extremely course hair and sensitive skin. I get irritation and razor bumps with anything else.