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File: 46 KB, 788x525, goo3-797527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14136124 No.14136124[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>go outside
>see a chinada goose
>day ruined

>> No.14136133

You might as well stay indoor.

>> No.14136141 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 666x444, Winnie-Pooh_Xi-Jinping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.14136150

What if I own a Canada Goose but I'm not chinese?

>> No.14136152

Then you're based, as long as you're wearing it because it's a good warm coat and not because you want to flaunt your wealth

>> No.14136159
File: 90 KB, 1080x1080, 51104902_305872766734367_7234561319078705887_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go outside
>lonely, horny
>white nerd kissing wildly with korean female student in public
>day ruined

>> No.14136163

Asian holes are disgusting, total race traitors.

>> No.14136172

I don't like this either
White guys who go for asian girls are always autistic fucking weirdos
t. White male

>> No.14136216

For the good of yourself and the world, just stay inside.

>> No.14136220

good example of what the average asian woman looks like

>> No.14136225
File: 595 KB, 620x1854, D752B61F-DCEA-4957-9865-F0FDF479ECCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, it’s the daily buttblasted by chinks wearing Canada Goose thread. Fuck this board.

>> No.14136228

> Live in Canada
> Be native
> Own Canada Goose
> Get looked down on by chinks since its not the 2019 model


>> No.14136266

And fuck you too

>> No.14136270 [DELETED] 

t. ching chong
Go cook some dogs and have your women raped and murdered by the Japs, chink

>> No.14136275

Not a chink, seething Amerimutt.

>> No.14136750

I almost made a thread about Canada Goose while I was visiting Montreal.

Is it Gucci for canadians?

>> No.14136796

t. getting cucked in his own country

>> No.14136954

It's just another way for Chinese people to cope with having a billion other people look exactly like them by purchasing expensive things to feel unique

>> No.14136976

I want to rape an asian girl in kill her family

>> No.14136978

The funny thing is Chinese kids don't even wear CG as a status symbol, they literally wear it for warmth and flex with actual designer shit. CG is pretty cheap comparatively speaking

>> No.14136988

>purchasing expensive things to feel unique
No Caucasian would ever do that

>> No.14137023 [DELETED] 

It's still tasteless and disgusting, just like everything fob chinks do

>> No.14137024

>go outside
>it's still cold enough that I can wear my Moncler
>great day

>> No.14137117
File: 55 KB, 980x653, GETTING HARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk into the refrigerator
>door's closed
>lights are out

>> No.14137224
File: 102 KB, 220x299, fightingthroughthepain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too hate the Chinese. Just count yourself lucky you don't live in Vancouver
>tfw i've never had a landlord who wasn't chinese
>tfw i've never had a boss who wasn't chinese

>> No.14137261

If we accept that they don't consider it a flex that does not mean it is simple utility to them. If it was simple utility the coats would vary. There is conformity there.

>> No.14137853

Please tell us, how worse is it to have a chinese supervisor?

From yurop and can imagine the shame in your position.

>> No.14137860

you summed up whole 4chan but they can only go for them in their fantasies

>> No.14137894

He's probably poor and cant even afford one.
P.s it's not even that expensive.

>> No.14137910

LOL get back to work wagiecuck toiling for yen

>> No.14137919

>live in University city
>emotionless bowl cut praying mantis people everywhere
>all of them draped in supreme or similar
>all queuing up ordering strange combinations of food and drink

>> No.14138034

I will never understand this meme

>> No.14138900

Yeah I love in Toronto originally from the UK so I can't handle the cold. Tbh I think asian people wearing Canada Goose is a minor offense compared to those atrocious louboutin shoes they wear

>> No.14138917

I thought asians were supposed to be really family oriented. Do asian fathers put up with these unholy pairings?

>> No.14138922

they are taking over. they own every fucking property and business because of our cucklord prime minister. We will be literally enslaved by the chinese in a decade

>> No.14139050

are you me?

>> No.14139158

it's almost unbearable in toronto as well

>> No.14139164

>+ 10 bucks to your rent

>> No.14139186
File: 76 KB, 576x768, lV2REKp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They actually in a foreign country whoring around and still playing the good daughter.

>> No.14139342

This dude looks like a twerp, and I haven't called someone that since the 2000s

>> No.14139348

>We will be literally enslaved by the chinese in a decade
hahahahahaha this is what retards actually believe

>> No.14139368

>canada goose
is this the apple of winter coats?

>> No.14139379

Canada Gookse

>> No.14139559

Chinese students in our countries, if their parents aren't here with them, sometimes really go mental knowing their parents can't find out what they're doing and judge them.
Someone I know lived in a shared house with one and she had 1-2 new dudes over to fuck her every weekend.
Also one time I visited a share house with someone because they were buying something from a dude there. Probably about midday. An Asian girl in her underwear walks out in front of us and bends over and pats a cat.
I don't know if she meant anything by that: if people I didn't know were in my house I'd probably just stay in my room the 10 minutes they were there.

>> No.14139613
File: 195 KB, 600x365, 5EABB3C7-CF6C-44C4-965D-B773ACC22CA1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no

>> No.14139623

>if people I didn't know were in my house I'd probably just stay in my room the 10 minutes they were there.
define weirdo
shes much fatter than the average asian
A few might haha
blatantly untrue, "chinese kids" as in international students come from a range of varying wealths. for plenty it would be a status symbol, not like they'd let you see them in a Costco jacket

>> No.14139635

i see tons of white people wearing it downtown toronto, but yeah the chinamen love it especially in markham. at this point people just wear it for warmth, it's so common you're not gonna be flexing on anyone

>> No.14139655

Why is Toronto so shit broskis?

>> No.14139657

The brands Chinese people wear are fake...

>> No.14139667

race traitors are disgusting

>> No.14139669

you're a race traitor too since you wont reproduce

>> No.14139672

thats not true. they always buy real ones
even the poor idiots who's parents work very hard just to scrape them through foreign uni will still go out and spend what their parents give them because they know no matter what their parents will just work more for them. they know their parents will be completely reliant on them later in life so the parents will do anything for them now.

>> No.14139682

who said I won't?

>> No.14139684

probably every girl you've met lmao

>> No.14139702

And you're probably a giraffe.

>> No.14139869

t. Chinkinsect

>> No.14139874

i have a few Chinese friends. it's not just a meme, they're the most boring, soulless hivemind people I've ever known. straight A's, all of them though

>> No.14139923

This guy gets it. I'm from Toronto as well and it wasn't even hype. Everyone wore these just for the sheer cold. These international kids just started wearing it for hype and it's annoying as fuck. Now I live in nyc and even seeing white people wear them is cringe because I know they only bought it for the name. The better flex is moncler and moose knuckle though. Can shit on every goose wearer.

>> No.14139934

I personally prefer Kanuk

>> No.14139946

Kill yourself. Toronto best city.
I know in Toronto it's always been just for the warmth. In the States it become a fashion statement and ruined it for normal people.

>> No.14139951

You're a fag. There's nothing wrong being outside your race, just that combination is cringe

>> No.14139965
File: 66 KB, 500x333, E77E43D2-2959-4CD8-B569-1248979546F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14139971

>reverse image search
>146 Best fur farms images pinterest

>> No.14139996

they should stop doing that to live animals then

>> No.14140019

Who gives a fuck anyways lol

>> No.14140022

>Toronto best city
Back to Brampton, Pajeet. Everyone who lives and has lived here make no bones about awful a city it is.

Moose Knuckle bombers look pretty nice but make no mistake, they're almost at the same notoriety as Gooses. Chinese friend of mine had his robbed by bl*cks (I think) in North Weston.

>> No.14140026

imagine living in canada lmao

>> No.14140038

>t. shitskin who has lived in toronto for 2 years

>> No.14140043
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>> No.14140044
File: 28 KB, 474x355, 88C2C3FE-60E8-4658-88C5-B4AD220C6B7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14140048
File: 110 KB, 550x367, 0D35FBF6-C058-42EA-98F4-843475F7F8B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14140052
File: 82 KB, 482x299, 36763E83-B65F-49AE-A573-2A0285E2DA6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14140053

You don't have friends period.

>> No.14140059

toronto is the worst of the worst faggot

>> No.14140068

Every school in my town is crawling with asian immigrants, they all wear jordan’s and shit. Why can’t they just go back to asia

>> No.14140088

Again kill yourself. Btown is not and will never be Toronto. I'm from north york.
12 years and moved due to study/work but nice try
You're a faggot it's a great city. Fuck off to yellow knife or something.

>> No.14140089

Jeez that's brutal. I didn't know people were actually robbing jackets fr. What would they do with them, is there a market for used luxury jackets? Just stealing it to wear doesn't seem worth it

>> No.14140099

>Pls stop, my penis can only get so erect

>> No.14140109 [DELETED] 

If you hate them so much you gotta step up and make a difference, brother. Bully them around, intimidate them. (but don't physically assault them I guess.) For example in my university (not in america) we had an infestation of African students so we would throw bananas at them until they started to leave.

>> No.14140396

go commit suicide over getting a B+ you chink faggot

>> No.14140403

Chinks boil puppies to death in cauldrons. Not quickly either: they think the more slowly you boil them to death the better the flavour.
Don't believe it? Googles images will show you.

>> No.14140411

Apparently with rabbits they rip out the fur of them while they're still alive and they scream.
The notable thing about that is I hear with rabbits you can kill them fairly brutally and they might not make a noise at all.
For them to scream it's got to be worse pain than being torn to bits or eaten alive.

>> No.14140555


>> No.14140572
File: 39 KB, 453x604, 2akiu1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic of the average Torontonian these days
Oh how this city has fallen

>> No.14140577
File: 47 KB, 640x719, 1516115450590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

things wrong with interracial relationships:
if it's person from another culture - you will never understand each-other as well as with person from the same country (ex. what is love?);
child won't look like it's parents - this might lead to depression (often noticed in mothers), unwanted questions in public, what then will have negative influence on child's development;
In case of conflict between countries of origin of both parties, there might appear an angry mob trying to lynch your family;
mixed child will have a hard time getting organ donor as it's more difficult to find fitting one;
mixed child will have a hard time developing it's identity as it will never be fully accepted into either of parent's group;
Those are only a few examples. The only advantage from racemixing is that you will have sex.
Stop thinking about yourself only you brat and think about your spose's happiness and your children's happiness - those are in danger if you chose an interracial relationship.

>> No.14140581

In Sweden it has a reputation as something people on the ghetto wear. I’d be bullied if I had a Canada Goose jacket. I guess the vests are sort of acceptable if you don’t look ghetto otherwise, but still pretty ghetto nonetheless.

The lower class here (probably similar in other countries) tends to jump on the trends of rich kids and kill the brands they wear. Moncler is currently getting killed as well. Kenzo more or less too

>> No.14140585

>actually wanting to bring innocent life into this rotten, deranged, poisoned clown world, soon to be piss earth

>> No.14140593

>not wanting to further pass life and your ways so in few generations this shithole can become a paradise.

>> No.14140599

Don't fool yourself buddy
The world is irreversibly fucked by the brown hordes that will only grow further, and the disgusting elites that control it all
In 30 years you'll pray you could go back to how comfy 2019 was in comparison

>> No.14140600


>> No.14140623

>hates Asians
>lives in any large city in Canada near America
Why not move?

>> No.14140625

The rich chinese weren't here when I was a kid
I remember it used to be so much nicer
But everything changed when the soulless insectoids arrived

>> No.14140639

Hardcore. Now I want one.

>> No.14140721

hahaha, no.
EU was supposed to be commie supercountry and one nation in 2006 if I remember correctly yet their officials fucked up, and now are jumping and scrumbling like in hot water to finish things up.
Sure west is going to pay dearly for the hordes and I doubt they will able to avoid spilling the blood, but V4 despite being corrupted like them, still stands, and our officials can't do shit without support of our people. Few generations can fix it, just like it took few generations of marxists for marxism to succeed.

>> No.14140747

These are all superficial things that are less and less prevalent as we move forward. Please change your backwards way of thought

>> No.14140751

Why so racist anon?
>someone eats things I don't recognize
>sO StRaNgE wOW

>> No.14140753

>mental and psychical health, love and sense of belonging are all superficial; now commit suicide with me.
No, thank you.

>> No.14140762

I can literally dismiss all your points but writing it out is beyond me right now

>> No.14140784
File: 12 KB, 258x245, PepeCryLaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14140799

Whole Sweden is turning into a huge ghetto my man, is it nice not being able to go outside alone past 4pm?

>> No.14140802
File: 100 KB, 932x894, 1518742338269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you skin them alive? just break their necks or something if you dont want to ruin the fur

>> No.14140808

Yeah, and I can fly. Go away, slutty sack of meat, humans are talking here.

>> No.14140809
File: 1.48 MB, 360x240, LONDON_4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goverments come and go. Brown people come and they dont go. What do you do with tens of millions of shitskins in europe? Hundreds of millions in america? They're not gonna leave and they sure as fuck not gonna stop breeding. Even if the borders would be closed at this very moment it would only slow up the process a little bit. Europe and america are irreversibly fucked and there is no going back

>> No.14140814

Because asians believe that the fresher the meat is the more healthy it is. The peak of freshness is being alive.

>> No.14140820

but the pic says that it survives only up to 10 minutes after being skinned, so thats only +max 10 minutes of freshness

>> No.14140823

When we reach peak point there is going to be confrontation, and the stronger wins. You'd better prepare your children so we can survive and protect our way of living.
Also, as long as we have more guns, they are fucked. It's sad that because of some commies so many people are going to die, but it was always the case.

>> No.14140825

they are barbrians with smartphones, what you'd expect?

>> No.14140828

at what point will we reach that confrontation? america is 60% white, racebaiting bullshit is everywhere yet most white people are still against ethno nationalism

>> No.14140844

Suck my dick I'm on mobile atm. You have no sense of humanity and an inflated one of self importance

>> No.14140849

How do your parents feel about you keeping your samurai collection in their basement

>> No.14140859

And you're selfish scum. Don't take up serious topics when on mobile, you don't have to have always opinion on everything.

>> No.14140887

Probably when the bubble burst and suddenly you realize you have no food, or you are going to be forced to live like sardines in a can with other races. In america's case this is slower than in europe because your "minorities" are more or less americanized. We have campsites of milions of people who slowly expand their countries in a country, without being domesticated since they stick to their own when in a group.

>> No.14140917

If people I didn't know were in my house I'd come out and say hello to them because I'm not an autistic fuck.

>> No.14140935

>not calling the police and coming out with a baseball bat

>> No.14140947
File: 306 KB, 593x540, 798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mee and a friend of mine go to school in NYC, and a game we like to play is sitting on a random step in and count how many people are wearing Canada gooses walking by us consecutively.

>Last time we almost got over 40
>in a row

>> No.14140956

oh you're one of those transplants

you're literally the reason toronto is a shitty dowdy awful places thats culturally 10 years behind everyone else

>> No.14140967

They can go die in a bush. It's stupid not to reuse a coat for less than 1 winter, even more to buy each year a fucking winter coat that people won't even notice.

>> No.14140995

shut up, xing

>> No.14141014

Lol. Being with someone you like doesn't make you selfish scum. You are deluded and a sad person for caring this much about what other people do. If you don't like it/it's not for you then fine but fuck off other than that. Going out of your way intentionally to avoid different people is nothing short of being a shitty person

>> No.14141015

Not a chang, just not a xenophobe like you, Milton

>> No.14141045

I’ve lived half my life in the UK (London) and half in Sweden. I currently live in both. I can tell you from experience Sweden is safer in almost every regard. We do have serious segregation issues though, but street crime isn’t a problem unless you’re in a few very specific suburbs. That being said, we do have a major issue with organized crime since police aren’t used to dealing with that sort of thing, but I can safely walk home 3 in the morning shitfaced as fuck without any issue, and I’ve done that for like 8 years now lmao. In London though, on the other hand...

>> No.14141058
File: 310 KB, 600x800, 1437660791864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. White male

>> No.14141083

being with someone you like and not taking into consideration what will be the effects of your relationship on your lover, her/his family and your future children is being selfish.
Stop thinking about yourself and think about others. You can find love among your people and avoid unnecessary difficulties.

>> No.14141087

neither one of you will ever feel the touch of a woman so arguing about who you'll have kids with is pointless

>> No.14141106

That joke is old and untrue. Finding gf/bf isn't anything extraordinary, and your avarge 4channer doesen't live in mom's basement.

>> No.14141141


>> No.14141174

>lmao having kids

>> No.14141179

London =/= UK. London is a metropolis, Sweden doesn't have anything close to that.

>> No.14141233

>go outside
>see a nigger
>day ruined
>got to look on the bright side though
>at least I'm not a nigger

>> No.14141235

What are these?

>> No.14141244

you don't go outside, incel

>> No.14141266

pff you can type whatever you want but none of that is going to happen. whites will be a minority everywhere in the world and its a good thing you scared racist white boy.

>> No.14141327


...boy! ruined my day

>> No.14141370

Whites literally created the modern world
When we are gone, everything you love and take for granted will crumble and decay around you
It's already happening, but not even close to the degree that it will

>> No.14141389
File: 477 KB, 1000x1334, 20190228192227753_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad my JP qts don't dress like that

>> No.14141488

I'm already with someone long term. Planning to marry.

The affects aren't as serious as you're making them. Cultures are far more compatible than you think. That's where the whole "amerimutt" meme comes from in the first place. People will have like a german side and an Italian side. As long as your values are in line with each other it doesn't matter. Going out of your way to be with "your people" is a wasted effort. You are also assuming a lot. Would you believe if I told you I have nothing in common with girls from the country of my ethnicity? Not to mention the culture differences since they were raised there and I was not. Would you believe that despite my love for my culture, I hate girls of my ethnicity since I don't find 85% of them attractive and don't like their tendencies and the things they are raised around? There's much more at play than the things you think to be true.

>> No.14141504

I'm from North York too. Born and raised.
How the hell can you live here of all places and still maintain a positive outlook of the city? Are you well traveled? Not being hostile at this point, genuinely curious.

They were looking to resell it on kijiji. My friend found the add and I think he was planning revenge.

>> No.14141521

imagine coping by thinking a nigger made that thread

>> No.14141578

I'm decently traveled I suppose, wouldn't say well. Compared to average person I guess I'd say I am. I live in nyc now, I left Toronto years ago but I visit every now and then. It's honestly hard to see the value sometimes til you're not there anymore. When I left Toronto I missed it instantly. It definitely lacks a lot of things (which I realized living where I do now and going back) but to me it is still a dope city in its own right. It's always felt like a true home for me, even though new york is very close to my heart now as well and a very cozy amenity filled city to live in. I feel that Toronto is heading in a similar direction though, it will just take longer. Expensive apartments, growing subway system - it'll get there.

And I'm sorry about your friend I hope he gets his revenge on those fuckers. Be careful though cuz you know as well as anyone that he could have a gun.

>> No.14141760

>serious segregation issues

Serious segregation is literally the best outcome when you have stuck a bunch of niggers in your country.
Remember that we aren't even dealing with regular immigrants selected by virtue of being outliers with something to offer host nations: we're dealing mostly with refugees.
Meaning they couldn't get into our countries through regular channels and the reason they are permitted to stay is they have proven they are from a group of people incapable of civilization.
For them to mix with us would be nothing but dysgenic.

>> No.14141981

Bullshit. You're telling me that if some dude in your giant student shared house sells shit to randoms all the time (it wasn't drugs, by the way.) that you come out and say hello to every customer he gets even when you're not long up and in your underwear?

>> No.14141991

>You have no sense of humanity

You are projecting. Humans don't all want to mix into brown sludge. Only a minority of predominantly white people have been brainwashed into pretending that is a good idea.

You shitlibs claim to love humanity but you hate humans. You alienate yourselves from how people outside your cult think and behave.

>> No.14142009

>talking about canada goose in march
Wtf, it was like 17 degrees yesterday. (Western europe)

>> No.14142011

maybe if /pol/niggers werent a bunch of future school shooter autists they could reproduce

>> No.14142028

As opposed to just killing them for the pelts?

>> No.14142060

I prefer they don't

>> No.14142066

Most whites are content with different races coming in. There's not gonna be a revolution, or war, or end of the world you crackpot. You already lost.

>> No.14142324

>They're not gonna leave and they sure as fuck not gonna stop breeding
they will stop breeding once their kids become more educated.

>shitskin born in canada and im sure not having kids

>> No.14142342

you sound like a fucking loser haha imagine being nostalgic over fucking TORONTO omg lmaoo

>> No.14142361

hahahahaha jesus fucking christ small brain loser mentality here

and we had like 10-15cm of snow yesterday (southern ontario)

almost like different places have different weather!

yeah well its easier to isolate and demoralize people if you convince them they have no identity or culture(white people i mean)

>> No.14142401

That's never gonna happen jesus you're so deluded this war will not happen. This isn't a fucking rpg where there's orcs and literal difference races that need to fight to survive.

>> No.14142404


>> No.14142406


Why? I have pride in where I grew up. It's a cozy spot and I've made some great memories. Imagine putting someone down for enjoying something.

>> No.14142409

Your subconscious white worship is disgusting

This is true actually but a lot of it was luck and timing. Mostly to do with advancements and revolutions in culture science arts and industry. The great empire is starting in the east however. The wests time is slowing

>> No.14142411

>having pride in toronto
>enjoying something
nah, it's more like laughing at a retard

>> No.14142542

>Canada's number 1 source of immigrants is the MOST POWERFUL RACE
Not bad Canada