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/fa/ - Fashion

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14131058 No.14131058 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you faggots scare of turning some heads, unless you are flaunting your wealth ot dressing like a thug there's no reason to not wear what you like.

>> No.14131063

Narcissists don't like being laughed at

>> No.14131071
File: 186 KB, 600x315, itsokfren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>agree with this post immediately
>remember I turned down wearing a milsurp bomber today because I didn't want to look like a larper
Feeling like a tard frens

>> No.14131073

As an actual, clinical narcissist I can say that I don't care about being laughed at. That's something that insecure people care about.

In saying that, it's a lot easier for me to wear weird shit in public because I'm an attractive young woman. It would be harder for a below average manlet, ie. most of /fa/.

>> No.14131074

Actually I want to add to this that a lot of social conventions are flouted by women specifically because women can be 'quirky' while men would be considered 'creepy' for the same things.

It's shit, but it is what it is.

>> No.14131096
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Is it illegal or what

>> No.14131106

Narcissists rely on others for their ego, they are the definition of insecure. Why would anyone believe a narcissistic womeman anyway?

>> No.14131200

>wear what you like
>get laughed at
>no one wants to talk to you because you're that weird guy
>get your photo taken and spread on the internet

hell no.

>> No.14131237

Step by step, bro. It's called growth.

>> No.14131294

If you're putting effort into your outfit, you want people to at least like it. Same with absolutely fucking everything. Putting effort into something and looking like shit (memecores on /fa/ to troll newfriends) is a waste of time and effort.

>> No.14131437
File: 612 KB, 812x668, leethacker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People say black leather trenchs are creepy for some reason, idk

>> No.14131444

Nazis in europe, school shooters in yankland, unless you are black then you are a morpheus looking nigga.

>> No.14131449
File: 349 KB, 808x805, 1510879893812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how insecure are you bro?
nobody is gonna care that much. literally no one.

>> No.14131453

If you can't see how that guy could be construed as creepy, you are autistic.

>> No.14131457
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Developing a sense of taste does not mean you stop wearing things you like.
It means you wear what you like that also looks good on you instead of being a fashion abomination.

>> No.14132094

i know right?
everybody here seems to only want to fit in well.
also expensive = good seems to be the ideology around here.
quite boring for a fashion board honestly

>> No.14132096
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If wearing what you like gets you laughed at you have objectively shit taate

>> No.14132097

your missing the point.
the fun thing about it is not giving a shit.

>> No.14132099

why should anyone believe any of that "data"?

>> No.14132111

it is reflected by the awful taste of this board

>> No.14132218

1. not a faggot here, can't speak for anyone else though, I'm glad you are on your way to accepting your own homosexuality though
2. wearing what you like is not autonomous, it involves both choosing what you like, and then adjusting what that is based on how people perceive you when they see you.
>what you like
is based on how good you feel when you wear it. which is based on how people react to what you are wearing and whether they feel it is successful or not

>> No.14132251

I dress like a big gay faggot every day. It's nice.

>> No.14132550

>he thinks wearing ma-1s and iron rangers for the rest of his life is fashion

>> No.14132553

If you think looking like shit is fun you're objectively trying to regress to a child-like state except even most children wouldn't want to do Halloween every single day.

>> No.14132568

Imagine trying this hard to be an adult and failing.

>> No.14132579

"Most people think that everybody feels about them much more violently than they actually do--they think other people's opinions of them swing through great arcs of approval and disapproval."
-Fitzgerald, 'Tender is the Night'

>> No.14132582
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>> No.14132998

you are too tryhard to ever be fashionable

>> No.14133002

>wearing what you like is not autonomous, it involves both choosing what you like, and then adjusting what that is based on how people perceive you when they see you.
weak minded

>> No.14133012

>is based on how good you feel when you wear it. which is based on how people react to what you are wearing and whether they feel it is successful or not
lol, this raging insecurity.
people don't give nearly as much of a shit about what you are wearing as you think they do.

>> No.14133037

so when was this 'data' collected?

>> No.14134332

it says 2015 if you look at it