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14124777 No.14124777 [Reply] [Original]

How can I make my skin face look younger?

>> No.14124783

Does this shit really work?

>> No.14124981

spf is the secret to youth

>> No.14125137

it's cat litter. That's not a joke. It's fine pulverized benonite clay. i've used it in metal casting. It does nothing special that a pass with a wash cloth cannot do. Don't use it, or microbeaded shit, as it can clog pores in stead of opening them.

Once the elestic bonds in your face/skin in general begin to deteriorate, there's nothing I know of that can restore the damage - which comes to everyone as we age.
Your skin still has to moisturized on a daily basis, and scrubbed enough to get the top layer of hard shit off every 3 days. My routine is to take a warm shower, and open the pores. Think of your skin as a seething membrane that accepts and passed fluids, esp. oil. That membrane gets clogged via dirty pores. After showering I scrub my face with a wash cloth to scrape off the dirty, dry oil, and dead skin that is clogging the poors. I then apply moisturizer for 3 minutes. I wait for a tingling sensation before removing. Even bulk hand lotion is good, don't bother getting expensive shit. It's all chemically the same. Then I wipe my face, rince, and piss off.

>> No.14125148

yeah i'm gonna have to disagree with you there, pal. i've been using bentonite clay for the last 3 years and it's improved my skin tenfold. it's not perfect by any means, but my problems with redness and large cysts are gone since i've used it once a week now. i know it gets thrown around alot, but it really has been my holy grail. i mix with pure acv with the mother and leave in on for about an hour. i use it the day after i shave because that's when my breakout would come full fledged. it stops them and usually bring the ones developing to a head. my skin is smoother, has a bit of a glow and i can feel it clean. of course this is just one testimony, but i would recommend to anybody looking for a last resort type of thing. it was for me and it ended up being one of the answers.

>> No.14125915


>> No.14126019

Tretinoin and dermarolling.
Sunscreen for prevention.
These are the only things you can do at home that actually give significant results.

>> No.14126022

That was honestly the biggest takeaway for me aswell, which is funny considering after I had removed the mask my face was beet red for about an hour. It honestly scared me since I have sensitive skin, but the next day my face had no splotches or redness. Stuff really does work.

>> No.14126034

The short answer is no.

You can't reverse aged cells, you can only prevent it. Most people don't know this until it's too late.

You can stop it from getting worse by starting to look after your skin now.

>> No.14126044

> How can I make my skin face look younger
such a broad question. everyone has already answered the obvious stuff w/ moisture, collagen, photoaging, etc.

i think it might be useful to consider the facial expressions you're making as well. relying less on your occipitofrontalis muscles (horizontal forehead expression lines) to express surprise, trying not to squint as much. changing your behaviour will help quite a bit, but it is really hard

>> No.14126065

I got a bottle of Cetaphil gentle cleansing lotion as a gift.
The box says it's a "gentle, non-irritating, cleanser". It also says that it provides "intense moisture for long-lasting hydration". Can I use it in place of both a cleanser and a moisturizer or do I still need a proper moisturizer?

>> No.14126162

it has propylene glycol in it, which is hygroscopic (attracts moisture from around itself). similar to glycerin in that regard (they're called humectants). however, there's nothing to keep that moisture in (an occlusive, which is what the sebum / oils on your skin naturally does).

i wouldn't rely on it as a moisturizer because of that. additionally, you're washing it off immediately, so any long term benefit is lost.

>> No.14126181

What are your thoughts on exfoliating using a cloth versus a product with “bits” in it?

I have a charcoal face wash and it works well in some respects, but does nothing for removing dead skin.

>> No.14126202

charcoal has more properties than just exfoliating. it tends to be quite drying compared to other forms of physical exfoliation like a cloth.

i wouldn't personally use a cloth because i'd be worried about the possibility of introducing bacteria back onto my face and getting an uneven finish

consider chemical exofoliation, like an AHA. or a BHA if your skin is oily or acne prone.

>> No.14126208

also, keep in mind that the properties of the charcoal will depend on how it's been processed (activated charcoal for instance has a much larger surface area) and the size of the particles.

the charcoal in your face scrub could really mean anything

>> No.14126224


Thanks. It’s very fine stuff and it does dry me out a lot, but I moisturise afterwards so that helps. I forgot to moisturise once and my body produced so much oil to compensate.

>> No.14126252

Thank you very much.

>> No.14126283

I tried this clay a couple of times and it just made my skin feel so dried out and tight

>> No.14126422

ur a stupid nigga aztec clay is goat skincare mask

>> No.14126830

>vitamin c
anything else is a meme

>> No.14126890

Bacteriophages are the endgame against acne and shit

>> No.14126908

yes. of course.
>vitamin c
lol. you do realise that anything formulated with vitamin c is probably going to be completely ineffective because of how fast it degrades, right? if you want any of the """free radical scavenging""" effects of vit c, crush up some tablets and put them on your face. at least those will actually be active.
gonna go a step further and just say that a script for a rx retinoid would be better. it's doing the same thing with cell differentiation, it's just that the retinol is like a prodrug which needs to be metabolized into retinoic acid before it's active. therefore, it's a lot milder.
yes. it's good. although chemical exfoliants like glycolic acid are better, for even skin tone
seriously? i swear
you dont need antioxidants (whether in cosmetics or dietary), your body already produces them. basically on the same level as vit c in skincare products in terms of being completely biologically inactive

>> No.14126915

> skin aging
> posts about acne
wow, this board really is filled up with teenagers

>> No.14127126


>> No.14127162

cleanser, retinoid / exfoliant, moisturiser (humectant and occlusive layer), sunscreen.

stock standard lifestyle suggestions you already know of, to prevent aging. there’s little else you can do topical skincare wise.

>> No.14127223

is there a moisturiser that won't mess with my hormones?

>> No.14127253
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it has been like this for quite some time

>> No.14127297
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Not him but:
>tfw 24 and still have mild acne
My doctor says it's just my hormones. My testosterone is really high still because I work out and don't use things that lower test

>> No.14127315

I'm about 27 and still get a pimple here and there. It happens.

>> No.14127316
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>> No.14128363
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>> No.14128552

please shut the fuck up you complete and total fucking retard like why are you opening your mouth when you clearly have literally zero idea what you're talking about holy god

>> No.14128558

>you do realise that anything formulated with vitamin c is probably going to be completely ineffective
here's a study showing you're completely wrong https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11407971/
>peptides seriously? i swear
Here's a paper showing you're complete wrong http://www.smartskincare.com/treatments/topical/Matrixyl3000report.pdf

please don't post when you're retarded

>> No.14128638
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>Tfw I've gone from 0-15 to 25 in my time on /fa/.

I think it's time.. To die.

>> No.14128841
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>by posting studies that i do not have the skills to successfully interpret, and that are completely irrelevant to OP's points, i have successfully refuted his argument
honey, i-... have you actually read those studies? like, beyond just skimming the abstract?

vitamin c is still not biostable, it degrades quite quickly. why is this important? because you have no way of knowing which skincare products will actually have vitamin c that does anything in them.

> linking to commercial research

yeah okay, your opinion is discarded now.

>> No.14128952

Jesus fucking christ. I can't believe the retard who thinks crushing up vit c tablets and smearing it on your face is a good idea has the balls to keep posting. You are patently fucking autistic. It's incredibly easy to tell if L-ascorbic has turned into dehydroascorbic in any product you buy. Shit literally goes bright yellow. You don't have "no way of knowing" because you read the fucking ingredient list of the shit you buy like a non-retard so you know it's well formulated, then you stop using it if it's degraded, which usually is never before you've used it up because if you actually spend 3 minutes reading the ingredient list you get something that's stabilized with vitamin E and ferulic acid.
>linking to commercial research
What in the literal fuck are you talking about lmao. Please kill yourself for the good of humanity.

>> No.14129008

> peptides
you do realise how obvious it is that you're shilling a bunch of barely researched BS, right?

time to apply some Matrixyl™™™™™ 3000™™™™ onto my face, because talking with you is giving me wrinkles

>> No.14129031

Are you really so retarded that the existence of a TM next to a word makes you think it's a shill? It's because that particular peptide was discovered by a company who named and trademarked it. The ingredient itself is used by tonnes of other people who have nothing to do with them because it's a proven ingredient. It's like if someone discovered oxygen and decided they wanted to call it Epicoxy3000™. Doesn't change anything.
>barely researched
except there's literally piles of research?

>> No.14129044

Thanks anon, this was really interesting to read. Do you have any product recommendations?

>> No.14129332

Am i supposed to use c e Ferulic vitamin C serum before exfoliating with stridex or after??

>> No.14129366

After definitely. You might wanna use a toner before it, and definitely wanna use moisturizer after

>> No.14129403

thanks, but isnt it redundant to use toner and also exfoliate since they do the same thing? also do you know if tretinoin cream should be applied after or before moisturising, and do i have to wait a period before doing so?

>> No.14130083

I absolutely love Cetaphil, it's the only lotion that keeps my skin perfect for almost the whole day, sucks that they don;t make it with sun protection.

>> No.14130101
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Can I get a recommendation for a peeling to get rid of black spots and some mild after acne blemishes? I've been using pic related for 2 months but don't see any difference.

>> No.14130278


just bought some last week and used it for the first time a few days ago

>> No.14130530 [DELETED] 
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last post best post #based

>> No.14130683


>> No.14131251

Do you have pets? My cat stopped sleeping on my bed and I haven't had acne since.

>> No.14131269

Yeah, but I don't let him in my room. I change my sheets every month also. I think I'm just permapuberty

>> No.14131276

please tell me everyone here wears spf at least in their moisturizer because if not, you're just asking for it

>> No.14131324

Need a sunscreen recommendation.
I used this for a while, but they jacked up the price by $10.

>> No.14131404

Is it possible to get tan wearing spf sunscreen or would that still be bad for aging.

>> No.14131423

Both vit c (assuming the product you're using is vit c as L-ascorbic acid) and Stridex (BHA) are pH dependent ingredients, which means they need to be applied to skin that is freshly cleansed and dried to be effective, then preferably left for 10-20 minutes before you move on to your next thing. If you're wanting to use both in one routine I'd suggest vit c in the morning and stridex at night.
>isnt it redundant to use toner and also exfoliate since they do the same thing
It depends what's in the toner. Toner doesn't mean it necessarily has to contain anything in particular. It's just a name for a usually watery vehicle for the ingredients. And again, you shouldn't use anything before vitamin c or stridex. They have to be the first thing you put on after cleansing to work.
>if tretinoin cream should be applied after or before moisturising, and do i have to wait a period before doing so
It can going anywhere you like in your routine and it will give you similar results. It's probably a good idea to wait 5 or so minutes before you move onto the next thing so you're 100% sure it's sunk in.

>> No.14131425

A tan is just skin damage. There's no "safe" way to get one. If you get a tan through your SPF it just means that you've been out in the sun too long/you haven't reapplied enough/never put on enough in the first place. Obviously it's up to you to decide whether a tan is more important to you than going all in on skin health (I mean I myself don't mind getting a tan either), but just know that it's accelerating your aging.

>> No.14131426

idk, have always wondered about this myself and heard different answers from different people. But I guess young skin in the long term looks better than a summer tan.

>> No.14131440

That's what I figured. I'm gonna stick with being strict and put it on whenever I'm outside.

>> No.14131707

Not him but I use timeless skincare vit c + e serum and they say to use it after exfoliating and using a toner

>> No.14131780

That's definitely one of the better vit c products so good choice.
Application: Apply 2-3 drops to fingertips and smooth evenly onto cleansed skin morning and night.

>> No.14131926

>change sheets every month
As in, you only put clean sheets on your bed once a month?

>> No.14132162

>You need *hot* water. All over your face. As hot as you can stand.

Why is this shitty fucking advice allowed on the wiki? This concerns shaving.

I spend 90% of my time indoors rn in a country without sun. Idk if it makes a huge difference, or maybe it does. If so, what's a decent SPF for your day-to-day moisturizer?

>> No.14132173

Anyone use Snail Muscin based products? I found a nearby k-beauty shop and want to try some, but I'm worried it's snake oil. I also want to make sure its produced ethically but what I can find on the internet is inconclusive, saying that most producers want to keep their methods secret.

>> No.14132177

The wiki is actually terrible and needs to be updated by someone with a clue.
>I spend 90% of my time indoors rn in a country without sun. Idk if it makes a huge difference
I mean yeah reducing sun exposure is of course going to make a huge difference, but if you want to go full autism and be absolutely sure you're doing everything you can to stop aging, daily sunscreen is still a good idea. SPF50 with a PA++++ is what you want.

>> No.14132183

It's doesn't have any proven anti-aging effects, but it'll help with fading redness and acne marks. If they have it there the Cosrx Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence is basically pure mucin and is made ethically afaik.

>> No.14132192



>> No.14132209

Thanks, and they do have that exact one

>> No.14132211

Should I get a moisturizer with SPF or just get sunscreen to put on top of the moisturizer I'm already using? Does it make a difference? I'm used to what I have and I don't like changes.

>> No.14132215

typically a moisturizer that also functions as a sunscreen is more likely to be shitty at both. it depends on you anon.

if you're more likely to actually put it on, if it's a combined product, then that's better for you than nothing

>> No.14132219

You're better off getting a dedicated sunscreen and putting it over the moisturizer if you have at the moment. Like I said you want SPF 50 with a PA++++ rating, and I don't think you'll find that in a moisturizer combo.

>> No.14132440
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This one helped me

>> No.14132471
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Looking for a European available alternative to the Neutrogena men moisturiser. Pic related. It is available for import but it's twice the price after shipping.

>> No.14132598

I just realized the sun’s been hitting me through a crack in my window this whole fucking time even though I religiously apply spf. Think I’m gonna ctb guys.

>> No.14132637

cease to be?

>> No.14132655

I don't know what it's called. The mattress cover, the sheets, and the blanket. Yeah, every month

>> No.14132656

take collagen to heal scars on your face

>> No.14132939
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Do dermarollers actually work? I had one and while it felt good, I couldn't help but feel like a scmuck using it.

>> No.14132952

Seconding this. I feel like all derma rollers are good for is removing wrinkles if you're old but put you at a huge risk of infection (dermititis?). Would like to know the truth

>> No.14133223

ah i see, thanks

>> No.14133338


>> No.14134150


Are you lactose intolerant? Do you eat dairy?

>> No.14134169

When you say you want an alternative you mean a moisturizer SPF combo or?

>> No.14134175

can someone tell me a few brands that utilize an evidence-based approach as opposed to holistic bs/sucker advertising? does The Ordinary fall under this category?

>> No.14134203

It's not so much about brands as it is about ingredients. There are ingredients that have been proven to work on humans, and you pick whatever products have those ingredients you want in the correct quantities.

It really just depends on how autistic you want to get with it and how many of those ingredients you can be fucked using, but if I were to suggest a "baseline" anti-aging routine with the most proven ingredients, I'd suggest this (including a moisturizer and sunscreen of course).

>Tretinoin in 0.025 or 0.05% concentration
>Vitamin c as L-ascorbic acid in an aqueous solution at 20% concentration
>Glycolic acid at 20%

As for products that contain those, I personally use Timeless 20% vitamin c serum, pixi glow peel pads, and for tretinoin you'll either need a prescription or to order online, but basically whatever is just a cream with those concentrations (Retin-A or Retrieve for example).

Beyond that you can increase your autism levels to using stuff like peptides, madecassoside, maybe even some actual dermatologist treatments if you're willing to go that far later down the track, but I think the three ingredients I mentioned are what everyone should be using if you want to get old slower.

>> No.14134228

Also forgot to mention that Tretinoin is absolutely your best bet of all for anti-aging. If you were ever going to use one thing, make sure it's that.

>> No.14135046

I got a really severe sunburn across my face and neck today, like lobster tier. What can I do to repair it or minimize the damage? I'm using some aloe vera gel and a green tea cold compress at the moment.

>> No.14135114

Gold Bond Ultimate Healing lotion is the best thing for sunburns. Other variations are probably good too, just don't buy the minty one because it'll burn.

It helps more than aloe for redness, peeling, and tightness, in my opinion. Apply liberally a couple times a day, especially after showering.

>> No.14135336

lmao, you only allow tepid water to touch your face. anyone shaving with hot water is wreaking havoc on their skin. tuxbell is rife with misinformation, don't even bother.

>> No.14135637

Looking for a facial sunscreen that doesn't make my face feel slimy/oily.

>> No.14135647

Biore Sarasara UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence

>> No.14135659

What about using niacinamide along with vitamin c? Also how would one go aobut incorporating glycolic acid into his routine while using salicylic acid (stridex)?