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/fa/ - Fashion

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14119518 No.14119518 [Reply] [Original]

>he thinks he's /fa/
>he doesn't smoke golds
Explain yourself

>> No.14119520

what's /fa/ about smoking an inferior product?
full-strength or nothing.

>> No.14119522

>he thinks his effay
>he doesnt smoke at all

>> No.14119529

I've been smoking reds for the past two years. switched to golds and the only difference is that I can drag harder because it's easier on my throat, so the buzz balances out because I'm getting more smoke even if it is less potent. also reds make you look trashy, the golds are so much more aesthetic.

>> No.14119560
File: 49 KB, 791x791, Prince-Albert-Pipe-Tobacco-Tin-Pouch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would I smoke a product that stinks, has been engineered to be addictive, has undisclosed ingredients, a very high cost, no flavor, and a filter which turns brown due to heat, not tar collection?
I would rather smoke a lower cost, less complex tobacco that pours out great smelling smoke that lingers for an hour, and that doesn't pretend to be something it's not.

>> No.14119565

>shitty skin and a smokers cough is /fa/


>> No.14119572
File: 418 KB, 800x533, D5721383-A3DB-4F12-B9F6-6EBBC36FD0A6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why would I smoke a product that stinks, has been engineered to be addictive, has undisclosed ingredients, a very high cost, no flavor, and a filter which turns brown due to heat, not tar collection?
I would rather smoke a lower cost, less complex tobacco that pours out great smelling smoke that lingers for an hour, and that doesn't pretend to be something it's not.

Holy fucking shit man that whole post is plebbit incarnate lmao

>> No.14119575

I garuntee you I’m healthier than you

>> No.14119591

Golds taste like shit. Tbh I can’t smoke any Marlboro cigs because they taste like chemicals to me.
Camel filters, reds, and Turkish royals are all much better cigarettes.
Rolling your own is pretty decent too it’s just that lately I can’t be fucked to do it because it’s too cold for my fingers to work outside

>> No.14119602

I smoke Marlboro Black menthols and Newports come at me

>> No.14119614

2019 and you are still smoking.

>> No.14119628

Pipes are for rich old faggots who have a place to smoke. Unless you own your own house, there's nowhere to smoke them.

>> No.14119670
File: 54 KB, 600x600, large_1e50adb6-adaa-4d32-9335-eb685d7000b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fa/ smokes
>not Turkish Royals
Fucking pleb trash.

>> No.14119683

I literally do though

>> No.14119686

>not posting the original design

>> No.14119687

Anti smokers are the biggest bitches lmao

>> No.14119769
File: 593 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_20190220_214932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've never smoked a pipe. smoke in the break room, walking outside, where ever. The most expensive pipe I've ever had was a $35 briar, and the cheapest was a $4 chinese cob that burnt out after 20 bowls. I upgraded to a $6 missoui cob that's lasted 3 years now. My $20 briar has been here 8 years. I go it at Walgreens, which I don't even know if they still set tobacco or not. The pouch of PA was $2.50 at walmart. Carter Hall is the same product but with a cocoa taste. It's simply the cheapest way to smoke.
The only negative is that a bowl lasts 8 minutes, unlike a 4-7 cigarette.
If you want real turkish tobacco, don't look for the words 'turkish' or 'orriental', look for the word 'latakia'. It's a leaf hank that's been cedar and pine smoked in a barn and tastes fucking amazing. Turkish is just a hold over word for tobacco imported from the northern and levantine ottoman empire, but could be grown anywhere. You might like 'perique', which is made only in Louisiana. It's a fermented leaf in it's own fluids that tastes like funky mushrooms.

>> No.14119777

>I'm the only one who's cool enough to have smoked a pipe in his life!
I only smoke a pipe when I camp. Otherwise it's wildly inefficient and clunky to anyone who actually has a real job

>> No.14119779

Why not just role your own cigs anon? Plus, anyone smoking a pipe under 80 years old looks like a tryhard faggot.

>> No.14119780


>> No.14119796
File: 102 KB, 736x981, b8a4b93c7a007c77329c880d8dd3c63c--pipe-smoking-woman-smoking-pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think a pipe is clunky is inefficient, you don't smoke a pipe or are doing it wrong. learn to smoke better.
I used to do buglers for a while, but cigarette tobacco is lacking in the flavor that large volumes of pipe tobacco produces. Pipes aren't inhaled like cigs, so there's no fast rush of nicotine, or a desire for it. A pipe isn't a fashion accesory, but if it had to be one, it is best to have a straight stem briar, and to wear a short jacket or sweater [not a cardigan], and avoid hats as the focus of the look is conflicted between to major visual elements.

>> No.14119804

hipster faggots like you are why pipes are stigmatized now. you don't understand the purpose of pipes, you literally just want to look quirky and unique.

>> No.14119815

Pray tell, what IS the true purpose of pipes, oh wise smoke master?

>> No.14119818
File: 284 KB, 416x378, 1550645480331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smoked a pipe for 8 years
>but somehow a hipster

>say's hipsters are why pipes are stigmatized
>claims to smoke a pipe, and gets mad on 4chan
flawless logic, 10/10

>> No.14119821

... to stick up one's butt while camping, evidently

>> No.14119823

To relax. If you have to go stand outside in the cold for 30 minutes it completely defeats the purpose. If you can't sit down and have nothing else to worry about for the next hour, just blast a cig at that point.

>> No.14119826


>> No.14119837

All of your posts are nothing but you being pompous faggot who thinks he's superior for smoking a pipe. It's clear you only do it so you can feel superior, otherwise you would just say "I like to smoke a pipe" rather than "anyone who doesn't smoke a pipe and smokes cigarettes instead is a retard, oh you prefer cigarettes, that's because you have never smoked a pipe before because youre inferior, I smoke a pipe line a true gentlemen, so I would now, I have been smoking a pipe for 8 years"

Now tell me about how the Bible is a fairy tale for sheeple

>> No.14119857

>Pipes aren't inhaled like cigs
then what's the fucking point

>> No.14119859

>the bible is a fairytale

I didn't say those words. You said those words. There is some sort of strange business going on in your mind that's you're projecting towards me, but that's your business, and I'm not going to share it with you.

>> No.14119869

i prefer cigars/cigarillos

>> No.14119870

Amazing flavour and a slower acceptance of nictorine. Nicotine is absorbed via any sort of contact with your body - like how powdered snuff was snorted in the 1700s. You don't inhale it, because you don't need to, and you did it would be like inhaling a cigar [nictotine ovrdose, nausea, puking, turning stark white, bloating, and feeling like shit for an hour or two]

On the positive side, one bowl lasts me 2 days. My uncle was weaned off 30 years of cigarettes with a pipe, then quit. We also get fewer cases of cancer compared to cigarette users.

>> No.14119874

>a slower acceptance of nictorine
like i said, what's the fucking point

>> No.14119996
File: 62 KB, 450x532, 3DB52F92-86AF-428A-BCCF-E3AD786C8AFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't say those words. You said those words. There is some sort of strange business going on in your mind that's you're projecting towards me, but that's your business, and I'm not going to share it with you.

>> No.14120001

>We also get fewer cases of cancer compared to cigarette users.

Less people smoke pipes than cigs so obviously the results will be skewed

>> No.14120163
File: 2.14 MB, 1956x1068, 1544839921332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that nicotine causes balding?

>> No.14120171

I most definitely assure you that you are not.

>> No.14120184

lol no

>> No.14120189

cant buy them in DK

>> No.14120203
File: 15 KB, 250x276, 250px-Parisiene_Jaune_Cigarretes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14120207

Maybe he meant per capita?

>> No.14120208
File: 22 KB, 312x259, Nicotine_hair_loss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure?

>> No.14120227

evidently you haven't read that study. they were looking at LD50 doses (i.e, toxic) in mice, over 2 years. over 25 times the normal amount of nicotine a person would get.

also, it caused alopecia across the entire body, not the androgenic localized balding you see in humans.

smoking is still lame, but don't post shit you don't understand.

>> No.14120564
File: 34 KB, 540x540, 515CE62B-32E1-45DA-9BFF-A1D7D0F0D28D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In England our Golds have a standard Red coloured filter. Only shitty menthols are white.
(Sidenote- thankfully menthols are getting banned in UK this year so people will have to grow the fuck up and smoke actual cigs)

>> No.14120569

Bet this nigga still drinks sugary shit like Pepsi though.

>> No.14120575

Hahahahah Based Chad Di Caprio fucking vapes. Literally the least effay habit in existence

>> No.14120581

Yes, it does. Smoking and nicotine decreases your bloodflow in your body and therefore fucks your follicles. Same reason why smoker's skin doesn't age well. Cigs also do mutate your dna. No shit. Most mutations are harmless but many csn turn into cancer or trigger illnesses.

>> No.14120588

I'm a smoker myself and even I know that's utter bullshit. If you'd be healthy you'd have dropped that habit already.

>> No.14120672

You are retarded. Smoking is shit either way, who cares what they smoke?

>> No.14120713


>> No.14120902
File: 281 KB, 1536x2560, i7jkkwse3svy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look. i don't know a whole lot. i'm a simple man with simple taste. and i dont typically judge. however. this thread is obviously populated by children with terrible taste. you want hair on your chest? you wanna feel like your favorite ryan gosling character we all know you daydream about? NAS blacks. or unfiltered. there is no greater pleasure on this planet than smoking an entire pack of blacks wasted out of your mind. there is no better feeling than taking a pull off your unfiltered dart a 6am after a night of pure debauchery. NAS is as a bonus inherently /fa/. and if you bitch about the price, get a better job you broke asshole.

>> No.14120907

smoking blacks is like punching your lungs in the dick

>> No.14120916

I run a 9:30 mile and a half what do you run a mile and a half in?

Also post body

>> No.14120917

Id need to see a study then

>> No.14120922


>> No.14120968

im a fan of cock and ball torture, especially for my lungs.

>> No.14121006
File: 44 KB, 549x680, sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wecks out here smoking and being healthy, whats your excuse?

>> No.14121120

>he still smokes
>he's not using chewing tobacco
You can do in places you can't smoke, it taste better, & the tins it comes in are more effay than fag boxes. Literally no reason not to.
>inb4 some queer says it's gross
It's only gross if you yourself are gross & spit it out anywhere like some kind of fucking animal. Find a garbage can or use a cup you fucking heathen

>> No.14121143

swedish snus master race

>> No.14121157

>not rolling your own cigarrettes
is this what burgers do?

>> No.14121434

k then explain this
>don't post shit you don't understand
I do understand quite well actually better than you do.
Don't portend to understand the reasons why I do and will continue to do whatever the fuck I feel like doing.

>> No.14121446

>living your life based on the opinions of literal nerd faggots
Lol, cuck

>> No.14121449
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>> No.14121458
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Have fun going bald

>> No.14121602

Your first study only applies to asain men

And the second one only applies to people who are overweight and smoke

>> No.14121612

>So insecure with his personal image that he has to smoke cigarettes to look "cool"

>> No.14121646

Have fun sucking nerd cock

>> No.14121649

>so insecure with his image that he's afraid to admit he wants to look cool

>> No.14121765
File: 291 KB, 1752x549, 1538255129581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. baldcuck

>> No.14121929

My mate came back from Sweden wover Christmas and his girlfriend gave us some Snus to try. It’s bloody disgusting. I’m not hung up I do smoke and do Coke or MDMA all the time but I’ve never felt burning like it.
I’ll Stick to ciggies thank you

>> No.14121947

Rolling is literal poverty tier in the uk. Only people who do it are dirt poor or indie students Larping as working class

>> No.14121981

I work as a cashier. Only uneffay people buy full strength. All effay people buy mild cigarettes.

>> No.14122006

golds taste like shit, marbs are pretty bad anyway. american spirits black is more /fa/ and actually tastes nice. lung niggas bow down

>> No.14122021

what are some good cigarillo brands?

>> No.14122038

also smoking nice strong cigs can be a lot healthier than lights. i've been smoking nas blacks on and off for a couple years but i've never really felt the urge to smoke all the time. something like marb golds is never satisfying, it's impossible for me to buy a pack and not finish it in a couple days. with american spirits i can smoke a couple times a day and one cigarette is more than enough whenever i need a smoke.

>> No.14122041
File: 35 KB, 414x235, Golden-Virginia-Rolling-Tobacco-50g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not rolling your own
Pic is best easily available rolling tobacco here. Haven't found anything better yet.

>> No.14122048

This. IF youre going to smoke something, might as well smoke the best. If you smoke lights or menthols youre a fag

>> No.14122257

yea i think people really exaggerate how much better cigarette brands cost. the extra buck or two is worth it especially if it means you'll smoke less, and if you really can't afford it just smoke rollies

>> No.14122353

Your chart just proves that there are less bald/balding smokers

Do you even know how to read a study?

>> No.14122621

it doesn't prove anything, there aren't really any patterns in the data

>> No.14122747

The Bourbon Cigar/Makers Mark and Tabak Especial Sweet 'N Mild Light Roast are my two favorites right now

>> No.14122754

Why not just wear boots?

>> No.14122782

he's angry on the internet at pipe guy, logic doesn't factor in

>> No.14122801

Only black people smoke menthols

>> No.14122806

What are the best cigs in Canada? What are the strongest? Just curious I get h uppman cigs in Cuba when I go but not much else. Prefer cigars

>> No.14122968
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>> No.14123008

based and redpilled

>> No.14123029

This chart proves that smoking is alpha as fuck. Way more alpha than living in Denver for 1 year like a cuck

>> No.14123110

the vast majority of mutations are harmful. a small minority are neutral or beneficial. get an education before you talk out your ass

>> No.14123148

t. brainlet

>> No.14123158

I smoke Seven Stars my guy

>> No.14123161
File: 810 KB, 2364x2115, 20190222_004601_HDR-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smoke these, but they're pretty mild. Export Greens are probably the strongest common cigs. If you want a good mix of strength and flavour, try Export Golds or Benson and Hedges Gold

>> No.14123192

probably means they don't usually lead to things like cancer, not that they're entirely harmless

>> No.14123359

>even the radiation is alpha
smokers are the true alpha males.

>> No.14123364


smoking isn't effay anymore. You're literally sucking on a stick made for women because cigars were too much for them. Might as well be wearing womens clothes too you faggots.

>> No.14123680

Read your own study pal

>You're literally sucking on a stick made for women because cigars were too much for them. Might as well be wearing womens clothes too you faggots.

Whole lotta projection going on here. Smoking anything has always been a male pass time. The fact that you have to associate anything as plain as smoking with being gay means you got diddled pretty serously as a child and never recovered fully

>> No.14123705

>works as a gas station cashier
>thinks they have a right to judge who is and isn't /fa/

>> No.14123888
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>Smells bad, yellow teeth, cancer, ashy clothes
It's 2019 why would you not juul

>> No.14123896

because i’m not a high schooler

>> No.14123905

Women weren't even allowed to smoke cigarettes when they first became popular retard

>> No.14123909

A penis would be a less gay thing to put in your mouth

>> No.14123912

Vaping small devices is ok
I don't understand the problem

>> No.14123921


I'm not disagreeing with this, but Juul is far more palatable than those giant box vape mods and more cost-effective than regular cigarettes. I don't love the Virginia tobacco flavor and I do still cave on a regular cig maybe 2-3 times a week, but it does the job.

>> No.14123931

Yeah, I should the appeal if youre European, but still, juul looks good and it looks nice with some fits.
There is a lot of neckbeards that vape but most smokers also looks like shit

>> No.14124018
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>not smoking lucky strike non-filters
and you think you are /fa/?

>> No.14124021

Because Marlboro tastes like shit plus different strokes for different folks, faggot.

>> No.14124082

Every aspect of the smoking esthetic is made by the big tobacco industry.
You are not edgy male or a independent female for smoking. Stop being a sheep

>> No.14124098
File: 50 KB, 640x640, 1527057227444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoke outside the window of your apartment to DISRESPECT AUTHORITY

>> No.14124120

Being a sheep means you go with the flow and never against the grain. The majority of people don’t smoke

So being a smoker is the opposite of being a sheep.

>> No.14124136
File: 727 KB, 1280x800, Sun-ken.Rock.full.1231343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop being a sheep
Never. The lord is my Shepard. I'm retarded and so is everyone else on the planet, we need god so we don't damn ourselves by our retarded actions.

>> No.14124153

Wow dude you are so quirky
Also smoking is one of the major death causes what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.14124197

Why don’t they make any e cigs that just look like cigs? The blu looks close to it but people tell me it sucks, don’t really understand why

>> No.14124211
File: 16 KB, 320x401, 196C4CD2-5514-4580-8ABE-0A6372649261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are cloves effay

>> No.14124232
File: 125 KB, 1024x617, 9BD3560E-73EA-4D0C-BD3D-9615BD9F76FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all know the correct answer and the reasons why.

>> No.14124257

They look very effay, but I've never tried one. Give me quick rundown

>> No.14124266

I only smoke Red Carpet cigarettes. The favourite cigarette in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

>> No.14124274

Its too small to hold a battery, the liquid and the coil with a decent quality

>> No.14124303

lmfao imagine just sitting there taking drag after drag, it never gets shorter, and eventually you put it in your pocket. embarrassing.

>> No.14124304
File: 180 KB, 725x809, mixture-79-dr-grabow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, very much so, but I've seen them for sale in years. I've been these hyper potent indian made cigarettes full of flower pedals and junk, but they look like rolled up brown twigs, rather than actual cigarettes.

>> No.14124329


It literally isn’t, suicide kills more people than smoking does

>> No.14124332

They’re expensive, hard to find, harsh and have a weird taste and numbing sensation in the mouth. Word on the street when I was in high school was that they were for Uber badasses but you weren’t supposed to inhale them because they had an egregious amount of harsh shit in them. A quick google search confirms this is true as they have twice the tar and nicotine of other full flavored cigs

>> No.14124346
File: 80 KB, 750x1061, naturally_smooth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not smoking pic related
>cheapest AND one of the best

>> No.14124353
File: 8 KB, 244x244, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao just a smoke a gudang if you want do die that fast
Lmao imagine thinking you cool because the companies paid movies do advertise their products and smelling like shit, having shit skin, cancer and producing unrecyclable garbage like a retard

>> No.14124433

So much extremism in this thread.
Being addicted to cigarettes is fucking disgusting. Smoking cigarettes looks cool.
It's really that simple.
Smoking cigarettes doesn't just instantly make your skin and hair shit tier, killing you at 70- it's a fucking spectrum.
Based 'getting genuinely high off of cigarettes casually every couple of weeks or so' desu

>> No.14124448

tier list:
- not being addicted, smoking when you feel like it, getting high
- not smoking
- being addicted

>> No.14124517

>Lmao imagine thinking you cool because the companies paid movies do advertise their products and smelling like shit, having shit skin, cancer and producing unrecyclable garbage like a retard

Or ya know maybe even after constant bashing and anti smoking ads and people still think smoking is cool then maybe it is inherently cool. Hell it was illegal to advertise cigs as early as 1970

>> No.14124554

>smoking when you feel like it, getting high
what is this meme

>> No.14124580

>inherently cool
It's not. It's just "I know I'm destroying myself and I don't care" attitude for people with no personality

>> No.14124599

>Read your own study pal

>> No.14124674

just buy a juul you fucking fedora


>> No.14124680

there's some really really strong snus out there. General white is good for people who aren't looking for an absolutely insane nic experience

>> No.14124683

That's why tobacco companies advertised on Television through motorsports.

>> No.14124695
File: 463 KB, 1600x900, new-rules-cuban-1600-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an unrelated tangent, what are /fa/'s thoughts on cigar smoking? I like to take them with me sometimes to formal events.

>> No.14124721

Get Newport short greens, they are my favorite or camel crush menthol

>> No.14124728

No, getting older causes balding. Neither of those guys are likely to actually become "bald" though

>> No.14124735

>camel crush
do you have two X chromosomes?

>> No.14124757
File: 296 KB, 1000x750, DD5E0975-D778-412A-9436-F29553E9853C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Formula one races at that time barely got any views. Only in recent years has F1 racing started catching up to shit like nascar

So I’d doubt it had any serious impact, also you think slapping a sticker on a car makes people associate that thing with danger and coolness? You’d be sorely mistaken some things as I said are inherently cool

>It's not. It's just "I know I'm destroying myself and I don't care" attitude for people with no personality

Not really either you like cigs or you don’t. Most people after smoking once don’t ever do it again. Stop being a little projecting faggot. People smoke because they enjoy the flavor and it’s relaxing, if it’s also inherently cool then it’s just an added bonus

>> No.14124781

I don't understand how people get addicted to cigarettes. Tried it a few times at various parties or just out with friends and it does absolutely nothing for me.

>> No.14124808

It's an acquired taste.

>> No.14124812
File: 27 KB, 480x360, nas_-_perique_black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smoke a black cig variant and you'll finally get the nicotine buzz.. pic related

>> No.14124831

I like it, but I can't help but feel like a nu-male at times.

>> No.14124835


>explain yourself

I spend money on expensive high end designer clothing, I don't care much for nicotine (or alcohol or other drugs for that matter).

>> No.14124846
File: 56 KB, 562x333, tony_soprano_smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair point, but I think it depends on the context. If you act like a numale in general and smoke them, it makes you look like you're compensating, but otherwise it's straight up sopranoscore.

>> No.14124851

Cringe yet Redpilled

>> No.14124886
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no need

>> No.14125021
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Hope it's worth it addicts

>> No.14125101

Did you forget you could get high off of cigarettes? Lul

>> No.14125122

based and christpilled

>> No.14125133

Imagine posting on /fa/ in 2019 is still not smoking NAS blacks.

Imagine smoking lites in 2019 like... why even smoke at all?

>> No.14125173

To look cool obv

>> No.14125668
File: 12 KB, 225x225, cigs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i did smoke these were the smoothest cigarettes ive ever had
but if you're gonna smoke marlboros either go reds or the no 27 blend

>> No.14125678

Don't forget the yellow/brown teeth, the stained cracked lips, the hair damage, the offwhite/yellowish eyes, yellow/brown finger nails, and the greying gums.

>> No.14125719

golds are for basedboys who want to look cool but can't take smoking
gay cope

>> No.14125913


>> No.14125938

ok charles

>> No.14125955
File: 45 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's an old truth about cigars; the worst cigar on earth is right next to the best - they're wearing the same wrapper.
Cigars are 99% identical, it's just the way the industry works. The whole notion of blending masters, wrapper flavor, and nation of origin traits is bullshit. It's just part of the marketing campaign that been done since the 1880s. We're comparing tobacco to tobacco, not apples to grapes.

If you want a hand rolled cigar, don't spend more than $1-3, as after that point the remaining price tag is pure mark up/profit. There is no jump in quality. If you want to try cigars just in general, try any non-sweetened, non-flavored machine made cheapie. They have caribbean basin tobacco filler, which is what hand rolled cigars have, but because the short cut filler of a machine cigar tend to have more stems, it can taste more potent, but aren't that different from hand rolled to be totally honest. Phillies, White Owl, Swischer, Garcia Y Vega, are all the same thing and cost like 80c ea.

>> No.14125956

ps - if this is just for fashion, get a cigar to match your face. The tinner your face, the longer the cigar, the rounder, the shorter the cigar. Anthony and Cleopatra candelas [the green ones] can be somewhat sappy and bitter, but are pretty. For a round face, go with thinner cigarillos.
A larger ring guage, like a blunt [36+] is hard to make pretty.