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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 549 KB, 3264x2448, gym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14087154 No.14087154 [Reply] [Original]

does /fa/ gymwear exist? if so, what is it?

>> No.14087169
File: 161 KB, 900x1350, FB_IMG_1523971839920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No faggot, why would you be effay drenched in sweat, making lots of wide movements where the comfiest clothes are better. There are tons of colors for sweatproof shirts and jog pants/shorts, just don't pick something autistic that would make you look like a worker with a light reflecting vest.
If you are going to lift weights then get a flat sole sneaker.
But even after this shit thread, I forgive you, go to /fit/ and get /fit/. We're all gonna make it bruh.

>> No.14087247
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>> No.14087283

Unironically full rick.

>> No.14087290
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It would be down to your shoes to flex your fa level.

Me I do my weight training at home.

>> No.14087292

Cheap faggot. I have such high end gym clothes, it instantly absorbs sweat. I never perspire, and you suck dicks.

>> No.14087314

I wouldn't waste money on flat soles unless you plan on doing Olympic lifts, power lifts, etc.

>> No.14087730

>plain white tee
>tucked into black shorts
>plain flats
it's not hard

>> No.14087779


you guys are fags

>> No.14087818

>not working out naked

>> No.14087819

i am

>> No.14087827

If you're trying to be this much of a faggot at the gym you are clearly an Indian so just wear your RL polo, jeans and aviators.

>> No.14087844

I've been browsing for half a year and never seen it.

>> No.14087896

benching 3pl8

>> No.14087914


I put in a pretty big workout today Pull AND Legs
I had a good sized steak for dinner.
should I still have a protein shake?

>> No.14087925

this thread has been made 3 times this week, stfu cunt

>> No.14087927

Eat, eat, eat.

If you have to ask a bitch question like this, you're not eating enough.

>> No.14087937

but this is fa

>> No.14087943

answer the OP faggots

>> No.14087957
File: 377 KB, 568x592, blamef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an /fa/ physique.

>> No.14087982


>> No.14087990


>> No.14087991

And this

>> No.14088609

t. Skellington or 50 year old obese man

>> No.14088755
File: 1.65 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20190202_125253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A towel
Nothing else
>Not lifting at home

>> No.14089063
File: 5 KB, 220x229, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally i go for loud brandwhore stuff like Adidas. Also heavily ironic weebcore bullshit like video game console shirts with jap lettering all over it.
>witness me

>> No.14089126

Oversized cotton t shirt, cotton shorts and chucks. Comfy and cheap, ideal to sweat buckets while you lift.
You look like you don't lift at all twink

>> No.14089237

>Not lifting to become the ultimate twink

>> No.14089246

>lifting to get smaller
Go back to school anon

>> No.14089252


>> No.14089302

Bloatmaxxxing ain't effay. My goal is one of those statues pedophiles used to make in the Renaissance

>> No.14089322
File: 43 KB, 474x712, 194cd7b097ad5218d37b31602f0da489--fashion-black-high-fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peak /fa/ gymwear

>> No.14089395
File: 145 KB, 649x740, bill-clinton-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pant and shorts for gym are only revealing.

>> No.14089450


Is it okay to use running sneakers for dumbbell lifting, machines, bench press, ez bar?

>> No.14090007

does your regimen work forearms and nothing else?

>> No.14090140


>> No.14090158
File: 40 KB, 600x900, 45913456_001_g?$xlarge$&hei=900&qlt=80&fit=constrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plain Uniqlo white t-shirt
Black Adidas Bekenbauer trackpants
Black New Balance 1500

>> No.14090163

Wow that looks cool, i want one, where can i get it?

>> No.14090488
File: 52 KB, 350x474, riversedge_2072_20577018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if so, what is it?

The only correct answer is of course, spandex.

>> No.14090490
File: 104 KB, 470x640, goldsgym80s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


80's spandex

>> No.14090493
File: 495 KB, 500x375, fark_eddItFbx_Cc42nNlIUPGMXIlm1U.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like wearing nothing at all!

>> No.14090494

thats the uniform of someone who benches like 20kg

>> No.14090527

7 days in a week

>> No.14090883

Ye, but that's a subpar routine

>> No.14090938
File: 75 KB, 249x210, 1521844782490.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats a good winter hat for wear around town and sprinting/working out outside in winter?

>> No.14090957

Wind shorts and a tight, light weight breathable tee are the move.
Make sure you trim the FUCK out of your thighs tho, really important

>> No.14090964
File: 309 KB, 645x1000, 1549598369323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ is how many years old now and for all that time it was understood that trying to be /fa/ at the gym is bad in a gay way and you should just wear some fucking gym beater clothes.

this is how you be /fa/ at the gym: be fit.

>> No.14091022

Hoodie from sports club
Oversized tee
Generic black or dark shorts
Long ish socks
Lifting shoes (with the heel)

>> No.14091032

just get vans or chucks

>> No.14091033

whats the uniform of someone who benches a lot

>> No.14091035

Beater tee, joggers/track pants, flat sole sneakers, hat:optional

>> No.14091038

See >>14091022
You could swap out the oversized tee to a tank or a sports jersey (a team you actually play for)
Literally me and all the other guys who bench 3pl8 or more

>> No.14091041

lifting shoes are for faggots you homo

>> No.14091044

Skynns and nothing else

>> No.14091048

>Lifting shoes (with the heel)
Are for manlets and LARPers. Just got some ankle mobility you absolutely laughing stock.

>> No.14091053

Boi you probably where white new balances to squat.
Post body and we will see who the laughing stock is

>> No.14091059

I guarantee I lift and look 10x better than you anon. You look like a little fag in your platform shoes. Sorry.

>> No.14091068 [DELETED] 
File: 578 KB, 1152x1002, 20190209_230853-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then post body

>> No.14091076
File: 398 KB, 455x595, progbefore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice babby satin boxers by the way. Now stop wearing cosplay at the gym.

>> No.14091090

This is probably a better question for /fit/, but would you consider flat soles essential once you're starting to do more than a 2 pl8 deadlift?

>> No.14091093

just wear chucks

>> No.14091098

how much ya s/b/d man
also >>>/fraud/

>> No.14091101

holy shit he actually deleted his DYEL photo lmfaooo

>> No.14091103


>> No.14091109
File: 52 KB, 566x337, ss (2019-02-10 at 09.04.58).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End game tier shit

>> No.14091119

Delete this

>> No.14091127

410 bench and no squat or deadlift xd

>> No.14091137

Fucking bro splitters making fun of my omarisuf mode body.
At least i got a 3pl8 bench r-right?

>> No.14091457

holy fuck lel

>> No.14091465

skellingtons don't wear shorts
t. ex skelly who still has pathetic calves and never wears shorts

>> No.14091470
File: 95 KB, 958x1278, 1513468078454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goota stay diped

>> No.14091479


>> No.14091487

anyone know any lightweight pair of adidas pants that is more SLIM FIT than their tiro model

>> No.14091510

Bekenbauer and take a size down

>> No.14091544

not essential because people lift more with regular shoes. If you feel like your technique can be improved to get bigger lifts than yes, flats will help. You will have to drop weight because it will be a different feel when lifting.

>> No.14091550

Is he wearing diapers? Wtf