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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 214 KB, 1079x1173, tumblr_p3fwfxApgs1sxy8aoo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14068347 No.14068347 [Reply] [Original]

Well acne ever be effay?

>> No.14068363

best you can do is be effay in spite of it, never because of it

>> No.14068378

No, wash your face.

>> No.14068379

thanks never thought of that

>> No.14068399

reminder to take zinc

>> No.14068401

Only if it’s from Sweden

>> No.14068404

with or without soap?

>> No.14068442

That makes acne worse, fucking shill

>> No.14068542

This is what happens when you keep telling guys to cum on your face

>> No.14068551
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Hahha lol
No, but i am sure you can fix it and you will be 8/10

>> No.14068578

Acnes 87% genetics

Washing your face won’t help most people

>> No.14068613

Hey, someone with some actual sense.

>> No.14068638

>never washed my face
>still haven’t had acne
Feels good desu

>> No.14068646

Same lol

>> No.14068663
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Not a chance, it's basically coded in a human's brain to find acne unattractive. Take a look at these models and tell me if you see even a hint of acne.

>> No.14068673

If that were true, no one would have acne, because people with acne don't have sex.

>> No.14068674
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Not true at all, for example to me almost all girls are the same looking, i like girls with good personality


>> No.14068835

You have autism, kys

>> No.14068863

A lot of people are more forgiving of acne than you would expect. At least when they're young. Historically that would have been time enough to reproduce.
But here's the other part of it: one's acne might just be their skin trying to expel something their body does not like that traditionally their ancestors were not exposed to.

>> No.14068877

jesus christ, youre sad

>> No.14068896

Why? Whats wrong with you guys lol.


>> No.14068905
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>> No.14068913

You have the taste of a 13 year old from 10 years ago...a 13 year old with below average taste even for their age. I'm not sure what else to say. You constantly astound me with new levels of shittiness. Are you a refugee from r9k, a, or some other weeb board?

>> No.14068914

it already is effay, just not for everyone imo. I think stuff like acne and eyebags can accentuate facial aesthetics. it feels more grounded in reality than some supermodel with pure skin.

>> No.14068929
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I like to be nice and i think this girl is beautiful, you are the one with the shity taste


>> No.14068933

Acne my jacket from Sweden

>> No.14068958

1. wash with a foaming cleanser, I use formula 10.O.6's best face forward daily foaming cleanser
2. Use a salicylic acid spot treatment, I use e.l.f's acne spot treatment gel w/ aloe
3. Use a toner, I use clean and clear's tough love toner
4. moisturize, I use foruma 10.O.6's thirst no more moisturizer

I use the cleanser at night and just rinse my face in the morning
hope i helped some anons out <3

>> No.14069037

most tips are bullshit. if you have strong acne you go on accutane etc. i have slight acne and the only things that work to some degree (no deep acne anymore) is chainging the pillow sheets every swcond day, black african soap and some acne water (basicly zinc and some alchol) in the evening. at least now i have not this realy ugly acne but only shallow one.

>> No.14069046

This is bullshit, I don't do any of this, hell I barely wash myself and I don't have a single spot of acne

Its all genetics you morons, but enjoy spending shitloads of money on stupid skincare treatments, whatever helps you sleep at night...

>> No.14069077


This is true, my dad had horrible cystic acne until he died in his 50s and I inherited it to a lesser degree.

>> No.14069094

Holy fuck you're embarrassing.

>> No.14069120

i really hope you look back at those days you posted on 4chan with an faggot anime name, a faggot anime picture and a faggot anime video and because of how cringe you where you jump off a bridge

>> No.14069140
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Whats your problem, get help

>> No.14069147
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>my mom chose to have kids with a guy with terrible genetics and now my kids are paying the price

being attractive enough to reproduce isn't an inherent right you're born with, some people are meant to die alone

>> No.14069487

dude just stop posting unrelated content and tripfagging and 90% of these people would leave you alone

>> No.14069587
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No, i am free i am not a slave like you


>> No.14069620
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A lot of people report better skin when they don't consume dairy.
What if slight lactose intolerance manifests as acne in which case what would happen if you started taking lactase?

>> No.14069634

It does not follow logically that a course of treatment does not work because the condition is a genetic one.
Male pattern baldness is genetic but can be treated with a great deal of success in many cases.

>> No.14069656

No. Use Isotretinoin before your face gets all scarred up from popping zits for years.

>> No.14069883

if you use soap use something simple like dove scentless soap.

>> No.14069903

thats not how that works

>> No.14069939


>> No.14069943

Stop eating dairy

>> No.14070114

Ok bro stop baiting and trying to ruin this thread

>> No.14070126


>> No.14070294

Imagine the mind that falls for vegan propaganda

>> No.14070300

it will be cured forever one day

>> No.14070314

The claims are sometimes that it's not dairy but something in dairy today that shouldn't be and that if we had proper raw milk it wouldn't happen.
I know my lactose tolerance isn't great and I also get adult acne.
People on elimination diets can experience a great deal of improvement in their skin so there is probably SOMETHING worth cutting.
I got better skin doing keto while I was also consuming a lot of butter which is dairy but I don't believe it has much lactose.

>> No.14070339

how to fade acne scars?
i dont have the typical deep ridges/scars, it's basically faint red spots under (?) my skin.

>> No.14070443
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I am 21, also you are not funny

>> No.14070477

My chicks dont exactly know english

>> No.14070560

Idk how to deal with them
Thinking about acid peeling

>> No.14070687

>won't stop posting unrelated anime
>tells other people they're ruining the thread

>> No.14070694

you are the biggest fag on this entire fucking website

>> No.14070743
File: 228 KB, 1046x1082, bd2bdddddf9b83d5a37c4b059955d620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you are just trying to bait, sad.
Thanks i guesss...

>> No.14070796

>tripfag animeposter responds to each and every insult
Yup. Checks out. Now give me my (You), you newfag underage.

>> No.14070799
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>> No.14071061

being /fa/ is a lot more than facial genetics

>> No.14071090

No. Acne is and always will be disgusting. And that is coming from someone who has a lot of it. Im 2 weeks in on an accutane treatment though so hopefully it will fuck off once and for all.

>> No.14071157


>> No.14071177


i remember when i was in 7th/8th grade and getting some insane acne, my girlfriend's niece whispered to me that my girlfriend thought the pimples on my upper lip looked like a mustache, and that it was hot.

tl;dr: yes

>> No.14071178
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pic related for any newfags that want to know how to block tripfag "personalities"

>> No.14071550

How do you guys avoid acne after drinking a lot of alcohol ? I always wake up with more acne than before after drinking...

>> No.14071570

>not much acne but a bunch of pores that are either eternally enlarged or causing bumpy skin.
I have had some general skin success in using a simple aloe/jojoba mixture. Doubles as a moisturizer and post shave balm.
Probably less to do with the alcohol itself and more the lack of hydration, sweating, forgetting to wash/touching your face, etc.

>> No.14071796
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You're a faggot LOL

>> No.14071902

That's fucking gross but I think human psychology might ignore pimples at puberty to a certain extent.
Think about how many guys and girls were at your school dating and having sex when they were greasy and covered in them when that time of life is also supposed to be the most shallow, right?

>> No.14071957
File: 4 KB, 204x200, ef5d4575ec7cd88dc6dd9853bc05c892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, i am free i am not a slave like you
>that pic
>that remix
pls don't stop

>> No.14072152

very useful

>> No.14072170
File: 11 KB, 300x168, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you gay, why do you keep posting my face lol?

>> No.14072176

its not a dealbreaker in this situation

>> No.14072238

Because we're trying to break you down both mentally and physically

>> No.14072273
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Here is another pic, i like your dedication but you will have to try harder, maybe give me more of your time?

For exp. I didnt have parents when i was a kid it will be hard to break me but good luck i guess

>> No.14072281

I thought it was due to some hormone in milk, not the lactose itself. Either way, my acne got way way better after cutting out diary, so I think it's worth trying for a month or two

>> No.14072289
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>> No.14072421

That's bullshit, sure Acne can be genetic but it still mostly has to do with your diet.

>> No.14072438

Actually your post is bullshit because while diet does affect acne it is mostly genetic. Dermatologists will tell you that eating unhealthy will not help your acne but it isnt the cause of it.

>> No.14072445

It's both.
Imagine no one in the world had acne but then we all started drinking "unobtanium smoothies" and 10% of people started getting acne.
The 10% of people had a genetic allergic reaction to the unobtanium so they got the acne.
So their choices would either be live with the acne, genetically modify themselves or stop drinking the smoothies.
Only one of those options is both desirable and practical.

>> No.14072468

I am such a faggot holy shit!

>> No.14072471

Go get a food allergy test. I found out I was allergic to eggs. After I cut out eggs, my skin looks better and my scalp isn't flaking.

>> No.14072485

So you're already broken. Job done.

>> No.14073334
File: 115 KB, 736x1227, HKD3Ce4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to bait i see, well i am done talking you, have fun incel.

>> No.14073369

That's disgusting.

>> No.14073394

How many layers of irony are you on right now my dude?

>> No.14074907
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bc always gets em on the cheeks or forehead

>> No.14074952
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Leave me alone pleas, thanks.

>> No.14074990


>> No.14075878

Change your pillowcases and cold press your face every morning.

>> No.14075923

Yes that will 100% get rid of every spot on your face...

There has to be more to it than changing a pillowcase and putting water on your face

>> No.14075926

I went to a dermatologist for a year straight and that’s the best thing I’ve ever done. Trust me, the process can be slow depending on your problem but the results are great.

>> No.14076046

once I dated a person with acne and it became something I thought was kind of cute

>> No.14076105

Most based tripfag I’ve seen in a long while stay seething pseuds

>> No.14076616

>everything i like is based and redpilled
>everything i don't like is cringe and bluepilled
You really need to take a deep look inward if you think this (or any) tripfag is based.

>> No.14076631

Try Teatree oil pads from the store. It works.

>> No.14076647

Can anyone explain to me why disgusting moles/birth marks can be had all over women people consider to be beautiful and no one mentions but acne is cringe?

>> No.14076653

Because acne is related to being unhealthy/dirty. And birthmarks don't look as disgusting as a puss-filled pimple.

>> No.14076762
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>> No.14076875

this is nonsense and you know it, you chips eating faggot. My dad has horrible acne and I unfortunately got his skin, we both burn into a crisp in the summer but I don't have his awful acne ever since I turned 18, stopped drinking any kind of sugary drink, stopped eating salty snacks and most chocolate and started washing my face with dove soap 3 times a day.

Also that 87% is how many dumb nigger genes you have.

>> No.14077103

Most people's acne goes away around 18 as your hormones settle down. If you started eating like shit again, nothing would change (assuming you don't touch your face with your fat greasy fingers). You can't attribute a natural outcome to change you made.

>> No.14077271
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I just turned 29 and noticed my forehead is getting a little bumpy. not screened red acne but just bumpy.

how do I fix this and what's the cause? never used to have pimples or acne

also post some cute girls with acne pls

>> No.14077613
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>tfw acne got worse after 18

>> No.14077932

Changing your pillow case often is good advice for reducing acne, since your pillow case does get dirty and that dirtiness will rub off onto your face. Freezing your face might temporarily alleviate some of the redness and inflammation associated with acne, but it won't actually do anything to reduce your acne, and it may damage your skin. Washing with cold water will also often give the impression of "tightening up" your skin but that's a short-lived side effect (once your skin warms up, it will look normal) and it may actually irritate your skin. You should use room temperature or slightly warm water to wash your face, not cold or hot water.

There's a lot more to it than that though. First, you need a decent skincare routine aside from acne. Wash your face with a cleanser for your skin type, moisturize, and wear sunscreen. Cleanser will clean your skin without drying it out like soap will, moisturizing is good for your skin no matter what (yes, even if your skin is oily), and sunscreen will keep the sun from damaging/aging your skin, (and acne-wise, help the post-inflammation hyperpigmentation and eythema (the red and dark marks left behind from acne sometimes) heal more quickly)

For acne, there's a lot of treatment options. Here are the common ones, and with all of these they make your skin drier and more susceptible to sun damage so moisturize and wear sunscreen.

Benzoyl Peroxide - fights the bacteria that causes acne. You can get it in 2.5%, 5%, and 10% strength. Go for 2.5%. BP is very drying and can be irritating, and the efficacy differences between 2.5% and 10% are minimal, so your skin will thank you for using 2.5% instead of 10%.

>> No.14077935


Salicylic Acid - Chemical exfoliant with some anti-acne properties. You can get it as wash, in a cleanser, whatever you like. You can also get high strength concentrations to do your own at-home chemical peel, but you probably shouldn't if you don't want to fuck your skin's moisture barrier.

Antibiotics - Antibiotics kill the acne bacteria. You can get topical antibiotics like clindamycin or oral antibiotics from a dermatologist. You really need to use benzoyl peroxide alongside of any antibiotics to reduce the risk of the acne growing resistance to the antibiotic.

Retinoids - The only OTC retinoid is adapelene at 1%. retinoids increase your skin cell turnover, which helps, and are suspected of having other acne-fucking-up effects. Be warned: retinoids are associated with purging, because as your skin cell turnover increases, pimples that were under your skin will rise up and show, and so your acne will most likely get way worse after two or so weeks, before getting way better. People without acne will also go on retinoids cause they're great at preventing wrinkles and aging and such. You can go to a dermatologist to get stronger topical retinoids like retin-a and such

Accutane - Technically a retinoid, but it's taken orally and it's much more intense than the topical retinoids you can get. Might make you bald and leave your bowels permanently inflamed, and other shitty side effects, but 99% of the time, will permanently kill acne.


>> No.14077940

Light Therapy - Blue light at ~415nm damages the bacteria that causes acne. Red light at certain wavelengths can disrupt your sebaceous glands and reduce the sebum your skin produces and promote some healthy, anti-aging shit. I know it sounds fucking farfetched, but it's legit (you can find some of the studies and read them yourself if you're skeptical). neutrogena has a mask that's cheap ($30ish?) but it has some bullshit where they make you buy a replacement "activator" after 30 uses - but you can bypass that by opening it and soldering a wire onto it, there are guides on youtube, it's fucking simple).

Don't throw it all at your skin at once. Except for the light therapy, everything you can do for acne is also irritating to your skin at first. Follow the instructions/dermatologist for each product you add, add them one at a time, and add them slowly.

And every day when you're putting on your benzoyl peroxide, topical antibiotic, topical retinoid, moisturizer, sunscreen, light mask, and whatever else ends up in your regimen, try not to think about how you have to do all that shit just so you have normal skin while most other people don't have to have a skincare regiment just to avoid having the skin of an unwashed teenager.

>> No.14077991

>Salicylic Acid - Chemical exfoliant

It's literally Aspirin and is made from Willow bark

>> No.14078075

can we make this an accutane thread?

>> No.14078301

why would that contradict it being a chemical exfoliant? are you a literal retard?

>> No.14078347

Words to live by

>> No.14078518

yeah my acne started getting worse from 17-19 once I hit 20 it started getting a lot better

>> No.14078564

I had terrible acne all through high school and even through college. One of my friends once asked me, point-blank, "Why the fuck is your acne so bad?" A girl caressing my cheek said, "Wow, your skin is way smoother than I thought it would be." Apparently I guess she imagined it would feel like concrete.
The acne cleared up almost the very moment I turned 23... after I was no longer in an easy dating pool.

>> No.14078627

no you faggot

>> No.14078662

L O N D O N ?

>> No.14078709
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you forgot regular exfoliants and facial washes. EVERY DAY. you forgot touch your disgusting face less. you forgot examining diet, specifically reducing sugar intake. sugar can cause acne and teens and young adults shovel that shit down. you forgot regular exercise and the aforementioned regular skincare program
also if youre a grill on birth control youre fucked lol

>> No.14079150

>editing your face
>don't remove acne because it's quirky


>> No.14079748

They have sex with people of the other gender who have Acne

>> No.14079750


>> No.14080071
File: 40 KB, 526x800, SEVERE_ACNE_526_800_70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lmao I just went to my doctor, he gave me some antibiotic, and three different creams (adapalenum, azelatic acid and something antibacterial, and my acne was completely gone in two months, I did the routine religiously tho


>> No.14080556

this worked for me too
do it bois

>> No.14080842

women piss me off so fucking hard.
EVERYTHING which is considered ugly on a man is "beautiful" on a woman. I have seen these some of these acne pride whores on snapchat a dozen times and they all had chad bf's what the fuck

>> No.14081192

>you forgot facial washes
did you miss

>Wash your face with a cleanser for your skin type

>you forgot regular exfoliants
no modern dermatologist recommends physical exfoliants over chemical exfoliants, and as far as acne goes, salicylic acid is the standard exfoliant. Physical exfoliants are unnecessarily irritating and less effective than their chemical counterparts, and other chemical exfoliants like glycolic acid just aren't as good at fighting acne.

>you forgot touch your disgusting face less.

> you forgot examining diet
true, though the current research is iffy about how much diet affects acne, and some dermatologists will say it doesn't while others say that maybe high glycemic affect it some, for some people. And of course, if you're eating anything greasy, you have to take care to not get the grease on your skin.
