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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 74 KB, 537x729, jacked-older-guy-style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14064602 No.14064602 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 29 years old now, redpill me about dadcore, "starting a family" core please

>> No.14064607


seriously watch this.

>> No.14064608

>Posts a picture of an Oldman cringely trying to hold onto youth rather than embracing proper aging core

>> No.14064835


In what way is he "trying to hold onto youth" in that picture?

>> No.14064852

if you want to garner respect, just wear regular adult core:
no sneakers with little exceptions
tuck in your shirt
if it is cold a sweater over your shirt
jeans not more often than 3 times a week
dress weather appropriate, wearing shorts when it is cold or sneakers is incredibly juvenile
follow dresscodes
some more shit im forgetting

>> No.14064856
File: 142 KB, 1278x892, 1547838747867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sneakers in winter, i ment, but this is also kinda correct

>> No.14064865

first of all, don't dress like this guy lol, he looks like he does gay porn for a living

>> No.14064885

You don't have to dress a certain style suddenly when you hit a certain age, though you should avoid juvenile styles and understand the limitations of dadbod.

>> No.14064887

>no collar
>EPIC beard
>aviator glasses
>gym body

>> No.14064898

people underestimate how much the way you dress influence how others think of you.
my parents raised me from a young age to always look presentable in shirts and good shoes etc., boomers respect that kinda thing
even when i was an 18 yo retard they tought i was 'one of the good ones' (not just because of the way i dressed but also because i liked boomermusic and films, was into stocks etc.), it genuinely gave me jobs and my managers always like me
whenever i (and any other normal person) see's a guy over the age of 25 dressed in some autism gothninja, incel hoodie,jeans,sneakerscore or some LARP-core you can't pull off like terrorcore and sleazecore people lose respect for them. its just a fact.

>> No.14064904

absolutely nothing wrong with gym body or aviotar glasses at any age, though. its just that his jumper is too SLIM FIT which makes it more juvenile.
his shoes are also shit.

>> No.14064910
File: 1.73 MB, 1919x1172, BpKrROZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


some people just like cool shit dont think about it too much

>> No.14064937 [DELETED] 

i know, and in an ideal world 'wear what you want' would actually be viable, but it isnt

>> No.14064947


>> No.14064999

i dont do it that much.
but if you dress like a soft boy or r/mfa i will assume you are a betamale
if you dress like gothninja, techwear or other avant garde autism like that i will assume you are a genuine autist and visit this board
if you dress like a normie i will assume you are a normie
just works like that, you do to subconciously. and the average person does it way more intensley than you and i

>> No.14065023


>> No.14065032

you will make it anon.
next time you think about buying a clothingpiece put that money in stocks instead. countach in less than 5 years

>> No.14065125

also dont overgroom like in styleforum
no pocketsquare autism

>> No.14065472

based trips

>> No.14066380


>> No.14066387

>gym body
ok manlet

>> No.14066400

trips of truth

>> No.14066669


>> No.14066670

You can still do street wear just no more supreme or assc or over the top Grail sneakers.

Stick to a small wardrobe of quality pieces vs your 20's where it was hypehypehype

Instead just go for a bunch of Earth tone.and highly pairable grails

>> No.14066698

You seem pretty familiar with gay porn...?

>> No.14066708

hiking boots

>> No.14067154


>> No.14067286

>jeans not more often than 3 times a week
lmao what in fuck

>> No.14067287

>no sneakers
People always say this but never offer any actual alternatives. Do they mean faggy little fucking chucka boots or what?

>> No.14067292

wise edge

>> No.14067296


there really should be flags on /fa/ just like on /pol/.

>> No.14067372

jeans are knockabout pants not everyday pants
mind you sneakers in summer is okay (as long as you dont wear them every fucking day), outside of that not.
literally anything, different shoes for different occasions, penny loafers or taffel loafers, derbies, brogue (boots), there is a shitton. you have a shitton of different style of derbies already
dutch. dont know why that matters

>> No.14067407

you can go back to redit now

>> No.14067412

you can go back to your parttime burgerflipping job now

>> No.14067416

literally everyone thinks you’re a completely gay faggot if you wear any of those shoes anon i’m sorry. I’m sorry you never get laid

>> No.14067432

once you turn 18 you will notice that people stop wearing sneakers

>> No.14067436

>with streetwear being so mainstream
>doesnt take into account that the world changes and at a fast phase
hi dadcore

>> No.14067440

when was the last time you visited a public place that wasnt your high school?
streetwear is literally dead

>> No.14067450
File: 48 KB, 600x600, 790_centaur_pair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your lifestyle like?

I'm 29 and find myself just incorporating my real workwear clothes (not the LARPing Red wings lumberjack stuff though I do own some stuff) in my daily wear.

example I am a furniture removalist so I find myself just wearing my beat up work boots on my days off. I think they look fine with my jeans and a twill button down/oxford.

I used to wear a lot of sneakers, low top docs, clark wallabies and red but find myself not wearing them as much lol. like I'd only wear them for a family event or something. and pretty much never wear sneakers anymore. I'd like to but just feel awkward in them

I still like nice shirts though

for style inspiration I like to look at visvim and Patrik ervell stuff

>> No.14067473

>dutch. dont know why that matters

Polish. I also WTF'ed at that 'rule' desu

>> No.14067535

Are you 12?

>> No.14067549

>example I am a furniture removalist so I find myself just wearing my beat up work boots on my days off

if you did any work that actually required workboots you wouldnt be wearing them on your day off

you're the epitome of workwear larp

>> No.14067555

>implying it’s effay for anyone on this board dress to get laid
Wearing trainers to every occasion is fucking juvenile mate. Especially gaudy and eye catching shit like Jordan’s and really any trainers that aren’t plain looking tennis shoes.

>> No.14068121

its just poor character to wear jeans everyday. theyre only for extremely casual shit

>> No.14068283


ur for extremely casual shit

>> No.14068434

Man each and each day I feel like the real world is more and more disconnected from the internet. You never see people over 18 wearing sneakers? like what?

>> No.14068443

Think he is just saying that once people turn 18-ish they stop wearing sneakers all year round like the zoomers on this board, which is true

>> No.14068455

That's definitely not my experience. At 18 you just graduated high school and lived with your parents your entire life. So far you basically had no income on your own and most likely your style has not developed or not even started to develop.
Your early 20s you are still incredibly young with very little life experience on your own, especially if you spend the majority of your time just studying.
I have no idea why you have this need to larp as a 35 year old boomer at 20. I never met a single person in my life who wished he was older.

>> No.14068483

im first year law student in the netherlands and now that it is winter vast majority wear boots or atleast chunky soled derbies. dunno where you live

>> No.14068498

Yeah, law students are notorious for being try-hards.

>> No.14068523
File: 394 KB, 1907x1103, ayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If people can dress like this at Harvard of all universities, no one is going to care about your shoes at your 80% acceptance no name university.
Bunch of self-important wankers man

>> No.14068535

>to every person in their 20's and 30's: Wear that hat!

I would call that good advice.

>> No.14068555

>I will assume
>I will assume
>I will assume

someday, you might grow out of that

>> No.14068585

it only gets worse, ever met boomers?
anyway if you like dressing like a fag you probably are a fag

>> No.14068587

i dont care about STEM-cels
and we will still make more than you doing this piss easy study

>> No.14068601

I don't dress like a fag and I am one. Check mate atheists.

>> No.14068614

That's not even a STEM group.

Also why would you call other people zoomers when yourself are a 18 year old little shit?
I swear this whole board is filled with 18 year olds that are just slow/late bloomers/underdeveloped are just now having their teenager insecurity and narcissism phase.

>> No.14068629

i go to ivy league and people dress exactly like at every other college. jeans and sweatshirts most of the time.
these urban legends are so cute though

>> No.14068679

everyone on american colleges dresses like shit due to campus culture

>> No.14068690

its not just america. there is just no point in dressing like a professional or a dad in college. you are a student. you are there to learn. you should be humble

>> No.14068691

because i like boomers more than zoomers. im an 19yo boomer, talking in meme-terms
thats why i like studying law since its full of people who like older music, invest in stocks and wear good clothing instead of streetwear tekashi 69 zoomers

>> No.14068697

You're an unironic "I might be a teenager but very mature for my age, my peers just don't understand!"

You are not mature for your age anon, you are just late in development and still in your special teenager phase.

>> No.14068701

it is just in america, since living nearly on the college makes it acceptable to wear sweats and pyjama to school. if you did that here you'd be laughed at

>> No.14068710

i know it sounds 'le wrong generation' and i accept that you might think that since there is nothing i can do to prove otherwise, but i assure you that im definetly aware that anything you do under 21 is idiotic and you shouldnt take people under 21 seriously
that being said, im not one of those, i just have different values than the average person

>> No.14068725

There are dorms in Europe too

>> No.14068734

Harvard is in the USA.

>> No.14068762

The world literary wears sneakers at any age, rich or poor.

>> No.14068779

>gym body
Skinny twink jealous of fit men detected

>> No.14068809

What country are you from? I've studied for 7 years at 2 universities and visited about 4 (2 abroad and on different continents) for extensive periods. My impression is that the students dress either like those in the gentrified area's of a city (hipster/instagram fashion), or they just don't give a shit. (Went to an agricultural university and some professors wore sandals with woolen socks and shorts).

>> No.14068818

what is tryhard about not wearing sneakers, lmao

>> No.14069093

>constantly changing the goalposts
look, you're a faggot and you look gay in your little loafers. No one thinks you look good in them. You can stop now

>> No.14069113

can you just post a fit already? You've talked such monumental game that you simply must be confident enough to slam dunk us with a picture right? Right??