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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 246 KB, 1460x976, 1519556545140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14063502 No.14063502 [Reply] [Original]

What's this called?

>> No.14063550

pseudo intellectual who is tortured by the fact he will never be the artist he yearns to be because he's just not as creative or intelligent as he constantly tries to delude himself into thinking he is

>> No.14063553

its called "pathetic loser"

>> No.14063555

>watches one smokey nagatu vid browses /bleep/ shispots on /mu/ core.
dont get the socialist part desu

>> No.14063556
File: 113 KB, 332x332, 1540960668654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the first two comments are anons coping by projecting
What did I expect from /fa/?

>> No.14063561

It's from the /iwishiwasathome/ thread, guess you analyzed it only with your perception of life (?), aka 4chan normieboards
There must be a "x-core" meme made by you here for that pic

>> No.14063981

will you send me some money, please? core

>> No.14064183

this sums up few fags from /o/ minus socialism. /o/ is either blue or get off muhh lawn reee

>> No.14064223

just admit your personality is shit and is objectively pretentious dawg

>> No.14064229

kys incel core

>> No.14064481

Why are you so retarded?
I don't correspond to that memecore, I'd just like to know the name
keep projecting, obese amerisharts
still no answer but it surely looks like the broke commie stereotype

>> No.14064488

damn he's actually mad as fuck he got called out

>> No.14064490
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>> No.14064496

every single person in the thread is basically saying the same thing and you're still idolising a meme pic that portrays the average broken pseudo intellectual, way to prove everyone right friend

>> No.14064511
File: 3.87 MB, 319x331, 1545157474403.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the same thing
Most are just literally projecting like in many other threads, but you wouldn't know
>still idolising
Fuck, must feel bad to be this retarded
>the average broken pseudo intellectua
>Still can't get what I asked
> way to prove everyone right friend
Not your friend, and why would I ever care about projecting amerisharts on a normalfag board that looks like new r9k?

Even more sad is you fags don't even know the names of your own memes

>> No.14064533

you feeling ok?
why does this bother you so much and why do you think everyone in this thread is american?

>> No.14064535

>why does this bother you so much
Talking to retards who can't understand simple questions is annoying, it's like talking to chimps

>> No.14064562

I don't know he seems like a hodge podge of different shit

>> No.14064575

Honestly anon I feel bad for because everyone is shitting on your thread and I'm one of them. I'm about to go to sleep so I'll tell you real quick

It's either "my feet hurt" or "i wish i was at home" I believe. Good luck.

>> No.14064585

>op makes shitty oc
>everyone calls him out for being a fag
Good thread

>> No.14064588

Here comes the newfag

>> No.14064620

Jesus, I wish I cared about something as much as you all care about a meme someone made.

>> No.14064623
File: 114 KB, 1920x1080, IM_TRIGGERED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts litteral amerimutt
fuck off if youre gonna be this triggered snowflake, youre never gonna become some massive intellectual since you blame all critisms on self projecting
stay mad fag

>> No.14064625
File: 1.82 MB, 355x360, 1525926963749.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le triggered 46%

>> No.14064627

this is what normal people care about yeah?

>> No.14064630

I'm the guy who posted it originally. Dunno who the other guy is or why he's so up in arms about it.

>> No.14064637
File: 67 KB, 523x768, 6ug771xxyu301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you guys are just selfprojecting btw i am not the one thats mentally ill btw
imagine getting this buttblasted

>> No.14064642

You blueboard tards are hilarious

>> No.14064645

>still cant get what i asked
are you actually retarded or are you litterally saying that you cant get an answer on the meme you posted? off yourself tranny you have a mental illness

>> No.14064649

i mean its not much coming from someone who gets triggered when he responds to bait

>> No.14064651
File: 68 KB, 426x309, 1517714004048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you actually retarded or are you litterally saying that you cant get an answer on the meme you posted?
Tfw you are so retarded you can't even understand your first language

>> No.14064654

I'm bored, you are entertaining
and imagine not multitasking

>> No.14064663
File: 94 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im not getting baited im just bored LMAO XD
okay bro

>> No.14064665

then why dont you explain the question then since i dont understand my first language even thought its not :)

>> No.14064671

not accurate
op's pic rel isn't me at all
but this description fits me perfectly

>> No.14064675

post fit pic op im interested

>> No.14064679

this i always wondered how incels dress

>> No.14064709

Just buy a mirror

>> No.14064714

post fit im still interested

>> No.14064721


>> No.14064722

* hugs you *

>> No.14064729

The discord tranny.

>> No.14064735

youre still obsessed with that tranny even in threads that have nothing to do with it? get some help you tranny fucker

>> No.14064743
File: 316 KB, 2059x1697, 6A2AF72A-E7EF-4B23-8192-7B83F6DDA275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh-oh, we got a live one.

>> No.14064747

you /fa/gs are pathetic

>> No.14064750

No real problems so he invents his own.

I promise you nobody who grew up in the ghetto / skid row / dirt poor Appalachia thinks like that.

>> No.14064752 [DELETED] 
File: 404 KB, 1409x4759, E52D986E-9CDA-4380-8109-9EFEFF07A0CA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no no no…

>> No.14064756

idk man, I've met some people with fucked up personal problems like op from poor areas. if anything it exacerbates the existing issues.

>> No.14064758

upper middle class white boy who "thinks too much"

>> No.14064762

i this you and your friends? do you like to fuck eachother and pretend youre girls?

>> No.14064769

>no u

>> No.14064771

??? youre litterally posting about this tranny in every thread, its not a mystery you wanna fuck her so bad but stop posting your sick fetish here retard

>> No.14064776

how did it go from OP is a pseudo intellectual into OP is a tranny

>> No.14064783

the same way theres new posts but no new posters

>> No.14064784

It just depends on who is projecting
The first one sounds accurate >>14064758
, but still no somethingcore

>> No.14064796

>muh pruhjecshun
spotted op

>> No.14064799

sit down and stfu tranny

>> No.14064802

its really cringe how you keep talking about projecting when its all youre doing
>inb4 ur just projecting onto me lmao im not retarded u are xD

>> No.14064805

>he can't even use inb4 correctly
Go back to fortnite, newfag

>> No.14064812

youre just projecting right now OP its fine, just seek some profesional help before you start your transition

>> No.14064814


>> No.14064816

NPC tier response LMAO are you really this autistic? you threw a huge fit over a meme on a fashion board
>its the trannys that are mentally ill btw
okay buddy

>> No.14064818

>implying I'm op
you are mentally ill, tranny

>> No.14064820

>everyone is a tranny
>everyone is an american
youre not OP but youre that same person thats been throwing autistic rage fits in a shitpost thread :)

>> No.14064827
File: 27 KB, 786x169, 2019-02-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you all shut the fuck up? It's just a meme, christ.

>> No.14064830
File: 1.16 MB, 2728x2128, 4B6D00CF-7C6A-4755-A45C-14ECBDCB15C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending trannies
yikes, oof and le epic cringe

>> No.14064832

im not defending anyone but its pretty telling that you think youre more mentally healthy than them, you hate them so much you keep pictures of them saved on your pc to post to a weeb hosting site because you others to know you dont like them.
yikes off and le epic cringe m8y xD

>> No.14064833

Thanks for confirming this is nu-r9k

>> No.14064842

What’s dilation?

>> No.14064846

maybe reddit is more your style

>> No.14064848

are you the same person that was talking about fucking 11 year old trans boys aswell? atelast your IPs are the same

>> No.14064864

>no u love trannies
What’s dilation?

>> No.14064868

LMAO, so youre just pictures to "inform" people? Y I K E S this is a board about clothes not your weird obsession with mutilated dicks

>> No.14064883

>no u have the obsession with cutting your dick off not us trannies
What’s dilation?

>> No.14064891

The thing you do with your black dildo in your ass everyday

>> No.14064916

This shit hit me close

>> No.14064918

Are you familiar with the concept of projection?

>> No.14064935
File: 997 KB, 2048x1364, roof1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14064948

Looks gay

>> No.14064954

this is me except fascist

>> No.14064992

Roof dressed better than anyone on this board

>> No.14065857
File: 122 KB, 438x503, A2FE1257-3F27-4836-ADB1-DDA2D4FA77E7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le edgy intj puppetmaster larp

>> No.14065859

I don't drink because I start dancing or start crying, both are terrible outcomes.

>> No.14065868

>930 turbo
change that to 940 turbo and you have yourself a real good car