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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 492 KB, 532x626, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14059629 No.14059629 [Reply] [Original]

>This is all it takes to become a model

>> No.14059694

Well, that and a father that owns a fashion magazine.

>> No.14059818

Bitch is almost British royalty, looks aren't all it takes.

>> No.14059839

Once you get rid of all the make up, hairdressing, controlled lighting and photoshop touch ups most fashion models are actually pretty average looking. One of the plainest girls I went to high school with became a fashion model for a while.

>> No.14059849

she is still very symetrical
she is still prettier than you OP

post a pic of you with the same lighting pussy

>> No.14059878

>post a pic of you with the same lighting pussy


>> No.14059935
File: 12 KB, 258x245, PepeCryLaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>s-she is still prettier than y-you OP!!!
Triggered cake-face roastie

>> No.14060467

Holy shit people here are so self conscious
4chan is like a place where people with low self esteem all come together

>> No.14060474

You just now figured that out?

>> No.14060484
File: 33 KB, 650x488, 6015442A-5DC9-4798-901A-90F4CFCB576E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly modeling has switched from ‘actually beautiful people’ to ‘skinny tall people with completely generic faces’ maybe 10 years ago or so.

Where my old school andrej at?

>> No.14060554

a 10/10 girl I went to school with is having a hard time getting big with modeling. She's very modest and pretty, she never flaunted herself.
a 8/10 girl I went to school with is getting big because she shows her tits and is modeling for playboy now. She was always loud and obnoxious.
looks aren't everything, it's connections and even dusting off the ol kneepads.

>> No.14060606 [DELETED] 
File: 497 KB, 480x270, fl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it don't have to look great to get into modelling, you just have to look really great from certain angles
of course some are just beautiful from every single angle, but if that was the standard then there wouldn't be enough models to go around

>> No.14060642

Anyone can look bad, the difference is at her best she shits all over you at your best.

>> No.14060749
File: 111 KB, 459x594, Theo+Hutchcraft+Burberry+Spring+Summer+2012+SyHRbKDqJy8l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she hit her peak the year she became relevant and its all been a disappointing nose dive since then

>> No.14061053
File: 169 KB, 737x1102, Cara-Delevingne-Nude-TheFappening-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think modelling is about the face?

>> No.14061058

She's old as fuck now probably past her prime in that industry

>> No.14061070

great symmetry and ridiculous eyes, stay jelly

>> No.14061077


>> No.14061100


>> No.14061213

that's an mtf

>> No.14061306
File: 543 KB, 2014x2593, 1548718034280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here

>> No.14061443


>> No.14061468

>maybe 10 years ago or so
It was already like that in the 1920s when the main work for fashion models was to wear garments in person at ladies' couturiers and show them off to customers that way. Weird, angular, skinny bitches. It's basically because of a sales-psychology trick. Their bodies have to make the clothes look good but if they're too beautiful facially (which most women incorrectly believe is the main and most important factor of beauty) they'll make the customer self-conscious.

>> No.14061514

xiu xiu

>> No.14061624

then become one

>> No.14061629

Ooooooh fire

>> No.14061634

>high fashion
ok dude

>> No.14061675

She looks like the dream girl of guys who want to be spanked

>> No.14061787

Is that Ben Shapiro in drag?

>> No.14061961

I never said it was high fashion but she certainly gets paid more.

>> No.14061988

i have the same eye color blue/green :)

>> No.14062088

no you don't faggot

>> No.14063505

disgusting NCT

>> No.14063523

yes i do retard :)

>> No.14063532


>> No.14063549

the longer you look at her, the uglier she becomes
the longer you stare, the more you notice.
>peachfuzz on the cheeks
>dead eyes
>disgusting eyelashes
>greasy and shiny t-zone
>those eyebrows
>those fucking eyebrows
>worry lines starting
>shit inside nose
>humongous nostrils
>off center nose
>no lips
>crooked jawline
>some blemishes covered up near the chin
>stubble coming back in the lip area
>dark eye bags
>eyebrows and hair arent same color
this woman is absolutely disgusting

>> No.14063575

Her face makes me feel gross. It's pretty gross.

>> No.14063582

this is on the level of pointy elbows, cant you just become a statistic already incel?

>> No.14063598

tell that to my wife lol. i tied the knot, i dont have to be nice to woman any more.

>> No.14063600

post face incel

>> No.14063606
File: 94 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell that to my wife lol.
maybe i will

>> No.14063620

do it. she'll agree with you, and then we'll fuck when she gets home.
no lmao

>> No.14063629

>autisticly analytic over a models face because he needs some way to cope with being a virgin
>pretends to have wife
>wont post face
spotted the incel :)

>> No.14063631

what ring did you get for your wife?

>> No.14063632

i have nothing to do with my day, im unemployed and im married to a 6/10 chick who works at mattress firm. gimme a break.

>> No.14063644

no onc cares incel

>> No.14063650
File: 19 KB, 480x360, oy vey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you use that buzzword so much. every single post you made, 'incel'. i wonder who could be doing it...

>> No.14063673
File: 619 KB, 780x617, pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder who would be annoyed by the word incel

>> No.14063680

>im not an incel but whenever i see a picture of a random ladys face i have to analyze it so everyone knows how HIDEOUS she really, btw jews xD

>> No.14063686

five shekels have been deposited into your account

>> No.14063688
File: 248 KB, 1435x1404, are you seeing a therapist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i own a toilet so im allowed to shit in the street
is this esteemed pathos logic?

>> No.14063694

imagine pretending to have a wife on a weeb imagine hosting site to try and prove youre not an incel

>> No.14063699

see, there those buzzwords are again. buzzwords to group white people in and remove them from society, make them out to be less than human. you know who hates white people?
im going to tie your hands behind your back and drop a penny, and when you realize how hard you struggle for it, you'll know the answer.

>> No.14063709

why are you bothered by words NPC, also why are you even mentioning race?are you really that disturbed when someone calls you something on the internet? just off yourself already incel :)

>> No.14063713

>are you really that disturbed when someone calls you something on the internet?
you are in the capital echo chamber of the internet, where everyone is on the spectrum. what the fuck do you think, mr. steinberg.

>> No.14063718

okay? so why do you pretend to have a wife?
>where everyone is on the spectrum
maybe on pol Y I K E S

>> No.14063720

the jews made me pretend to have a wife :^)))) get it? because hitler didnt like jews either, and as the sheep i am i will blindly follow a crippled coward who killed himself instead of dying with honor

>> No.14063721

we are all on the spectrum. 4chan is the autism containment board. i have autism. you have autism. we all have autism.
>why do you pretend to have a wife
to win an argument on le epic anonimoo autism board lol

>> No.14063731

this is why you have autism btw, its only you thats got autism on this board btw dont pretend like we´re like you, you litterally believe in a boogey man because youre a waste of space and cant even move out of your parents house, get a job, get a partner, get an actual hobby, and you cant even play sports so you shitpost on 4chan because we´re "like you".

the true mental illness is that you think all of this is okay but dont understand that youre litterally developing your own mental illness and will kys soon.
so just get it over with, become a statistic already, noone would miss you :)

>> No.14063736

cant tell if bait or reddit, but either way, get off my board.

>> No.14063738

yeah youre so well adjusted youre here on friday night telling an autist to kill himself

>> No.14063748

we´re all here on a friday, difference is its not night for me :) also autists dont deserve life anyway
ebin post xd

>> No.14063750

Women with nose like that genuinely look ugly.

>> No.14063752

stop calling others autistic when you think its hilarious to add ':)' to every post you fucking 12 year old

>> No.14063753

stop samefagging incel

>> No.14063754

>triggered by :)
(: my mistake sir i forgot this is your safe space :)

>> No.14063755

you dont actually think that, you just think if you attack him it means you arent like him, that youre like the people you wish you were

>> No.14063756
File: 3 KB, 328x99, moron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try fucking faggot

>> No.14063758

absolutely epic post, upvoted

>> No.14063761

oh wow youre so smart and know me so well dude, thanks im cured :)

>> No.14063762

dude if you get triggered by the word incel... it's not a good look

>> No.14063763

you wont ever be like them

>> No.14063764

post your fit stupid bitch
who are you talking to.

>> No.14063765

thanks friend i dont like ((((them)))) either
get it? xd

>> No.14063766

if you take a shot like this there is no one who's gonna come out pretty and you know it. btw >>14061053

>> No.14063767

>youre just like him
>mfw its 2019 and people still think 4chan is a hivemind

>> No.14063768

hes obviously refering to the guy getting trigged by the word incel itt retard

>> No.14063771

thanks sir, i like to keep 4chan safe space friendly from now on will only post ;) smileys

>> No.14063772

your behavior is repetitive and goes in circles.
ya' know, autism is based upon patternistic behavior traits that causes social isolation. hmmm...
4chan literally is a fucking hivemind, and it only becomes more and more of a hivemind as reddit slowly infests it. ya' know why? because the internet itself is an echo chamber where certain behaviors are shunned upon, and thats why all the autism festers here, where it is safe.
the internet died when normalfags got a hold of it.

>> No.14063776
File: 193 KB, 479x455, (tips fedora respectfully towards you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan died in 2015 normie

>> No.14063784

4chan died in 2007 you absolute newfag

>> No.14063785
File: 75 KB, 678x1024, 1514568618472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan literally is a fucking hivemind, and it only becomes more and more of a hivemind as reddit slowly infests it. ya' know why? because the internet itself is an echo chamber where certain behaviors are shunned upon, and thats why all the autism festers here, where it is safe.
the internet died when normalfags got a hold of it.

>> No.14063790

>4chan died at the peak of its popularity

>> No.14063793

yeah, because it got popular and retarded normalfags started flocking to it

>> No.14063800

>4chan is a special club
i remember this cringe behavior when i started browsing futaba, dont worry youll grow out of it

>> No.14063805

its not a special club, its a containment board and it got breached. what are you not understanding. 4chan was always an autism containment board for weeaboos on the spectrum, and it was breached by faggots and all the originalfags moved over to 8ch, 4chan died in 2007 because it lost its purpose and got invaded.

>> No.14063829

you know 8ch is more normie than 4chan right?

>> No.14063857

originalfags are old now, you cant blame them

>> No.14063860

>implying originalfags still use any of the chans
truly a newfag

>> No.14063861

what the fuck do u think wizchan is?

>> No.14063875

is this bait? if not Y I K E S

>> No.14063881

ill let you figure that out for yourself my dude

>> No.14063883

i mean, i'd fuck

>> No.14063887
