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/fa/ - Fashion

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14060948 No.14060948 [Reply] [Original]

nothing is more effay than a unique life. what stories are you going to tell your kids anon? you wasted your prime years as a cashier or a neet?
Describe your ideal effay life what you have done so far and how you will get there
ill start
>spent childhood as a shut in with few very close friends around the neighborhood as kids. not a cool kid but not a total dweeb. we would play around in abandoned houses alot, few close encounters with parents/police as we got older.
>parents forced me to study so I got into a top 5 B school
>currently work as lame insurance agent but get decent pay
18 M good zygos decent jaw but eye area completely fucks me so I'm a 4/10 5'10 manlet
Future Plan for an Effay Life
>drop out of uni after getting a few good experiences
> parents exile me from family
>Save up money for a year & move to third world country buy riskay business (Mines, construction, cheap labor factories)
>Fail at business
>flee to some European learn language & military combat
>Join PMC for EZ shekels
>Rinse & Repeat until biz starts booming
> most likely in my 40s by now
> use my new found money to woo cute young gold digger
> don't sign prenup (only pretentious fags do that)
>have kids and a happy marriage with her
> find out shes been cheating
> fall in a dark pit of depression
> find solace in drugs
> break off marriage
> find solace in drugs alcohol & hookers
> occasionally meet kids and teach them life lessons they ignore me and think im just an idiot
> die alone
> money randomly goes to my brother one day and he lives a happy life

>> No.14060969

I don't really have an exact lifestyle or anything but there is a specific event I would love to experience
>Be me
>Walking down the street at night
>Pass by a house
>Practically blinded by the light coming from a bedroom window
>Glance at the house and see some dumb faggot browsing /fa/ on Channel 4
>Focus on his screen and see he's making a thread titled 'Design Yourself A Effay Life'
>Laugh to myself because it should be 'An' not 'A'
>Break into the house
>Murder the dumb faggot making the thread because those threads are always super gay
>Go home and post on /fa/

>> No.14061799

>i was a drug addict
>sober now

>> No.14062019
File: 76 KB, 600x590, 6E55C538-826C-4CC3-88BC-B3B07F24FA62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my current life
>born in central asian shithole shortly after fall of soviet union
>put up for adoption because my parents could not care for me during all the political instability
>"adopted" by german family, given all new documentation, put up for adoption in austria to keep me from dying in Kyrgyz orphanage
>adopted by amerifags, move to america at age 4
>comfy life until 12
>parents get divorced
>realize neither parent wants me
>legally seperate from them at 16 after they disown me
>drop out
>poor as shit, living in my car
>get wagecuck fast food job
>get better job framing houses, 18 now
>boss says I'm too young for this, sends me to get an apprenticeship in cabinetmaking
>cabinetmaker says he will not take me, but that there is someone who will like me in victoria (about 2000 mi away in canada)
>decide to nut up and travel up there
>the man is an old japanese furniture craftsman
>trains me in the basics of woodworking, how to make my own tools (Dai, Chisel handles, gauges, etc.)
>meet awesome girl in Victoria
>we start dating, saving for travel together
>travel to japan with gf to meet other students of my journeyman
>they introduce me to buddhism
>gf and I start practicing buddhism
>happiest ive ever been in my life
>ff a few years, ready to propose to gf
>says she wants to move back to korea
>we get married and move to korea
>I start building out a workshop in the countryside, have apartment in seoul
>start making furniture for the super rich people in HK, Tokyo, Seoul
>best friend (former client) here is a stock broker, helps me trade stocks and manages my money
>making $80k usd (₩90m), start investing about 1/4 a few years ago
>worth hundreds of thousands, living very comfortably but donating whatever funds I don't use or save
>turning 25 next month
>tfw I'm living my dream

>> No.14062058

That sounds really comfy anon. Im happy your life is going well.

>> No.14062537
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I am happy for you anon!

>> No.14062768
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respect, I so damn hope that all of that is true.

>> No.14062791
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Version 1:
-be Michael Corleone
-wear expensive suits every day
-manage family affairs daily
-drive expensive cars
-marry the most beautiful girls out there

>> No.14062793


>> No.14062800

>break into Tiffany's at midnight.
>Do I go for the vault? No, I go for the chandelier. It's priceless.
>As I'm taking it down, a woman catches me.
>She tells me to stop. It's her father's business. She's Tiffany. I say no.
>We make love all night.
>In the morning, the cops come and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell her to meet me in Mexico, but I go to Canada. I don't trust her. Besides, I like the cold.
>Thirty years later, I get a postcard. I have a son and he's the chief of police. This is where the story gets interesting.
>I tell Tiffany to meet me in Paris by the Trocadero.
>She's been waiting for me all these years. She's never taken another lover. I don't care. I don't show up.
>I go to Berlin. That's where I stashed the chandelier.

>> No.14062807
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Version 2:
-successful wallstreet salesman
-wear expensive pinstripe-suit
-different girls daily after work
-expensive cars
-give a shit about your looks, fit etc money fix everything
-hair combed backwards with a shitton of pomade

>> No.14062815

dont quite give a shit about my life story, if someone wants to know something or something is relevant i will talk about it

very good read

>> No.14062818

Autism. Unfiltered. Pure.

>> No.14062824

if this is true (which i doubt but would like to be), your former boss is one of the best humans alive

>> No.14063816

I've said it before and I will say it again. That dude with the UZI has a big head

>> No.14063879
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I'll prove it any way you want without revealing my identity

>> No.14063959
File: 51 KB, 480x668, 5dbb618a-202f-4dfc-8b05-0950ecc15459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day I'll wake up somewhere and I'll have no idea where I am, or what has happened to my life, or how to reach all these people in my flickering memory, or who I'm even supposed to be.
Then I'll weep.
This time I won't have the composure to wait and make sure there is no one around to realize something is wrong, but who are these people anyways?

>> No.14064216
File: 473 KB, 747x550, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impressive, very nice!

>> No.14064222

Post pics of your woodwork

>> No.14064261

I dont know what to do