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14059941 No.14059941 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't art hoes ever good at art

>> No.14059958
File: 92 KB, 800x637, 2-format43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because postmodernist and fine art is shit in general. As in PJWs video said: Modern art sucks because everybody can do it while pictures like Mona Lisa need skill, time and passion. Even modern art can be complex but still nothing an arthoe could pull up nowadays. Look at picassos Guernica for example.

>> No.14059969

I used to know an art hoe, she took shit tier pictures and acted like she was uber interesting and different, fucking annoying bitch

>> No.14059970

meanwhile this incel faps to hentai made by em
ok dude

>> No.14059976

They don't like art, they're vapid normies interested only in putting things in their vagina, eating junk food, and making political statements because they were told to.

>> No.14059984

meanwhile this incel cannot even do that either lol

>> No.14059988
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Something like that?

>> No.14059989
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They're the ones who really enjoyed stuff like painting and sketching in highschool and took all the basic high school art classes. Its fun to them, and they aren't really into refining art, its about cute simple aesthetics.

>> No.14059990

modern art and Modern art aren't the same thing. As in, there are many fine artists in the current day (modern art), but Modernism as an art movement is all garbage.

>> No.14059992

>I don't understand what I'm saying but I think I do because I've heard other people say it

>> No.14059996

>I don't know what postmodernism means
>only those works of art which are considered good or classic by pop history of art are good
>Elmgreen&Dragset's last installation or Tatiana Trouve's Shaman, just to name two random recent works, don't require skill or time or "passion" whatever you mean with that
>not everybody can paint like the figurative classics despite centuries of progress in the teaching of painting technique
U just clueless

>> No.14059999

It took months to make and has actual value and symbolism to it unlike that one nigger twerking once for every dindu that has been shot by a cop.

Also the only thing worse than arthoes are male arthoes which leech of this board

>> No.14060005

nice digits but you literally sound like you're on the autistic spectrum

>> No.14060006

he is clueless. because he has an opinion on a subject he doesnt even study or is passionate about. even art hoes now the history of art better than him.

>> No.14060008

Hahahahahahahahaha how the fuck isn't symbolism the lowest form of artistic expression like nigga just learn hieroglyphics haha.

>> No.14060009


>> No.14060017

i never see this type of girl IRL

>> No.14060018

Because a symbolism piece takes just as much effort as a realist one, like, if you make a painting of shit on your table it wouldn't be considered a good symbolism. Plus, quads disdain your opinion

>> No.14060021

t. incel

>> No.14060024

You can make any piece of garbage art and say there's "symbolism" behind it.

>> No.14060027

That's a got, dude

>> No.14060032

Seriously why do you larp as an art aficionado when you're asked about some works you like and the first thing that comes to your mind is Gernika and the Mona Lisa

>> No.14060033

One of the best bait posts I ever seen. Works on a lot of layers. Well crafted.

>> No.14060035


>> No.14060038

Black hair and nails does not a goth make.

>> No.14060044

No you can't, that's literally the point of my post, because if it is low-effort then it will be regarded only as kitsch. If you make something really dope like 4'33" more than once then all of the copies or even "influenced" pieces would be considered shit because they don't develop the meansof artistic expression, and this is what the whole art is about, so all of the 2deep4u turds of artworks aren't thought to be decent symbolism by absolutely anyone who understands modern art at least in the slightest

>> No.14060046

Not me, the post you replied to are the first one I've made itt

>> No.14060072

Either is alright by me, anything alternative is a turn on

>> No.14060073

>modern art sucks because everybody can do it
Dear god if this isn't bait please off yourself.

>> No.14060085

who cares she cute

>> No.14060124

I mean, it is pretty true that the level of skill required to get into modern art is a lot lower than traditional art, but to make GOOD modern art actually takes skill.

Its the same as rap music, any Soundcloud fuck can hop on a youtube type beat and call themsleves a rapper, while you cant grab a saxophone and call yourself a jazz musician. However there exists skilled rappers.

>> No.14060131

This is false-flag bait, but it contains a kernel of truth: pomo “art” is largely insipid, skilless trash made for pseudo-intellectuals by pseudo-intellectuals. Only brainwashed leftists can defend it because they subscribe to hip, subversive ideologies.

>muh sick diss on reddit political e-celebs
>muh ”I AM SILLY” caricature

The left can’t meme

>> No.14060170

>You can make any piece of garbage art and say there's "symbolism" behind it.
This is how I got through my AP art class in senior year of high school, each time we had a class critique I'd bring in a half-assed project and start spewing some philosophical BS.
Shit was cash.

>> No.14060173

you dont go to university or you dont live in a big city

>> No.14060186

they're art HOES not arts

>> No.14060199

Jackson Pollock was a CIA dude. The reason art is shit now, well one of the reasons, is that it's a big scam and money laundering operation.
Imagine having the power to take a dump on a canvas and sell it to a rich man for a million dollars.
And he is happy to do it because ten years later he can sell it for five million dollars.
It's worth money because an international network of people lie and say it is worth money.
If they admitted that beautiful art produced by skilled and talented people was "real art" then poop on canvas would revert to its "true" value.

>> No.14060267


>> No.14060353

Probably because u can't scope out good women

>> No.14060370


otherwise you wouldn't be an "art hoe" you'd just be a girl who is an artist. I see the term as a modern rendition of "poseur" or "scenester" and describe how someone dresses more than anything

>> No.14060371

Because being hot is the most important thing.
You can look like you do the thing if you can't do the thing only when you look hot not doing the thing.

>> No.14060373

they make themselves look like that to make up for their lack of actual artistic talent.

>> No.14060375

I think that's why we have the word "contemporary", dude.

>> No.14060473

if you like art hoes, kill yourself

>> No.14060475

Goth Gfs>>>>

>> No.14060551

Modernism started in the Renaissance, you really fucking serious saying it sucks? Nice bait

>> No.14060556


their bodies are their canvas, their clothes, makeup and hair is the paint

>> No.14060562
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>> No.14060580

for an example of what?
and mona lisa has got to be one of the worst examples of good art well done. first its one of the first paintings to have basically a modern value raising ad campaign behind it. second, its value is hyped due to 'le mystery'. third - no one who likes it really has any knowledge of the shit leonardo did or stood for or explored as a painter. technicians need skill and time. artists do something else, which also frequently involves someones skill and time.

>> No.14060584

this guy again lol
muh cia

>> No.14060619
File: 45 KB, 547x550, 1543298869373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking educate yourself pleb. The link is confirmed. Of course they say it was to propaganda to 'promote American freedom of expression' but we all know that the CIA runs some deep and fucked up psyops all the time that are about control and manipulation. In this case it is the breaking down of meaning and tradition to create a more controllable population.
Either way the link is fucking proven you shill.

>> No.14060627 [DELETED] 

Are you the same guy that was in that anime thread freaking out?

>> No.14060637
File: 6 KB, 523x120, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No this is my second post on /fa/ I'm not even the same bloke as >>14060199
I knew the CIA was linked to Modern and Postmodern art because our headmaster at my school told us about it while making a grander point about how the government likes to weaken family ties so that they can sure up their own power. If the fucking headmaster of my school was talking about the link between the CIA and shitty art then I knew it was mainstream information. Thought I'd share.

>> No.14060641

Why do homosexuals delete their posts? This isn't facebook cunt no one gives a fuck if you look retarded.

>> No.14060649

this right here. fucking hate when people reduce art to technique and shit on pieces without thinking through them

>> No.14060650
File: 41 KB, 730x802, 42a55owfjbz11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art is a CIA weapon
>Rembrandt, DaVinci, Michaelangelo, Goya, Caravaggio, Tintoretto all time traveling CIA Sleeper cell operatives.
>Refills Meds for Schizophernia

>> No.14060658

not even him but it seems perfect for money laundering

>> No.14060663

Did you even read the article you linked?

>Why did the CIA support them? Because in the propaganda war with the Soviet Union, this new artistic movement could be held up as proof of the creativity, the intellectual freedom, and the cultural power of the US. Russian art, strapped into the communist ideological straitjacket, could not compete.

It's propaganda, not fucking psyops.

>> No.14060669

You're straw-manning but you know there's a kernel of truth there that you didn't intend.
An internationally famous artist that travels is a great cover for a spy so many celebrities have been used for that.
They didn't necessarily have to be very famous either, back in the day you might have just been a two bit traveling actor and that was still a great cover.
It doesn't mean you're doing James Bond shit, necessarily, it could just be spies from your country use you as a mule taking stuff from place to place.

>> No.14060679
File: 34 KB, 680x695, 5f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's propaganda, not fucking psyops.

>> No.14060682
File: 28 KB, 645x729, 2jwt9u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you even read my comment?

>Of course they say it was to propaganda to 'promote American freedom of expression' but we all know that the CIA runs some deep and fucked up psyops all the time that are about control and manipulation. In this case it is the breaking down of meaning and tradition to create a more controllable population.


>> No.14060685

Dude artists are the most fucking unreliable, unassignable group of people for a task such as spying, i would know i go to Art school for fucks sake

>Inb4 art school jew york goy

What is more likely, a government with clandestine operations hiring and training professional spies and soldiers to do these things, or a trust fund art school kid who cant even buy weed for less than $60?

>> No.14060689

Read the fucking article shill. No one is claiming that there are time travelling CIA artists from the Renaissance period.

You guys are so effectively brainwashed that even when the fucking MSM confirms the involvement of the CIA in anything you still have a knee-jerk MUH CONSPIRACY THEORY reaction. It's so fucking pathetic. The link between the CIA and modern artists including Jackson Pollock, Robert Motherwell, Willem de Kooning and Mark Rothko. Read the fucking article cunt. It's been confirmed by multiple ex-CIA officials.

You are literally the victim of a CIA psyop to associate anything conspiracy related with the likes of flat-earthers. Retard.

>> No.14060694

You don't need to take my word for it, m8. Look up "celebrities who were spies" on Google and they'll give you the names and looking up the names you can find books about this stuff.

>> No.14060707

>I don't know anything about art but have this random prejudice against contemporary art despite having no knowledge of it
Just because the only shit you know is by tradesmen that predate the actual practice of art itself doesn't mean you know shit, buddy. You also posted a modern work alongside your retarded paragraph.
Lads like Da Vinci have more in common with commercial graphic designers than they do with any artist, they were like plumbers in their day - they were the guy you call to have a thing made. Craftsmanship =/= artistry ya simp.
That being said, Anish Kapoor isn't that good but he's the most famous art dude in the world right now and it's impossible to create an art discussion site on the internet because of autistic weirdos posting their shit drawings or anthropomorphic foxes.

>> No.14060714

You faggots are so full of shit, you can never explain why art you dislike just so happens to be more vulnerable to money laundering. Best I get upon asking is that NYT article talking about vulnerabilities in the way the gallery and auction trades work which affect all art, or some bullshit scenario you dipshits make up on the fly which shows you have zero understanding of how money laundering works. Just a bunch of stupid autistics who'd rather conjure up some convoluted international conspiracy propped rather than swallow the bitter pill that their taste is subjective and some people genuinely like things that they don't.

>> No.14060719


>> No.14060730

All right, I'll take another crack at explaining what I have already explained.

Being able to sell scribbles on a canvas for millions of dollars is like being able to print your own money.
If you can only sell Da Vinci-tier art for millions of dollars you do not have this opportunity to "print money" because you can't have a bunch of Da Vincis cranking it out for you.
Even if you could create a stable of Da Vinci-tier artists they're still going to need a lot of time to make you your money.

>> No.14060758

>quality of concepts is irrelevant, only time spent in production matters
The way to view art is: what is the idea, is the idea conveyed effectively to the audience of the venue it is housed in and through the medium it was made with. You rate work based on its intention and the effectiveness of its execution. The problem with golden age syndrome idiots like yourself is that they take examples of 600 year old stuff and claim everything was better then when you only have knowledge of the 12 or so decent things made in that century, meanwhile there are 12 or so hundred decent things being made every day that you could easily find if you spent less time pretending to know about art and more time actually studying it.
So far as your retarded craftsmanship argument, there are plenty of movements that require at least 6 years of work per piece like photorealism. All of that shit is complete garbage that can be accomplished in a fraction of a second with a camera, but for plebs like you it still exists.

>> No.14060782

Everything you believe about art appreciation was taught to you by people participating in the scam. It's just a bunch of rhetoric to turn paint smears on canvas, which can be produced by anyone in a few hours, is worth millions of dollars.

>> No.14060787

Not the guy you're talking to but holy shit, do you honestly believe there's a network of scammers that have infiltrated art schools on literally every continent somehow?

>> No.14060790

into millions of dollars*

It's just so much hot air, it's rhetoric. If you smear some paint on a canvas today the only thing stopping it from being worth millions is you don't have an art "expert" that will vouch for it.

>> No.14060796

Not at all. There are witting and there are unwitting participants. Some people know it's bullshit and make money off of it: almost all of them just believe the bullshit because an "expert" taught it to them.

>> No.14060810

You have a naive understanding of how monetary value is created with art if you genuinely believe that price tag on a multi million dollar piece from a living artist reflects its actual value as art. It's marketing. Basically how it works is influential art dealers, in conjunction with influential art critics, convince their wealthy patrons of an arts immense value. You think anyone spends $5mil on a painting because they like it? They may like the painting, but they are willing to spend that much because they know the art will retain it's value. It becomes a store of value rather than a consumable. Why are the confident that the art will maintain it's value? Because the taste-makers, the influential dealers and critics, have a track record in which the art they ascribe value to retains that value.

The '12 or so decent' paintings from 600 years ago have stood the test of time. They are the paintings that have remained of value to critics and dealers over centuries that have no connection to one another. As you say there are 12 or so hundred decent things being made every day, so why would one of these things have a price tag of $5mil while another has a price tag of $10000? It's because the taste makers have made a business of inflating the value of art. The artists they work with make a cut, they make a cut, and the buyer makes a profit when they sell the art in 5 years time. It's all marketing.

>> No.14060822

Talent is not taste.
Also if you only see deep meaning in abstract scribbles there is something fucking wrong with you.

Lastly most forms of money landuring are at the very least semi-complex

>> No.14060839

To be fair, most people who enjoy art aren’t good at making it

>> No.14060851

Also to elaborate on what I mean by 'in conjunction' when I say 'influential art dealers, in conjunction with influential art critics', it's not some grand conspiracy where they set out how they are gonna make bank of a young and upcoming artist. Instead it's more about the 'social club' aspect. They discuess things at cocktail parties and the likes. When we think of marketing we think of billboards and pre-roll ads but when marketing an artist, it's about who's ear you can get and underwhat setting, and said by who. The art dealers and critics know that power they hold, as do the wealthy people who they talk to. They know by virtue of the fact that it is themselves talking about the art it will gain value.
The art dealer still needs to back the right artist. If a competing dealer can convince enough of your patrons that your opinion is dog shit you will lose sway in the community. So they pick artists they believe will get affirmation by independent sources such as other art critics and people like your university art lecturer. But just because the art is above average that doesn't mean it's true value as art is reflected in its price tag. The price is still over inflated.
The same can no be said for a Rembrandt or Van Gogh where the price tag is likey much closer to the actual value of the art, partly because the art has taken on historical significance (in the same way a shitty pot from ancient times can have immense value, not as art but as a historical artifact.)

>> No.14060852

This is too retarded to even be bait. Who the fuck do you think is selling paint smears for millions of dollars? Pollock was around in like the 60s and he was a bit shite and literally a cold war weapon but there was still conceptual value to his commentary on the process of painting and value of the validity of the by then dead medium of paint in art. He was like the art equivalent of an indy rock band.
Please stop trying to talk about art forever. Really bothers me seeing people try to discuss art on 4chan because none of them ever know anything at all about it.
Literally what Damien Hirst's work takes advantage of and people who understand art get the joke while retards see his name and his absolute intentional garbage work and talk about how genius the choice of colour is. There are videos of him laughing about idiots buying his shit and there are later interviews with idiots like Noel Fielding complimenting his artistic integrity. It's hilarious.
The fuck are you talking about price tags for? What does the market or the production of commodities have to do with art practice? The auction house at the high end is where established names have work they made sold by a private owner to another private owner which increases the price of their next work. Very few people who have work sold in that format for high figures are actually artists. Don't fucking try to compare market wankers like Banksy with guys like Pierre Huyghe. If you think the auction house is where an artist makes money then you have brain damage. It's fucking grants, commissions, outside work in other disciplines, books and residencies. Some guys make shitty merch as well - shitty merch is a well established art practice (see: Andy Warhol). Fucking auction house and an argument, get the fuck out of here.

>> No.14060855

Where did I imply that the artist makes money at the auction house? They make their cut in all the ways you mentioned. Please work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.14060858


Part of the way the scam works is they persuade people like you to think they are very intelligent for thinking art like this is SO DEEP and that people that do not agree with that assessment are retards.

>> No.14060859

>modern art was a secret CIA operation in the 1950s to blah blah blah
>despite the fact that modern art was developed by independent and often unpopular europeans at the turn of the 20th century

Why even argue with these people?
The "le modern art is objectively bad" argument should do into that list of "Things You Should Never Waste Time Arguing with Retards on the Internet" along with atheism/evolution debates and flat-earthers

>> No.14060862

Didn't you ever read about how Andy Warhol basically had plebs pump out garbage for him to sell while he filled his house with renaissance masterworks?

>> No.14060872

If you can't defend the value of modern art then you are a simpleton who has fallen for the scam by virtue of taking people who you know are smarter than you at face value.
At least some of the anons in this thread can defend modern art with opinions and ideas they understand, and don't have to simply appeal to authority.

>> No.14060875

>Art is a conspiracy between the government and "dealers" to create taste
>despite the fact that the most famous artists in the world are a guy who makes giant shiny public works, a guy whose entire practice is taking the possibility out of private ownership of art by tricking them into buy shite, Jeff Koons and some Japanese Ameriboo who hangs out with Pharrell
Just complete nonsense. I literally work in art - both in its practice and as a critic. You're an idiot.
>people like you
I don't care what your link is, I don't give half a shit about the market at all. The biggest telltale signs of a dilettante is that they use the word "deep" when trying to pretend they know how to discuss art. Did you develop this autistic persona before or after some girl with a bad fringe in dungarees rejected you? Aggressive, uneducated and unfounded hatred of an imagined idea of "art" as a result of being an incel is some high level autism.

That's way more of a response than any of you deserve desu. I'll refresh this thread in the morning to laugh at the replies.

>> No.14060879

>I don't have any time to look at your link but I can type out this TL;DR.

The dissonance is strong.

>> No.14060897

The SO DEEP jibe is how you think smears on a canvas are very meaningful because of the rhetoric surrounding them. No; they are just smears and you have been had.
Something like a novel has something to say about the human condition because it literally says it.
A rich painting can also say it because of its content which it communicates to you.

The very fact that everyone in the world that didn't take your art appreciation classes doesn't the meanings you claim these paintings have should, at the very least, make you doubt these artists are very good and conveying meaning.

>> No.14060911

Didn't you ever read the internet parable about pigeon and chess?

I'm not going to waste my time in an argument with someone who doesn't even understand the most basic facts about what they're arguing about. You fucks in this thread are so confident that modern art is garbage, yet repeatedly fail to even grasp the definition of modernism or mistake it with other movements.

For me to make a rational "defense" of modern art would require a valid criticism to begin with

>> No.14060916

If it were as easy as you goons made out everyone would do it, and every property developer's wife that shits out a knock off abstract impressionist doodle to decorate a flat with would net themselves millions.

The fact is there are an extremely limited number of collectors that have the ability to increase speculation in early-mid career artists simply by collecting their work, and that's only because of their previous and established success in spotting trends, talent and interesting characters; Charles Saatchi comes to mind. Even then they can't just conjure something out of nothing. Nobody is getting a speculation racket off the ground with Mrs. Biddingsworth's watercolours of her dogs.

This all encompassing conspiracy you autistics make up to protect yourself from the cold hard reality of subjective taste (and never post any evidence for) reminds me of the bizarre and intricate orbits of visible bodies in space required to support a geocentric model of the solar system.

>> No.14060930
File: 559 KB, 1152x1152, 1544339242800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did I say that the government conspires with art dealers? You're just making shit up now. Also nice dodging of a very simple question. I never said that artists making their money at an auction house and you still went of on a tirade about it. You're not as smart as you think you are mate.

>> No.14060934

Read the Emperor's New Clothes.

>> No.14060936

Yet you waste your time arguing about why you won't argue about things on the internet.
Truly enlightened.

>> No.14060953

You know what the fun part is? These are people that pride themselves on knowing the esoteric richness of the scribbles but what we're laying down is too complex for them.

>> No.14060959

Yeah you can tell that this guy has spent a lot of time and energy studying art yet he can't wrap his head around simple concepts about how value is determined in any market place, let alone the art world. I wonder if he actually makes money off of art in any capacity or if he just works at his local Cotton On.

>> No.14060968

His whole life would be a lie and a joke if he accepted the truth so every part of him will defend the lie. That's how they get you.

>> No.14060977

More by the script autist bullshit. You don't need to provide sources for your global conspiracy bullshit because this childrens fable neatly explains that you and a handful of other spergs are the only free thinkers while everyone you who likes things you don't is actually only pretending.

I'm not going to waste my time replying because you clearly aren't going to even attempt to back up the bizarre conspiracynigger bullshit you are peddling. You should grow up, grow a spine, and defend your opinions as opinions, instead of inhabiting a weak willed autist's fantasyland where your opinions are objectively correct and nobody truly holds an opinion in opposition to yours.

>> No.14061138

lol no.
the fact that the cia used modern art to PROMOTE AMERICA AS A CIVILIZED COUNTRY doesnt mean jackson was cia you dumb cunt.
educate your own goddamn self idiot

>> No.14061144

>>Of course they say it was to propaganda to 'promote American freedom of expression' but we all know that the CIA runs some deep and fucked up psyops all the time that are about control and manipulation. In this case it is the breaking down of meaning and tradition to create a more controllable population.

lol thats what fake news does - not modern art

hoisted by your own captain piccard

>> No.14061667

>as pjw said

Ahabhahahaahah Kys underage bait

>> No.14061681

>I'm not clicking your stupid link because I don't care
>>That means you are too busy
Sad that you were cursed with a low grade brain.
SO DEEP is something you say because you have no idea how to articulate any sort of valuable argument about art. I have no idea what these smears on a canvas are and why you think I love them, point has been dead for like 80 years.
If you can only ascertain value from literal works then you are literally retarded. And, no, every good written work is non literal.
>Y-you explained why the shit I was bringing up and was retarded and even then I kept bringing it up and ignoring everything in the thread even though my nonsense buyer's market digression was relevant to literally nothing and you are dodging the question for telling me that.

You must be the guys who fall for the "over 25 so you have to dress like Ned Flanders" meme.

>> No.14061725
File: 225 KB, 360x450, 1310E5E8-FC17-4EA1-94E0-6D4BF71DB48C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with dressing like Ned Flanders

>> No.14061729

Because they don't want to work. They want to leech off their s󠀀oy artist bf as his "muse".

>> No.14061835

okay buddy

>> No.14061836

>You are literally the victim of a CIA psyop to associate anything conspiracy related with the likes of flat-earthers. Retard
It's proven quite effective unfortunately

>> No.14061841

we should just say "hipsluts" instead of "art hoes"

>> No.14061872

Worse, endless pics of her stupid fucking cat

>> No.14062118

Focus on your own art instead of endlessly discussing the value of other people's art anons. Art collecting and the world surrounding it is retarded in principle anyway, quality of work doesn't change that.

>> No.14062203
File: 1.15 MB, 480x270, clumsy kid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14062717

Obligatory reminder to never date an art hoe


>> No.14062899
File: 646 KB, 2841x3809, Peter_paul_rubens-the_assumption_of_the_virgin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women who actually understand art look like archivists.

>> No.14062901

>quoting PJW
excellent bait.

>> No.14062912
File: 950 KB, 540x290, facepalm into reality break.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

knew an artho in art school who would draw "rough" pictures (she just couldn't fucking draw and refused to put in any work what so ever to actually improve) and then use a light table to trace and recycle them endlessly, after a full year of school she only had like 5-6 original drawings. she would finish of her "works" with some train of thought poetry that she thought was deep. wouldn't shut up about plants, thrift-stores and rosé. quite thicc tho.

also had a shy, fatter, uglier friend who was much better at art. in fact I've never met a good artist who wasn't introverted, quiet, reserved and contemplative. I guess it comes down to weather you wanna be an artist or if you actually want to make art

fuck art hoes, literally and figuratively

>> No.14062920



>> No.14062926
File: 60 KB, 685x1030, 2015_0327_Ingrid-Schaffner-685x1030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropping actual art women

>> No.14062928
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>> No.14062932
File: 71 KB, 405x269, conaty-405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14062938
File: 217 KB, 502x565, curators-ayas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14062943
File: 204 KB, 502x646, curators-filipovic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14062948
File: 75 KB, 788x1200, d7hf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14062952
File: 182 KB, 1200x801, d7hftxdiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14062953
File: 90 KB, 1200x801, d7hftxdivxxvm.cloudfront.net.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14062960
File: 176 KB, 887x1163, farkas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14062962
File: 46 KB, 360x540, Erica2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14062967
File: 212 KB, 502x752, curators-uztek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14063036
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>> No.14063453

Whatever you say...all images are fucking dumb trash and anyone who has ever made a work of art should go die

>> No.14063461

imagine my shock when someone actually takes anything that basedboy says seriously

>> No.14063463
File: 31 KB, 270x402, normie art filter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14063467

Nah I was talking about "This Is How We Bite Our Tongue" at Whitechapel

>> No.14063470
File: 107 KB, 960x640, fr18_d2_p1_tatiana_trouve_01_lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14063488

this is actually pretty cringe, if you actually knew anything about art you wouldnt be posting this

>> No.14063490

dont expect this retard to know stuff, he just watched some cringe pjw video and now thinks pwj knows anything about art

>> No.14063558

If whoever is lurking finds out about the installation that's good enough, twas a cool installation

>> No.14063733

>Mona Lisa
>Ew, cringe.
>Suspended rock in a hallway.

What literature do you have that will make me see your point of view? Not OP nor do I know who pwj is. I looked at the pictures of that gallery briefly on some Google result--I don't see anyway how any of this is interesting or worthwhile.

>> No.14063746

so tell what the stump represents :) if you understood are you really sure this is what you would post

>> No.14063798

I'm not that anon, but you know this is why most people hate modern art right? Everyone can appreciate that the mona lisa took time, effort, skill, and they can appreciate the aesthetics.

Where as to even understand the shaman you have to read the blurb - and honestly I think we both know there's a huge disconnect between the meaning and the execution. To most people it probably only superficially resembles a root ball.

Knowing what it means, or what it's made of, or how it was made just makes normal people hate it more. I get the impression that the only reason you like it is the smug satisfaction of "knowing something plebs don't", even though that knowledge is just trivia. Do you even like the art? Or is it just masturbation for you?

t. someone who likes modern art but also understands why 99.99% of people don't.

>> No.14063835

the thing you dont understand is these people dont really care about the subject they just want their opinion out there, so why should i pity some retarded shitposter, if he wants to discuss a subject he should know something other than nothing, its not my job to teach you about it. also still 57 ips but nice try

>> No.14063845

you know the only reason the mona lisa is as popular as it is isnt because of "muh time, skill, effort and aesthetics" right?

>> No.14064083

Wrong about the ips mate, it's literally my only post (now this one too)

I know, but that's what normal people talk about,.

>> No.14064109
File: 98 KB, 1080x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they are the art itself

>> No.14064110

You guys need to stop worshiping art hoes. There's nothing special about them.

>> No.14064248

my gf draws me and her all the time it's wholesome.

>> No.14064249

that looks aesthetic af

>> No.14064556

okay? why would i care about what normal people think when they dont even know what theyre talking about? they dont care about art anyway, they just wanna pretend to understand it, because they see them selves as a character and they think if they pretend to like art it will add depth to their character.

>> No.14064589

Plot twist: most people you'll know don't really care about art which is not surprising as today's world is filled with visual messages of all shapes and colors. It's hard to appreciate an image as an aesthetic piece and not as a message.
Please read "Avant-Garde and Kitsch" by Clement Greenberg and "The structure of bad taste" by Eco, they're wonderful reads.

>> No.14064604

"attacking women in any way makes you an incel, don't you dare insult art hoes >:^0"

Buy a cashmere noose and go hang yourself.

>> No.14064662

strange boobs
100 % would cum on it

>> No.14064715

back to >>>/r/eddit

>> No.14065038

So they are like 55 year old fat white women that craft? The kind that force their husbands to make pallet art?

>> No.14065043

Actually it's only popular because it was stolen and that made the public think it was worth a lot of money

>> No.14066089

you're an idiot with no engagement with art

>> No.14066117

Hipster sluts

>> No.14066137


>ITT: Triggered art hoes

>> No.14066228

t. incel

>> No.14066436

>Another one joins!

>> No.14066486

Google these two words and read about the differences

>> No.14066496

>Modern art sucks because everybody can do it
>pictures like Mona Lisa need skill, time and passion

>> No.14066497

God I wish I were an art hoe

>> No.14066645

ngl this and the rock look cool because they are out of place, but I'd hardly call it art

>> No.14067169

holy shit
>nuderaged nub

>> No.14067312

I personally dont find modern art pretty, but I find it interesting, if you like ultrarealism go for it, faggot and stop making everything political like the sjw's you probably despise

>> No.14067700
File: 52 KB, 989x550, 366AE3F4-A2EB-4FC4-A40C-D78D213861CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14067725

this is the type of shit only an incels posts btw :)

>> No.14067739

The fact that you made this and took your sweet life time on ms paint to get back at "arthoes" does confirm that you are an incel. I mean dude the main biggest reason your life sucks is because of yourself.

>> No.14067753

whats dilation?

>> No.14067781

>thinking hanging your fat sacks like that is erotic

>> No.14067813

A former classmate's sister's university project. Expect some man ass.


>> No.14067836

Lol how isn't it art

>> No.14067846

B- the idea is solid but the material itself is underdeveloped -- an additional effort is sorely lacking in the photography presentation and the video is total trash

>> No.14067879

you clearly dont know what dilation is if you think this is it LMAO, but its what you do at night when you put a big black dildo in your ass while you scream about how girls are shit

>> No.14067885

>thinking hanging your fat sacks like that isnt erotic

>> No.14068114

Interesting where your mind goes when you read the word "dilation". How does that make you feel?

>> No.14068154

i mean you only post about how much you hate girls so i can only assume you want it in the ass

>> No.14068182
File: 109 KB, 1024x911, 26FCE2A8-6C0A-4585-AF01-47405F438DA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14068225

>As in PJWs video said

you don't deserve to live you pathetic waste of oxygen

>> No.14068233
File: 532 KB, 1597x1600, excellent bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

premium bait

>> No.14068254


I can, with absolute 100% certainty, say that I've never seen a woman with her breasts in a position like that.

>> No.14068446

yeah posts like these

>> No.14068460

>tfw started dating this qtp2t effay art hoe but she's so flaky

>> No.14068573

absolutely disgusting

>> No.14068597
File: 244 KB, 1280x1280, 1546811382865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14068941

Because their "art" is a perversion of all things beautiful.

>> No.14069070

>you do every thing in "posts like these"
>get called out on it
>"you just hate women"
You need to go back to twitter.

>> No.14069445

i dont have one but i bet you do

>> No.14069454

Ooooo burrrrrnnnnn

Typical art hoe response

>> No.14069514

>no u

>> No.14069520
File: 42 KB, 720x720, arthoe meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of art hoe is this?

>> No.14069551

thats actually a legit prostitute/escort not an art hoe

>> No.14069578

Art hoes don't age well

>> No.14069717

i wish i was an art hoe

>> No.14070238
File: 75 KB, 640x640, 1521318341422[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice sow are there any images where she did not squeeze herself into some ridiculous contraption to alter her no doubt lovely shape?

>> No.14070253

extra thicc

>> No.14070264
File: 421 KB, 250x167, 1546393442403.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these people and their gay ass words. It's not about modern art or any such shit.
Art hoes are bad at art because they are art ''hoes.'' They went to art school to get fucked and pretend they are deep. It's the same reason they dress like that.

>> No.14070301

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.14070391


>> No.14070686


>> No.14070947

If they were good, they wouldn't have to be hoes.

>> No.14070981

You lost me at PJW

>> No.14071242

They spend all their time fucking and cultivating an aesthetic instead of actually creating anything.

>> No.14071521

>23 replies
That's 23 seething art hoes
The PJW namedrop is what made this b8 gr8