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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 136 KB, 700x545, europe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14060240 No.14060240 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most /fa/ european country?

>> No.14060243

>Europe aka New Africa
Yeah, no.

>> No.14060248

la france, evidement

>> No.14060252

probably some eastern european country since western europe is full of niggers and söys

>> No.14060266


>> No.14060269
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Britain, deffo mate

>> No.14060289


>> No.14060309


>> No.14060316
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>> No.14060324

France or Italy 20 years ago, Czech Republic now

>> No.14060345


>> No.14060359

France and Italy are the most fashionable, obviously.
But /fa/ it's gotta be a Scandinavian country. More money than sense, hype-wearing try hard posers

>> No.14060368

In the past? North Italy or France. Today rural Belarus. No contest.

>> No.14060379

post czech inspo

>> No.14060636

- Stockholm
- Berlin
- Moscow
- Paris

That order

>> No.14060659

moscow is the only non shithole there lol

>> No.14060748

People in Moscow are lNs effay than any american big city. NPC core is probably peak fashion in Moscow right now.

>> No.14061010
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Me on the left

>> No.14061173

Based and redpilled. Unironically, one of the most /fa/ flags along with Switzerland, Slovakia, and South Korea.

>> No.14061685
File: 343 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_20190201-133025__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A scandi country, probably Denmark or Sweden

>pic related, Copenhagen fashion week happening rn

>> No.14061700

Redpill: there are fashionable and unfashionable people everywhere

>> No.14061713

Are you gonna tell me Japan isn't like the animes either?

>> No.14061731

No, that’d be too harsh of an awakening

>> No.14061740

dont you have some jordans to cop bro senpai lit

>> No.14061742

actual dane here
there are alot of tryhards in denmark but i see alot of people cirklejerking our country so keep going

>> No.14061755

I'm Danish myself. I believe we have the best and the worst fashion at the same time. A lot of younger people try way too hard, but Scandinavian minimalism is best core

>> No.14061758

scandi minimalism is weak ass boring shit, boringest shit that has ever existed. like taking prep and taking away literally every element that is fun or interesting
white sneaker meme is also garbage

>> No.14061793

imagine thinking that buying clothes that compliment your silhouette and proportions and keeps you cozy is boring.
fuck off amerimutt, you dont even know janteloven is, so you can even begin to understand why scandinavian minimalism is the purest form of fashion

>> No.14061798

People named style which based on Italian sneakers and French jeans "Scandinavian" fucking ridiculous.
Pic is how traditional scandi minimalism looks like usually influenced by outdoor and military garments. Just check Acne and Our legacy lookbooks, they usually complete different from "meme scandi minimalism instagram blogger style"

>> No.14061800
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>> No.14061801

oh wow you know the origin of the word, but not why it is so big in scandinavia and espically Denmark, again if you understood what janteloven was you know why we look down on you americans whenever you wear your cringe supreme off-white shit

>> No.14061846
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It's big because it's easy to sell shitty fake pitti uomo aesthetic to masses rather than Henrik Vibskov which is peak Danish fashion. I'm poor eastern european dressing thrifted prep so far away spending money on Supreme but spending money on "scandi minimalism" is nothing better. Generally people in all first world countries have the same problem earing decent money without knowledge how to spend it, especially zoomers

>> No.14061868

t. czech
t. czech
t. slovak

>> No.14061878
File: 113 KB, 1019x1019, SEX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A real European gentleman combines Scandinavian minimalism (H&M), British elegance (ASOS) and Southern sprezzatura (Zara)

>> No.14061879

Russia. You can't argue against this and there is no other country that fits the catagory.

>> No.14061895

i can only rate the countries i have been to ...

russians in moscow have an interesting style, its very sporty and casual - parka, sweats, sneakers - but still somewhat sophisticated

germany is boring, but seldom tasteless

eastern europe is nowhere land in terms of fashion, mostly. especially adults dress horribly, perhaps because of their communist past

turks and arabs dress flashy, not good. either ASOScore, hypebeast, just an aggressive bydlocore style

italy has some of the best dressed people on earth, just like you would expect, but not every italian is a fashion god or cares about fashion at all

paris is always interesting, but i cant pinpoint a certain style

south korea has very, very few bad-dressed people, everyone makes an effort. they are obviously trying to dress like the french post-WW2, which isnt a bad thing

London can be everything, from ASOScore to chavcore to very interesting outfits

i never liked how scandis dress. the whole minimalism thing is just overpriced mediocrity imo.

the dutch in amsterdam were really cool often, lots of stylish asians as well, the arabs&moroccans are very deep into hypebeastcore

>> No.14061900


he looks stupid

>> No.14061901

Duuuh Denmark.

>> No.14061911

forgot a few

israel - cool people. because of the heat, few men give a fuck about fashion, but i really liked how their women dressed

spain - zara, massimo dutti, desigual, pull&bear, mango all hail from here, so i expected the worst, but its been better than expected. inoffensively stylish

belgium - liked it a lot, theres style to everything

portugal - fashion seems to be stuck in the 90s. just like the country as a whole

ukraine, belarus - very bad. send help

>> No.14061934

why would you list non-european countrys you retard

>> No.14061957


>> No.14062012

What I read: I'm broke so I do fast fashion

>> No.14062084

> Hamburg
> Moscow
> Helsinki

>> No.14062450


>> No.14062466

im in europe and its full of niggers. so idk why you ask.

>> No.14062487

I see a lot of people saying moscow, not disagreeing but got any examples of fashion in moscow?

>> No.14062607
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sweden ofc

>> No.14062648

For you

>> No.14062681


>> No.14062685

good post

>> No.14062701
File: 96 KB, 993x559, 2,w=993,q=high,c=0.bild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germany of course. Richest, smartest european country.

>> No.14062708

easterneruope list:

Czechia: Prague has somewhat stylish ppl, hipster circlejerks are def stylish, but country as a whole dress horrendously
Poland: same as above but more into techno, more tacky and more cheap
Slovakia: Bratislava youngsters try too hard, too much hypebeast, supreme and sadboys core, but better than czechia overall
Hungary: Budapest has imo more stylish ppl than Prague but countryside is horrible too
Balkans: uninteristing, Slovenes in Ljublana are somewhat OK, Spain on discount, but other than that horrible all around
Ukraine: Kyiv has its charm but its not in fashion
Moscow: Overhyped, definately not as good as London or Berlin
Balts: boring, disocunt Denmark

I would say that the current moment, most stylish region of Europe are certain parts of Belgium

>> No.14062854

is that gigachad?

>> No.14063111

What are some good russian brands?

>> No.14063123

Stockholm or Copenhagen.

>> No.14063128

>Not shithole
>Lowest standard of living out of the 4 listed
>Gaudy chic mixed with areas of extreme poverty
>Very little culture remaining, thanks to years of Soviet occupation
>Braindead "fashionable" youth that desperately mimics western trends
>80% of the population wears track suits, light washed jeans, fur collars and LV belts

>> No.14063136

This guy gets it.

>> No.14063138
File: 50 KB, 600x440, 1392537679897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does 80% of the population wear fur collars and lv belts if it has the "Lowest standard of living out of the 4 listed "

>> No.14063169


>> No.14063973



>> No.14064028


Really dont get glorification of Moscow

>> No.14064056
File: 488 KB, 582x582, hel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helsinki unironically.

>> No.14064106

Worse than gopniks

>> No.14064128

Came to post this

>> No.14064226

>thinking they meant real fur coats and LV belts
lurk more

>> No.14064262

Toulouse, Bilbao and Verona.

>> No.14064280

Not rich young people form Kiev into skatecore and techno mixed stuff. Richer people are wide from shit hypebeast stuff to really cool style. Thats my vision.

>> No.14064282

on the topic of Russian cities, there's also Saint Petersburg and smaller cities such as former Gorky, Moscow is too overpopulated to be effay

>> No.14064296

When were these /pol/autists welcomed to /fa/?

>> No.14064302
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>> No.14065583

Warsaw is the most /fa/ eastern euruopen city out of all

>> No.14065588
File: 99 KB, 640x640, 23425632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres no effay people but the slav bitches are hot

>> No.14065864
