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File: 341 KB, 1043x651, 889464352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14053152 No.14053152 [Reply] [Original]

>take two pills a day for a few months and never worry about acne again
>spend hours everyday on your routine that took you months to come up with, wasting your time with expensive creams, watching your diet because 1 hamburger = 1 pimple amirite? And still, even after all that all your effort was probably useless because there's no guarantee any of this will work.

Hmm really hard choice.

>> No.14053163

>don't have acne to begin with
I sometimes feel bad for subhumans, but that quickly gets overtaken by the joy I feel for being at the top of the food chain.
Drain Gang in this bitch.

>> No.14053269

IIRC, the cons far outweigh the benefits and I’m sure this fucks your hair up.

>> No.14053275

thanks for the post Dr Cuckold

>> No.14053281

>pumping your body full of substances even though you don't need to

heh seems very smart OP
If anyone wants a safe alternative, use tretinoin cream. (retin-a)

>> No.14053297

Sorry, I don't take jew drugs

>> No.14053334
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>saves like 20 dollars a month on acne products
>spends an extra 50 on 1 bottle of lotion a week.
Im good thanks, its also only recommend for people with severe acne.

>> No.14053347
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>not using neem
fuckin pleb
pizza face bitch
acne ridden motherfucker

>> No.14053369

>dont eat like shit
>avoid acne altogether

>> No.14053378

you can eat as clean as you possibly can and still get acne

>> No.14053502

>Turn 20 years old and never have acne again

>> No.14053513
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>using accutane
doctors push this shit on you because they get kickbacks and they don't mind fucking up your back, liver, and kidneys with this bullshit medication. go on a generic antibiotic instead like doxycycline. it also treats the STDs from all the SEX you will be having

>> No.14053544


can confirm that doxy works
it also helps with rosacea and oily skin
but it destroys your gut microbiome in the long run
advice from someone who took it for nearly a year: if you take it - eat healthy diet that would be rich in pre and probiotic foods

>> No.14053558

this. had severe acne since i was13, finally went on accutane around 19ish, made my skin super dry for a few month especially my lips but nothing some moisturiser couldn't take care of. 23 now and never had a pimple since

>> No.14053568

>take antibiotics that will destroy the bacteria in your gut FOR A WHOLE YEAR

Reminder to never listen to the idiots giving advice here.
Use doxycycline for max 6 months and use retin-a cream.

>> No.14053587

like literally just eat probiotic yogurt every day. its still much better than accutane

>> No.14053589

Accurate saved my life. I wish i would’ve taken it earlier

>> No.14053590

>>pumping your body full of substances
le chemicals!!!! only eat organic food and no GMO amirite

>> No.14053602

Lmao not having acne means you’re full of estrogen, acne is a sign of high test
>drain gang

As I suspected a low test śôÿ boy

>> No.14053659

Accutane treatment can take a lot longer than a few months, is expensive, and will absolutely fuck up your skin in the meantime

>> No.14053851
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Acne is predominantly genetic, so if you’ve tried everyone’s advice and still little to nothing has changed get with you doctor and see if the side effects would be something you’re okay with, Wish I had done acutane sooner but I’m glad I did it nonetheless

>> No.14053958

I was on minocycline for 2 months and went from having 3-6 zits on my face to getting 1 max from jerking off too often

>> No.14053988

my routine takes 5 mins top

chemical exfoliate (every few days)
snail mucin

>> No.14054007
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Keep coping ;)

>> No.14054010
File: 141 KB, 1245x1144, 8F4CF5D0-0237-4251-8373-E6D851CC2C35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Accutane is the cure for acne what is the cure for acne scars that look like this?

>> No.14054053

Surgery, makeup or confidence.
Ranked from most to least expensive and effective, but from least to most preferable in the eyes of others.

>> No.14054066

Surgery? What surgery can fix this? Do lasers actually work?

>> No.14054084

I don't know, skin graft or something. The point is that acne scars aren't as bad as you think. The best course of action is to stop being a bitch.

>> No.14054093

Fuck off with that platitude advice bitch. You wouldn’t be saying that if your scars were severe.

>> No.14054096

Yeah you can get Laser scar removal and it works wonders

>> No.14054099

Alright, just wallow in self pity and die alone, you mong.

>> No.14054102

Are you sure? Source/Proof? Thanks anyways.

>> No.14054118
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>bro bladee is so good

>> No.14054127
File: 19 KB, 300x300, 4C73EB39-5518-4149-9390-72FA099745E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up laser scar removal before and afters. Most dermatologist do them and it works wonders

>> No.14054141

Seething acne ridden skinlet

>> No.14054149

Those are red scars. I’m talking about indentations tho.

>> No.14054153

Lol you do realize that Emotional disturbances, especially depression are indicators of high estrogen right? Keep listening to your sad shitty raps bitch tits

>> No.14054162
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For best results I’d recommend laser scar removal and post operation I’d get mederma PM scar treatment cream to really get rid of it

>> No.14054168

Is that projection? Stay mad lol

>> No.14054170
File: 3.54 MB, 600x400, 028C2649-0B1E-448F-964C-945BE1BFB79F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitch tits is an insult i havent heard in a long time. thanks for reminding me it exists fren

>> No.14054175

Prolly cant do shit nigga guess you feel pretty dumb about pippity po-po-poppin' all those pimples now, huh?
I know I do. In fact I want to go back in time and punch myself in the face because I have pitting so bad it actually made one half of my face start sagging downward so I look like an even more retarded Paul Mccartney.

>> No.14054179

You said you’re at the top of the food chain so let’s see what a true alpha looks like


Nah I have better taste in music

>> No.14054180

you seem to know an awful lot about estrogen gayboy

>> No.14054187

A, so you're a seething acne ridden incel skinlet?

>> No.14054188

thats the estimated lifespan for a tranny

>> No.14054201
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Pissed me self laughing at this.

>> No.14054211

>I sometimes feel bad for subhumans, but that quickly gets overtaken by the joy I feel for being at the top of the food chain.

You said it not me, now show us how confident you are and post face and fit

>> No.14054218

>>take two pills a day for a few months and never worry about acne again
not how it works. your acne can come back. I was just discussing this with a doctor. but, accutane is still the best available treatment for acne. I drank vodka every day I was on it, and never had liver trouble. the risks are overstated and like anything else all you hear on the internet is people who had bad experiences. the majority who had a good experience are far less likely to post about it

>> No.14054220

>having baseline knowledge of sex hormones is “an awful lot”

Why don’t you take those two iq points of yours, rub them together and see if you can start a fire?

>> No.14054222

doxy is gonna stop working well a few months into treatment

>> No.14054241
File: 37 KB, 600x600, F12A6C1F-0A59-4DD3-B848-F2DC4E43DA87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d rather spread your mother’s legs, shove my face between them and get inside Debussy.

>> No.14054275

t.just finishing up cycle and have no side effects (not even chapped lips)

>> No.14054434

completely wrong
did 10 whole months of this shit and i was used to the dry skin by month 3
also got to live with literally flawless skin for the last 6 months of my treatment and 90% flawless skin now

>> No.14055141
File: 445 KB, 551x548, 1546396512356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give dermarollers a shot bucko

>> No.14055168

>you're a fuck boy, heard it from Ecco

>> No.14055175

accutane has the side effect of making you bald sooner tho

>> No.14055581

Or you can just put topical tretinoin instead and avoid going bald and having your whole face be a gross scaley mess because you were too lazy to google what's actually in accutane and realize you can just get the exact same thing in a cream lmfao

>> No.14055609

It doesn't. I've had it. Makes your skin dry as fuck though sometimes.

>> No.14055635

dermatologists don't give you accutane unless you have cystic acne, and lots of it. My doctor put me on doxycycline and tretinoin, benzoyl peroxide wash, probiotics, and some good ass lotion and sent me out in like 5 minutes.

>> No.14055649

>age 18-21
>military workout every weekday
>smoke 1-2 packs a day
>drink well over a fifth per weekend
>only a few tiny zits a year

>better diet
>moderate exercise
>smoke 1-2 packs a week
>drink at most half a bottle of bourbon on weekends
>cheeks are fields of papules with white/blackheads scattered about with the occasional pustule
>also just found out TSH levels are kinda low

Dermatologists browse here right?

>> No.14055736

Damn big pharma advertising on here too?

>> No.14055747

what is it with 4chan and anti-accutane sentiment. literally the only place I know that hates it with a passion. you prolly just have shit genetics and reacted badly

>> No.14055748


>> No.14055756

>take accutane
>turn into a walking mummy for three months
>finish accutane
>acne comes back
>take accutane again
>turn into a walking mummy for another three months
>finish it
>acne comes back again
>have horrible side effects that last for over a decade

Fuck accutane. That shit fucked me up for life.

>> No.14055796
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>not just taking HRT to become a girl and not have acne

>> No.14056066

TSH is supposed to be low

>> No.14056210

Accutane makes my tinnitus unbearable. Otherwise I would take it.

>> No.14056227
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>not eating organic food
lol poorfag

>> No.14056240

It's all due to shit genes, you fags using creams are probably just making shit worse

>> No.14056295

The VA called me saying the specific levels were abnormal though <:^(

>> No.14056431

Honestly acne scars are not that bad, just be sure to either shave well or grow a full beard because they don't mix with 3 o'clock shadows

>> No.14056453

>He willingfully poisons his own body
Lmaoing at ur life

>> No.14056473

how did you get rid of the acne

>> No.14056478

Ur bad habits finally caught up with you

>> No.14056488

no thanks not until I maybe find something that won't fuck me over.
Requesting advice:
I have the occasional pimple but a lot of blackheads focused arround my nose and lower cheeks. I do skincare with a face wash, gel scrub and some pretty intense creme that burns like a thousand fire ant stings but nothing seems to work if I have a stronger pimple breakout.
I work out occasionally but admittedly eat like shit because I have no time to cook, especially not for lunch. Not willing to use Accu or Doxy if not necessary, any tips other than
>lmao change ur diet

>> No.14056508

U say u have no time to cook but you find the time to browse and post on 4chan? The best steps to take to truly get rid of acne is to eat right man, non GMO foods, no fast food, avoid processed food, and no onions. The toughest thing I found to deal with was just finding out what my face doesn’t like, I can’t have any refined sugar, wheat, or dairy for example.

>> No.14056551

Phoneposting while on public transport is a thing but I can hardly whip up a dinner here now can I. Also I'm actually a pretty decent chef but I just don't have the time to make a decent meal

>> No.14056677
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>> No.14056950

>never worry about acne again
>instead have to worry about side effects
>spend a couple minutes washing your face and applying the cheapest moisturiser you can find at your local supermarket every day
>don't eat unhealthy food

stop being lazy. accutane should be used only if normal methods of removing acne don't work. killing your sebum making ability isn't something to take lightly.

>> No.14056982

28 here with all my hair, did accutane twice as a teenager.

>> No.14056988
File: 202 KB, 1080x1920, 59ea28e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it ogre for me <,

>> No.14057071

How fucking old are you? Still browsing fa

>> No.14057151

i so want to believe this

>> No.14057203

Your latter advice doesn't help because mild/severe acne is genetic. It doesn't matter what you eat or how much you wash your face, etc. etc.

Do you think people with bad levels of acne don't try that shit? Don't try to wash and moisturize? Don't try to change their diet? They do, but it's a genetic issue, not a dietary/sanitary one, which is why Accutane is prescribed because it can force that change.

>> No.14057209

accutane doesnt work for me
charcoal scrub does tho

>> No.14057309
File: 3.06 MB, 5392x4344, accutane_before_after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would recommend this drug to anyone desu. I have spend 3 years of my life trying various skin products to cure my acne. Every day, morning and evening I did a 3-combo routine, with very minor results.
I have also tried almost every natural way to get rid of it: drink tons of water, eat varied foods, don't eat junk and drink sugery drinks, exercise etc. Only thing I didn't try was going vegan. Very minor results after 6-8 months of this lifestyle change.

Finally went to a dermatologist and after only 2 months I felt like I got a brand new skin. Silky smooth and not rough and dry like it had always been. 2 months!

Pic shows result after 5 months which is what I did (30mg/day for 1½ month, 40mg/day after that).
Drank 2.5 liters every day on it, only experienced dry lips and skin, nothing severe.
Should have done accutane 3 years ago and saved all the money I spent on soaps, cleaners, special lotions and other things.

For me the acne was just genetic I'm sure. Only accutane worked and it is 100% worth it if you should be wondering/worried.

>> No.14057331

I dont want to go bald

>> No.14057333

t. incel

>> No.14057396

Didn't that guy take around 250 mg every day and totally ignored the orders from his doc and the instruction pamphlet?

In milligrams you're generally supposed to take your body weight (in kilos) divided by two, a day.

The amount this guy took was beyond stupid and caused his natural hair loss to happen much faster...

>> No.14057840

does probiotics work for you?

>> No.14059168

accutane can fuck you up pretty bad


>> No.14059203

laser treatment, would be around 1-2k yurobucks for the whole face here in germany

>> No.14059246

Literally just wash your face, moisturize it and drink lots of water.

You fucking troglodyte

>> No.14059291

My friend claims it gave him crohn's disease and I believe it

>> No.14059301

I’ve been taking doxycyline for like 9 years with no problems.. should I be worried?

>> No.14059317

Acne is 87% genetic you baby faced bitch

>> No.14059356

>acne on back/chest instead of face
Just fuck my shit up

>> No.14059373

What do you think these drugs are doing? They aren't editing your genome. They're manipulating oil secretion and inflammation.

>> No.14059374
File: 36 KB, 300x360, 1443650878535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acne on back/chest AND face

>> No.14059842

that's pretty ignorant to say. Isotretinoin binds to retinoid receptors and changes their gene expression.

>> No.14060575

accutane made me want to kill myself but i dont have acne anymore

>> No.14060883

those aren't the same person

>> No.14061036

it fucks your hair up if MPB is already in your future

source: my dad has been completely bald since before i was born and lost his hair in his late 20s. My brother took acutane during high school and college and he's pretty much totally bald now too at 25 and has been since before he finished college. I'm 22, never took acutane (never needed to) and I have a pretty full head of hair with a bit of recession on the forehead, looking like a norwood 2. hopped on fin a few months ago. I'm not sure if my brother would be in the same spot as me had he never taken it, but my mom says she thinks thats what definitely did his hair in and accelerated the process by drying the shit out of his pores, which hair follicles are technically part of.

>> No.14061103

>acne is a sign of high test

>> No.14061123

if you still have acne in your 20s I would expect hairloss to be guaranteed anyway since it's the same hormones at play

>> No.14061125

>take roaccutane
>acne lessens considerably
>instead massive lesions form on the sides of my mouth even more noticable than acne
>everyone thinks i have aids
just put up with the acne

>> No.14061147

I did two rounds of accutane in my teens. my acne came back each time. I just use acne.org now and it works pretty good

>> No.14061424

accutane has ruined my chances of ever having sex again. i can't get hard anymore after a year on this drug
it's worth it if you don't want pimples but not if you want a sex drive and a penis

>> No.14061754

>Testosterone belongs to a class of male sex hormones called androgens, which can trigger acne by over-stimulating oil glands. They can also change the skin cells that line hair follicles, making them sticky and more likely to clog pores. ... Testosterone increases the production of sebum, making it a prime acne culprit.

Cope because your skin looks like you’re doing HRT

>> No.14062392

Same, but luckily mine is not very strong and regular skincare seems to work on my face to some degree, not completely but I can get it down to a few minor pimples if I do it extensively and 3 times a day. Funnily enough it doesn't work on my body though, my chest is not that bad but my back is a fucking minefield...

>> No.14062947

Anon that’s literally me

>> No.14064514

Literally just lift more omd

>> No.14065091

How many of you accutane users became crazy? How bad did it fuck with your head. I used to have a close friend on accutane but ever since he started treatment things really changed over the years

>> No.14065132
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>He wasnt hear for the thread where chad showed us his before and after pics with proof
I almost feel bad

>> No.14065137
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>i typed hear
I DO feel bad

>> No.14065197
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Anon why do you give so many of us false hope?

>> No.14065309

this is upsetting

>> No.14066118

anyone got any more insight on the impotence side effect?

>> No.14066188

it's very rare, and probably linked to the mood disorder side effects. What's far more common is accutane causing depression, which can in turn cause sex drive problems. There's obviously some reports of people claiming this to have happened, but it's rare enough that there are no official numbers