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File: 304 KB, 1024x910, christine sydelko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14045608 No.14045608 [Reply] [Original]

Since adult men can't wear backpacks (too old), satchels (too gay), or carry briefcases (out of style), how am I supposed to carry shit around that doesn't fit in my pockets?

>> No.14045631

very young: backpack
young: bumbag diagonal over torso
bit older: gymbag or tote
old: bumbag on crotch

>> No.14045635

feels good to be a lawyer, can carry a briefcase without being cringe.

>> No.14045636
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>> No.14045643

that's a purse

>> No.14045692
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>> No.14045925

leather duffle bag, or if you aren't super casual a soft sided leather briefcase

>> No.14045929


>> No.14045931

>gym bag is better than a backpack
I feel like as long as the backpack isn't ugly as shit and outdoorsy then it's fine.

>> No.14045941

>Carrying around a half meter long luggage bag when theres probably just dumb small shit inside

>> No.14045944

None of this matters unless you inhabit (to call it 'live' would be a bit farfetched) the cager-infested hellhole known as the USA, public transport is unheard of in those places so backpacks are also frowned upon.

>> No.14045963

You're only old if you're put of touch. Nothing is cringer than an adult carrying around some retarded "grownup" bag because they want to look "mature". Bags are functional. If you fall for the "I'm over 26 so I have to dress like Ned Flanders" meme you're an idiot.

>> No.14045994

Damn good analysis didn’t even consider that. Here in aus it’s totally normal and you’re a gay cunt for suggesting it isn’t

>> No.14046581
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Imagine not being able to carry everything in your detachable pockets

>> No.14046627

B*sed and r*d pilled

>> No.14046633

Messenger bag is doable if you're under 30, but even small backpacks are coming back these days.

>> No.14046638

That's sad; that nice pupper doesn't deserve to be bullied online.

>> No.14046809

What if I'm not a middle aged east asian woman?

>> No.14046836


Yup. Scandi here, literally everyone and their grandma wear backpacks, only difference is they tend to get nicer the older people get

>> No.14046838


> "im over 26 so I have to dress like Ned Flanders"


>> No.14046840
File: 76 KB, 886x746, men-outdoor-genuine-leather-leg-bags-waist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look into "leg bags"

>> No.14047144

Imagine being so insecure that you're worried what that mess of a human thinks. The dog is literally the better looking beast in that picture and it's a fucking ugly looking dog.

>> No.14047161

nothing wrong with a nice backpack as an adult. just make sure it's clean and not some ragged ass shit and use both straps, you're not in highschool anymore. a nice backpack looks way better than a shoulder bag carrying around some nasty ass gym bag.

>> No.14047495

A bagpack is a must for anyone working in IT/CS.
Wtf is wrong with these retards

>> No.14047501


>deciding not to wear backpacks anymore based on the opinion of a fat downie

the absolute s t a t e

>> No.14047532


>> No.14047540

isn't the whole point of working in it/cs that you don't actually have to do any physical work? they fuck you need a backpack for, to carry a laptop and a goofy screwdriver?

>> No.14047572

>carry a laptop
Yes. Why are you asking a question if you know the fucking answer you mong.

>> No.14047574

you're actually making fashion decision based on what teenage girls think (protip: they're retarded and have no idea about life or fashion). so keep that in mind

>> No.14047690

What the h*ck is this abomination?

>> No.14047698

how am i supposed to fit my books into a bumbag, carrying a gymbag everywhere else than the gym is cringe and lave totes to women

>> No.14047709

In your ass

>> No.14047722

The "backpack (too old)" is only a thing in rural and suburban America. Though a grown man should have a significantly nicer one than he had in high school, and avoid serious outdoors backpacks unless you are doing some serious outdoors stuff.

>> No.14047729
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>What if I'm not a middle aged east asian woman?

Was looking for this comment

>> No.14047774


>> No.14047953
File: 8 KB, 242x208, download (30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Blacks solved this

>> No.14047962


>> No.14048078

A fucking shitbull too. Yuck.

>> No.14048213

My in-laws got me one for Christmas. It's covered in horrendous engrish.

>> No.14048236


>> No.14048276
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are you fucking retarded?

>> No.14048298
File: 355 KB, 900x563, 15d406f06ce12f2ac57cb5137d1afc69_XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neck pouch

>> No.14048307

oh god this is so trashy-chique
if you're not a rich man from dubai,
this will NOT look good on you

>> No.14048310

whats the meme behind this??

>> No.14048337


>> No.14048340

187 digga

>> No.14048675


>> No.14048827

What the fuck are you carrying around on a daily basis that you need a bag?

>> No.14048873


>> No.14049309

Laptop, Keys, Car Keys, Earphones, Perfume atomizer, Mints, Spectacle box and cloth, Wet wipes, Face wash, Sunscreen, Moisturizer etc.
Everyone uses a bag of some kind. You only go bagless if you are going clubbing or somewhere near your house. With only your keys, wallet and phone.

>> No.14049319

>too gay

>> No.14049351

I feel like this girl was getting bullied before she even got into social media, that's why she's into nitpicking other people for the most inconsequential things.

>> No.14049364

>i cant have a bag

>dedicated by a fat, youtube """comedian"""

die on another hill

>> No.14049375
File: 47 KB, 580x600, item_XL_10701054_14223804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A laptop bag says "get out of my way I have important things to do."

>> No.14049463

Looking by the “snapper”
She shouldn’t be talking

>> No.14049577

>Spectacle box
please kys

>> No.14049924

my dad uses this exact bag and his corporation owns over $70 million in assets, more than three quarters of which are income-producing

>> No.14049929

weird flex but ok

>> No.14049932

You're a grill, right? why on earth do you need that much bullshit with you when you're out?

>> No.14050003

Backpacks basically mark you as a shop lifter or vandal (if you're a man)
If you are a woman you have a purse and you should never ever ask a woman what she has inside.
I carry a back pack because I have shit to do, and it usually requires things to do it with.... Change of clothes, note pad, Ipod, most importantly- none of your business.

>> No.14050006

This. A basic backpack, not a big fucking survival camping backpack, is fine for literally anybody.

>> No.14050116

She is sworn to carry your burdens

>> No.14051028


Nigga wants to be Hokage

>> No.14051045
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>> No.14051101
File: 59 KB, 960x640, kollegah-djarow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wir rollen wieder durch die Stadt mit den Jungs

>> No.14051144

>laptop in laptop bag
>keys in pockets

I don’t know why you’re even still using earphones in public if you’re above highschool age but if you must just wear them and tuck them under your clothes when not in use, you wont tangle them that way

everything else is pointless

>> No.14051178
File: 289 KB, 1352x1500, il_fullxfull.989241647_e36g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14051221
File: 1.29 MB, 1200x1456, banjo-brothers-messenger-bag-large-copy-184990-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im kinda partial to messenger bags, but perhaps they could serve you too
you can have theme either on one shoulder or across
it is the eaziest sort of bad im terms to getting to your stuff and stuffing stuff away
more roomy than it looks
if you get one with a stabilising strap you han even run a bit without having to hold it , however it is not a backpack in terms of comfort

but I get it op, if you are indeed old, get a leather shoulder bag

>> No.14051473

>t. retard

People wear backpacks all the time here. This cow is the only person that is trying to seem cool by pointing out something that nobody cares about.

My only issue with backpacks personally is most people just use a shitty jansport or some oversized POS.