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/fa/ - Fashion

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>> No.14031635
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>> No.14031644
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Still looking for a fragrance for a college ball in few months. What would you wear for white tie? I bought French Lover by Frederic Malle some time ago but it smells too rustic for that occasion on the second thought. I need something classy and austere yet playful. It must also last 6h+ with a few feet projection so I'll spread my Chad miasma while strolling between people. Price is not an issue. Maybe something more western from Roja/Amouage houses (I don't want to smell like an Arab)? I'm going to visit Harrods with my baba next week, so I'll have an opportunity to test them.

>> No.14031648
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It's fun

>> No.14031656

Post rare Alex shots below

>> No.14031661

TF Oud Wood

>> No.14031672
File: 32 KB, 408x482, 73F582C8-A7C0-40C2-A673-585754F7E591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I figure out which fragrance I like if I can’t smell it on the internet?

>> No.14031677

You go to stores and smell ones you’re curious about, or you order samples and test them.

>> No.14031681

So, I looked up the OP pic and this fragrance is supposed to smell like hashish? Cannabis? I’m genuinely not memeing help guys.

>> No.14031683

Please. I'm finishing my bottle and never going to buy it again. It has piss poor performance on par with some supermarket scents, not gonna carry a bottle with me for the whole night to reapply

>> No.14031684

Most of the stuff in stores isn’t that great imo. I wouldn’t be able to find out about more niche fragrances via that method. Second method was probably obvious yet I never thought of it. Cheers.

>> No.14031685
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>> No.14031693
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>> No.14031694

Depends what stores you have access to. There are tons of stores that have niche frags.

>> No.14031697
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>> No.14031700
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>tfw, she'll never ask you 'what's that smell, anon?' while on a date

>> No.14031704
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>y-y-youu too

>> No.14031710
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Corrected version

>> No.14031714

Just wear dhi or something literally nobody will care.
>too rustic for the occasion
lmao get the fuck out.
If you are new you dont. Get samples online or try instore. If you know what you like you can figure it out from the note breakdown and reviews.
Tried it a few times I dont smell any weed.

>> No.14031718

What does it mean by saying it smells like “hashish” then?

>> No.14031720
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>> No.14031731
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>> No.14031732

I have only delved into the very basic fragrances. Spicebomb, Invictus, Creed, 1 Million, Sauvage, Yves Saint Laurent, and so on. I’m sure some of those must be seen as garbage. What ones do you like?

>> No.14031733

It means hash I guess but it doesn't smell like hash to me.The reviews on the fragrantica page also say it doesn't really smell like hash.

>> No.14031735

Hello, we call it Snicebomb here. Thanks

>> No.14031737

Please explain.

>> No.14031738
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>> No.14031740


>> No.14031742
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The legend says that it was Alex herself who bragged about compliments Black Orchid gets her. Then the mob started mocking her and she eventually stepped out of the mortals world not wanting to be bothered by /frag/ anymore. We realised the absence of her light weeks after and snice then /frag/ has been trying to evoke her posting her lingerie photos. However, the Elder Scroll is clear on that matter. She will come back only if hookeranon will put his sword into her sweet womanhood and hold it there for 2minutes. Only then the ancestral curse will be pulled down and she'll come back shitposting with us.

>> No.14031744

That Jew is 2/3 leg.

>> No.14031747

>footage of general (upper class) populace

>> No.14031751

If you like the scent it doesn't matter if anon calls it garbage. I dont really own a lot of designers but Dior Homme Intense is great and ADG profumo is a solid all-rounder.

>> No.14031758
File: 59 KB, 808x587, demirawling2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Demi will never ask you for your scent of the day
kill me already

>> No.14031760

for me, it's Rochas Man

>> No.14031766

Demi or Alex? Vote

>> No.14031781

what the actual fuck and how does this relate to memeventus

>> No.14031785

Alex long hair > Demi > Alex short hair

>> No.14031789

Alex, and it’s not even close. Demi is a generic instathot with an ok body and mostly only looks decent when she’s wearing a ton of makeup. Alex is legitimately gorgeous (although she needs to let her hair grow out again).

>> No.14031791

You’re over thinking and people can smell it on you when you think it’s not projecting. You probably reek of it if you think you have to re apply all night.

>> No.14031793

Haha nice, somebody posted my OC. I've really been enjoying Kouros, Individuel, and Cool Water lately. Pierre Bourdon is based as fuck.

Wore Individuel today, I've also got Roma Uomo, Fahrenheit and Prada Amber on deck. What are your current rotations, guys?

>> No.14031799

Alex. Not a competition. I don’t even know what Demi’s real face even looks like because so much of it is painted on.

>> No.14031803

>being this new

>> No.14031804

Is it at all possible that they are still giving samples of gold label oud wood at nordstrom? My sample was much stronger than the bottle I just got. I want to say I remember the label being gold. at the time. A month ago.

>> No.14031807

Well, I would (and plan to try to) pay to fuck Alex. I would not pay to fuck Demi. Alex is the queen of my prophecized kingdom. Demi is a pretender to the throne.

>> No.14031808

for me, it's Rochas Man

>> No.14031812
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Just got pic related, what am I in for

>> No.14031814

No one gives a shit what you’re wearing.

>> No.14031815

Didn’t you say you had a girlfriend? What’s the point then? Who do you need to impress?

>> No.14031825

You're annoying as fuck dude

>> No.14031827

So what?

>> No.14031835

Gold label is from several years ago and performance was the same. No way are they handing out samples that old.

Honestly, I have no idea how people claim the performance is terrible. It last all day on myself and I smell it for days on clothes it rubbed off on.

I think it’s the mentality that your scent should project 5 feet for hours making you the cologne guy that people talk about behind your back.

>> No.14031839

people wear fragrance for reasons other than attracting women

>> No.14031844

So if you have a girlfriend and don’t need to impress thots at the ball, why do you need to be so autistic about what you’re wearing? Just use whatever you like, it doesn’t matter.

>> No.14031846

Dude you’re annoying as shit. It doesn’t matter what you wear as long as it’s not polarizing. your personality seems to be shit, so it really couldn’t matter less.

>> No.14031848

Yes, I’m aware, let’s not reopen that can of worms. The point was simply that if he’s not wearing it to attract girls, why not just wear whatever he likes? The other dudes there aren’t going to be impressed that he’s wearing 500.00 cologne.

>> No.14031849

Here we go again. Let the another Chad designer vs. niche virgin war commence

>> No.14031855
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I need help. How is Santal perceived by general (upper class) populace?

>> No.14031867

Why there's still no Chad miasma virgin waft meme?

>> No.14031869

Thats what I figured too, idk. Im actually not really complaining, it does last all day as a skin scent, and I prefer my fragrances to sit close.

Either I'm misremembering the strength of my sample, or it can be chalked up to the fragrance "maturing" after its been opened.

>> No.14031871

you havent made it yet

>> No.14031874

Because none of us can agree on what the the Virgin is called. I still say the virgin spritz.

>> No.14031878

I’m good with waft or spritz, personally.

>> No.14031885

It’s really popular among yuppies who think they have elevated taste. You know the type who model their life and apartment after a kinfolk magazine. I can’t go anywhere in NYC without catching a trail of it. I smell it more than anything else here.

Most people don’t know about frags. They just recognize it as trendy.

>> No.14031889

Could just be that you’re used to it. My nose has changed since I first sampled it. I don’t perceive it like i did the first couple wears for whatever reason.

>> No.14031890

>ohhh my precious girlfriend I can't imagine being able to live without you. How can I serve you my lady? Oh no, I beg you believe me that I don't think about any other girl my Pearl. Ok, my Queen I'm going to wear this potato bag and be smelly so no other girl will ever think of even looking at me. Forgive me wearing this cologne. You're my whole world.

>> No.14031896

If you’re the original poster then holy fuck are you annoying. Whatever scent you wear won’t matter because they’ll associate it with your annoying ass.

>> No.14031904

This. Just wear Axe and stop shitting up the thread, cockbag.

>> No.14031905

Because what? Because I'm not a poorfag? OK buddy

>> No.14031922

Reminder that PdM is NOT sold in Macy's or Sephora.

>> No.14031928

Chad miasma vs virgin silage

>> No.14031931
File: 641 KB, 829x435, 1542050896969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone who missed the thread or is new to this general be advised that THIS is the man who is behind every 'all niche smells like shit nichefags are out of shape dweebs, be a chad and wear eros to get young pussy' posts

he outed himself in this thread: >>/fa/thread/S13833764#p13835067
he has a yt channel for his natsoc rants: https://www.youtube.com/user/CecilDrakeinSeattle
as you can see he himself is an out of shape, mid-30s social washout who does dishes for a living. you can see from the archived thread that his anti-niche agitation is sincere. its clearly a power fantasy, a mechanism for coping with the reality of his aging, impotent position in life

cecil i wish you no harm but please try to keep a lid on your autism

>> No.14031933

>I base my self-worth on over expensive designer fragrance bottles that I own

>> No.14031961

Is he just gonna shill ensar oud from now on?

>> No.14032004

Who the fuck is even this person? Stop shilling your channel fag

>> No.14032017

Having neon lights set up around your room

>> No.14032052
File: 77 KB, 1200x1500, HL_E07HF003_100_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you lads have experience with this juice? Just ordered myself a decent.

>> No.14032085

>le poorfag
lmao he actually used that. it's like you weaklings meme yourselves into existence.

>> No.14032086


>> No.14032087


>> No.14032091

nichefags got btfo last thread. nevar forget.

>> No.14032093
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>> No.14032142

He’s also a redditor, a 5’1 turbomanlet, and is so socially inept that he can only get frumpy teenagers to date him. And I do wish him harm.

>> No.14032150

Also worth noting: that is a flattering pic of him. He’s way uglier than that. Can’t really see it in that pic, but his teeth are black and rotten as fuck. Dude looks like an extra from Pirates of the Caribbean.

>> No.14032159

>designerfag caught lying through his teeth
>utterly roasted by several niche patricians
>somehow equals niche patrician getting btfo

>> No.14032164

Can we not start this shit again, please? Threads are so much better without this designer/niche autism.

>> No.14032165

>he actually thinks this happened

>> No.14032174


>> No.14032180

>He actually thinks we'll believe that Macy's sells niche frags

>> No.14032194

Both of you shut the fuck up.

>> No.14032208

Alex by far, but I’d still eat Demi’s ass

>> No.14032222

Based. What frag would you wear? What fragrance would you want her to wear?

>> No.14032240

shitty performance

>> No.14032277
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pick a side or shut your fucking mouth, coward

>> No.14032281

whats a good beginner cologne?

>> No.14032290
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>> No.14032309

Go to the mall and try like eight of the frags on the counter. Pick one you like the most and buy it. Right there in the spot. Wear it around for a few weeks, and then decide what you like or don't like about it. Go back to the mall and try eight again, you can try the same eight if you want. Just keep trying things until you discover notes and accords you like.
For me, I like iris, tonka, sandalwood, various spices. That's a lot to go off of, so I have a lot of things to try. It's hard to go wrong. Despite what /frag/ says, nobody is going to catch a whiff of you in the street and think "what a fuccboi" unless you're 8 sprays deep.

>> No.14032573

based and truthpilled

>> No.14032662
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>> No.14032845


lol before the last 2/3 three years Ensar was just selling another distillers oud oil with smart marketing and mini-essays

>> No.14032983
File: 23 KB, 375x500, FC2F7AB0-ADBB-4047-963B-78384C99CCF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck it’s so expansive?

>> No.14033098

it's pretty great, can't go wrong with any of the 3 Helmut Lang fragrances in any formulation. wonderful, cozy oriental with a sort of "white", minimalist aesthetic.

>> No.14033116

>Pierre Bourdon is based as fuck
I think that perfumemakers pill is one of the most important redpills to swallow. I always look for cheap gems by looking into creations of perfumers I appreciate from more expensive work. It almost always works like a charm

>> No.14033119

For no reason. Take the arabianoils pill

>> No.14033126

I laughed but I don't think many here know the perfume

>> No.14033130

>affordable snice scents
Looking into expanding it again. Any new recommendations to add? Did someone tested something from this list and have an opinion to share?

>> No.14033134

I know ppl had strong opinions on Bogarts

>> No.14033139

Maurice Roucel along with Bourdon are my favorites. Kouros has to be number 1 from me though.

>> No.14033177

But I want this one. Cause of the hype

>> No.14033274
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Anyone tried? How does its compares with MI?

>> No.14033437

>supporting terrorism

Off my board, traitor.

>> No.14033749

Use fragrace.com with coupon code GPYA37. $200 shipped is pretty reasonable

>> No.14033762

I’m very envious of people so autistic they don’t know it. My self-awareness is a curse.

I went bounding up to the counter with an unnatural bounce in my step and a probably-too-eager grin and tried to act casual to the lady at the counter. Very pretty, but seemed a little downtrodden. Probably because she deals with people like me. I have trouble controlling the volume of my voice and sometimes it causes embarrassment. I couldn’t find Terre D’Hermes despite wanting to try it so I though I’d ask for a sample. I probably could have just blundered my way through the pronunciation but instead I inexplicably felt the need to pronounce it “correctly”. I’m English so I thought it must be fairly simple. I gave it my best shot, but the volume of my voice went up rapidly and I ended up barking “TEAR DAREMEZZ” in what must have sounded like an angry Russian trying to do an impression of Inspector Clouseau. I tried to pretend it never happened and after a moment of stunned silence I said “Haha, I hope I pronounced that correctly”.

I didn’t even like the fragrance. Fucking hell.

>> No.14033785

thanks for the kek anon. Don't worry, I'm sure a lot of people make a fool of themselves at the perfume counter.

>> No.14033825

>laa nuet dey laa hhomme
>jeen paal guteeer
beat that kiddo

>> No.14033847

You did well

>> No.14033881

Exams are done, they went snice ill be poasting again now

Also new MDCI when?

>> No.14033944

mass-produced, relatively inexpensive goods that are marketed as luxurious or prestigious.
"top designers have been creating masstige lines"

>> No.14033947

Why would anyone wear TF i really cant understand.

Tom Ford =Gay

>> No.14033960

Give me some upper class spring frags other than acqua di parma


>> No.14033962

Grey Vetiver

>> No.14033966


>> No.14033968

The only good niche are the ones that are exactly like designer, but more expensive, of course. They are going after new money that are looking to blow it on luxery goods. All other niche frags smell like shit or arabs.

>> No.14033978

>The only good niche are the ones that don't smell like shit or arabs
>The only foods that are good are the ones that don't taste like shit

>> No.14033993

Hello gentleman, have you tried Creed or Parfums de Marly already?

>> No.14034001

Someone with ig write Alex to tell us her top 3 favorite mens fragrances. I'm dying to see what she likes and girls love that shit

>> No.14034036
File: 111 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-01-22-19-41-50-977_com.instagram.android.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see

>> No.14034041

Hi squatcat,

Please stop stealing our memes


>> No.14034057

Tfw he even didn't post the best ones

>> No.14034080

I have

>Creed Aventus
>JPG Ultra Male
>Dior sauvage
>Green Irish Tweed
>ordered Acqua di Gio

What should I get to round up the collection?

>> No.14034091

That’s a nice meme collection you have there

>> No.14034157

This is the best you can come up with to trigger people here? Not even mad

>> No.14034165

Something heavier for winter/dates

These are pretty much all freshies

>> No.14034169


>> No.14034170

Oh boy

>> No.14034202

He's such a fucking loser. He got kicked of r/fragrance for being a loser faggot with nothing to say, and now posts on r/fragrancecirclejerk where he's equally unwanted posting "critiques" about posts on r/frag. He's like that kid that gets kicked out of the party and then watches in from the outside complaining about how doesn't care that he got kicked out. I know you're in here, queer. Quit being a homosexual faggot and move on.

>> No.14034210

squatcat is like Adolf Hitler but he was rejected from /frag/ instead of academy of fine arts

>> No.14034217

> mid-30s
Wut, I'm 30 and this man looks older than my dad

>> No.14034271

Does perfume age? got a year and a half old bottle, can't tell if it's wearker or not, doesn't last long but I don't remember if it ever did.

>> No.14034278

Scientists have found vases with the first formulation of Aventus from 51BC and you worry about your 1.5 year old fragrance?

>> No.14034299

unless you stored it on your window sill you dont need to worry about it.

>> No.14034312

Should I take the Sauvage pill for my next buy?
I have Fuel for Life for a overly sweet frag and ADG Profumo for a night time scent... So I wonder if its worth getting an ambroxan bomb...

>> No.14034322

>51 BC

M8, that’s not even close to the original formulation. The original Aventus was made by Adam in the garden of Eden and used the bark and fruit of the forbidden tree. That’s why god got so pissed, he was jealous of all the pussy Adam was gonna get.

>> No.14034357

Creed: Royal Perfumers to King Nebuchadnezzar

>> No.14034411

AdG profumo is already an ambroxan bomb

>> No.14034453

If you want women to like it. Yes. They almost always prefer it to ADG

>> No.14034669
File: 32 KB, 540x960, 1546659237506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wearing anything other than pure Oud oil is the sure sign of the cucked pleb

>> No.14034733

Yeah I've heard this

>> No.14034787
File: 55 KB, 800x543, al-haramain-laventure-eau-de-parfum-for-men-100-ml___19[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on L'aventure Al Haramain as a creed aventus clone?

i would get that armaf de nuit but the bottle looks faggy compared to this sexy cube

>> No.14034791

Thoughts on Rochas man as an affordable gourmand?

>> No.14034837



Have we smelled the same perfume?

>> No.14034846
File: 27 KB, 375x500, 375x500.6457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought Back to Black to use for what's left of winter. Considering going to work with it, will I get reported for sexual harassment?

>> No.14034850


Decent longevity had next to nothing silage for me though. Found the opposite with Michael Jordan Legend tho.

>> No.14034855

Have you ever smelled ambroxan before? Its a sweet/salty marine note which is definitely used in AdG profumo. It’s even in the original AdG. It’s not a new thing, it’s just heavily marketed in sauvage and these new scents so there’s an artificial hype for this one aromachemifal which has been around forever.

>> No.14034858

It's good actually, but it's quite a citrusy take on it, not much, if any, smoke at all. Nice for a light summer scent though. Good longevity too.

>> No.14034922

Calone, not Ambroxan. You're thinking of Calone.
Ambroxan is not present at all in AdG Profumo. It's Calone, patchouli, incense, citrus, and florals.

>> No.14034980

Synthetic amber has existed for a long time, not ambrox however.

>> No.14034998

>taking note pyramids as gospel
No, calone is actually more of a melon/watermelon scent which when mixed with aromatics such as rosemary, coriander etc imparts a salty aquatic scent. Ambergris/ambrox is a metallic sweet/salty scent, it doesn't smell like watermelon like calone at all, but it causes the fragrance to lift off of clothes more slowly. Ambroxan has been around in many fragrances before fucking Sauvage

>> No.14035138

You called AdG Profumo an Ambroxan bomb. I own Molecule 02, Not a Perfume, Anyway, both Sauvages, Atlantique, Dylan Blue, etc. I'm familiar with Ambroxan. Neither version of AdG Profumo, of which I also own both, is an Ambroxan bomb.

>> No.14035176

I don’t think you know what ambroxan or ambergris smells likw

>> No.14035247

Get a load of this fuckin retard right here.

>> No.14035276
File: 302 KB, 1035x690, CB3446C8-9D5B-41FF-9BF0-8FA115E0F2F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a fragrance that smells like a train station? Particularly a British train station. It’s hard to explain, but it’s a really pleasant and sweet smell.

>> No.14035424
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>> No.14035658
File: 71 KB, 1200x1500, 61qSNg2hu3L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, this is epic.

>> No.14035889

Ok dit is episch

>> No.14035901
File: 29 KB, 375x500, 375x500.46336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, this is Beach Hut.

>> No.14035910

FFS, spotted the fucking "Creed and PdM are definitely niche and not noveau-rich designer" fags from last thread. None of you are familiar with any actual aroma chemicals, please at least do some research on the matter before posting.


>> No.14035951



>> No.14035956

Nah you're still just a dipshit. Ambroxan isn't even a prominent note in ADG, let alone enough to call it an "Ambroxan bomb." Please keep replying, this is pretty hilarious.

>> No.14035957

No problem man, you win! All of chemical perfumery must now bow before you
>doesn't read the article
>doesn't do any further research
>"Hey Look, I made new Sauvage with brand new ambroxan note! never before used!" - Francois Demachy
>you: *drools*

>> No.14035962
File: 58 KB, 409x618, 1546545799006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14036054

yikes and cringpilled

>> No.14036078


>> No.14036125


>> No.14036215

Based and redpilled

>> No.14036356

What do we call this guy? We need a name for this latest sperg anon.

>> No.14036362


>> No.14036374

Only the first post is him. Why would he cringe his own posts?

>> No.14036406

I was asking the cringeposters what we call him, but
Ambroxanon is pretty good.

>> No.14036413

Little known fact: Ambroxan was created by the ancient Egyptians. They would use it as part of the mummification process to ensure that the mummy would get tons of pussy in the afterlife.

In the hit documentary, “The Mummy”, starring Brendan Fraser, Imhotep was mummified without the use of Ambroxan as punishment for his crimes, so his spirit would remain a pencilnecked virgin dweeb for all eternity. That’s why he was so angry.

>> No.14036462

Based and JUSTpilled

>> No.14036466

protip its always the same sperg

>> No.14036582

Anon asking about buying Sauvage here. If I knew we would have another sperg on our hands, I wouldn't have said anything lmao

>> No.14036601
File: 170 KB, 1500x843, Webber-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody stop me from blind buying Fahrenheit

>> No.14036672

It's something you really need to try first. You can go to any Sephora.

>> No.14036698

What is your iq?

>> No.14036716
File: 1.61 MB, 1251x938, r8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im this guy but + Egoiste and VUI

>> No.14036726

Feel like doing a Marie Kondo and clearing out my fragrance collection.
I have like 20-30 frags. Some are over a year old because there's no fucking way I'm able to use all of this stuff I own.

If you had to whittle your collection down to 5-10, what would yours be?

>> No.14036743

One for high heat, one for the cold. One formal, one for work and one for all seasons.

I have 20 fragrances and I think that’s enough. I see no reason to get rid of them because I enjoy the choice and rotation.

>> No.14036766

What’s the colloquial term for fragrances in your country?

Here in the U.K. (or possibly just England) they’re all called aftershave, which seems absurd to me because that’s the one time you absolutely shouldn’t spray them.

>> No.14036770

man he's right, you are an annoying, pompous ass, but I'll be damned if I didn't laugh so hard I almost spat my food out.

>> No.14036779

TF Oud Wood (for cold nights/dates)

>> No.14037020

1. a freshie
2. a super universal thing
3. barely appropriate naughty porn scent
4. spicy winter thing
5. wildcard niche shit to wear mostly by myself

>> No.14037025

oops, should have been a reply to you >726 mate

>> No.14037038

Literally just go to a department store and smell it

>> No.14037067

I'm opening up to powdery scents, I like the freshness in TF Noir and also Prada L'homme.
Where should I expand my scent journey along this line?

>> No.14037070

Dior Homme Intense, my friend.

>> No.14037105
File: 47 KB, 375x500, 375x500.10109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move out of my way as I found what I was looking for. If Kouros is a fragrance of lesser Greek gods, then this is what Zeus himself sprays on his godly body before bootycalling Athena. Lady at Harrods was very helpful. I literally spent almost 2hours chatting with her, but eventually she suggested me this and I couldn't be more thankful. I highly recommend trying it my dudes and dudettes as this scent is out of this dimension and I really know what I'm talking about.

>> No.14037110

A member of general (higher class) populace.

>> No.14037115

I haven't heard a bigger horseshit.
t. bong

>> No.14037167

You must be an immigrant or a chav, judging by your poor English

>> No.14037252
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>> No.14037264

>says he doesn’t want to smell like an Arab
>decides to go with Diaghilev

I mean, sure, I guess if you want everyone to spend the whole night looking for the cat that’s been marking it’s territory all over the place.

>> No.14037278

I'll mark yr girlfriend

>> No.14037299

Imagine thinking this scent is going to impress normal people.

>> No.14037304


Femme Rochas wannabe pseudo-chypre.

Good choice.

>> No.14037308

Jokes on you. I don’t have a girlfriend, dweeb!

>> No.14037326

Reflection is like prada but better.

>> No.14037337
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I a bottle Creed Himalaya for christmas, and i got interested in perfume, watched the documentaries and lurked a bit here. I now own the himalaya, dior homme sport and acca kappa black pepper and sandalwood (both from when i was younger).
Can someone recommend me something for the evening/night? Also can i just walk into a perfume store and ask to smell a lot of scents, not buy anything and walk out? How do i get into fragrances?

>> No.14037348
File: 149 KB, 1920x1080, kumiko (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes you can even get some samples to test them out for free in most stores. I like Dior homme intense for nighttime designer fragrance.

>> No.14037355

Don't worry, people here have a little better taste than your average /frag/-poster.

>> No.14037364

Might pick up a sample of Himalaya soon. Is it generic citrus, or does the sandlewood and cedar come through?

>> No.14037372

Thinking of buying everything in the Dior Homme line. I already have Eau and Intense. Is this a wise move?

>> No.14037373

Pretty disappointed with Ombre Leather performance. Love the scent and like my fragrances on the conservative side, but damn, I can hardly smell this.

>> No.14037374
File: 10 KB, 108x108, sip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Anon, im too new to tell you this, someone else might.

>> No.14037405

Is BDC Parfum a meme or is it different enough from EDP (which I liked) to justify buying a bottle of that over EDP?

>> No.14037417

It’s worse in my opinion. It’s takes away the freshness which sounded appealing to me, but it doesn’t work as a scent. You get the Bleu smell, but it’s kind of syrupy and musty. Try it for yourself it’s really easy to find.

>> No.14037432

Your skin might be fucked up, mate. I sprayed it on at 4pm, went to work the next morning, came home, had a shower with a scented gel and when I was dry I could still smell the remnants of it even after spraying another fragrance over it. It’s utterly ridiculous.

>> No.14037468

EDP had an incense note that makes the scent a bit "deeper". Darker I guess you can say. I actually prefer it over the fresher EDT.

>> No.14037483

I second this. Ombre Leather might be too overperforming if anything. Get your nose and/or skin checked out.

>> No.14037490

I was thinking the same thing. Bought the EDT and I love it but everyone here is always raving about Intense and Eau.

>> No.14037491

Is it a good idea to get an aftershave lotion as well as an EDT to compliment my scent?

>> No.14037493

I think there's merit to all three versions of Bleu. If you can only buy one, the EdP is probably the best. The Parfum does away with the citrus for the most part and doesn't project as well as the others. It does last a long time though. I wouldn't say it's dark and musty as the other Anon put it, because it's still fresh enough for general use. But compared to the others, it's more geared for evening or cool weather wear.

>> No.14037497

Very interesting. I even applied it over lotion.
I think this just happens with some fragrances. Everybody complains about wonderwood and that stuff lasts and lasts on me.

>> No.14037503

Is there a possibility that it's a fake?

>> No.14037513

nah, its a sample from sephora. could be low sprayer output. It lasts okay, I can smell it on my skin and shirt collar, but i dont really notice it in the air.

>> No.14037523

What do you mean?
Not if they are different fragrances.
If the lotion is unscented, or from the same fragrance line as your perfume, you can layer them to improve the performance of the perfume, but dont mix scents.

>> No.14037622


>> No.14037662

Man I don't know what it is but I hate Bvlgair Black, it actually makes me feel queasy

>> No.14037759

Why do all Creed fragrances smell better with small spritzes out of a decant or sample than they do with the powerful sprays out of the big bottle. Drydown included. This is not in my head, everyone agrees.

>> No.14037823

I straight up decant my TFOW into a sample sprayer because I swear its stronger/better. I think exposing it to air changes it or something.

>> No.14037845

Parfum is by far the best, not dull like the edp or a screechy mess like the edt. Best to try all 3, though.

>> No.14037854

I am so pleased with my blind buy of roja enigma.

>> No.14037871

You probably end up way over spraying with that thirsty creed sprayer.

>> No.14037873

It's precisely what Jazz Club aspires to be but will never become. It's terrific.

>> No.14037886

Expensive ≠ Good taste

>> No.14037915

The Parfum is nice but I find it way too sweet and maybe a bit too floral. Also, there were a lot of review about how it doesn't last or preform, but honestly on my skin it becomes cloying with just 2 sprays to the neck. I can smell it the next day.

>> No.14037985

Never smelled jazz club. Just decided one day to buy something "expensive" in the world of fragrance on a whim.

>> No.14038150

Wtf are Chanel sprayers so damn powerful? Tried AHSEE in store and got drenched in 2 sprays

>> No.14038442

Interesting, the sweetness is toned down to me vs the edp, and performance is pretty average on my skin. Goes to show how skin/noses can drastically alter perceptions.

>> No.14038887

I'll attest to this. I make 3ml travel vials from most of my bottles and it often seems like the decants are stronger than the bottle. I can't explain it scientifically but the minis seem more intense even with the more modest output from the smaller sprayer.

>> No.14039015
File: 269 KB, 720x1062, FB_IMG_1547119237018__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to launch my fragrance and it will be a fresh fragrance..

The Base notes to give some idea is....
Musk, Oakmoss, Ambergris, Vanilla

Suggest me a good name for it guys... I'm trying to come out of the NEEThood.

>Pic unrelated

>> No.14039036

Call it NEET by ANON

>> No.14039041
File: 824 KB, 792x717, omg he said niche scents are a meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha that's me! I haven't been in a fragrance thread for a while as you all can't handle a difference of opinion. Scrolling through this and noticed myself.

Firstly, so what you are saying is a more expensive niche scent automatically somehow magically smells better?

Why do fragrance reviewers always put non-niche scents at the top? We are not talking about their cheaper lists but lists in which they have access to niche scents but still don't rate them at the top.

Dude I bet I could get more hawt teen twang wearing my Versace Eros than you could with Creed Viking.

Niche are simply for people to feel good and brag about how "rich" they are because they lack self-esteem. I stand my my words, a lot of niche smell like shitty ashtrays. Yeah if you want to impress a handful of stuck up perfume snobs you might impress but 99% of people, or rather 99.9% of females wont care.

>he has a yt channel for his natsoc rants

Amongst other things

>as you can see he himself is an out of shape

Has nothing to do with this.


I'm 39 and turn 40 in a few months.

>social washout who does dishes for a living

You assume I want to be the center of society. I don't. I wash dishes yes, honest work for honest money. Sometimes I fry cook. You don't even have a job.

>cecil i wish you no harm but please try to keep a lid on your autism

Thanks for your concern trolling, bro.

>hurr durr you are short.

Yes I am. 5'1". problem?

> is so socially inept that he can only get frumpy teenagers

Cope. Attacking someone who can bang teenagers. yeah you are soo much better for banging 30 something women that nobody wants. Really cool story!

Fake white teeth are not /fa/. My teeth are. Stay mad.

>> No.14039048

What are some good non-western fragrances? Euro stuff smells too pretentious and tryhard.

>> No.14039078

Does black afghano smell like hi quality moroccan hash? Some arab dude at uni either had some hash on him or some hash frag.

Damn i love shuhrah btw. Dirty, nasty, sex smelling clubbing frag. If u absolutely want to go all out use it

>> No.14039159

Arab stuff smells even worse

>> No.14039161

Was wearing ALD malik al taif yesterday.
My dads reaction: "Damn you smell like a nigger"

>> No.14039168
File: 26 KB, 427x427, 3CFD9089-CDF1-4CEA-ACEA-ACC5A197D91B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40yo posting on 4chan defending himself against attacks from anonymous posters
>Can't have mature, constructive romantic involvement with people of his age, maturity and experience and defends it with a wall of confidence that he produced out of subconscious defenses against the realisation that he is a manchild
>Will probably laugh this post off because experiencing reality will take away the mental ground he's standing on
YIKES!!! Get a grip man.

>> No.14039188
File: 317 KB, 890x588, true love never dies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What has my age got to do with anything? Hurr durr no argument because of your age. There are lots of people this age now. 4chan isn't new. You must be new.

>Can't have mature, constructive romantic involvement with people of his age

Where is this law from? You have to date people your own age? people mature and have experiences at different ages. We are not robots.

I moved to this city for a girl much younger than me, she paid for my bus ticket. We broke up because jealous people like you shamed her for liking an older guy and started a smear campaign against me. That was a few years ago and I have stayed in the same city because one day she will wake up from the lies.

None of this is an argument as to why I am wrong about niche.

Pic related from a few years ago. Me with her. True love.

>> No.14039200

What kind of person is going to think less of you because they recognize your perfume?

What the fuck dude

Actually I think women will think less of you if you have a niche frag that you bought off someone who decanted it on a autist forum because she'd assume 1: you bought off brand

2: you couldn't even afford a bottle of that and had to split it with other incels online

>> No.14039211

Don’t give him (you)s. Just hide and report.

>> No.14039214


>> No.14039225

Why is it 8mpossible to get Dior Homme Parfum in the U.K.? Is it available in any shops or is it finished?

>> No.14039226
File: 328 KB, 615x349, power eternal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a valid post about niche scents, one of the only valid posts itt.

>actually thinks he can mess with a high satanic priest

Your risk, kid.

>> No.14039236

Granted, I can understand that niche scents are just that, niche. Not everyone is going to appreciate something like Zoologist Bat, but Nightingale worn by a woman perhaps?
Or TL might be a blast of leather, however Italian Cypress would really suit a mature guy in a suit.
The same way you wouldn't wear Eros to an office job.

>> No.14039242

Yeah so if Samplesperg would come back that'd be great!

>> No.14039246
File: 7 KB, 250x201, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's SAUVAGE, the ultimate patrician's fragrance.

>> No.14039268

Well I am not shitting on all niche scents just the thought process of thinking niche is somehow better. There are a few that are fine, Xerjoff and Amouage make some good, others in which you need to be some 50+ billionaire in a suit, nobody is ever going to be that here.

My main issue is the tobacco/leather ones when people post them thinking "expensive, must be great" when that's so not true. It's not a meme, some really do smell like an ashtray. Most women don't want to smell cigarette smoke mixed with leather.

You'll have much more success (and compliments) going for a mainstream scent.

Shit like this:


Hahah sauvage meme!! So funny!! It's so bad!! When wearing it will get you more compliments than a lot of niche fragrances.

These fragrance threads are full of stale old memes.

>> No.14039276

Don’t engage him. He’s not looking for legitimate debate, he’s just stirring up shit. Last time he did this, he got banned and all his posts were removed. Let that sink in for a minute: we’ve had a huge number of incredibly autistic spergs shitting up our threads, and he’s the only one who’s actually managed to get banned.

Like I said, just hide and report. Engaging him will lead to nothing but frustration and another 50-100 posts down the drain.

>> No.14039282

I had no idea sperging could get you banned.

>> No.14039285

I was actually sincerely posting Sauvage because I really do wear it if I wear anything.

>> No.14039307

It feels good to take the Sauvage pill. It took me years to come around.

>> No.14039419

This thread is going places.

>> No.14039564

As a economist, do I blind buy CDNIM or save up for Pineapple Vintage? Fuck paying Creed prices desu

>> No.14039569

I love Rose fragrances but honestly, I wish old women wouldn’t wear strong as fuck Rose perfumes because I don’t want to smell like my grandmothers.

>> No.14039598

Just get a decent. You’ll never use a full bottle anyway

>> No.14039602

Get Zara Vibrant Leather instead.

>> No.14039612

Economist here... Don't waste your money on CDNIM ...Google Projekt Alternative Alexa... It's the best fucking clone of aventus.. it will cost around 55$ for 100ml.
Here's the link


>> No.14039621

I was an early, instant adopter. Feels good as fuck.

>> No.14039645

I'll give a full report on the new PV Emperor tomorrow
Don't buy Intense or any other variety just yet.

>> No.14039719
File: 23 KB, 600x600, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to hear other anon's opinion on Declaration d'Un Soir. For me it kinda smells like an old woman on a church with that rose and spices. That said, I really like the scent, although I don't have a lot of occasions to wear it.

>> No.14039720
File: 106 KB, 1200x1200, Fragrance One - Office for Men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this blind buy in the mail, any thoughts? How many sprays???

>> No.14039726

All of the sprays.

>> No.14039761
File: 154 KB, 1433x1600, grid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hoping this isn't gonna be dylan blue 2.0

>> No.14039781

This. Since when do you get banned for shitposting? People really get this hurt over some troll?

>> No.14039869

The notes list is revealed, it’s going to be mainly an iris/jasmine based woody chypre it seems like.

>> No.14039890

Is there anything with the citrusy musk of Dylan Blue without smelling like a locker room?

>> No.14039917

Dior Homme Cologne, Prada Amber pour Homme

>> No.14039947

What’s your favorite daily driver that’s subtle, yet masculine, and doesn’t have a “cologne guy” vibe to it?

>> No.14039951

I am not trolling here but why would anyone want to buy original fragrances when there are clones that are identical and cost 10 times less?

Today I tried zara's clones of aventus,sauvage and ultra male and I can't distinguish them from the real thing,especially on clothes. In fact I wore the "aventus" and I got tons of compliments for a bottle that cost 19 dollars.

>> No.14039968

The trolling isn’t a problem in and of itself. I’m not fragile enough to be bothered by it. The problem is what happens as a result of it. Troll/sperg shows up, starts trolling/sperging, idiots take the bait, and now suddenly 50-100 posts out of the thread are gone. Maybe more. These threads autosage at 310 posts. If 100 of those posts are shitflinging, that’s an entire third of the thread wasted just because a couple of dipshits want to have a dick waving competition with each other.

Very simply, these threads work better and are far more productive when we don’t have that shit going on. Look at the first half of this thread, it was super comfy, then Mr. Dipshit shows up and it all goes to hell.

This is why we hide and report.

>> No.14039979

Buy cdn if you want to smell like cdn, buy pv if you want to smell like pv and buy aventus decants if you want to smell like aventus.
From memory the rose is really green and piercing, l dont like that.
Are you meming or is it actually out already? What is it like?
>I can't distinguish them
And I heard zara has dogshit performance.

>> No.14039983

I have yet to find a clone other than PV that didn’t smell incredibly cheap. I can absolutely smell the difference.

>> No.14039984

>tfw the noeonazi anon starts sounding more reasonable than tour typical /frag/poster that is trying to fight him here

>> No.14039985

Based and FragranceOneOfficeForMenByJeremyPilled

>> No.14040011

>zara has dogshit performance
hear this constantly but honestly, I get 7 plus hours with both vibrant leather edp and 9.0 and they smell great. granted these are the only ones i own from zara.

>> No.14040012

Are you mentally ill? I posted my opinion about niche fragrances. How am I trolling? It's the posters that reply who are the trolls and spergs instead of offering their opinion or saying why they disagree, they attack me on a personal level that is totally irrelevant to my post.

My only crime is not partaking in an echo chamber and actually trying to raise the quality of fragrance threads with actual debate.

This is trolling shitposting:


But no, I am the "troll" lol ok dude. Just trying ton help a few anons save a few bucks and get a couple more compliments. The horror.

>> No.14040013

It’s not out yet. They just sent out the surveys for your shipping info yesterday. It doesn’t ship until April.

>> No.14040024

you should have bought edc instead

>> No.14040028

Your opinions are fine. Acting like anyone who disagrees with them is an idiot is not. Neither is constantly posting pics of yourself (why avatarfag unless you just want attention?), or being antagonistic to everyone. There’s a right way and a wrong way to have a discussion. If you want to have a civil discussion, cool. Participate, Star your opinions, but recognize that different people will have different opinions (not everyone wears fragrance for compliments, for example), and that their opinions are just as valid as your own (since you can’t really have a more or less valid opinion on a subjective topic).

Honestly, if you want to contribute and be a part of these threads, awesome, feel free. Just don’t be a dick about it. And yes, I agree with you, that other post is a shitpost.

>> No.14040076

fahrenheit unironically

>> No.14040098

>Dude I bet I could get more hawt teen twang wearing my Versace Eros than you could with Creed Viking.
do i have to say anything else

>> No.14040130

I like the Parfum the best. It’s less sporty and fresh. Less incense. It’s the most ‘masculine’ of the three in my opinion. Still youthful though. I don’t agree with the other anon about being ‘musty’, it’s not musty at all.

Take the best woods and best citrus from all three and it’s Parfum. Longevity is about the same, maybe an hour more. More oriented towards the cold, but still made for all occasions

>> No.14040164

Does anyone else have a love/hate relationship with a frag? For me its Individuel. Inexpensive and cosy enough to wear when its cold and its great on bedsheets and clothes, yet there's just something about it that bothers me ever so slightly. Maybe its just too laundry like?

>> No.14040196

Royal Oud. Heavenly scent. The worst longevity of all my fragrances.

>> No.14040230

It’s funny, a lot of people say that about RO, but it lasts forever on me. Conversely, Aventus, which is supposed to be an absolute bomb on most people, hardly projects and is gone within a couple hours on my skin.

Body chemistry is a motherfucker, I guess.

>> No.14040289

RO last forever on me too.

>> No.14040291

Neroli Portofino. Love the scent, gone in 2 hours.

>> No.14040335

name it B R A P

>> No.14040359

That’s why I never spend more than £40-50on a fragrance like that. Apart from Aqva Amara I never get more than 4 hours out of citrusy fragrances. Yeah, Neroli Portofino smells incredible, but Mugler Cologne serves the same purpose and it’s infinitely cheaper.

I know it’s not as good, but NP isn’t justifiably better.

>> No.14040380

Roja Elysium Parfum lasts 12+ hours.

>> No.14040411

I have no sense of smell. what do I do?

>> No.14040414

So it fucking ought to for that price.

>> No.14040449

Yeah, Mugler Cologne is what I usually use instead. Hell Ferrari Bright Neroli does a decent job.

>> No.14040540

dont waste your money on perfume, thats what

>> No.14040549

True. To be fair, though, I got it heavily discounted on fragrancebuy, it was Canadian dollars, they had a 10% off sale, and I had a 10% off coupon from their loyalty program. I think it wound up costing me less than 200.00 USD.

>> No.14040600


by the power of A M B R O X A N and cyclic musk bases

>> No.14040617

Very possibly. Roja uses only the finest ingredients. Makes sense that such an ancient and prestigious ingredient like Ambroxan would be extensively used in his fragrances. He actually puts gold leaf in every bottle of Haute Luxe to represent that the other ingredients are all more expensive than the gold.

I just don’t understand how Dior can sell Sauvage at such a reasonable price. They must be using artificial Ambroxan, otherwise they’d be absolutely losing their shirts.

>> No.14040829
File: 151 KB, 962x1024, JubilationXXV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside, Plebs.

>> No.14040830
File: 127 KB, 1203x393, Dior Prive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c la collection privee frags? Cannot seem to find them anywhere online besides Dior, and I am unable to order from there.

>> No.14040843

pajeet tier swill
>inb4 but smells like cash hurr durr
no. also, thread is kill.

>> No.14040863



>> No.14040865

Ok, this is Arab

>> No.14040871

I like my bottle but I'm also half poo in loo, so there is that.

>> No.14040927
File: 854 KB, 250x208, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread:

>> No.14040965

Based cat poster

>> No.14042460
