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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.73 MB, 2240x4864, 1544500929245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14020396 No.14020396 [Reply] [Original]

>sleazecore cringe thread
fucking LARPers lmao

>> No.14020466

>babyfaced 20 year olds think they can pull off sleaze
sleaze is more than just clothes

>> No.14020470

Garunteed that his first pack of cigarettes he’s ever bought

>> No.14020507
File: 534 KB, 1536x2046, 8DDBFDFB-4565-4058-BC49-7E780132F034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a way of life, not an outfit
stop culturally appropriating me

>> No.14020514

Show your shwarzesonne now you attractive fuck

>> No.14020524
File: 638 KB, 1536x2046, DE0AE7FA-A559-4936-9DAB-A8BD7259BF4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go sir

>> No.14020538

Stfu you just look like a stupid hipster.

>> No.14020550


>> No.14020574

Much appreciated comrade

>> No.14020577
File: 42 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1543132614258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres where I dressed like a Nazi to work and only one coworker.called me out.

>> No.14020578

Norwood really has fucked you over

>> No.14020580
File: 7 KB, 212x238, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14020590

not too worried about balding, my brother takes pills and uses creams in an effort to stop his balding, but I don’t care enough about the whole deal to tarry it
if I lose all my hair, oh well. if not, thats okay too. all these guys freaking about something that will happen one way or another, what a trip

>> No.14020701
File: 632 KB, 1042x2592, DSC_0010-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14020703

Holy shit so /pol/tards did adopt the style after all huh they are probably so dumb that its the first thing they see so its so "omg so new and trendy" for them rofl

>> No.14021861

>see hundreds of threads about sleazecore
>google sleezecore
>skim articles
>still no idea what the fuck sleazecore is
>dont even care anymore

can you stop posting these shits?

>> No.14021867

autistic schizo

>> No.14021869

>this is real

>> No.14021870

I want you to fill me with your juice

>> No.14021904


>> No.14021910

So fucking hot... #nohomo

>> No.14021972

fill me in

>> No.14021980


>> No.14021981


>> No.14021984
File: 1.35 MB, 499x654, 1463251382795.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lose some weight and you'll have a decent jawline, faggot
You're going to regret that one when you grow out of that shit.

>> No.14021989

Did you really tattoo a fucking neonazi symbol in your chest? What's your problem dude

>> No.14021997

what did he mean by this, the black sun is clearly the contemporary symbol for traditionalism

>> No.14022015

Go full viking not sleaze.

>> No.14022021
File: 157 KB, 640x795, soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14022022
File: 455 KB, 1537x2048, D9A2F32D-0A9D-4D50-AAB8-D845F71EB3CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grandparents are from the steppes and basin, not scandi
any vikingspo tho?

>> No.14022047

>tfw /fa/ has literally became a full on soi containment board

>> No.14022062
File: 209 KB, 414x459, 1b2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>you're an idiot for tattooing a white nationalist symbol on your chest
Cope more, faggot.

>> No.14022077
File: 123 KB, 489x608, soymad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he tattooed a white heritage symbol rather than some meaningless shitty design created by a deviantart tranny

>> No.14022081

>black sun
>white nationalist symbol
oh so you're retarded
>anime girl reaction img

>> No.14022085


>m-muh heritage >:(

stop larping as defenders of the white race you fucking losers

>> No.14022088

>let me tell you what not to be proud of >:(((((
Hahahah gay people really do have IQ problems.

>> No.14022091

>post my tattoo
>everybody immediately starts flinging shit at one another
jesus christ

>> No.14022093

Based and Redpilled

>> No.14022095

It's just low test fags who can't handle any sort of confrontation.

>> No.14022102

>le strawman
can feel the seething from here, you autistic shitskin lmao

>> No.14022105


>ur gay >:'(

wow bro real good one you really are defending your race on the internet while ahmad fucks your wife

>> No.14022113


>teehee i said lmao in my response that means i won the argument :)

>> No.14022119

>i greentexted haha get pwned poltards :D

>> No.14022148

>The black sun (German Schwarze Sonne) is a symbol employed in a post-Third Reich context by neo-Nazis and some occult subcultures, such as Satanism. The symbol first occurs as a design element in a castle remodeled and expanded under Heinrich Himmler during the Nazi era.

>> No.14022157

>somebody using something means it belongs to them and only them

>> No.14022167

by this logic the swastika is also purely a nazi symbol and all those in the east who use it are just white nationalist sympathizers

>> No.14022170

good lad

>> No.14022181

>the ancient gauls were nazis
>buddhists are nazis
is the mcrib a nazis?

>> No.14022235

the black sun arent from buddhists yah dingus

>> No.14022250

what was this dumbass thinking lmaoo

>> No.14022255

shakira is a nazi
boy london is a nazi
no call dingus pls

>> No.14022296
File: 77 KB, 826x826, Smug_Anime_Girl_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course, it's clearly much better to be proud of what people, who are only similar to you by means of blood, did than your own achievements.
It's only logical.

>> No.14022312

holy based

>> No.14022315

>you cant be proud of your children
>you cant be proud of your nation
>you cant be proud of anything that wasnt 100% crafted by you
even olympians get help, they are not allowed to feel proud

>> No.14022322

if i were balding i’d also adopt sleazecore

>> No.14022342

literally only an argument used by subversive jews and shitskins who have nothing to be proud of in the first place

>> No.14022442
File: 22 KB, 448x448, smug anime girl 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you cant be proud of your children
You made your children. they are a product of you. of course you can be proud of them. Your ancestors, however, were not your products, not something you could influence. Your ancestors are not made of you. They were completely different people from you. Behaviours, knowledge and courage are not passed down by genetics but are learned traits.
If we take the opposite route, should we say that we should be ashamed because of some shit our ancestors did 1000 years ago? in my opinion, no.
>you cant be proud of your nation
Being proud of any state is irrational in the first place.
>you cant be proud of anything that wasnt 100% crafted by you
Correct. You can be proud of your skills, your strength and your knowledge but know that you and you alone crafted them. So be proud of your own achievements, not of others'.
so sue me, nigger. I have plenty to be proud of and none of that comes from some spook like ancestors. From my muscles to my wealth to my fascination with fashion.

>> No.14022452

>if you have pride in your race, nation or ancestors then that automatically means you have nothing to be proud of besides those things!
you do realize people can have pride in more than one thing, right..

>> No.14022474

My ancestors made me, and as such this whole parent-child deal should still apply, then.
Nation and State are two different things you brainlet.
Skills, strength, and knowledge are not 100% crafted by you. From where did you learn the skill, or gain knowedge, or build strength?
>is proud of fleeting material goods and vanity

don’t be dumb

>> No.14022483

>/pol/tardation derails and destroys yet another thread
Imagine my shock

>> No.14022550
File: 68 KB, 750x1000, 07227102-D5A4-4401-84C7-526F25C9348B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.14022588
File: 523 KB, 367x219, bandr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14022607

>lefty/pol/ tranny gets btfo and whines about /pol/
imagine my shock

>> No.14022647


>> No.14022666

thank you for reminding me just how fucking autistic this board is

>> No.14022684

Have to disagree, it doesn't look great, but its definitely one of the best damage control plays you could make with that general head/face shape.

>> No.14022689
File: 10 KB, 407x416, 1546982906298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>identity politics

>> No.14022691


>> No.14022696

would love to piss in her pussy

>> No.14022701


>> No.14022717

>unironically tatooing yourself le pagan mandala

>> No.14022750

YOU don't decide a symbol's meaning. Ignoring the cultural connotations of nazi-appropriated icons is a bad faith argument. Get fucked

>> No.14022762
File: 61 KB, 540x720, Chris mental.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14022778

retarded non-argument
fuck off sperg

>> No.14022854

do people like you really not have anything better to do than to cry and bitch all day about a nonexistent boogieman?

>> No.14022873

>YOU don't decide a symbol's meaning
says the retard who is taking a 2000 year old symbol used across many cultures and nations throughout human history and assigning an end all be all meaning to it because one group of people used it for less than a decade. Fuck off moral fag

>> No.14022949

Those hands look like they could rip a baby calf in two

>> No.14022951

aaay, chad embrace bro. did you finally move out of your van?

>> No.14022974
File: 93 KB, 615x461, E5ACAD25-9027-4C97-BC59-1D53D87F8AA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, got a new one though

>> No.14023133 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 540x960, 46107802_285787322052030_4597499818758111232_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lost me fucking shades love. too bloody hot to wear a suit jacket now too

>> No.14023150 [DELETED] 
File: 186 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20170627_23_16_21_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old photo

>> No.14023273


>> No.14023820

That's what makes it a great tat desu

>> No.14023848
File: 400 KB, 733x703, nerds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ cringe as shit

>> No.14023969
File: 53 KB, 617x666, 7CE0391A-54BF-4018-803C-480D0008BD91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>from my muscles, to my wealth to my fascination with fashion

Post body, post fit, and post your account balance if you’re so proud you can do it no problem

>> No.14024134

Okay dude you are becoming annoying, fuck off to reddit with your namefagging

>> No.14024139

what dod he mean by this

>> No.14024455
File: 24 KB, 600x484, peperetarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"/pol/ beliefs are cringe!!"
>"ahmad fucks your wife"

>> No.14024466
File: 158 KB, 454x404, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did I say I'm prouder of my races achievements more so than my own? You can't even compose a valid argument without making up your own quotes. Quite pathetic.

>> No.14024476

How about tattoo something with original design? Not even Asians get a representative tattoo retard

>> No.14024477
File: 710 KB, 843x843, basedwhite47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14024491

Too bad it seems all /pol/ spouts the same exact meme shit everywhere they go. Not that guy.

>> No.14024500

>Whoa you got a crucifix tattoo instead of your GPA score? You must not be proud of yourself.

>> No.14024508

If you don't get it that guy doesn't want you guys to represent the White Race. Fucking idiots.

>> No.14024509

Yeah pigeon-holing people is a great argument tactic

>> No.14024514

You dug the hole yourself retard. You want a representative race you get a general public opinion retard

>> No.14024521

>it's your fault I don't have the brainpower to not type cast people based on 2 comments!!!
You are an absolute fucking retard.

>> No.14024526

...and he isn't you fucking moron. If I get a crucifix tattoo, that does not mean I'm representing 1.3 billion Christians. I swear you have the brain of a squirrel or something.

>> No.14024537

And guess what happened to Christianity? Got split into three factions with Protestant being the most clusterfuck

>> No.14024539

>I get a representative tattoo that represents the organization I am in for.
>Guys what happened no you're supposed to judge me as an individual!!

>> No.14024543
File: 19 KB, 243x257, g09b[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This could be you but you playin senpai

>> No.14024548

go back to twitter, retard

>> No.14024552

one of the worst strawmans i've ever heard

>> No.14024553

And how do tattoos have anything to do with that? You're a fucking retard, there's like 5 sects of Islam, is that because tattoos?
Please enlighten me as to what "organization" that tattoo is for, and then please show me where they state they are prouder of their races achievements than their own. Has the penny dropped that you're a fucking moron yet?

>> No.14024567

Oh now I get it. You get that tattoo for fashy reasons. Something that skinheads do.

>> No.14024574
File: 95 KB, 462x650, 03935D48-3A7B-47EF-97FF-5D605DD2DD6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biking inspo

Oh I gotchu my man

>> No.14024575

>You get that tattoo for fashy reasons
Another fucking strawman. Just admit you're wrong and move the fuck on, peabrain.

>> No.14024641

>Thinking any Tattoo is acceptable

>Get a fairly popular whote nationalist symbol tattooed and constantly post it
>lmao why are people paying attention to it
Stop pretending you're not an attention whore. You post it in every thread you're in and always pretend like it's not white nationalist imagery while talking about your racial heritage. Own up your ideology you fucking coward.

>> No.14024729

>somebody explicitly requested a picture
hurr attentionwhore
>somebody makes a false assumption of heritage, which is corrected
hurr racial heritage
>own uo to your ideology
it’s traditionalism, have never tried to obfuscate this

you keep arguing with somebody else by the by

>> No.14024801

>Post unrequested pic of face and then post pic of the tattoo we all know you have
Yeah, attention whore
>It's traditionalism
Lmao are we actually pretending traditionalism is not just the coward's way of saying white nationalism? It may work on /Pol/ but not everyone is a gullible teenager
I wasn't arguing before, I couldn't give less of a shit about another shitty /fa/ thread, I'm just sick of constantly seeing your LARPing basedboy mug plastered all over my shithole board

>> No.14024803

calm down sperg lol we get it you're a nonwhite redditor

>> No.14024825

where do i find more of this?

>> No.14024828

bald men with chest hair are super hot, don't worry about it. it's absurd to think that women would start finding a unique masculine trait unattractive. guys just don't get it because they're so used to equating feminine standards with beauty.

>> No.14024841
File: 140 KB, 1551x867, moot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is right you know ur not special you are the one who started the statement of superior ancestry how about you post yo ass? how much you wanna bet you are nothing impressive because a dumbass that thinks he is genetically superior doesnt do shit only dwells in ideology that he is superior doesnt improve himself to reach personal superiority.

>> No.14024845

lmao so fucking mad

>> No.14024849

keep this in mind bruh. that nigga with the white power tat is homeless, lives in north california in a van in the forest like a predator pedo and posts from mcdonalds wifi. let that sink lol
that nigga keeps in power the politicans who keep him poor. Only in America.

>> No.14024851


>> No.14024886

>Lol u mad
Yeah I'm fucking mad this is a shitty cringe thread and even here we're subjected to your LARPing.

>> No.14024897

>complains about sleaze in a sleaze thread

>> No.14025011


>> No.14025021

IQ check on this fella?

>> No.14025025

about tree fiddy

>> No.14025057

I live in a van and wear floral buttonups, how am I larping sleazecore

>> No.14025098

you are not larping anything you are just a hobo who just cannot shower every day with really shitty living conditions but supports ideology that keeps him that way and later spent on a tattoo instead of saving little by little for true shelter and a bathtub aka a moron

>> No.14025124

I shower every single day and have my own wifi etc
google “vanlife” you god damn moron

>> No.14025156

>your own achievements
I can't be proud of my grades, my employment or my physical fitness without respecting the fact that it was my people who built those institutions and factories in the first place and my genes that make it possible for me to think enough to make it in school, and to be healthy enough to lift heavy objects.

Other groups of people could not, have not, and according to all predictions will not. I could run into the woods to try to escape who I am but even then every single idea I would have during my time there would be a result of the genes that built the flesh and blood machine that I am.

The only free will decision you can make is to destroy your potential with self harm. But every time you have a good idea it's the result of how you were born. If you were born with an IQ of 60 you would never have had that thought and there wouldn't be a thing you could do about it even if you wanted to.

>> No.14025167
File: 8 KB, 267x168, DxJqRoJUwAExe9M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14025256

No dude stop with the larp it’s very nauseating. Just stop damn

>> No.14025265

>soiboi on the verge of having an aneurism

>> No.14025269

Ok whatever call me an onions man. I’m not gonna go to Uni dressed in a costume because of my political alignment that’s just retarded

>> No.14025275
File: 18 KB, 300x300, 54cb5fb1479bc_-_megamind_1110-md.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14025282

everyone in this thread is a faggot besides >>14020507

>> No.14025284
File: 561 KB, 1242x1678, AAEAD243-BA92-4785-BD0F-AD9D6E065A61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you are the one who started the statement of superior ancestry how about you post yo ass?

Lmao no I didn’t you deluded imbecile

Also by your logic moots a spook. But feel free to abandoned your numbskull
philosophy anytime

>> No.14025643
File: 159 KB, 305x333, Screenshot from 2019-01-13 21-49-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sopranos do it well

>> No.14026178
File: 285 KB, 1440x1440, 1522296107399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the man

>> No.14026232

This escalated quickly. Also where did you even find a tattoo artist willing to do that.

>> No.14026236

the whole time he was saying that he would never tattoo a political tat, dude next to hot said he would grind it into the bone so it wouldnt come out
i laffed

>> No.14026239

Its originally a pagen thing I think.

>> No.14026244

You're a big guy.

>> No.14026246

Upon further research I stand corrected.

>> No.14026392


>> No.14026462
File: 162 KB, 777x596, 1491687897504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that he even had to get the black sun tattooed in the first place show how shallow he is. ancestors would probably think it's dumb as shit if they were alive. it's a brainlet problem, even if he is booksmart, the fact that he got a "trad" tattoo to show how trad he is shows incompetence, for traditional whites would never get a giant tattoo that looks like a glob at 10 meters (unless your a british colony white) .
Hipster neo nazis are a marriage of faggotry. they don't understand murdoch murdoch is for fun. I left my ns phase a long time ago, if you're over 25 and still a tankie or neo nazi, you're a sad little man.
No, your cute little outfit isnt nazi because youre not clean shaven. facial hair while cute nazi larping is degenerate as hell.
unfortunately , theyre all gone, if they were alive they would you in the camps for this fashion faggotry . And we would be spared the trad cringe community.
Pic related, it's an aesthetic tattoo larpers will never touch.

>> No.14026472
File: 434 KB, 412x594, hideo lucas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread about fashion devolves into /pol/ shitfest
/pol/ pls go back

>> No.14026490

he is not book smart. he lives in a van dude he cant afford books or even read pdf and even then /pol/ doesnt reads for shit so what he ever got recommended is just evola cuz right wingers got no literature to speak of. Their theory is: humans (white) vs orcs (other races) thats it. No questioning of heriarchy, what the state is for, the philosophy behind rights, what freedom is, the universe, or clearly even the importance of learning the mistakes of history, humanism (they especially don't know shit about humanism) and understanding the progress of history and why humanity rids off oppressive ideas to assure their freedom as a whole with each small historical progress liberating more and more humankind from worse modes of subordination.

>> No.14026946

based schizoposter

>> No.14026953

he should have gotten a minivan and burger tattooed on him instead

>> No.14026969

Alright, now THIS is epic.

>> No.14026970

>implying Americans don’t have heritage

>> No.14027055


>> No.14027275

THIS. considering how shit he would look wearing normal clothes, this is actually pretty impressive

>> No.14027977

How the fuck did this thread manage to go from sleaze core cringe to whether national socialism is good or bad?You fags do know there's a board for discussing that, right?

>> No.14028031

fuck me i have that exact shirt, i just like Hawaii shirts i swear

>> No.14028035

>That gob-shite photoshop

>> No.14028039

imagine being this obsessed

>> No.14028046

only 1 of me is that. and im not the faggot who got a white supremacist tat so... idk what to tell you obsession is being stupid and self destructive and coming to 4chan every day and then adopting the stupid ideology in their satirical politics board seriously. Tbqh no wonder why the dude is a hobo

>> No.14028459
File: 505 KB, 640x932, D36005FA-4D3A-4ABD-8A13-961052536202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14028606
File: 162 KB, 722x1280, IMG_4072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never used that shirt again.

>> No.14028613

suck my cock, faggot

>> No.14028936

Seconding this.

>> No.14029071

w2c shirt?

>> No.14029083


>> No.14029132
File: 100 KB, 615x477, 1547971966304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow this faggot is faking an underbite to make his chin/jaw look better.

How embarrassing.

>> No.14029213

nah I actually have one, it’s pretty severe and should be surgically corrected

>> No.14029260

Nigga looks like he's about to have a brain blast.

>> No.14030372


>> No.14030782

Everything, at once

>> No.14030889

>I am not afraid of you, I will fight.

>> No.14030912

There is good theory out there, but frankly these people don't read it. Giovanni Gentile, reactionary Catholic stuff, etc.
t. traditionalist-oriented young fella who's not a Nazi

>> No.14030993

Now get a swastika on the other pec

>> No.14031011

fuck me sideways

>> No.14031017
File: 113 KB, 750x1334, 10703C82-BE76-4C81-8E09-F48A6C600723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14031252

unironically based

>> No.14031434

I have herpes and a criminal record and alcoholism. I'll fuck anybody too, regardless of age or body type or appearance. Am I sleeze?

>> No.14031444

Also chainsmoke shitty cigarettes

>> No.14031662
File: 77 KB, 736x988, mv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is pic related sleaze?

it was a good movie

>> No.14031695
File: 899 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20181012_110011165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good lad

>> No.14031715

nice exif data
see you soon

>> No.14031716

>yikes and anime reaction images

preteen woman or sissy???

>> No.14031736
File: 212 KB, 762x785, Faggots Go To Hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already hard enough coping with the fact that you still exist. I think a plastic bag and some duct tape over your head would look very nice, very /fa/ bro.

>> No.14031748

Which brand do you buy your hawaii shirt from??

Like that shit too but can't find any good brands

>> No.14031811

when did /fa/ become so based

>> No.14031831
File: 10 KB, 235x294, 5cfc96b9cbe6b2fa94cf8ee339963412--field-jacket-casual-jackets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know you could reduce everything from Mein Kampf to Myth of the 20th Century into "why are you dressed like a miltec catalog from the 90s"

>> No.14031843
File: 35 KB, 900x584, FKN0025a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheltered, birdchested, pencil neck twenty year olds larping this is cringe. You either are or you aren't. King Farouk was the real deal.

>The influence of Farouk's father, the dominating and misogynistic King Fuad, together with the influence of his surrogate father Pulli (who viewed women only as sex objects), had a major impact on Farouk's attitudes towards the opposite sex.[19] As a teenager, Farouk's favorite place was the garage at the Abdeen Palace where Pulli and the other Italian servants would relate to Farouk their "whore stories"
>The influence of Farouk's father, the dominating and misogynistic King Fuad, together with the influence of his surrogate father Pulli (who viewed women only as sex objects), had a major impact on Farouk's attitudes towards the opposite sex.[19] As a teenager, Farouk's favorite place was the garage at the Abdeen Palace where Pulli and the other Italian servants would relate to Farouk their "whore stories"
> Farouk came to be known as "the king of the night" owning to the amount of time he spent in the exclusive Auberge des Pyramides nightclub in Cairo, where he spent his time socializing, smoking cigars and drinking orangeade.
>Attracting much prurient interest both in Egypt and abroad was the revelation that Farouk owned one of the largest collections of pornography in the world as he possessed a vast collection numbering into the hundreds of thousands of pornographic photographs, postcards, calendars, playing cards, watches, glasses, cockscrews and so on.
>Farouk never wrote a letter, never read a paper, never listened to music.
> One of Farouk's best friends during his Italian exile was the Mafiosi Charles "Lucky" Luciano who had been deported to Italy, and Farouk "bought" his mistress, the Swedish starlet Birgitta Stenberg, to be his mistress

>> No.14031857
File: 1.27 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_9773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this count as sleaze?

im thinking off white/linen shorts or pants would be better. Also might need a grease stain or two

>> No.14031868
File: 90 KB, 700x827, 1546423740495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's more "I like to spend 90% of my time chillin on the beach"

need longer hair, gold chain, and a gaudy watch to achieve sleaze
I'm diggin the shirt regardless

>> No.14031900
File: 264 KB, 640x425, 1546671393372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a somewhat sleazy look?

>> No.14031930
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>> No.14032122
File: 50 KB, 1024x771, boihebouttodoit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14032676

yet you spend your time on 4chan

>> No.14032762

Nazi swastika is different from the one used in the east though.

>> No.14032773

So get a black man picking cotton tattooed on you then

>> No.14032789

What are you talking about? Different peoples have created and conquered at different times. The way things worked out to be now is largely regarded as just a right time right place thing and a massive stroke of luck that everything fell into place with industrial renaissance like event happening. The next one is not believed to be by your people. It will likely be in the far east.

>> No.14032803

I wear a giant Yugoslavian suit coat and a t-shirt with my comfy worn sambas when I just get up (I work nights) and don't feel like putting in the effort to look alright. Am I cringe? I just wanna be comfy

>> No.14032815

lots of angry brown people itt

>> No.14032921


>> No.14032973

Absolutely BASED.

>> No.14032978


>> No.14033125

>nazis were white nationalists

>> No.14033136


>> No.14033216

no it isn't

>> No.14033223

the claim was not that the nazis were white nationalists but rather that contemporary usage of the swastika is associated with white nationalism; additionally, most neo nazis don't follow the same ideals as the nazis did but just repackage white nationalism

>> No.14033226


>> No.14034122

It's oriented differently and the Eastern one has dots sometimes

>> No.14034715

After reading trought this thread: I want newfag pollack to leave too. And retards who keep orbiting them. I lost every last bit of respect that I had for /pol, its literally the cancer whats killing this website. Moot was right, we need containment policies.

>> No.14034737

nobody fucking cares, retard

>> No.14034800

>thinking literally anybody cares about your feelies
kill youself any time

>> No.14034914

Anyone have any examples of mixed race or black guys pulling off sleaze? I like the style (reminds me of hard boiled detective novels/characters which I love) but have never seen anyone besides white people pull it off, ever.

>> No.14034917

He's right tho. You newfags probably don't remember how much better the dialogue and content here was.

>> No.14034924

i've been on /fa/ since its inception and 4chan as a whole for over a decade
your newfag platitudes mean absolutely nothing to me, you fucking redditor

>> No.14034935
File: 614 KB, 1024x768, 1543027460301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't personally think that being a coloured would distract from the style. That being said, I think /Sleaze/ is mainly associated with whites

>> No.14035607

obviously thinking a lot look at that cranium

>> No.14035613


Absolutely based and redpilled

>> No.14035614

lmao, Good luck keeping newfags who are in for trend whom are trendhopping retards keeping their mouth refrain from spouting memes.

>> No.14035635

Black sleazecore is called pimpcore

>> No.14036087

thats so crazy, you are so brave

>> No.14036204

I don't see any Nazi insignias on your clothing.

>> No.14036719

kek. based warband player

>> No.14036856

>lmao, Good luck keeping newfags who are in for trend whom are trendhopping retards keeping their mouth refrain from spouting memes.
Did you have an aneurysm?
What the fuck

>> No.14037258
File: 80 KB, 1600x1200, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
