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14017528 No.14017528 [Reply] [Original]

I don't normally have very clear skin anyway, but I've just woken up like this. Never have breakouts like this. What the fuck do I do, it looks worse in real life. And what might have caused it?

>> No.14017531

some women break out like that after drinking

>> No.14017543

wash your face
eat healthy

your genes might just suck, idk. GL, bud.

>> No.14017544

just brush your fringe down

>> No.14017550

It doesn't look long enough to cover that. Also, I think he should see a dermatologist; a skin doctor.

>> No.14017563

cutting dairy is what finally did it for me (after I stopped using accutane)

>> No.14017788

I have terrible skin, and up until a week ago I was drinking tons of instant coffee with milk and soft drinks, but I decided to change that.
Still drinking tons of coffee but it's black now, and also I bought a glass water bottle to put in the fridge.
Anyway my point is that I'm trying to quit dairy because of my skin.

>> No.14017906
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>> No.14017925

Congrats anon on getting the "my foreheads been to Chernobyl" look.

>> No.14017926

it looks like you've been picking at the acne.

>> No.14017956

Benzoyl peroxide. Haven’t had acne since.

>> No.14017978

The caffeine in coffee can cause dehydration in the skin, which means acne, you might want to try cutting coffee down a bit too

>> No.14017984

Hands off your face! Drink lots of water. Wash your face with a gentle face soap 2-3x daily. Dont use peeling too often. No processed shit like chips, gummy bears or precooked meals from the supermarket. Also cut alcohol. And what always helped me in extreme cases like this the most is putting tea tree oil on the Red spots.

>> No.14018029
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Dude i have the same problem sometimes, this happens after i drink too much coffee, you will have to be stupid looking like me or stop drinking.

>> No.14018052

w a t e r

>> No.14018129
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Welcome to the acne club. Enjoy your stay, which will probably be short since we have a suicide every 3-4 days.

>> No.14018157

I really like coffee and will attempt to keep it in my diet because I don't know if I can live without it.
I'm still drinking a lot of water so hopefully that negates the caffeine.

>> No.14018164

I would put a hat over it, but your hair op is very good. No homo

>> No.14018183

nigger you use like 10 filters to look like a woman and still look this manly. just stop

>> No.14018207

>eat shitty microwave meals all day
>only drink water when I'm thirsty
>never put a towel on my pillow
>wash my face with a stinky hand towel, no soap or other gay chemicals
>No acne at all

Its all genetics you clueless cunts

>> No.14018288
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>This is how it is for me so it's all genetics, hurr hurr
No shit, but if you're genetically impaired and prone to acne you need to do all that shit to minimize breakouts

>> No.14018297

just go to a dermatologist

>> No.14018446

short term: dont pick, justbe ugly until they go down naturally
mid term: wash with facial soap for acne, and moisturize afterwords. the soap will take away the sebum (face oil, bacteria love it) and the moisturizer (bacteria dont love it) will stop the body from producing a lot more to combat dry skin after soap.
long term: cut everything possibly unhealthy out of your diet (dairy, gluten, caffiene, tobacco, alcahol, drugs) for 2-4 weeks, and introduce them back one at a time. 1 or 2 of them will be the culprits and youll notice a change when you try them again, so just stay away from those for life.

>> No.14018500

Taking your experience and applying it to everyone... fucking autist.

>> No.14018513
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>> No.14018543

He's right tho, it's basically genetics.
God fucks us all up the ass.

>> No.14018567

u have two options
1 hormones
2 antibiotes
anything else is snake oil

>> No.14018575

Aren't hormones how I got into this mess?

>> No.14018629

never post your face again

>> No.14018637

nice 2004 wanna be emo haircut my man.
also why have you edited your eyes?

>> No.14018639

try retinoids

>> No.14018646

I used to have very bad acne though, I was on creams and shit, over time though it just cleared up though, it's just a phase your body goes through

I am actually autistic though you're not wrong

See my first reply

>> No.14018651

this, if you aint drinking a jug of water everyday you're not living optimally

>> No.14018686

I haven't, but I did wash my face with a flannel this morning.

>> No.14018719

I am just letting my hair grow i am going to get it cut tomorrow and color it ash grey, I also dont edit my photos

>> No.14020044

nice hair

>> No.14020119


>> No.14020123

Had really bad acne but after doing acutane I don’t get acne any more

Only do it if you’re going to see it through, it gets worse before it gets better

>> No.14020318
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Fuck off L

>> No.14020333

>but I've just woken up like this.
what did you eat yesterday?
start there

>> No.14020432


>> No.14020441