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File: 40 KB, 704x648, mach-3-razor-1-gillette-original-imaeh9e3g5ya5z2w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14015625 No.14015625 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favourite razor? For me it's the Gillette mach 3. I especially love Gillette even more now that they triggered all those alt right Nazis with their new commercial LMFAO.

>> No.14015710
File: 21 KB, 420x420, 7bb0b3ca7972df77e6a7dbe552510ccda8decfb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too intelligent to use P&G megacorporation products

>> No.14016452

Harry's is objectively better and they don't patronize their customers.

>> No.14016644

>Drop shipping

>> No.14016685

Fuckin love Harry's and only use that. Gillette is only patronizing those that deserve it. My father only uses Gillette and I doubt he'll give a fuck

>> No.14016698

i use a wahl trimmer and live with permanent 5 o clock shadow

>> No.14017321

I still use the same mach 3 I had in high school. The commercial was pretty gay but I don't really give a fuck. I wouldn't have even known about it if someone didn't post it on facebook. They probably just want to sell razors to women who are buying it for their bf/husband. Guys get set in their ways and don't switch brands for years. If they can convince women to buy gillette for their men who don't already use gilletta products then they pretty much have a customer for life. It's smart. And you've gotta be a real faggot to get bent out of shape over some stupid commercial.

>> No.14017427
File: 195 KB, 800x800, 432576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a shit what their cultural/political opinions are

>> No.14017439

My man. I got a free handle 4 years ago and I've been hooked. Only buy the blades I wonder if any other product from them is decent

>> No.14017650
File: 271 KB, 900x900, 5_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this shit still available? Body line seems obsolete, can't find in local stores.
(men body razors are bigger snd rounded, pic related)

>> No.14018589

whatevers cheap lmao

>> No.14018871

Then don’t. Their products are shit and overpriced. Also-
>corporations have opinions

>> No.14018890

exact same thought i had. if you get that butthurt about a commercial offering a different perspective then you aren’t really much of a man in the first place lolz.

>> No.14018894

also would like to say, while i dont particularly disagree with the commercial, it is weird for a razor brand to make social commentary.

>> No.14018906

This basically

What is the real difference in me using a more expensive razor?

>> No.14020145
File: 50 KB, 1080x540, mgtow trim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you buy into the whole toxic masculinity meme?

I will admit . The ad did trigger me.
I will not buy any gillette stuff in the near future

>> No.14020174
File: 112 KB, 1000x1000, venus sensitive razor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just use a women one? They even have models with more blades.
All the handles are the same so all heads fit any handle.

>> No.14020190
File: 23 KB, 318x353, 1425877416229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, seems only Mach3 are compatible with women's line. That's what I'm asking, can't find if Body line (nothing Mach 3 related) are compatible with what.... ? seems the only option is try

>> No.14020263
File: 121 KB, 1462x2046, bw24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using fragranced products

>> No.14020273

>still using gillette

>> No.14020746

My wife's son LOVES Gillette's Mach 3

>> No.14020767

If you use a Venus u ain't got no penis

>> No.14020884

Whoops there it is!

>> No.14020893

Have you ever seen an incel talk about what is masculine and what is feminine and he sort of attributes all negative things to the feminine and all positive things to the masculine?
There's a lot of people that basically believe the flip-side of that. All positive things are feminine and all negative things are masculine.
These people essentially believe that any time men behave differently to women it's basically a symptom of mental illness and that men and women would think, feel and behave exactly the same if society and the people in it were healthy.
A good example of this would be boys fighting. If you look at young males of many mammal species they play fight, right? But there's quite a lot of discouraging young male humans play fighting today and you do in fact see a scene in the Gillette ad of boys being told not to fight.

The people criticizing the Gillette ad are not doing so because they want carte blanche to be cunts - they're doing it because they see it as yet another example of a social engineering trend that is misguided at best, evil at worst.

>> No.14020898

literally all they say is that it's not acceptable for men to harass women and hurt people. What's so triggering about that? Did you feel called out?

>> No.14020902
File: 30 KB, 800x531, 4L_w9pXpPRs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14020903

imagine looking for moral guidance in a gillette ad lmao
they should learn their fucking place and sell razors, not virtue signal in a cheap attempt to bolster their sales
i wonder if one would react with such righteous altruism had the ad been in reference to toxic femininity and highlighted the small, albeit harmful, portion of the population who conducted themselves in such a way

>> No.14020904

Men and women have to interact with each other and they have to court each other, right?
So consider that someone with good intentions would want to do something like teach men and women to court each other in an acceptable way.
eg. Where, when and how is a man allowed to approach a woman he doesn't know to ask her on a date.
What you instead see is all this forbidding of men approaching women and shaming everything they do as harassment.
All of this harassment stuff is just to divide a wedge between the sexes.
Do you remember that video a while back of the busty girl being harassed on the street? Go back and have another look at what people were saying to her. Most of it was like:
>hello, how are you? hope you have a nice day.

>> No.14020905


I'm never clean shaven. Always keep stubble.

>> No.14020919


>> No.14020958

A lot of "traditional" ways women were treated are not appropriate in modern times and masculinity policing does degrade the lives of a lot of men. At the same time there are overreaches concerning activities related to childhood and courtship that sow confusion in society. If you disagree you are wrong.

>> No.14020966

Obvious troll post but for people that really do think like this, you are being used. You shouldn't be mad about who is angry over the commercial but by the fact they know it will make people like you go out and purchase their products now.

A multibillionaire mega corporation is just using people on the left to line their pockets. That's why you should be mad.

Politics aside, if you need grooming products to tell you how to behave in life, you probably have greater problems than this commercial.

What's next? You go to purchase some milk in the morning and they tell you not to rape?

You are too focused on "da evil nazis don't like it so I will love it" rather than take it for what it actually is; completely patronizing.

You should learn independent thinking and to analyze things for what they are and not what groups dislike said thing.

>> No.14020971
File: 337 KB, 1380x1380, merkur-futur-adjustable-safety-razor-chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had it for 7 years, still loving it

>> No.14020979

>literally all they say is that it's not acceptable for men to harass women and hurt people.

Men already know that. Especially men in the West. The small percentage of actual rapists and those who commit sexual assaults are not going to change because of a commercial.

It's a shaver. A grooming product. The commercial should be about it giving a close and good shave or whatever.

If a soap bar commercial started saying when it's really cold, put on the heating or a sweater, the message in itself people wouldn't be "triggered" by or against, but just that it's patronizing and those products shouldn't be there to tell people how to live.

>> No.14021017

You never saw their Father’s Day tweet? Yikes

>> No.14021021


>> No.14021030
File: 17 KB, 434x417, mltn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use an PHILIPS electric razor

>> No.14021032

is that the gillete 3 sensitive? thats my favourite one, there are still available but the cartridges are getting harder to find these days

>> No.14021160

the cheapshit disposable ones in my local store. A razor is just a razor.

>> No.14021167

Feminists tricking men into boycotting razors, growing beards and becoming hipsters. Its genius.

>> No.14021196
File: 77 KB, 864x768, gillettebody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related
Is not a Mach3 variant, had to buy 2 boxes when found them just in case.

>> No.14021391

>watching commercials

>> No.14021403

Seriously. Where do people watch this stuff? Cable? YouTube? It’s like Adblock and Netflix/piracy don’t exist.

The absolute state of degenerates.

>> No.14021737

I kind of agree with this overall but I don't think it's explicitly the left who would agree. Just normal men who aren't gonna be dicks and promote shitty behaviour amongst themselves. To say that only leftists would agree with the commercial implies all conservatives are those type of men.

>> No.14021769
File: 52 KB, 536x536, lookindown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you think you are?

>> No.14022640
File: 30 KB, 247x500, 411v7+PWBFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14022664

So do you let your wife's bf use it once you're done?

>> No.14022675

i buy the 10 pack of bic razers for like $5 and it lasts me a year.
mind you i only have to shave once a week and im not a hairy greek like some

>> No.14022677
File: 190 KB, 688x907, 1547182820114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't image getting my morals from a fucking razor ad. Gillette doesn't give a fuck about morality, they're an amoral corporation. You'd be a fool to believe they truly give a fuck about the metoo movement, but I digress. The entire commercial was to shame men, and apparently you and other are too dumb to realize it.

>> No.14022710
File: 135 KB, 750x1000, 1528773901987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bic 1 blade are also goat and pic related is absolute goat

>> No.14022716


OP likes to make sure his legs are shaved clean when he crossdresses and his wife's bull comes over to fuck her.

>> No.14022724

Nah he's probably just a tranny

>> No.14022731

>Are amoral
>Want to shame men
Here is something that makes sense: They only did it for attention and because some people buy more of their products because of these ads. There is no agenda behind it, just profit. Abolish capitalism.

>> No.14023059


>> No.14023156
File: 69 KB, 520x520, 46776906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14023356


>> No.14023369

Profit can be an agenda, though.
Coca-cola wants you to have diabetes.
Doritos wants you to be fat.
Major record labels want you to have shit taste in music.
Funko pop want you to be an incel geek.

Corporations are at a level of wealth and power to where they will want to socially engineer you to be a better consumer and that almost certainly means making you into a crappier person.

>> No.14023371

oh lord, the pandering