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/fa/ - Fashion

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13985473 No.13985473 [Reply] [Original]

Share inspo, routines, and opinions on long hair on guys.
What kind of guy fits the long hair aesthetic?
Do you think guys should stick to short hair?

>> No.13985475
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>> No.13985477
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>> No.13985487

many models have their hair long because it's more versatile with styling it. depends on the designer and the runaway. the only problem is that it takes too long to grow.

>> No.13985504

If you're starting from a medium-length haircut it won't take more than 1 and a half years to get to a considerable length.

>> No.13985505

How much exactly ? I havent cut my hair like 6 months and only my back hair keeps growing but my front doesn't keep growing that much is 3 years enough to get a legolas style?

>> No.13985561

yes exactly 3 for that length.

I got 4. I'm going for 7 unironically.

>> No.13985572

Here are the three golden rules for fast hair growth:
>Improving blood circulation to follicles: massage your scalp with cold water during showers, with your head bent downwards
>Improving hair quality: eat lots of fish and nuts, dry with care after showers, don't tie them too tightly. Consider hair growth supplements.
>Reducing hair loss: work out, do stress-relieving activities, sleep 8+ hours each night, have a balanced diet. If you have stubborn patches that refuse to fill up, dab a drop of castor oil on it before going to bed.

Besides that, everyone has different speeds of hair growth.

>> No.13985592

I've been growing my hair for the same amount of time. I found that I had to cut the back to get rid of the mullet. I'm mainly growing out the top and sides, and then I'll grow out the back once I have some length elsewhere.

>> No.13985881
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not crazy long but trying to grow it out to pic rel

>> No.13985885

Thanks these are some good tips

>> No.13986368
File: 57 KB, 720x406, lh84vbm8-720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't really find a good picture but this is sort of what I'm going for but with a shorter beard.

>> No.13986425

Looks fuckin stupid unless you're big and chadly

>> No.13986491

I'm smol and chadly but I don't care. I'm only here once so I want to look the way I want to look.

>> No.13986522

I had long hair, it was quite wavy/curly as well and it took me 3.5 years to get to a good long length.

I am good looking with short hair, and with long hair the results were amazing. I have a strong jaw, good blonde hair and generally good features. Girls absolutely loved it or they massively hated the hair. I am quite an introverted guy, the conversations my hair sparked was always good. Polarizing people is a good thing to do in life.

If you aren't a masculine looking guy, don't bother or you'll look like a femboy. If you want to grow it out regardless great, although you will definitely want to start working out hard alongside it. You want to workout no matter what to up your fashion, Rick Owens has a great article on this.

There are disadvantage to long hair though. The awkward phase for me was shocking, I had a half afro type thing for ages, it looked dreadful. I had to wash with cold water to avoid frizz, and use to not blow dry my hair although I negated this with anti frizz spray later on. This really got on my nerves and after six months or so at a good length, I buzzed it off. The time I buzzed it off I was beginning to develop quite conservative views aswell, lmao.

If you're thinking of trying it out, just do it once and don't give in, it's a fun life experiment and I genuinely had fun growing it. I was in a long term relationship whilst it was growing out so I didn't really care how I looked to others but if you are seeking a partner or something, you will want to pay more for your haircuts to minimize the awkwardness of the awkward stage. I didn't see a barbers for 3 years whilst growing it, lol.

This website is fucking awesome as well. Used to read it very regularly whilst growing it out.


Have fun y'all!

>> No.13986534

Truly a /fa/ mentality.

>> No.13986555
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>> No.13986561

>Girls absolutely loved it or they massively hated the hair
Can confirm, half the girls I know say I looked a lot better with short hair and the other half beg me not to cut my long hair.

>> No.13986576

Can you post a pic?

>> No.13986622
File: 138 KB, 600x773, Long-Hairstyles-for-Men-2012-2013-Pictures-8-600x773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bro, going to preserve the anonymity. I don't have many photos at all either, all on my ex's phone. Lol. I'll post this as a reference point, the hair is identical - colour wise and waviness. I have a similar side profile too.

>> No.13987658
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Just had an undercut two days ago, trying to grow long hair. Can already tie it up, but prefer it flowy. First time in ages with a cut I like.

Can be tied, slicked back or aside, or left down which looks like normal longer hair.

>> No.13987662

Layne Staley?

>> No.13987676
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reminds me of Ivar, take it as you will

>> No.13987679 [DELETED] 


>> No.13987680

your chin and brow bone jut out a lot

>> No.13987697

welp, can't be helped

>> No.13988270
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should i buzz

>> No.13988284

dont do it

>> No.13988654

Second person who tells me that! Then it's a job well done as Vikings is where I got inspired

>> No.13988655

>long hair

Just take the buzzpill.

I did and I've never felt better.

>> No.13988657

then that makes it 3
why the beard though ?

>> No.13988658

That's a good thing, genius.

I usually dislike chinstraps but you're manly af so its whatever. Real handsome nose, too

>> No.13988680

>hair looks good
>walk outside
>/wind/ blows it into my eye and fucks up my hair
>hair now looks frizzy and shit for the rest of the day
Long hair is a meme.

>> No.13988687
File: 692 KB, 480x360, dsds.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it's called realizing something quite obvious in humanity.

PEOPLE HAVE UNIQUE TASTES. Do what you like for you. And don't get advice about relatioships from virgins on the internet. :***

>> No.13988692

I love you man. Keep going forward.

yup thats the one. Thats /fa/'s spirit thats what makes someone actually cool.

>> No.13988693

Actually, women have an attraction-repulsion complex and the ones that blurt out something handsome is unattractive to them should be perceived as the crazy slut they are.

>> No.13988700
File: 43 KB, 750x534, Stirner Pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah dude. it's all variety you can't generalize humanity. period.

Thats not a redpill or anything pill meme. It's called growing up/maturing as a person.

>> No.13988713

If you have thick healthy hair it is shiny and pretty to look at. If someone doesn't like it they are delusional or mentally deficient. You're a relativist, so I think we're done here since I'm arguing in favor of objective beauty.

>> No.13988714

>my hair is as thin as aragons, except im fucking 23
Well lads guess its time to kill myself.

>> No.13988728

well people do like my hair and always compliment them but I'm not gonna deny that even tho niche there might be individuals in this world who even like them bald. Its all about all the aesthetic you're trying to provide and how it's beauty is understood by that other unique.

Rick Owens married that gypsie looking hag for a reason because beauty isn't a generality. Also they decorate each other so well. Same energy you can tell.

>> No.13988834

Some people just don't like long hair on males dude, that's a fact. It would hardly be a deal breaker, but it happens.

>> No.13989153

I curse my retarded self every day for cutting my hair when it was down to my jaw about 3 months ago. Fuck. i'm so mad. I'm never cutting my hair again.

>> No.13989169

Relax, that’s not even that long. Won’t take long to grow back even if you buzzed it

>> No.13989218

Why did you cut it?
Did your friends/SO talk you out of it?

>> No.13989356
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>> No.13989405

did that happen due to social pressure? thats sad if it was that way. take control of your life. you define whats your aesthetic not others.

>> No.13989802

I am thinking of getting some bangs together with my long hair in order to cover my forehead; does anyone have some examples?

>> No.13990124

I prefer with some beard, yet I dislike staches, and this style is easy to maintain and frames my face well (Imo)
Thanks! I used to hate my profile as a kid, but it's really not a bad thing now that I'm a grown up, given how many people face the opposite issue, with looking feminine.

>> No.13990269

Finally a ducking long hair thread.
>growing hair out
>1 year in
>hair is uneven and layered

So whenever I go to tie my hair in a half bun it tends to have a lot of loose hairs.
How do I ask a stylist to cut my hair so it comes out even? Or am I better off allowing it to grow and then trying to even it out?

>> No.13990438
File: 154 KB, 640x1280, Snapchat-2049014690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do i do with mine? keep growing or get a different cut?

>> No.13990451

Too soft face, are you overweight? I'd trim it and wait until I get past the Babyface phase. Also lose the beard it's still too patchy

>> No.13990455

/fa/ please

>> No.13990543

I'm letting mine grow out until the front is long enough to be put in a ponytail and then I'm going to ask a barber to even it out. I was going to say "even it out" and make some weird hand gestures and hope that gets the point across.

>> No.13990655
File: 169 KB, 750x1020, 4C25FAFA-C5AA-4A12-9BBB-92D4E7F07647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to push all my hair forward and now I look like a weeb.

>> No.13990676

Open your eyes.

>> No.13990723


>> No.13990728

I had my hair in pigtail braids, like willie nelson, over the holidays. Does everyone think I'm a faggot now?

>> No.13990791 [DELETED] 

Sexy mf, what genes are these, where you from

>> No.13990805

Sexy mf, what genes are these, where you from

>> No.13992150

Look up to the skies and see.

>> No.13992156

I do that sometimes. Don’t forget the bandana

>> No.13992171

My hair is really thick, which makes it look pretty bad when it starts to grow. Does it eventually get better when it's really long ? Is it worth the weird inbetween time ?
Also my hairline is not so great. I have the start of an M, but it's not evolving so I'm not too worried about hair loss.
Any advice ?

>> No.13992706

timothee chalamet?

>> No.13994095


>> No.13994141

Bump, don’t let it die boys this is a rare bread

>> No.13994163

Been growing my hair for 3 years going on 4 in October its just past the middle of my back

>> No.13994271

Do you guys use pomade or anything? I've been using royal crown hair dressing and I just got this old spice pomade that is completely different. It's weird and I'm having trouble with it.

>> No.13994319
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Honestly I found that once my hair got to under my chin length, that putting product in was a worthless investment. Would take an hour of my time to do it, assuming that I could actually apply it equally to my hair. Even worse was trying to get it all out, absolutely cancer.

Stuff that's really easy to apply and remove like leave in conditioner works fine, especially if your lazy and only apply it to the tips of your hair. Pomade or any regular products was just way too much hassle even assuming I got it in nicely. Although maybe I'm just autistic.

>> No.13994328

Also note that if you decide to follow what most people with long hair do and only shampoo your hair like 2-3 times a week, have fun with pomade and other products stuck in your hair while you wait for shampoo day. Even water based pomades and such need shampoo to remove IMO.

>> No.13994413

How do I get my hair to be more flowy like this? My hair goes outwards rather than down.

>> No.13994504

while im happy you made a long post, the only true way is to let it grow and dry natural.

>> No.13994557
File: 1.54 MB, 1836x3264, 5jYe8DO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep growing it, disregard what the other anon said, by the time you get nice lenght your face shape has plenty time to change anyway. Assuming you're not over 22. I'd ditch the facial hair for now though.

Figure out a washing schedule that works well for you, like how often to shampoo and condition. Also simply growing it out will eventually do it. The hard part is resisting the urge of cutting it all down while your hair is still more wide than long lol, I've been there.

>> No.13994627

I love you tomorrow I'm watching beautiful boy rn and you're doing so great

>> No.13994692

Mine is just shy of chin length when it hangs naturally. It's a little wavy so if I tug on it it is chin length. I might not be using as much stuff as you. I just use enough to keep my hair from being frizzy, not full on slicked down. It gets pretty psychotic looking if I don't use anything. Getting it out hasn't been a problem though. Never tried leave in conditioner but I'll pick some up.
>Although maybe I'm just autistic.
I mean, if you are then I am. I've only gotten it right once. Most of the time I get pissed off and just consider it close enough.

I might be a sick fuck but I don't mind leaving it in for multiple days. Although this one product gets a unique smell once the initial fruity scent goes away. I just put more on to cover it up.

>> No.13994729

> It gets pretty psychotic looking if I don't use anything.
Generally I find you don't need product to fix this as long as your actually using good conditioner, the biggest problem if you don't blow dry is the the shower->dry phase. If you sit there and let it dry naturally with no major wind/movement, it will end up looking really fucking nice. Obviously this won't be the case for the majority of time, so a solution to wind/movement cucking your hair and making it frizzy/messy is necessary. Leave in conditioner is generally pretty dam good for this I find. As for blow drying your hair, if its curly it's really fucking hard to do properly without it turning your hair into an afro. I don't even bother because it just causes my hair to turn into pure frizz. Although maybe like this guy >>13986522 you can use an anti frizz spray and have it work.

Usually my routine after the shower is pad my hair with a towel (minimal to no rubbing at all), then throw on a bit of leave-in condition in the areas I know that will end up being cucked by the wind. Which for me means the ends of my hair and the hair on my hairline. Finish it off by tying the top section of my hair behind my head and let it dry. I either leave it like that or let my hair down when its 80% dry. Your hair might not be long enough to tie it all the way back, but you can just tie those hairs to whatever is closest to keep it in position.

Hair is always different so my solution might not be yours, My hair is pretty close to this guys >>13994557, so make of that what you will. There is a ton of differences though, like it can be straighter/curlier/coarse/fine/thick/dry/oily etc so just experiment and find what wurks 4u.

>leaving it in for multiple days
I'm not deep into "hair science" but idk if thats good for it lmao. Also 99% sure it spreads on your pillow and bedding, unless you have god tier genes it will probably cause acne.

>> No.13994767

When I look at myself with long hair in the mirror or in selfies it looks great to me, and then when I see myself in photos my long hair looks absolutely horrendous and stringy and pathetic. Maybe an odd problem but has anyone else experienced this?

Obviously we're never quite satisfied with how we look in photos but I don't have this problem when I keep my hair short. It's really fucking up my decision to keep growing or not. I had someone tell me she liked my long hair better the other day but then I look at it in photos and I'm like damn I look like a seaweed monster.

>> No.13994793

If you don't post any pics how the fuck would we know

>> No.13994881
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I’ve been growing my hair out for about 6.5 years, and for the most part people like, but I don’t really know how to style it. Any tips?

>> No.13994909
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>> No.13994948
File: 86 KB, 1080x1080, dave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the curlness of your hair man. The color is nice but looks too prince boy with that curlness. It aint bad some might be into it but straightness is better.

>> No.13994951

I used royal crown once and decided it's almost certainly Vaseline mixed with olive oil, I should have tried jerking with it instead

>> No.13995021
File: 229 KB, 1025x1280, 104ca6db-0f48-41d8-a13a-5bd0dea59cd6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this guy looks like a scene fag, which he is, fuck off

>> No.13995041

its the famous youtuber boyinaband

>> No.13995196

>I don't like the curlness of your hair man. The color is nice but looks too prince boy with that curlness. It aint bad some might be into it but straightness is better.

^im completely disagree with this guy. the curls are sweet. and your jawline and features are sharp enough that you can really pull off the long hair. stay up on best practices for curly hair and you'll be good.

>> No.13995492

Doesn't make him less of a faggot

>> No.13995544
File: 841 KB, 1852x1852, IMG_20181227_201347_945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have what it takes, lads?

>> No.13995570

I can smell your insecurity, how do you get up in the morning? Life must be pain

>> No.13995834 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13995977
File: 596 KB, 492x492, 1547058857822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You like being a pinyata, don't you? Bad idea to grow long hair

>> No.13996023

Why post my photo after I deleted it, fucking hacker. You've ruin my life

>> No.13996043
File: 49 KB, 416x448, FaceApp_1547065485331__01-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do make fuckable trap

>> No.13996074
File: 8 KB, 175x160, 9D79B6ED-96F6-44C1-AAC0-54E8B77371FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Ganondorf

>> No.13996097
File: 193 KB, 1242x2208, DBC15447-C2B8-4540-A84D-A157C7C38298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out Hyrule

>> No.13996199

Looks good dude, i have similar hair but just past my chin so far. Drying it with a shirt and using a leave-in conditioner reduced the frizziness a lot for me but that doesn't seem to be much of a problem for you. I use a pomade for a side parting, a bit like this picture. >>13994909

>> No.13996200

Kek, manly af

>> No.13996328

go to bed jared u are 2 sleepys 4 me

>> No.13996710
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is it really that much like his?

>> No.13996790
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>> No.13996818
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Side profile. How do I reduce poof at the end of my hair?

>> No.13996846

Your hair looks like mine- thicker I believe but we’re around the same length

>> No.13996894


>> No.13996941

would look better with short hair and def need to clean up your beard

>> No.13997069

I have to work man

>> No.13997087


>> No.13997349
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>> No.13997415

>don't blow dry is the the shower
Yeah I gotta quit doing that. When my hair was short and I let it air dry it would sort of shrivel up and do some weird stuff so I picked up a bad habit of blowdrying it.

I don't mind it I just wish it smelled better. I'm uncut so I don't use lube.

>> No.13997461
File: 279 KB, 1920x932, Snapchat-1310369178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to cut it, but long hair seems to be the best hair

>> No.13997487
File: 1.04 MB, 3264x1836, 20181120_114800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I pull it off, or too Feminine?

>> No.13997488

my hair is long but it's thin. what can i do to make it way thicker?

>> No.13997491

Change shampoo, conditioner, and diet

>> No.13997493

Right now or at least in that photo it doesn't look good on you

>> No.13997499

You could pull it off, and you have nice stubble

>> No.13997503

its too long, id go for something around neck length

could look nice


>> No.13998548
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>> No.13998613
File: 204 KB, 1280x720, IMG_6156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have straight hair on the top and very curly hair in the lower back.
It's always tied together and hard to make them separate. Also they tend to get very puffy. How do Curly hair people make them less messy?

>> No.13998614

damn, the bangs + bun combo is GOAT

is this you?

>> No.13998623

perfect hair

>> No.13998626

I think it looks good, go for some braids to keep it tighter and more masculine if you need it

>> No.13998663

oy vey

>> No.13998673
File: 149 KB, 1151x785, Smug looking litte shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I keep this shit, it's an older pic, but lengh is about the same

>> No.13998784

nah, but the guy who posted this answered alot of questions

>> No.13999312
File: 63 KB, 405x752, effayfatassanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao fucking hell anon, either buy a Mossberg Shockwave or shave holy shit

>> No.13999334

Martin Bryant?

>> No.13999345

Maybe he lost a lot of weight eating that prison food?

>> No.13999357


>> No.13999358

You jelly with your feminine features ;)

>> No.13999370

For the love of God shave that hairy caterpillar you call a beard

>> No.13999376

Anon I can’t lock down why but i dig the combo of that goatee and the hair. It’s not too normie but bro it’s gas

>> No.13999377

Feminem =/= effeminate

>> No.13999882

How do you guys get your hair to sit in place? Literally a single gust of wind turns me into /just fuck my shit up/ tier.

>> No.13999971


link to thread?

>> No.14000161

>sleep 8+ hours each night, have a balanced diet

Well that's the most difficult part.

>> No.14000764

good lenght , on purpose that you keep it that lenght or will you go llonger.

>> No.14000799
File: 2 KB, 83x125, 1547170420757s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this hair called , or how do you ask for something like this.

>> No.14000801
File: 183 KB, 1500x2250, 1547170420757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better pic.

>> No.14000855

shave the damn neckbeard jesus christ

>> No.14000866

show them the pic??

>> No.14000868

hahahha that nose hahahhaha

>> No.14001179
File: 131 KB, 861x1076, B4CFDF3A-AF17-46CA-A840-47876D27285E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What product should I use to achieve this volume?

>> No.14001552
File: 2.79 MB, 2039x2891, 20190111_213518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to let it grow but I never had the balls to go through the awkward phase. Should I give it a go ? Would it fit me ?

>> No.14001561

>tfw you got memed into a shorter haircut

Now I look like a fixing retard instead of a bum. What a surprise.

>> No.14001578
File: 2.53 MB, 1275x1797, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair is the longest it's ever been right now I think. Goes just past my bellybutton. Been washing it only with apple cider vinegar like once a week for about 6 months and it's been working pretty good, no frizziness and feels pretty silky. Only thing that sucks is for my job I have to tie it up all the time

>> No.14001640

Have you thought of putting on muscle?

>> No.14001644
File: 122 KB, 640x660, 1541343673419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else /embrace/

>> No.14001670

This is the length I have right now. Took about seven months

>> No.14001674

Yeah. I need to lose some body fat too. I have a small amount of muscle underneath a layer of fat

>> No.14001735

it was a couple months ago

>> No.14001862

that's majestic as fuck

>> No.14002905

No, dont worry about it, just go to the gym or do a sport

>> No.14002962
File: 58 KB, 1024x576, 1542832193102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why these threads always end up being attention whores shitposting? No we do not want to see your fucking face on a anonymous board you ugly new fags fuck off. Grow your hair and see if it fits.

>> No.14003044

Does ur mum have multiple personality disorder or something?

>> No.14003259

Genetics and/or blowdrying from down up + any kind of pomade

>> No.14003260

So how is nopoo treating you?
Do you feel it has a different smell? Is it more manageable? Does your scalp feel heavy, or itchy?

>> No.14003261

ebin joke, +1

>> No.14003352

I think with your facial aesthetics it would look chadly. go for it

>> No.14003404

Because cross-eyed tard is a chad trait am I rite?

>> No.14003412
File: 31 KB, 470x470, 1543959721257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noselet jelly as fuck

>> No.14003681

Nopoo is more low effort than when I used shampoo for the most part. When I used shampoo my hair got oily really quickly and I'd have to wash it more often. I have to wash the vinegar out really thoroughly to make sure the vinegar smell doesnt last and as far as I know my hair just smells like hair. Scalp feels good, the only time it was having problems was when I was doing water-only which was leaving my hair too greasy and giving me some dandruff but as soon as I washed with vinegar it went away. I did a shampoo wash like a month ago to see if I wanted to go back to it and my hair was frizzy, poofy, and dry for like 3 days until the natural oils started to build up again

>> No.14003689

why do mutts always have this half asleep look to them?

>> No.14003917

because mr.goldberg doesnt allow them to sleep
they have to be at school at 7 am, you have to work untill late and do some work at home
so the only time for themselfs is too late so use caffeine
of course that isnt good

>> No.14003985
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like my hair, but my forehead is quite big and the face aint too good either so i don't think that ponytail fits me, i think i look better with bit more hair covering my ears and cheeks, so my question is, how bad of an idea is to get hair like that? i am talking only the long bangs with ponytail, not all the braids and colour stuff

>> No.14004015

I see. I tried going nopoo once but my I have crazy bad dandruff and unless I use anti-dandruff shampoo it quickly becomes an itchy, flaky mess.

>> No.14004844

I'm really struggling right now. I've got nice long hair but I've developed a serious widows peak and I'm starting to feel like my only option is to shave bald.. but I love having long hair so much.

>> No.14004909

ideal bf tier, it looks good

>> No.14004952

How much do you dilute the ACV?

>> No.14004965

disregarded everything this retard said when he wouldnt post pic lol get fucked retard

>> No.14004987

grew my hair out. 2016 was a painful year. 2017 I accidentally let it get too long and cringe at the pics, it was weighed down below the shoulder and made me look like one of those floppy ear scent hounds.
peaked in 2018 after 2 successive haircuts brought it clear of the shoulders and returned some spring (mine naturally grew into ringlets)
then I got it all cut off.

the negatives:
1) you'll look like a twat while growing it out
2) long hair is a pain in the arse to sleep with, especially if you're not used to it
3) the length of time you end up showering triples, and you'll inevitably spend 5 times as much on hair products trying to find some conditioning regime that prevents it frizzing or getting tangled
4) you have to think more consciously about how you dress, to dress within a narrower band of what suits it
5) you really have to own a look, whether it's the hypermasculine built and bearded but with long hair, the svelte androgyne, or the scruffy chain smoking metalhead. there's not really any middle ground. average joes and greasy fat fucks will ultimately look worse off for it.
6) shit blows about in the wind like you wouldn't believe

the positives:
I dunno, sometimes it's fun to swish?

sorry I know you wanted inspo but I don't rate it.

>> No.14005183
File: 47 KB, 500x460, 6547845686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was thinking of getting long bangs + ponytail too, but more like pic related.

>inb4 "weebshit"
Yeah. I know. It's just to give you an idea without having to sift through thousands of shitty 3d bangs.

>> No.14005841

My problem is how long it takes to dry. I don't like using blow dryers so my hair will need like 8 hours to dry fully and feel normal

>> No.14005918

anyone here use coal tar shampoo for scalp buildup/seb derm and find that it made your post shower hair feel amazing? Is the coal tar like volumizing the hair or is it just cleansing everything and thats the difference?

>> No.14005922

post more you hot little slut

>> No.14005947
File: 1.79 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-01-13-03-01-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where to go from here, laddies

>> No.14005978
File: 406 KB, 1512x1752, IMG_20190113_092046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently growing my hair out any tips?

>> No.14005993

google "shampoo" and use some

>> No.14006663

About 2/3 cup acv to 4 cup water

>> No.14007260
File: 21 KB, 320x454, D2EC0FEB-B27A-430E-89A3-546588BF0488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Growing my hair out to be like this. Currently 2-3 inches shorter. What products should I use to texture it in a similar way?

>> No.14008671

You look like you just got back from burning churches.

>> No.14008720
File: 1.55 MB, 2159x3840, longhair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just wish it was thicker

>> No.14008731
File: 2.02 MB, 2838x4252, Dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make my hair do the font curls at the roots like pic related?

>> No.14008801

/longhairs/, is it even worth it? All the dudes I know with long hair always just tie it up anyways, or do like >>14008720

>> No.14008812 [DELETED] 

i'm just so used to it at this point that i don't know any other way

>> No.14008817

it feels good to feel a little unique but honestly it's just more of a hassle to deal with than short hair

>> No.14008996

IMO the maintenance to make it not look like shit is well worth the fact that you now have something semi-unique that you can flaunt and people specifically remember you by.

>> No.14009250
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>> No.14009283

my mullet getting real long boys but i can do this i will not trim it

>> No.14009352
File: 83 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep it or nah

>> No.14009362

Keep it

>> No.14009480

any inspo for guys with big forehead and a round hairline?

>> No.14009510
File: 111 KB, 512x432, 1544999623913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm quite feminine looking. I loved my long hair but ever since I grew stubble and cut my hair short women have been nicer to me. I miss my hair though. What should I do /fa/, grow my hair out again but look feminine or stay with short hair so women are more receptive?

>> No.14009525

Obvious answer is growing it out again and keeping a stubble to balance things out.

>> No.14009555

How the fuck do I get my hair like this? I've got the length to do it, but whenever I try to get it like that it just looks shit.

>> No.14009569

This guy here has such wonderful hair

>> No.14009895
File: 25 KB, 600x451, howdidraimigetawaywiththis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TRUE answer is to embrace the look you want and completely disregard the opinions of the subhuman female scourge

>> No.14009896
File: 371 KB, 446x541, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been having an urge to buzz my head lately.

>> No.14009910

Your hair looks pretty damn good anon.
Why do you want to buzz?

>> No.14010340

don't, that's good hair

>> No.14010522

dont that looks really good

>> No.14010523
File: 106 KB, 355x495, 1532188821691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just cut my hair after growing it out for two years and only trimming it to maintain medium length.

I thought it suited me and people said it did but I was really unhappy with the lack of attention from girls at all, maybe one or two in a single year.

Decided to cut it for new year new me bullshit and unironically been getting a lot more attention recently walking through college and feel a lot more confident.

Went to a party on sunday and somehow pulled an 8/10 making the 10/10 that has friendzoned me for two years jealous - led to getting off.

Will post pics if interested but I am like a 5/10 but feel like a 7 with cutting my hair, basically what I'm trying to say is that guys 18-25 look mainly better with shorter hair, of course their is the 5% that look amazing with long hair but don't let the longevity of your long hair to distract you.

>> No.14010629

Can you post your face with long and short hair, please? Interested in seeing the change, maybe it was all in your head

>> No.14010679
File: 282 KB, 331x375, pic 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bare in mind about angle, lighting and quality but this is a pic of me and long hair which i was happy with.

>> No.14010683
File: 113 KB, 299x221, bruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only photo i could find on pc so maybe not best angle/lighting again sorry

>> No.14010774

You definitely look better with short hair my man.
You got a rounder jawline and a square forehead; short hair suits you a lot better.

Nice smile too. You look like a fun guy

>> No.14010785


thanks my man, you growing your hair out? and are you a brit lad or naw

>> No.14010815

I'm from Italy and already have long hair, just a little past my shoulders.
Some girls love it, some preferred me with short hair.

Female attention got actually better since I started growing my hair out, but that's the same time I started working out and actually taking care of myself, so it's not really a fair comparison.

>> No.14010871

well nice to meet you italoanon

would you mind attaching an image?
i have also started going gym the past year and it's a confidence booster

>> No.14011065

I've got a "no photo of myself on 4chan" policy, so I'll have to pass on that.

My hair is somewhat like >>14009896 but pitch black and a little shorter. I do keep it in a messy bun most of the time, though.

>> No.14011117
File: 181 KB, 978x1198, fullsizeoutput_432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14011196
File: 1.62 MB, 960x1280, kjanskjdnsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been wanting to do something like this. What should I do while I wait for my hair to grow? Should I get it thinned out regularly? I had been getting undercuts for a while so only the top will come down to about the bottom of my nose.

>> No.14011214
File: 304 KB, 1280x692, Dazed and Confused 1993 720p BluRay DD5.1 x264-EbP.mkv_20190114_142546.727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any idea what kind of product to use to get this look?

>> No.14011217

this is my hair right now but black.
what the fuck do i do with it

>> No.14011224
File: 157 KB, 1500x1120, 253400131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this pic is horrifying

>> No.14011251
File: 32 KB, 460x292, 1543701491350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm ugly

>> No.14011302
File: 2.46 MB, 1836x3264, 20190114_203936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nine years.
Apparently its two and a half feet from my scalp.
I have no idea what beard combo works.
I'm a fatty I know, but people like it regardless.

>> No.14011330

my hair looks that if I rinse it with water after a day or two of not washing it then let it air dry. also dont brush it

>> No.14011417

Sea salt spray

>> No.14012601

Shannon Hoon, is that you?

>> No.14012982

Curly blonde hair looks great.

>> No.14013083

dye it darker

>> No.14013398

I can listen your heavy metal music to my room

>> No.14013916

hair looks good

>> No.14013961

Hmm, that's what I'm thinking but growing it out again sucks ass. Thanks anon
That made me feel better thanks spiderman

>> No.14014672

no way hairlet

>> No.14015495
File: 47 KB, 400x400, long-blonde-hair-beard-men-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14015555
File: 209 KB, 902x1202, F902BFB5-7A35-4C89-9E9D-431230817FC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep or cut?

>> No.14015566

can confirm. girls ive dated are either very happy when i cut it or very insistent that i dont cut it, same with beard come to think of it

>> No.14015801


>> No.14015813

looks samurai on you so keep it. azns have pretty hair.

>> No.14015862
File: 254 KB, 902x1792, E9C1CA54-1A41-41F8-B6C8-07F091A6C5AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice for my hair? Here’s a photo after a shower, right now I usually wear it back until it’s long enough for me to tie up

>> No.14016518

Wow this feels like it was tailored just for me i have the same problems. Upvoted thanks anon