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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 110 KB, 766x767, bete 1414124 robo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13998048 No.13998048 [Reply] [Original]

what kind of fashion fits women with jawline? got any examples?

>> No.13998111

I wish I were one of those cig butts

>> No.13998112

I dated a girl like that and knocked her ass out because she pissed me off. Ended up shattering her jaw and going to jail.

>> No.13998118

You mean women (male)?

>> No.13998119

nice dude

>> No.13998138
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>> No.13998146

I feel like these girls would have bad smelling vaginas.

>> No.13998148

My kid sister is starting to become like this and I don't know what to do about it.

>> No.13998164
File: 81 KB, 748x614, swole kangaroo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take her to the gym and teach her discipline. be a good role model for her.

>> No.13998168

I feel personally attacked.

>> No.13998185
File: 88 KB, 600x815, YSL-Le-Smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Essentially this OP, traditionally manly and formal clothing with hard straight lines on women with strong jawlines looks awesome, go thrift some good old blazers and go wild

>> No.13998232

holy shit wtf lmao

>> No.13998260

I almost did the same shit. She stole $50 from me. Luckily I kept calm and told her it’s over

>> No.13998262

Walk into laundrymat
See owner folding someone’s laundry
Nasty white shitstained undies
Look like it hasn’t even been washed
Thinking it’s for a dude
2 art hoes walk in
“Wow you already finished alexis’ clothes”
Disgusted at art hoes

>> No.13998274

1980s female fashion

broad shoulders, fluffy hair, high waist, hard lines

>> No.13998295
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Any advice for this facial structure?

>> No.13998587
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>> No.13998591

god in heaven, do those exist in real life?

>> No.13998599 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 350x350, b56669a33e61409596a898208820c245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not even a white knight but if i knew who you are i would break your face

>> No.13998601

buy a noose

>> No.13998604

Prevent the phase from becoming a permanent state. Know several people like this at my uni who are washed up losers. If you love your sister stop her.

>> No.13998636

You dont deserve to post a top tier manga like that nor those redundant numbers

>> No.13998638

Probably wasnt even shitstains, probably permanently stained from roastie pussy juice

>> No.13998644

fucking based

cringe af

>> No.13998665


>> No.13998678

its likely bloodstains dude you know women bleed from their uteri right?

>> No.13998720

Guide her in her studies so she doesn't go to bullshit college. Encourage doing sports. Steer her towards preppy clothing but make it seem like what happy independent people wear.

She most likely doesn't have any safe adults to talk about things so she ends up becoming an outcast in a bad way and if she has friends they may be even worse background and influence.

Same for both genders.

>> No.13998868
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anyone got that girl in the turtleneck? she has freckles if i remember right

>> No.13998929

based af

>> No.13999008

fucking classic anon

>> No.13999041

Fucking nice. I used to party with a girl like this and she took money from my wallet multiple times and stole two jackets of mine.

>> No.13999092


>> No.13999096

>namefag is a literal virgin
why am i not surprised

>> No.13999186

Chad and basedpilled

>> No.13999187

Based and redpilled

>> No.13999201
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happens to the best of us

>> No.13999709 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13999724

wow anon so tough and cool

>> No.13999851

/fit/ here. Enjoy your lung cancer, tumblette.

>> No.13999853
File: 105 KB, 349x259, 3C09FFF0-0662-4893-B8B6-CA6BD193601F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peak sleazecore

>> No.13999860

Alpha male shit. You should find out where she's living now and pay her a visit

>> No.13999928

Your options depend on your relationship. If you're not close with her and an authority in her eyes your go-to should probably be endless mockery.
Mocking women for things is more powerful than you can imagine and you don't actually need to be an authority to use it on them.
Even an omega male can have the weight of a Chad when he is paying a woman out about what a cunt she is.

>> No.13999942

>L Lawliet
I used to hang out with a nigger who always used that handle, he even had the L necklace
cool guy, but noone could ever understand what the fuck he was saying because he spoke way too fast

>> No.13999951

Dam how long was ur sentence
Green txt

>> No.13999977

this or didn't happen>>13999951

>> No.14000064

If a woman receives any laughs or negative comments about clothes she will never wear the item again.

>> No.14000322
File: 33 KB, 386x459, mokou question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could have been bloodstains (they're brown on lighter coloured undies so it's most likely) or from their PH levels.

most guys don't know this but healthy vaginas are moderately acidic and also slightly warmer than body temperature. this is to prevent pathogens or bad bacteria from causing infections. maybe the girl's PH was too acidic or too alkaline.

things that change the vagina's PH levels can be unprotected sex, antibiotics, douching or periods.

t. vagina

>> No.14000340

is it really worth checking out?

>> No.14000455

He'd probably break yours first.

>> No.14001052

Are smokers required to litter? I have never meet a smoker who did not trow their cigarette butts everywhere

>> No.14001071

stfu cunt b4 i pound u anal

>> No.14001432

fuck her so hard she starts crying

>> No.14001439
File: 6 KB, 213x358, 1529144686986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fucking hilarious

>> No.14001447

First year bio student spotted

>Her pussy is less than 7 and it burned my dick

>> No.14001777
File: 107 KB, 350x551, Chrollo-30-Years-hunter-x-hunter-39180390-350-551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go watch anime is better than manga is like Death Note, i am sure is going to become super popular very soon

>> No.14002913

maybe they were moldy

>> No.14002921

Hi poet. Hope you're doing better.

>> No.14003192

w2c this entire outfit, where to even begin

>> No.14003319


>> No.14003387 [DELETED] 
File: 204 KB, 760x760, 49836954_390302561718150_3856602992237084672_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opinions on the outfit?

>> No.14003528

fkn based

>> No.14003546

I have a friend (girl) with a strong jawline who looks great in tube tops

>> No.14003553

Goal aesthetic

>> No.14003588

It's the Saint Laurent Le Smoking Suit. I believe they still produce a version of it, but it is extremely expensive.