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/fa/ - Fashion

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13989104 No.13989104 [Reply] [Original]

go to malefashion and bring back sometthing. pretty much every fit is cringe


>> No.13989105
File: 171 KB, 640x975, biqhxgdmrt821.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=bd5edf07c1dc1c0c0ae5b106157a2e9d2aa32e75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy you are off to a good start.

>> No.13989113
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>> No.13989119
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>> No.13989126
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this tryhard blackmeans pouch is the cherry on the shit sundae

>> No.13989137

/r/techwearclothing is fun too

>> No.13989141
File: 104 KB, 640x854, keorg9ksuv821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13989177

those the skinniest arms I've ever seen

>> No.13989258

This would have been cool in 1999 lmao

>> No.13989282
File: 104 KB, 720x1080, 1431156059957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Yeah I play video games"

>> No.13989289

>Shoes on bed

>> No.13989292

those are dope desu

its bad but at least he had a gf anon pseudo gamers > actual gamers

everything else ITT is also bad desu so far.

>> No.13989296
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>> No.13989299
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>inb4 "wtf this is good"

This is "my parents don't trust me anymore" core and you should be ashamed.

>> No.13989302

Is that reddit ironic or something?
How is each fucking outfit both terribly fitting and prohibitively expensive
It's like they buy one (occasionally nice or ok) piece and then think "how can I fuck this up so bad people 50m away will be forced to avert their eyes? I know!" And then rush to take a shite pic and upload it to basedboys & co.

>> No.13989306
File: 168 KB, 1010x1010, 1508540406706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13989308

Guys, everyone has a first time. You know? Lets not be too mean.

>> No.13989311

That is good but yeah his parents don't trust him any more unless they're on the same level
Not everyone was raised in boring stuffy middle class households anon

>> No.13989312

this guy is a mod of EHF lmao and even the other faggots there all hate him

>> No.13989313

Almost anyone but that girl would look retarded in that fit, that goes for everything made by Rick.

>> No.13989321

alt-chad core

>> No.13989325

This is a
>Veronica I'm begging you PLEASE PLEASE let me see the kids it's been 6 months (oh god I'm so lonely)
Tier outfit
I don't think anyone could dislike the guy more than be dislikes himself desu

>> No.13989332

>you don't understand me mom and dad i fking hate u

>> No.13989335

Virgil is so fucking trash. How his incredibly average graphic design skills got him into LV I will never know. He's a stain on the industry.

>> No.13989338

God I hate this guy
These all seem fairly normal and fine
From what I've seen of this guy on the /r/mf sub he seems to have some sort of severe mental issue, schitzo or some shit.

>> No.13989351
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>> No.13989354
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>> No.13989359

this pisses me off so much

>> No.13989370

The only thing cringe about this is the middle age indian man face. But its pretty cringe

>> No.13989390
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>> No.13989396
File: 61 KB, 800x450, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is really really really gay hahahaha
the shitty white hanes t-shirt with rick pants, that don't go with the gay ass button coat, the plastic taobao rings and then the shitty meme derbies
i just cannot stop laughing

>> No.13989401
File: 220 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_9484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"my parents don't trust me anymore" core
anon my sides hahahaha

>> No.13989447
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>> No.13989451
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>> No.13989454

not everyone has super serious parent dude

>> No.13989457
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>> No.13989474

not cringe necessarily just instagram-core

>> No.13989483

I want to slap that smirk right off his bitch face.

>> No.13989494

Real issue here seems like how old you look. This guy is probably younger than me (I'm 38) but I look about 24 and are in shape so I can wear younger fits.

This guy looks like a classic middle aged man trying to dress too young. Even though I am almost 40 I would feel like a silly larper in a suit because I feel it looks best on mature looking guys.

>> No.13989522

He works in a coffee shop and spends all his money on shit tier reddit meme clothing. It is pretty funny. He thinks he looks like Rick from Walking Dead. Maybe if Rick was gay, 5"7" and had rickets.

>> No.13989530

imagine spending money on clothes and looking like this. fuck

>> No.13989537
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>> No.13989544

This is good

>> No.13989550

unironically a good fit
learn to ignore faces anon

>> No.13989559

this would be cute if it was a girl wearing it tb h

>> No.13989578
File: 90 KB, 960x960, qt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or an androgynous dude Yohji tends to be that way for young people. very young people and very old people rock yohji styles very nicely.

>> No.13989587

also if anybody has the photos of that boy in paris pass em to me cuz the fits were sick, high end and he looked good I dont have pics that do him justice saved but i remember them. I think he is a korean fashion blogger.

>> No.13989599

it is a ugly 25 year old man who looks to be 5 feet tall with huge feet in women's clothing. cutting the face out doesn't help. imagine seeing this fag at safeway

>> No.13989612

that is male clothing lol

>> No.13989626


>> No.13989628

it is. those are very baggy wide pants not a skirt but you don't know shit about fashion and it shows. Thats the Yohji Yamamoto cut and its pretty /fa/

>> No.13989662

Jesus christ man this guy could be my dad and hes wearing off white

>> No.13989695

he looks anemic
message him to get help for me

>> No.13989708

Those fucking FEET

>> No.13989714

>learn to ignore the most important part of making a fit work on your body
Ugly people can be /fa/ too but this is not the right way. He looks like a jewish mole rat in yohji

>> No.13989743

true. I dont have any examples off hand, but I don't think you have to be a completely effeminate guy to look good in yohji shit either. other dude just looks like the clothes are wearing him. looks like a fucking little old lady

>> No.13989753

The comments on the posts there are hysterically cringe.
“Blade runner rooftop jumper vibes bro.”

>> No.13989765

That guy always looks out of place in his clothes. He used to be a rick slave and that seems to be a common theme for those types

>> No.13990796

I really dig this

>> No.13990833


>> No.13990839

Looks like he's trying to fuck 19 year old Chinese exchange students and gets cucked by low T small dick chinaboys

>> No.13990844

Mom said business casual but all I have is sweat pants and a pea coat

>> No.13990848


>> No.13990859

He looks like the old woman that makes the costumes for the incredibles

>> No.13990864

Mom it's not a phase, owning a piece of juunya changed my life!

I don't want to meet your friend's daughter Ashley, she's mallcore as fuck I just want a vapid Asian girl who's depressed

>> No.13990873

Alright cool cool, yeah I got what you need this right here is called purple kush, you interested in this IWC bro? Yeah my friend owed me some money and I got it as payment it just needs a new battery.

Also I got some goyard wallets too in the trunk of my 1998 audi

>> No.13990877


>> No.13990888

This guy thinks Chris angel is the shit

>> No.13990891

My 12 year old daughter is hanging out with that loser 23 year old tier

Guy doesn't have a car just rides his bm

>> No.13990896

Tries his hardest to be a cosplay photographer tobut they all think he's creepy and greasy

>> No.13990899

I didn't know Jordan Peterson was a hypebeast.

>> No.13990922

i laughed

>> No.13990947

omg those aEsTHetiC tatooOOSOOoOs tho my dude

>> No.13990956

Lol is that a white dude trying to look Asian?

>> No.13990964

I follow this dudes insta and im pretty sure he has some major issues hahaha

>> No.13991007


>> No.13991013

i think a gust of wind could brake this fucker in half

>> No.13991020

I'm sorry I don't understand

>> No.13991028

>this is white in america

>> No.13991031

Calls himself trans woman. Doesnt pass. Doesnt try to pass. Its mental illness

>> No.13991048
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Manlet cope

>> No.13991093
File: 12 KB, 480x640, 1544654996613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dem kingdom hearts shoes

>> No.13991127

Shoes face and hair ruin it

>> No.13991137

>Ummm actually it's venti for the BIG one and YOU CAN'T HAVE PLASTIC STRAWS IN SAN FRANCISCO CITY LIMITS SO.....

>> No.13991143

Sieg dresses like shit and is fat. Still not sure what he's doing here.

>> No.13991144

if you kick his ass he's going to get you banned from twitter for MISGENDERING HIM


>> No.13991147

sieg's also a lifetime NRA, CRPA member, voted trump once and will do it again in 2020

sieg heil

>> No.13991224

Yes, we all fucking know. Are you saying there's a correlation between owning a MAGA hat and firearms?

>> No.13991229

nah but that usually gets you reddit using cucks riled up

>> No.13991236

I think you're a fat fuck and dress like shit, so I must be from reddit?

>> No.13991305

Why not just stay in /fa/ literally as cringy and unironically as redditors.

>> No.13991323

hope you know that shit's finding it's way back.

>> No.13991336

Yeah, it's like European autismo-rapper-core now

>> No.13991343

Instagram-core and everybody who unironically is instagram-core should be gassed.

>> No.13991520

very very very cool

>> No.13991662
File: 485 KB, 1200x1590, 30yearoldhag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fresh off the presses from "male" fashion lmao
some old grandma wearing see through zara shit

>> No.13991687

looks like some ann d in that mix tho?
so atleast its real fashion related unlike ur flyover walmart wearing ass poser commentary lmfaoooo

>> No.13991693

Its pretty much all ann d. Theres so much genuine cringe on mf whats the point at mentioning this fit?

>> No.13991776

why is he (a 40+ yo) wearing a rick owens ma-1 and off white while posing in a literal shithole nigger neighborhood lmfao

shouldnt he be old enough now to have figured out financial prioritization?

>> No.13991780

this is from the totokaelo store retard wtf


>> No.13991820

This'd be fine if the shirt was tucked in and he took the rings off.
I guess the sleeves are a bit long, too.

>> No.13991821

this one is pretty good omg Ann D? amazing

>> No.13991822

Fucking yikes at those tattoos.

>> No.13991824

This would be goddess-tier without the see-through shirt, shitty shoes and shitty neck shit.

>> No.13991825

thats the point sieg and that character from the incredibles is based on Rei Kawakubo. So it's /fa/. idk if you knew.

>> No.13991826

cringing at this samefag. she looks like a old slut at a goth club in 2005

>> No.13991840
File: 49 KB, 692x850, samefag lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah dude samefag sure thing lol

>> No.13991891

kek eso gets so butthurt on discord whenever he appears in these threads

>> No.13991967

hello fashionreps

>> No.13992212

>You know I had to do it to em

>> No.13992231

This is cool

>> No.13992243
File: 248 KB, 1435x1404, are you seeing a therapist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking incels

>> No.13992336


>> No.13992345

What is this /cgl/?
She probably looks better than half you birds
That neck too, dayum

>> No.13992375

yohji would be perfect for /fit/

>> No.13992430

Lmao based

>> No.13992454

This is a Chad fit

>> No.13992481

Sieg why don't you head over to WAYWT and post something? You're the only trip on this board who doesn't contribute but still feels the need to run his mouth consistently. You don't provide any value apart from some (albeit much needed) gatekeeping.

>> No.13992518
File: 909 KB, 3110x2073, 0BA02A17-BEEF-4126-BE58-F1BA9F2F165E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbqh you guys aren’t that better

>> No.13992653

is she sticking her head up to hide her face? looks weird

>> No.13992734

w2c coat

>> No.13992741

>standing on your mattress with shoes
what the fuck is this. the fit is downright terrible but doing that on your bed is inexcusable

>> No.13992757

The guy on the far right looks good though, the rest look too try hard while he looks effortlessly cool. He is even standing different to the rest of the clones.

>> No.13992775

That’s because he’s a negro killer

>> No.13992778

Shooped roof looks infinitely better than anyone else in this photo

>> No.13992790


We call this "just went out of a flood" core and behead such faggots on the spot

>> No.13992849
File: 1.04 MB, 3110x2073, 1546962593762a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed the shop a bit. wasn't looking as realistic as it could

>> No.13992906

saw a dude wearing a t shirt version of this at the mall last week and was laughing so hard

>> No.13993517

This is dope

>> No.13993937

This would be cool if his pants weren't so high up and if his jacket was much shorter

>> No.13993945

>t. virgin

>> No.13994005
File: 389 KB, 1200x1600, e9eglyoiki821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13994008

jacket is too big for him in length and shoulder

>> No.13994012

my mans looking stubby lmao

>> No.13994027

I feel like the 5th kid's neck gets longer every time I see this photo

>> No.13994029

im not attractive so i'll dress like a youtuber

>> No.13994032

fashion victim
muh functional clothing

>> No.13994053
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>> No.13994365

What mall? The store I work at in my local mall has that sinful kiosk right outside and the guy harasses me to buy shirts each time I walk by.

>> No.13994382

r/malefashion made it so girls could post a while ago because r/femalefashion was garbage basic shit and girls that wore rick had nowhere to get attention. Now they just get immediate hundreds of upvotes for the shittiest fits because of all the guys who just want an art hoe gf

>> No.13994384

i think he looks good, whats so cringey about it

you guys really care too much about what other people wear. focus on yourselves lmao

>> No.13994386

Woman ruins everything. Your next newsflash

>> No.13994443

lol unless they are actually staceys and too pretty to be attainable by nerds. then their ugly queens like neon_cool tell their minions on discord to downvote them out of jealousy

>> No.13994468

lmao i just saw this and was fire back too

why r literal morons allowed topost on /fashion/???

>> No.13994492

the day they decided that women can post on "r/malefashion" too was the day I stopped using that site. Honestly the stupidest thing I've ever heard of I can't understand why they felt it was necessary

>> No.13994517
File: 202 KB, 750x741, 1467820007616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13994525

Hey Uncle Lin

>> No.13994545

why the hell people wear pants like this it pisses me off so fucking muchhhhh

>> No.13995017

He weirdly sounds like a dude I'd like to hang out with, actually. Eccentric but not too pretentious. Odd without coming across as too CUHRAZEE. Has clearly defined hobbies and tastes and doesn't really care what other people think about it. He also called out cuck caps at the end. Eh. He'll grow out of a lot of his quirks and be a cool dude in the end who probably makes cool shit. Not a fan of his style but I can't hate.

>> No.13995019

Literally just capris with less taper.

>> No.13995143

holy shit that has to be the worst fashion sub i've ever visited. closed it in 5 minutes

>> No.13995162

>listens to Boards of Canada once

>> No.13995207


>> No.13996025
File: 33 KB, 498x668, into the trash this pepe does NOT go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sleazecore/ and /terrorwave/ poster here, everyone in this thread except for >>13994005 looks like massive faggots, and that goes for anyone who wears anything that even remotely looks like the trash compactor of clothing known as SLP and Rick Owens. Do soceity and favor and go wear something else
that is all

>> No.13996146
File: 836 KB, 3000x2398, 1547053587670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fresh from /int/

>> No.13996149
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>> No.13996151
File: 158 KB, 962x1472, 3F00BE3100000578-4385858-image-a-203_1491481161527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the braphog

>> No.13996183

He looks like a school shooter

>> No.13996193


Reminds me of Dylan Klebold one of the Columbine shooters.

>> No.13996196

Is this what white pimps look like?

>> No.13996745

yeah lmao. why would someone's parents stop trusting them just for smoking and having tattoos.

everyone here is such a fucking nerd

>> No.13997983
File: 73 KB, 640x640, 49161275_2233756700178937_4208695408911712256_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13998131

heartly chuckle

>> No.13998231


>> No.13998235


>> No.13998258

Really? If any body type can pull off boot cut its his. He looks like a character from a video game kinda

>> No.13998414

What a gullible moron you are.

>> No.13998417

Actually, it is homeless, old widow clothing.

>> No.13998493

The meme eyebrow trend needs to die, these people look like orcs

>> No.13998551
File: 60 KB, 591x591, 1535476350671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pajeet trying to korean-core

>> No.13998575


the girl looks good tho

>> No.13998657

its literally just a white t-shirt anon

>> No.13998743

>Net shirt
>Open shoes
>All black

Is this /Naruto/-Core?

>> No.13998967

Based fellow sleaze and terrorcore poster

>> No.13998998


>> No.13999208


my ex used to do it and i cringed every time

>> No.13999232

that's dope

>> No.13999293

As another said, jacket is too big and also the black belt and shoes are so so so wrong and would look a lot better same brown as the coat.

>> No.13999296

Yeah, Lester from GTA

>> No.13999337

w2c body liike girl on left, and skin of 3

>> No.13999367

its alright but since hes fat he ruined it all

>> No.13999398

I'm not sure that's an improvement. His face is too saturated and contrasty now, which brings out the graininess.

I did the original shop, and the main thing I would've done in retrospect is try to add a chromatic aberration blur instead of the gaussian blur I used on Roof, as it would better match the rest of the photo. I didn't keep the .psd though, so eh. I'm sure not gonna redo it now.

>> No.13999409
File: 108 KB, 1200x955, 1547135089057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.13999494

Some of those girls are mildly attractive, not your typical british whore

>> No.13999876

that nigger looks like she smells bad

>> No.13999949

its a white bitch tanned off her ass. idk what u mean by nigger

>> No.13999990

you know which one and look at her flat nose, definitely not 100% white compared to the rest, tanned or not

>> No.13999996


>> No.14000001


>> No.14000008

How would take the bullet and give her a *SNIIIIFFFFFFFF*

>> No.14000010


>> No.14000013

Off by 1. Unlucky.

Let's see who got: >>14000000

>> No.14000018

he also copies so much shit its disgusting
>itt fashion leech

>> No.14000030

less chains and he ok

>> No.14000176

Honestly, everything here is cool, except the coat clashes with the rest of the outfit.

>> No.14000196

Herpe harpies

>> No.14000225
File: 102 KB, 736x1102, tumblr_o1xiuiNcMS1uceufyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14000238

Don't make fun of this nigga he's levitating like Oni from street fighter 4

>> No.14000241

lol those fakes in the middle are tragic

>> No.14000450

i cant believe this is real unless he works at a clothing store and gets to borrow shit sometimes

>> No.14000453

Wow, are these guys twins or something? They look IDENTICAL

>> No.14000535


>> No.14000541

crossing guard core

>> No.14000581

this would've been insanely cool in the early 90s, getting beck/sonic youth vibe

still cool in an ironic way though

minus the oversized coat and shoes = great
otherwise it's terrible

different shoes and no waist chains = really great



shoes ruin it, otherwise it's great

guy on far right, if he wasn't so fucking ugly then it actually would be sick, the pants are slightly too big

probably one of the best fat people i've seen, which is crazy since it's incredibly hard to look good and be fat, if you lost 60lbs weight, I'd put the big bucks on him to look really sick

I feel like I'm in 2008, to be that fit and still not be /fa/

>> No.14000721

Oliver Tree core but in a good way

>> No.14000805

Finally I needed a black mage

>> No.14000827

>guy on far right
Are you just pretending to be dumb, newfriend?

>> No.14000880
File: 107 KB, 640x800, 47694615_2264025753631826_8733628737760187587_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this on my instagram feed

>> No.14000899

when will this tattoo trend die, makes you look like a fucking infant scribbled on you

>> No.14000926

How is this cringe? He's just too old to pull it off
We all know a guy like this
Literally a white shirt
I guess this was OK in the 90s

>> No.14000949

has not worked a single day in his life

>> No.14001178
File: 24 KB, 399x388, pukingpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute state of brit woman

>> No.14001247

Zorro core

>> No.14001301

All of these threads are so fucking stupid

>> No.14001585

He looks fine. Old to be rocking the off white bullshit but he lools alright.
Jesus fucking christ, that’s disgusting
Top is ok, bottom is atrocious
He looks fine too for what you’re going for, wasting all that money is whats cringe, he could lool like that with 100 on godwill
lmao can’t wait for the bladee meme to die
Worse kind of people
These are fine too

>> No.14002399
File: 2.42 MB, 1611x806, redditmfaallthree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is r_ddit like this?

>> No.14002402

early 2000s are in style right now.

>> No.14002404
File: 1.45 MB, 1080x1418, 1488031728563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14002415
File: 1.53 MB, 1111x831, redditandro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every gay person is claiming they're androgynous right now, still not quite sure what they actually mean by it.

>> No.14002424

I think I'd like this if the shoes and belt were brown. The jacket is too big, he's trying to avoid putting his arms down because his hands will be hidden if he does.

fucking stupid. he looks like a jewish kid getting rounded up on a train to auschwitz.

damn, who's that sexy lad on the far right?

>> No.14002443

He looks like an old jewish woman with that hair. Would look okay if he had a haircut

>> No.14002486


>learn to ignore faces anon

yeah, that's now how fashion works at all bud. sorry.

>> No.14002491

I find his eyebrows very offensive.

>> No.14002499

sometimes i feel like making fun of others is all this website excels at

>> No.14002526
File: 9 KB, 209x241, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no toothy slag gf who'd blow you in a public bathroom while you wait for your order at McDonalds

>> No.14002597


>> No.14002663

jew + streetwear literally never works is the lesson I've learned from these threads

>> No.14002992

nothing will top this cringe. this guy is a complete faggot on discord too. really elitist

>> No.14003021

This is pretty good, but the guy is too skinny so it looks like his dad's coat.
Not bad.

>> No.14003101

>/fa/ calling chad a skinny beta

>> No.14003106

nobody's saying he's beta they're saying he's a fuccboi and potential pedophile.