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/fa/ - Fashion

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13984861 No.13984861 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a place like /fa/ but for women

>> No.13984864

Good luck finding women who are willing giving up their info on discovering good stuff

>> No.13984866

No. You could try reddit but they will give you shitty responses because theyre all clinically obese or just clarifying that your a women on here will work

>> No.13984872

why don't you just talk to other women. it's socially acceptable for you to do that

>> No.13984891

>acting civil on a forum

>> No.13984894

cgl I guess but there's a lot more bullying there lol

>> No.13984907

This, cgl and lolcow are perfect examples of female bulli

>> No.13984923

Hwve sex with me plewse

>> No.13984938

im thinking about making some alteranatives to /fa/
good idea or nah?

any inputs on what you guys/girls would want?

>> No.13984979


>> No.13984993

Fuck jannies my man

>> No.13984994

Cgl is my homeboard and though there’s a lot of bullying there, there is also a lot of super nice gulls

>> No.13985071
File: 591 KB, 1830x1716, D7894D04-AD71-496E-9725-4B85E37D4CC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all I have

>> No.13985084

So same shit as here then?

>> No.13985107
File: 56 KB, 640x858, 49204954_1626078054204658_4157635506257002496_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Dylan Roof threads
No "how to get a _____ gf" thread
No transgender threads

>> No.13985123

Stricter moderation, especially deleting shitpost threads and actively consolidating w2c/fit rate/hair/skincare/etc threads into their respective generals. Chan/imageboard style is ideal for fashion discussion in my opinion.
It's a good idea but I don't know what you'd do to promote it and keep it growing past being another shitty /fa/ offshoot like /rog/

>> No.13985133

barely even a good alternative for menswear. sufu had some good female swag being put up, but that place, like most other fashion forums, has been dead for a while.

I think all the good posters fell off the map or migrated to instagram or unfortunately, reddit.

>> No.13985209

The femalefashionadvice sub on reddit

>> No.13985298

make it a dating app
a heterosexual dating app

for white people

>> No.13985352

lookbook I think

>> No.13985901

pic made me miss /fa/ drawfags

>> No.13986148

There’s fashion threads on lolcow and crystal cafe but they’re overwhelmingly j-fash/k-fash.

>> No.13986249

Crystal Cafe maybe

>> No.13986276

That's all a women needs

>> No.13986283
File: 219 KB, 500x500, 1369792452974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly if /fa/ actually had mods the board wouldn't be so shit. most of the threads here are useless shitposts and there doesn't need to be 5 cringe threads, 4 w2c, and 3 rec threads up at once. consolidate them

>> No.13986839

no niggers, faggots and trannies, also ban everyone who makes pointless threads that belong to fuccboi general

>> No.13987385


>> No.13987418

This isn't fashionable or stylish for a woman, its very basic/normcore. Fashion places for women talk about current fashion not this kind of stuff.

>> No.13987435

Wouldn't meeting girls on Tinder work?
Like just cross out men in setting and write some shit like "I'm looking to just find friends" and just swipe on the effay seeming ones. Just a thought.

>> No.13987537

the board /g/ (girltalk) on lolcow has threads on fashion, skincare and makeup
unfortunately the threads are kinda slow and many anons are weebs with bad taste

>> No.13987832


Not forum wise, but I feel like YouTube has alot of decent videos, as long as you avoid thot and weebcore shit. And look books on there are pretty good for inspo, question videos, and some actually have professional stylists on there (weather it's their own channel, or ripped from interviews/shows etc). But other than that most places are pretty shit for conversation and feedback

>> No.13987843

literal fucking redditors

>> No.13987860
File: 205 KB, 501x445, 002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending the shitshow this board devolved into without janitors
Go back to your containment board, retard.

>> No.13987875

it's kind of a slow board, not that bad though I mean /fa/ is pretty slow too

>> No.13987883

epic post, you fucking spastic
why don't you suck some more janny cock newfag

>> No.13987897
File: 22 KB, 317x365, 1526511404992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hardly an insult anymore when you compare their waywt's with ours..

>> No.13987898

you realize you're free to go back anytime

>> No.13987990

thanks for the advice.
I dont want just another /fa/ though you know? I want to bring a wider audience than just this shitty site, considering this site is small, and the internet at large needs better places to discussion fashion as well(at least thats what it sounds like)

that being said, do you think keeping it in a chan style would be a suitable way to move forward? or would that be too alienating when trying to deal with a wider audience?

>> No.13988187
File: 155 KB, 900x900, 1534946303132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i like all the shitposts and garbage threads filling the catalog
No one is asking for no fun allowed or strict moderation like leddit, but we don't need 25 garbage threads up at a time.

Consider the following, newfag.

>> No.13988195

Another /fa/ is definitely not ideal, it's so bad and still the best option available.
I like the imageboard format for exchanging inspo and comparing pieces more fluidly than you can on traditional message boards. While it's probably a bit alienating in form, I think the ease of communication makes up for it.
Another fashion related plus is people interested in fashion enough to learn how to use the board but who may not know the names for pieces or construction methods can just post a picture of what they mean, eliminating a lot of confusion.

>> No.13988201

imageboards are far easier to read too. i can't tell who is replying to who on other sites, while on 4chan it is as easy as hovering over the red post number.

>> No.13988206

sure sign of a newfag but nice try redditor

>> No.13988209
File: 782 KB, 857x746, 1545428513935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gud. lurking here is more fun

>I want to bring a wider audience than just this shitty site

wider audience is the main problem. most of the people that post here are dont give a shit about fashion. also, even at its peak /fa/ was still so much worse than most of other sites.

anyways, just because a place is dead, doesn't mean you can't help bring it back to life. take your pick:

4chan /fa/
care-tags (ct)
KanyeToThe (KTT)
DressedWell (DW)
Thefashionspot (tfs)

StyleZeitgeist (SZ)
fuk (fuk.co.uk)
StyleForum (sf)

superfuture (sufu)
5thD (5th-dimension)
8ch /fa/
nwvn.net (unwoven)


/fa/-based chat groups:
onanigang (skype) (r i p)
#effay IRC (Rizon)

"Fashion/CGL": https://discord.gg/R5UfBdA
"Rick Owens": https://discord.gg/AQ4y8pK
"Techwear": https://discord.gg/5dFZEe2
"Fashion": https://discord.gg/ZBa9VAg

>> No.13988218
File: 265 KB, 334x393, 1339546133205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using reddit boogeyman as an argument
>not projecting
begone newfaf.

>> No.13988237 [DELETED] 

no jannies
no niggers
no trannies
no “how to be right wing effay” that gets constantly bumped by socialists and are just political threads
more fuccboi general for dumb people
mor grrls

>> No.13988256

those discord links are all invalid, anyone got ones that work?

>> No.13988267

hi fellow fem anon...sometimes i use lolcows girl talk board but i find that the fashion taste on there is very storenvy/lolita leaning so i just lurk here more

>> No.13988325

We've always had women(female) here. They don't shitpost, but they also have little to no sense of humor and take the smallest bait. OR they're attention whores who get orbited out of posting. I'm sure there are some cool ones who stay anonymous and actually contribute, but I can't imagine how horrible a female centric version of /fa/ would be.

inb4 I'm a girl who's really cool and funny
Post tits.

>> No.13988346

>Leaving mom's basement even once
The absolute madman

>> No.13988439

no /pol/ desu so I'm reporting you since you're showing off who you are. post your racism on /b/

>> No.13988521

no "is ____ effay" threads please jesus

>> No.13988599

only /pol/tards are affected positively by less moderation. we need more moderation and in all boards it's so easy to shitpost small boards this is something thaat will always suck about 4chan

>> No.13988979


>> No.13988983


Fucking leave then

>> No.13989066

Yes Reddit is the hottest fashion site as of now thanks to their strict moderation

>> No.13989183

>no niggers
That's like 5 people on all of /fa/
That's half the board
This one I can agree with

>> No.13989219

We don't need mods, we just need janitors, you absolute faggots.

>> No.13989316


>> No.13989324

imagine being this obsessed yikes
i've heard there are minimal /pol/tards on reddit, you should check it out sometime :^)

>> No.13989888

don't forget crystalcafe

>> No.13990842

holy shit, what a list of sites. thanks bruh

>> No.13991104

Women have always posted here.

Why do women constantly insist on segregating themselves, if the only clothing opinion you get is from other women then it’s not really going to be a well rounded piece of advice as some guys may have a just as good/better input.

>> No.13991126

do you have newer discord links?

>> No.13991140

holy shit 8ch fa is fucking awful

>> No.13991162

no but you'll have to lurk /cgl/ until they open up invites for theirs or start you could just start a new server yourself

>> No.13991202

just looked at it and I hope they arent serious, I really hope

>> No.13991206

Sad. It's eerily slow but surprisingly wholesome. Just a bunch of 4chan refugees, like the rest of cripplechan.

>> No.13991296

No gooks, gook enablers, or gook fetishists.
Fags stay in the closet.
Niggers must accept their racial inferiority and not get uppity.

>> No.13992270

spoken like at true mongrel mutt

>> No.13992330

Truly kino shitposting la

>> No.13992631


>> No.13993913

Girls have cooties.

>> No.13993922

>how to dress like a korean boy

>> No.13993929

This is 4chan what did u expect