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13987932 No.13987932 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13987934
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>> No.13987935

Overpriced, filthy shithole.

>> No.13987940
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>> No.13987941

Moved here last July. Except for a few areas in Williamsburg and the upper west wide, it’s a fucking shithole

>> No.13987943
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>> No.13987945
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>> No.13987948
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Williamsburg you say?


>> No.13987949

It's a fucking leftist nigger/spic/kike infested shithole full of insufferable people.

T. New yorker

>> No.13987950

shithole filled with disgusting brown people

>> No.13987963

Libtard central.
t.lived there for half a year before I got the fuck out.

>> No.13987964

where you at now?

>> No.13987972
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>> No.13987973

Anyone know if Serena van der Woodsen still lives there?

>> No.13987997
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Let me tell you about New York
>mass transit is in a perpetual state of being nonfunctional and under repair
>most residential neighborhoods look like bombed out ghettos yet still manage absurd rents. Don't even ask for prices on the nicer areas
>you need a car for a lot of things despite mass transit being pushed. Doctors love to put their offices just out of reach of a bus or train
>nearly all the work is in Manhattan if you're white collar
>tourists and phone zombies will make your blood boil if you have to go anywhere at a reasonable rate
>the NYPD is more dangerous than any gang
>beggars will get in your face asking for money
>even the mayor doesn't want to deal with the public unions anymore
Sure, come and pay us a visit

>> No.13988001

Its a shithole slum but its my slum

>> No.13988015

williamsburg is easily the shittiest, the class pretension is just invisible to you because you are full of it

>> No.13988027


>> No.13988076
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>Libtard central.
You only say that because you stayed with other trust fund kiddies burning their life savings on rent. Even the welfare queens of the Rockaways know the money has to come from somewhere.

>> No.13988111

and you still live there you pretentious hypocrite cuck

>> No.13988124

im trying to transfer schools and the prospective school is in nyc but i hate the idea of being a nyc millenial fuck transplant more than anything

>> No.13988129

doesn't new york have like the worst income distribution where half people earn 30k/year and the rest 300k?

>> No.13988158

I don't think you know what that word means.
All the things i said are true, yes. And i still choose to stay here. I'm not gonna run away, faggot.

>> No.13988178
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new york is weird. i've lived here my whole life, but i have this intense love hate relationship with it.

i'd live nowhere else in the usa but i think the people here are generally disgusting. it is tremendously filthy, overcrowded, stratified, noisy, and corrupt.

but at the same time the moments of serenity you get are lovely, the ability to blend in, and the fact that people generally mind their own business are all wonderful. there are also a ton of great things to do and go.

just move here. nobody will give two shits if you're a transplant unless you move to somewhere like crown heights.

>> No.13988182

that's right. stay out.

>> No.13988184

t. undercover flyover transplant

>> No.13988191
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faggot, i've lived in no other place. i can safely tell you there are so many transplants in this city that most people don't care or they are one themselves.

>> No.13988210

you can go back any time

>> No.13988214
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>> No.13988252

the best part about new york is paying 18 dollars to cross the gwb and triborough bridge, only to spend the next 30 minutes to an hour trying to find parking that isnt remotely near a fire hydrant, since the meter maids see out of state cars as a free ticket.

flushings a neat little shithole tho

>> No.13988266

imagine posting on /fa/ and shitting on new york: a fashion capital of the world

lmao, cletus, no one cares about your "effay" """"looks"""" in your shitty flyover state, keep being a poser.

>> No.13988272

>everyone is insufferable
have you ever considered that it's you and not them?

>> No.13988803

I think the word everyone is trying to find to describe this place OP is a magical word that has made most US cities into consumerist lacking-any-character shitholes.

And that word? “Gentrification” is what the boomers call it.

>> No.13988886
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>> No.13988916

I meant shittiest in terms of piss smell

>> No.13988931

visiting places like NY, London, Berlin, and Paris only made me more racist and appreciative of my rural background.
Cities are shitholes full of non whites.

>> No.13989341

yeah cool rural background of being addicted to opioids and dying
That’s your culture lmao

>> No.13989521

Nah it's everyone

>> No.13989576

I'm in the same situation and have the exact same experience. I want to move because I could probably have a better quality of living than in this shithole but it's MY shithole and it's familiar.

>> No.13989625

nyc is shit. just came back from tokyo and it really cemented that.

>> No.13989629

As a native Queensfag, this. NYC is absolutely disgusting and filled with the worst people. Also visited every state in the US and Canada along with a bit of Europe... People who like NYC are garbage.

>> No.13989631

Not really, he's talking about the culture of Europe, not the nigger/spic nightmare that is a big western city. Yeah, great Puerto Rican neighbors with no blinds and niggers shooting each other. Great culture

>> No.13989660

Great city. We should depopulate north america and move everyone into NYC. Let nature reclaim the rest.

>> No.13989668

every country/place gives it so much praise. met a french couple and said it was the greatest city in the world. a jp dude said he liked how "shady/dangerous" it felt lmao. i guess they just want to be a part of the shit they see on movies and what the media portrays. i mean im thankful for being raised here. it really toughens the shit out of you and exposes you to all different types of things. also every time i mention where i'm from it just gives that automatic allure and suddenly people want to be your friend. but man, fuck living here. so many other places are just as good if not even better and for a fraction of the price.

>> No.13989670

overpriced and overpopulated

>> No.13989674

French people are retarded. Growing up in NYC was horrific. Everyone was foreign and there is no place for a kid to explore nature. It's really a disgusting jewish hellhole, going to Tokyo is enough proof of that, but there are many other contrasts too shocking to ignore.

>> No.13989693

It doesn't sound like you've spent that much time in any of the places you've visited. If you live somewhere long enough, you'll discover that most places are shit in their own ways. You just have to figure out what kind of shit you are willing to tolerate. And as far as worst people? NYC is not even close compared to Los Angeles (entertainment industry wannabe sociopaths), Boston (overly aggressive drunks and bratty college students), and Paris (the word rude does not do it justice. I did not think this level of being stuck up your own ass was humanly possible.)

>> No.13989701

Huh? I've lived outside of NYC. I don't live there now... I've lived abroad... NYC is expensive, filled with the trash of humanity, smells like shit... Infested with vermin. Are you implying you can't hate NYC because everywhere is shit? Go to Japan. Go to Wyoming. Go to Scotland. Hahaha

>> No.13989758

oooff dont get me started on LA. maybe it was because i was always around a friend of mine (whos involved int he music industry), but everytime i met someone new it was what's your name and then immediately what do you do. i know networking is very important but all relationships just felt so fake knowing that people are just looking for ways to benefit off of you. its one of those places where youll have tons of "acquaintances" but very few actual friends.

>> No.13989787

Most American cities are fucking shitholes, at least the ones I've visited. Not saying most Major cities in EU aren't garbage either but yea.

>> No.13990363

>Moved here last July.
>Except for a few areas in Williamsburg and the upper west wide, it’s a fucking shithole


>> No.13990417

flyovers SEETHING itt

>> No.13990489

go back to ohio faggot

>> No.13990538
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Hotel Blue