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/fa/ - Fashion

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13981459 No.13981459 [Reply] [Original]

Is right how you have to dress in order to attract left?

>> No.13981461
File: 420 KB, 473x594, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mogs you

>> No.13981494

this would be good without the chest right and the autistic chains

>> No.13981547
File: 46 KB, 960x745, fuckmyshitup8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no big titties gosha gf

>> No.13981575

All you have to do to get a girl to dress how you want is to get a girlfriend and tell her to wear it.
I make mine wear tight dresses and stockings with heels for no reason other than I want her to and because she's my gf she does it.
Girlfriends will pretty much wear whatever you tell them to. Getting the gf is the hardest part.

>> No.13981582

same desu

>> No.13981599

>pedo brand

>> No.13981631

just go jack off dude, most of those girls are boring as fuck

>> No.13981660

There was a girl like that in one of my geology labs. Had no dress sense; her t-shirt was the right one in OP's image, jeans were high waisted and obviously thrifted, t-shirt tucked in, with black and while old skools. Awful.

>> No.13982092

where exactly on earth could you walk around in this outfit without getting mugged

>> No.13982098

comic con

>> No.13982149

>walks behind you and pulls your straps
>walk by something and the chains get stuck

>> No.13982153

That would be so cringy lol

>> No.13982154


>> No.13982333

>pedo brand

>> No.13982338

fits like these always show up on IG discovery and 99% of them are cringe. Outside of social media you barely see these types of people show up in public, and if you do, they look insecure as fuck and very out of place.

>> No.13982339

dress how you want homie, just get good at it thats what matters when it comes to style. don't be sloppy with it.

>> No.13982381

Dressed like a Somalian pirate

>> No.13982385

Be Asian

>> No.13982632
File: 135 KB, 683x1024, 4B1ED28B-38DF-440F-B145-7536D35B30A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are BLUEPILLED as FUCK if you believe you have to dress a certain way to attract a chick from a subculture. The fact that you would change your identity for a girl says you are a fucking cuck.

A muscular skinhead neonazi will instantly attract the most left wing radfem arthoe. They will use cuck like you for betabucks.

>> No.13982650
File: 831 KB, 3600x2400, le_altright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le delusional alt right manly man over the soibois

lmao we know what you look like incel

>> No.13982782

>thinking dressing like that is from a subculture
>implying subcultures exist nowadays

>> No.13982785

Newfag kys

>> No.13982792


>> No.13982862

Texts aside and all, I like the stuff Gosha makes.

>> No.13982872

Don't dress to attract women anon. If you aren't attracting women you have other things to work on but forgetting that dressing for women undermines the beauty of fashion. Dress out of love for aesthetics and honor yourself by presenting yourself well. Stop lusting for girls who will only serve to make your life worse anon. Pic related, despite being born with a beautiful face and body, has already rejected beauty. You dont have to.

>> No.13982939
File: 38 KB, 362x346, CjcQBE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13982945

The absolute state of tripfags

>> No.13982963
File: 740 KB, 500x280, JaggedForthrightAsiaticwildass-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13983674

>calling a namefag a tripfag
>calling ANYONE a newfag
yikes man, try lurking for another few months then give posting a shot.

>> No.13984202

This should be in the fucking sticky, fashion isn't about getting SEX, your fucking dad wears fluorescent hiking shoes, jeans two sizes too big and a sweaty polo shirt and still managed to conceive you. If you can't get sex without fashion, you won't get sex with it either, although the confidence aspect might help. If you're a raging virgin, work on your personality and make some friends before even trying to get your dick wet, failing miserably and inevitably whining on /fa/.

>> No.13985040

What’s that style even called? I’ve seen it so many times

>> No.13985049
File: 302 KB, 750x560, D7F376E7-6CC9-4658-A865-76169D76CB80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling a tripfag a namefag

>> No.13985129


>> No.13985139

A wallet chain is how you attract all women.

>> No.13985151

lol what
this is so un effay
if you dont provide (only solicited) suggestions and opinions on your gf's outfit when she's getting ready, to ultimately dress in a style different but complimentary to your own, you are not living effay at all

it's fucking wack when couples match in some hype shit and you can tell one person is just playing dress up with the other. you just gave away that your gf is an accessory who lacks a personality. uncool

>> No.13985152

aint no trip code on that poster's name, dumb asshole

>> No.13985165

pedo brand

>> No.13985190

Imagine speaking in memes

>> No.13985196

Far left looks like the freshman who got lost and asked these dweebs how to get to the student union

>> No.13985213

new shitty instagram fashion style that all the brainlets on the app think looks good, its all horrible

>> No.13985246

We should come up with a clever and catchy name which will label the look and ultimately kill it, or at least make it an insult like “nu male”

>> No.13985268

>muscular skinhead neonazi

no such thing, being /fit/ is for gay people, neonazi are just strong pudgy beer gutters