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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 32 KB, 427x800, bot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13980677 No.13980677 [Reply] [Original]

How do I into /fa/ as a trans person?

Hardmode: I want to not look like shit

>> No.13980684

Inb4 kys, inb4 mentally I'll freak.

>> No.13980687

Find stuff that would accentuate your hips. Definitely you need to put in the body work. Start doing workouts to thicken your thighs. Get good at makeup. You'll look great hon, if you try.

>> No.13980690

wear clothes that you like and look good on you. why do you need to make a new thread for a simple question of "how do i be /fa/"

>> No.13980693

Ftm or mtf? Also probably depends on whether you actually want to look masculine / feminine or are going for a more androgynous look

>> No.13980697
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something similar to pic related

>> No.13980704

MtF. Feminine would be ideal but androgynous would be fine as long as people gender me as a girl or it's at least obvious that I want to be gendered as a girl.

>> No.13980718


>> No.13980721

As someone in a similar position I try to size my clothing to make my upper body look smaller and legs larger. As a silly mtf I've got skinny legs and unfortunate shoulders, so I always wear women's straight leg pants with a close fitting top. I find this helps alot to balance my figure out.

>> No.13980729

dress like a teenager with downs?

>> No.13980733

Pleated slacks that rest on your hips are a godsend.

>> No.13981008

Pretty much just do the opposite what guys do to look bigger, wear t-shirts with wide sleeves covering most of the upper arm, maybe a bit wide on the shoulders as well. High-waisted pants as well to make your hips look wider.

>> No.13981084 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 309x266, FD1925D6-6DC7-4ACD-8567-04DB9F08EAD3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread again

You tranny retards can gtfo right back to your containment board.
All transfaggots are mentally ill freaks, but I at least have some small shred of respect for ftm trannies because at least they’re trying to become a gender that would effectively make their lives harder.

>> No.13981097

You say that yet fuckers here are starving themselves to seem "appealing" go die of bulimia you freak.

>> No.13981105

Teddy Quinlivan is a mtf model that does shows for LV and others

>> No.13981143
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>le insecure /pol/tard who has to LARP as a crusader against THE EVIL QUEERS because he knows he's just another faceless extra among the majority with nothing worthwhile to contribute to the discussion

>> No.13981156

>t. future tranny suicide statistics

>> No.13981162

cringe and... bluepilled

>> No.13981171
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>> No.13981178
File: 144 KB, 305x315, Im+surprised+the+touhou+fanbase+wasnt+involved+in+this+_c1cefbda8b0570f408955ed56675316a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet I'll still be here in spite of you.

I'll stab you though if you ask me too ;^)

>> No.13981182

what? ok

>> No.13981186
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Oof, looks like I struck a nerve on this one. So sensitive!

>> No.13981239
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>> No.13981248

Anon stop phone posting

>> No.13981295
File: 275 KB, 933x1400, 3fnDXAD1u0z980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is like an angry toddler punching at full strength against a grown-up's knees.

>> No.13981303

literally deranged

>> No.13981424

Heh only in self defense. Because lunatics like y'all are so determined to find out whether I have a dick or not just so you can legally kill.

>> No.13981464

you don't

>> No.13981826
File: 301 KB, 584x475, 1544435714490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey GuyS how do i /Fa/ As A Mentally Ill PErson XD
HArdcockmode i Want to Look Good

>> No.13981829

Posts like this make me question whether it's one anon arguing with himself to bait retards in and successfully derail the thread.

>> No.13981830

Jesus Christ every trannie is the same person, every single one ive had any contact with acts like this

>> No.13981836

What, defensive? Don't like it bitch boy? Go cry somewhere else.

>> No.13981854

epic bait

>> No.13981860

Yeah sure fucking idiot.

>> No.13982056

trannies could be so cute sad most of them go goblinmode

where my thotcore funny trans bf

>> No.13982072

I assume wanting to be a pretty little girl made you more than a "faceless extra" then? Is that the motivation?

>> No.13982400

this is now a cringe thread

>> No.13982415

good facial surgery in korea
good fashion sense in rick owens

thats it. all together costs a fuck ton.

>> No.13982439 [DELETED] 
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>the thread is totally on topic with /fa/ rules
>/pol/ calling others to go to their containment board

yeah dude reported for racism outside of /b/. fuckin newfag bitch

>> No.13982491
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>straight leg pants
>tight tee

do you look like this?

>> No.13982509

You're right about /pol/shit and wrong about this thread. It's a passing thread, those must be contained on /lgbt/ and no amount of mental gymnastics can change that.

>> No.13982512

kys, mentally ill freak

>> No.13982552
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>> No.13982557

>hating trannies
btw there is a board for you. Called lgbt or something.

>> No.13982572 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 334x346, 1539612924168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it feel like to be an eunuch with tits who's only sexual capability is getting fucked in the ass by a faggot and dying of AIDS?

>> No.13982652
File: 109 KB, 600x899, 9a7iYkeb1vf6cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are assblasted /pol/tards always off-topic on any board they attempt to infect?

Especially what with this thread being entirely within the bounds of /fa/ discussion and yet their shortbus clowncar comes crashing in through the wall and vomiting out retards who still get themselves off by raiding Habbo Hotel and screaming slurs. If you don't know fashion and you don't know basic human communication skills, please go back to your caves.

>> No.13982707
File: 138 KB, 931x931, 9C58C395-1E52-42A2-8A31-32D34D90E616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the delusional transfaggot thinks they can actually discuss fashion

Fucking please, cry about /pol/ some more why don’t you. you retards think that all it fucking takes to “pass” as a female is to grow out your greasy receded hair, put on a bra for your skinnyfat mantits, and wear “””clothing””” that no REAL woman would ever even think of wearing.
There’s a reason we don’t want you on this fucking board, so take your neon purple leggings and walmart shirts back to /lgbt/, the normals are busy talking here.

>> No.13982719


>> No.13982724

Couple years back this would've got actual discussion and not this sperg shit.

If you want to be /fa/ as an MtF, just dress similar to how /fa/ girls would while accounting for the differences in your bone structure. Play up your feminine features and play down your masculine ones. Don't wear generic tranny shit that would make you look like a child (ex: thigh highs). Take inspo from the female inspo threads here and find an aesthetic you like.

>> No.13982997

How naive.

>> No.13983054

because they're losing popularity. Fast and it's their own fault for being so retarded in public, worse fail than project chanology.

>> No.13983059

I really don't recomend taking inspo from here dude since whats posted here is not what women regulary wear themselves. Is the sexual fantasy of some r9k virgin posting.

I would say take inspo from the girls that post in Style Zeitgeist, Style Forum, SuFu, even fuckin lookbook. Literally nobody here knows shit about female fashion except the actual femanons or trans mtf who really got into Rick Owens and such.

>> No.13983073

Full Celine by Hedi Slimane. A ton of androgynous stuff from that collection imo

>> No.13983089

I'm the anon you replied to. I fully agree with you, those are likely better resources. The inspo threads here, while at times being pretty spergy have given me a descent amount of inspo myself though. You just have to sort through the shit a bit.

>> No.13983094

Ah, that sweet autogynephilia.

Honestly I don't care what gets you off but a couple things: you're not interested in fashion, you don't want to discuss fashion, your choice of pictures makes this perfectly clear. So I suggest you either get in line in the femanon threads and learn to behave like a woman or you go to other boards and websites specifically for your people. I'm sure the fellas there will be much more competent at helping you achieve the aesthetic you're looking for.

>> No.13983362

>How naive.

I'm sorry, are you a transbian? Well, have fun jerking off forever alone I guess.

>> No.13983393

I’ll take any cringe posted in the WAYWT threads over the absolute trash these trannies think is acceptable

>> No.13983423

>muh autogynephilia
That entire theory is complete pseudo-science bullshit written by a degenerate perv.

>> No.13983431

Do you have any facts to back that up?

>> No.13983465

sorry but you can't

>> No.13983486

Do you have any facts to back up THAT UP?

>> No.13983492

Back what up? You made the claim.

>> No.13983506

Exactly like transgender theory

>> No.13983508

>being this ignorant of the topic

>> No.13983524

I'm a different anon.

>> No.13983531

That's only for the cross dressing pervs the often get mistaken for transwomen. You'll find our experiences barely match up with his theory anymore. It's outdated and only thrown out by people who anti trans.

>> No.13983534
File: 65 KB, 1080x1080, 5D15DEDA-CC66-4CD2-A947-A493DE46911C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of trannies make the mistake that if they pass sometimes to people in male clothing it means they’d be able to pass in women’s clothing too, when it’s actually the exact opposite.

>> No.13983535

puked in my mouth fuck

>> No.13983537

this is super fucking ugly

>> No.13983545

I'm a different anon.

>> No.13983559

i hope yall fucking die of hepatitis c you niggers
also op, honestly i have no idea, are you ftm or mtf? sorry if you already said it in the thread but im not gonna bother reading through this fucking dumpster
id go as simple and as basic as possible but if youre passable then why would you even bother asking on effay?

>> No.13983578

Um your racism is problematic and breaks board rules.

>> No.13983583

because she wanted to know about whats trendy among girls rn I directed her to other websites since nobody fucking knows around here. this board is 99% males, 40% incels.

>> No.13983696

Woah hey big guy, we don't accept that racist stuff here

>> No.13983705

god this thread got derailed fast.... anyone have some good examples of clothes that hide wide shoulders and make hips look more feminine?

>> No.13983713

sweters help a lot in my experience.
top heavy silhouettes kinda like some hiphop artists. baggy sweater. skinny pants.

>> No.13983716

The point is you identify as trans because you are a crossdressing pervert. As evident from the fucking pictures you're posting. It might not be obvious to you personally, these things are complex, but it's obvious to anyone else around transbimbos like you.

>> No.13983731

die scum

>> No.13983742
File: 19 KB, 601x601, pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you alert your incel discord to shit up this thread?


>> No.13983750
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>> No.13983758

I would go with androgynous until your hormons kick in and you worked on your figure/grown your hair out.

>> No.13983776


I'm an mtf and I'm very much into fashion and follow runways of both genders

I try to buy and flip grail pieces from my favorite designers like ann d, heidi slimane, weird big cartel shit etc. idk why you think every tranny is just larping...

Op could just be a basic bitch who cant into fashion and also happens to be an mtf. Not every mtf is some armwarmer wearing, thigh high, teehee messy bun acne riddled socially retarded inbred troglydyte you know.

>> No.13983780

This was meant for >>13983716

>> No.13983781


>> No.13983787

Twitter traps are not transwomen and I think people need to realize this.

>> No.13983922

>Not every mtf is some armwarmer wearing, thigh high, teehee messy bun acne riddled socially retarded inbred troglydyte you know.
Sure, but the extreme majority of mtf are exactly that. I knew a guy for 3 years in college who decided to do mtf transition and from then on out he wore nothing but Overwatch leggings, nike air monarchs, and pop culture tshirts.
Trannies simply cannot into fashion.

>> No.13983983
File: 160 KB, 1199x777, 5E17B80F-841E-40A4-9895-D000B59C6F78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my favorite fit op, use it wisely

>> No.13983998

those shoes are a little hard to pull off

>> No.13984079


>> No.13984715

Thats a gamer. You buffoon no gamer dresses well. Put 2 and 2 together.

>> No.13984725

>I've met one trans person in my entire life and they dressed that way, therefore the majority do
Why are people like this

>> No.13984817

Not only are you a mentally "i'll" freak, you're also illiterate.

>> No.13984819

I'm op and the second post wasn't made by me.

>> No.13984857

I'm not op and I made the second post.

>> No.13984877
File: 45 KB, 876x431, 74E6D6FD-F5DF-458D-A232-44DFFBC552BB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t ever get the surgery. Just be a twink bottom and opt out of all maculinity. He’ll do HRT. But never get the surgery. You’re body from that point on will constantly try to heal itself and you’ll need to insert glass bulbs into your gaping wound to make sure it doenst seal (that’s an hour every day). Plus you need to clean it out every day or pic related will happen

Fair warning

>> No.13984989
File: 880 KB, 1409x4383, mtf postop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time for a brutal redpill for all the misguided souls in this thread.

>> No.13985014

Less than 1% of trans people get SRS and less than 1% of those that get it have a botched one.

>> No.13985018

Any surgeon who performs this surgery needs to be locked up for preying on the mentally ill

>> No.13985052
File: 120 KB, 900x1200, DgZNLuiV4AAV0XS (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here u go op :)

>> No.13985067

just save up enough for your family to buy a nice casket.

>> No.13985273

100% of the surgeries are botched because the whole concept is botched and the ideal result is fucked up.

>> No.13985366

trans mtf most keep their dicks because they find it attractive and most people who go for mtfs go for them because of the chicks with dick originality. I'm down to that.

surgery is essential but facial surgery. rhinoplasty and what not. depends how symmetrical you were born.

>> No.13985369

when have you ever seen a gamer dress good? you're stupid

>> No.13985379

May as well lock up plastic surgeons too with that logic yet they're always shilled here.

>> No.13985383

plastic surgery is something incels hate because it fixes uglyness pretty much the incel is dead their kind ceases to exist when they run out of excuses.

remember that villian from Meet the Robinsons? The bad guy who tells his own self from the past to hold the anger, bitterness, all the negative emotions he has felt inside and hold them? thats /pol/tards, thats the incels. They're that kind of dude. Just let them do school shooting and kill themselves thats all they're good for and then other incels complain why they aren't socially accepted jeez. Maybe because psychopathic people should be shunned off away always they're not compatible with other individuals ever.

>> No.13986002

>tranny gamers dress like retards because they play games, not because they are men trying and failing to LARP as women
cringe and bluepilled

>> No.13986033
File: 115 KB, 1024x1026, 1C140BC8-DDD2-41AC-BB8F-8F96BEA9604D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doenst fix it, it prolonges it. Instead of natural selection running its course and the people ugly as sin don’t reproduce and don’t pass on their shitty genetics then people by default will become more attracted

But when you add plastic surgery people like this have kids making their kids fuckinh ugly and basically putting themselves in debt/their kids in debt

>> No.13986043

i'll freak out if you make another post