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/fa/ - Fashion

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13977609 No.13977609 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly I find chokers on men super fucking hot. Why don't you guys do it more?

>> No.13977634

So gay

>> No.13977652

Probably because its super fuckin gay

>> No.13977710
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>> No.13977715
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because I'm not a necklet. Some twink with smol neck sure, not when neckpilled.

>> No.13978060
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because we're not mentally ill like the women who wear them

>> No.13978084

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, because the leather club's two blocks down.

>> No.13978099
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based and neckpilled

>> No.13978167

This is bait. Stop bumping this stupid thread.

>> No.13978194

You women don't know what you want. The variance in taste makes me want to never take fashion advice from you fuckers

>> No.13978344

OP here. Fools.
U too.

That's what I'm talking about

A thin one would be hot on thicker necks.

Yet you all come to this board.

Fuck you

Then why don't you just fuck men then?

>> No.13978407
File: 129 KB, 533x522, 584DF159-24BE-46AE-B7BA-51FECC9D7C5D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then why don’t you just fuck men

>> No.13978421

because i actively try to avoid attracting homos like you

>> No.13978449

It looks cute on twinks if you’re a fag, if not, then you’re not a fag.

>> No.13978456

I wear a small tight chain around my neck
it looks good, and I get a bunch of compliments on it (mainly from girls)

for being a website about fashion y'all are stuck in a pretty safe conservative bubble. even lunar core and the other weird unique cores round here are mainly from days when /fa/ was still making OC
hell man chokers are pretty much mainstream at this point, I'm surprised seeing the backlash about it

>> No.13978587

It you look at the kinda shit he wore back then, its kinda hard NOT to believe the Cory Fieldman claim that hollywood and the music industry were full of pedophiles. He legit dressed like a fucking child prostitute in tons of his concerts. mesh crop tops with leather tight pants... Like the "desmond is amazing" shit, but 2 decades earlier.

>> No.13979292

Lol pussibois.

Real shit I have a basic black Velvet one that I wear sometimes, lotsa weird looks from men but hella compliments from women. Y'all should step out of your comfort zone sometimes.

>> No.13979301


Sometimes I wrap my earbuds around my neck when I'm too lazy to put them away and it looks kinda the the right side of your pic.
I like how it looks on me, but I'm also a blatant twink so YMMV

>> No.13979303

I don't need to signal I have AIDS, sorry

>> No.13979311
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Own it dude.

>> No.13979822
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does this count?

>> No.13979827
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>tfw you suddenly realize you wish you took the bluepill

>> No.13979852

OP here, checking in. I'm a dude btw.

>> No.13979882

Only twinks need chokers. It is also very much a gay thing to wear chokers. I don't think anyone has a PROBLEM with anyone wearing a choker. We just all know what it means. So as long as YOU dont have a problem then go for it. Stop asking /fa/ for warm and fuzzies and grow up.

>> No.13979961

I'll put this in the best way I can. The reason I like chokers on girls is because to me it shows that they are sorta submissive and it is similar to a collar, I know that sounds far fetched but that's for me personally. So I dont to walk around wearing a choker that might give other people the impression that I am submissive, because I am very much not.

>> No.13980144
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Only if Ritterkreuz

>> No.13980681

Yes this is what I'm talking about.
False because I'm the real OP you're just Ocean Pacific.

>> No.13980717
File: 121 KB, 774x1200, C1ruFNYW8AEVYQ8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess kpop dudes have been doing it for a while now. Looks good but south Korea is a whole different beast from the West.

>> No.13980722
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This one is more my style, actually would wear something similar.

>> No.13980723

You sound like the sort of faggot who's into BDSM and likes to have his girlfriend shove a fur tail butt plug into her ass.

>> No.13980740
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>> No.13980763

Her ass, sure

>> No.13980770

Eventually she'll put it in you.

>> No.13980842

This does not look good on any of them. Once again, there is nothing wrong about the look. It just looks gay, if you are anti gay look then steer away.

>> No.13980858

Might as well steer away from this board since we're not leaving.

>> No.13980994
File: 59 KB, 800x480, 3BC6480B-E5D4-4E65-B43B-1DE6A7195DD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rappers like them nowadays

>> No.13981005

probably the realest shit i ever read on this board

>> No.13981077
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genuine question: are you guys gay?

>> No.13981099

Bi but I like girls more.

>> No.13981322

Actual twinkcore, I guess you could get attention from a weird niche of women but you are just going to get hit by men

>> No.13981338
File: 149 KB, 720x720, pls bulli me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish could wear chokers without looking like a weirdo

>> No.13981342

I would go for a choker chain but I would look like a tryhard flip so no

>> No.13981407

be the change you want to be....

As a gay twink-core guy, id love to see that trend come up. Though in the gay community, its kinda already here, with all the slave and dog collar shit... But i dont really want to be associated with the stuff(in public, at least ;) )

>> No.13981414
File: 327 KB, 316x497, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chokers on men are great and you're all based as fuck
as long as the chokers fits you well you'll look great, even more simplistic designs can fit pretty much any male

>> No.13981423
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Anon, I ...

>> No.13981429

Cutie Comrade

>> No.13982222
File: 65 KB, 960x638, 1539869211458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asian (((((((man)))))))

>> No.13982225

degenerated and bluepilled

>> No.13982228

I want to make out with that cuteboi

>> No.13982236

I was right kpop is the spirit that is making fashion even more androgynous. Well lol it always was.
But its nice to see artist embrace it. Androgyny cuteboi or tomboy girl is apex fashiun not for everyone tho one must be very beautiful to pull it off.

>> No.13982240

Men are usually the most conservative when it comes to fashion. Of course women would admire the men who are willing to wear traditional women's pieces. If women normalize wearing men's clothing, it can also work the other way around.


>> No.13982267

it works the other way around. it's about not giving fuck doing your thing for you, for your own enjoyment. Beautiful people can pull off literally anything /fa/m so do what you like.

>> No.13982349

Clothing is communications- some messages are not for all wearers. chokers are out of the Thottery Barn for ladies and gents signal likewise.