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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 58 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1546486163102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13974940 No.13974940 [Reply] [Original]

Giving off some serious greaser rockstar vibes. Rate todays look

>> No.13974945

people that affect you in literally no way living rent free

>> No.13974946 [DELETED] 


>> No.13974958
File: 499 KB, 1080x1678, saint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah fellow brother. Looking great!

>> No.13974959
File: 138 KB, 1080x518, 20190102_193929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13975256

ugg those insectoid names. Gross.

>> No.13975280


>> No.13976042

based AND paraplegic

>> No.13976126

not really fag you just look like a rich asian tryhard. You can never pull off this outfit because youre a little asian bitch

>> No.13976160 [DELETED] 

Ching Chong you ugly gook, you just look like an exchange student. Go fry my rice

>> No.13976170

man must suck being whitey

Asians just landed on the dark side of the moon a scientific first and biggest space advancement in decades. Imperialist west just shitting their pants after finding out China has a operational hypersonic railgun. We're getting richer and more educated than they'll ever be. We even dress better. Now all they do is impotent white dicklet chest thumping on the internet and dated stereotypes lmao.

>> No.13976176

no matter how much Gucci you wear just remember, youʻll always be an asian

>> No.13976196

OP does look ridiculous to be honest

>> No.13976213
File: 121 KB, 1150x382, 1500813172162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>youʻll always be an asian
feels good it's not your shitty heyday anymore when people bought your race shaming propaganda lmao

>> No.13976229

yeah m8 nice bait, did you get this off r/asianmasculinity anyone who has met an asian in real life knows they are generally just little pencil neck betas who make up for their lack of penis length with buying into fashion to hard like a vapid chick

>> No.13976237
File: 831 KB, 3600x2400, le_altright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep telling yourself that bud watching you types boil inside and die this Asian century will be hilarious

>> No.13976260

double rider jackets are the biggest autist jacket you can get

>> No.13976261

can you stop posting pics of ugly white people like it means something you loser its literally the most pathetic way to argue. i could just post a pic of any asian for the same effect. You are really a very sad person and i feel bad for you becasue you think your races achievements are your own something that like literally 3 billion people can do. you must have never accomplished anything.
Also just remember it is a fact that asian women dont like asian men you are literallly the second least desirable race after blacks

>> No.13976267
File: 512 KB, 572x639, SkinnyJeans1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry but i beat you both

>> No.13976288

if the jeans weren't so fucking tight this would be -okay-

Not great though.

>> No.13976305

is he wearing a fucking rick jacket

>> No.13976311

>immediately spouts alt rightism

lmao we're the majority in this planet. we breed well better than you recessive corpse eyed defects. I'm done with you only because you are so boring. Keep saying that shit like a mantra when the world is passing you by.

>> No.13976360
File: 74 KB, 521x393, 1494662770661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13976729

Those pants are absolutely ridiculous but i bet you take yourself very seriously

>> No.13978033

It bothers me greatly that he looks like a non-manlet white version of me

>> No.13978040

apart from the shoes can someone explain why we mock this photo? he aint a manlet, hes not that ugly, hes also a skinny white boy

>> No.13978074


>> No.13978076

he looks like a dork dressing up in a costume

>> No.13978087

he's not cool enough for that jacket.

>> No.13978108
File: 45 KB, 475x589, SAINT LAURENT PARIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people on sa dress so bad

>> No.13978129

imagine being this hurt lmao.

>> No.13978146

azn qts do age slower (or hide their age better) before become mini prune women after menopause. But outside of that too many of you guys look the same. Boring as fuck.

>> No.13978156

Are you fucking serious? You must be blind. Fashion is not for you.

>> No.13978163

>they are generally just little pencil neck betas who make up for their lack of penis length with buying into fashion to hard like a vapid chick
Did you forget what board we're on?

>> No.13978197

this is true, for long time life partners

asians and balcks score the lowest

for quick sex/one night stands

asians are the least desirable

asians get the least play

>> No.13978219 [DELETED] 

Asian guys are becoming more and more mainstream desirable thanks to kpop and clever marketing, also in general they make gr8 boyfriends and husbands lmao.

And INB4 shrimp dick memes, my last Asian boyfriend's dick was big, thick and looked good too. Not some flabby greasy pale sausage with blond pubes.

Asian women use race as a substitute for SMV which is why so many AFWM hapa kids are fucked up cuz. Anyone would be if they had to live with a cryptopedo autistic cuck for a dad and a white worshipping dragon lady.

>> No.13978232

You just sound salty that you can't pull off the kind of shit Asians can wear to be honest.

This board is full of white boys trying to dress like their favourite anime protagonist or a fucking ninja/samurai or whatever then raging bc they can't pull it off like Asian dudes can.

>> No.13978310

Ive been to asia myself and i have literally never seen one person look like that picture

>> No.13978339
File: 2.95 MB, 1131x1511, janu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y'all some angry motherfuckers on this board

>> No.13978349
File: 230 KB, 670x454, chinkpc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I getting a taper at the salon because bowl cuts are cringe
>normie core is so out of style
>>he still wears sk8 shoes. vans really?
>Only someone skinny can pull this look off, not fat western men

>> No.13978467

As a spic that loves white women, I half agree. Y’all are desirable, just not for the reasons y’all think. Then again, any one of you nibbas can post a picture of a beaner under a bridge and say it’s me. Y’all are effay enough, but only because you tend to be rich. But you are arguing like a cuck,so yeah...

>> No.13978480

The only look an asian guy can pull off is the kind of look that requires a 3rd bathroom

>> No.13978486
File: 1.85 MB, 853x480, 1545635478610.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13978488

there's litterally one of these for every 50 wmaf.
nice body tho

>> No.13978496

Like 80% of SEasian men hide their ineptitude behind completely undeserved arrogance. I could probably kill any of you faggots if I got into a fistfight with you, yet apparently 'aesthetics' are more important? Not saying it's all of you, I've knocked back a few beers with some decent asian blokes who don't take themselves too seriously, but the majority are a walking complex of failed masculinity, kinda like the average newfag /pol/tard.

>> No.13978573

lmao imagine projecting this hard cause someone called out your trash outfit dumb skatefag
>I could probably kill any of you faggots if I got into a fistfight with you
Fucking yikes. Not a surprise nobody wants to be friends with someone who behaves like a fucking nigger.

>> No.13978651

I don't wear sneakers lol, I just know the "Asian American" train of thought

>> No.13978671

i hate to break it to you asian pencil dick losers, but while I have never met a 10/10 hunk that will sweep me off my geos while walking through the DINGY streets of ShangHai, all the white folk i see on a daily basis are all beauts that make my 8-inch flaccid turn into a foot-long.

>> No.13978711

i literally dont see alt rightism at all, he literally kind of said the opposite by sayig you were pathetic for taking your races achievements as your own soooo... Also you argue like a fucking idiot

>> No.13978716
File: 182 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what you are going for.

>> No.13978775

Tuck your shirt in. That looks fucking disgusting.

>> No.13979399
File: 135 KB, 576x768, 1542061211087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this butt blasted over text on a screen

>> No.13979463

I literally never saw a chad asian

>> No.13979468

Little chink angry banzaaaii

>> No.13979472

taken from r/asianmasculinity emergency videos box

>> No.13979564

>yet apparently 'aesthetics' are more important?
Did you forget what board we're on?

>> No.13979582


What's wrong with this guy? Seems like a racist strayan

>> No.13979645

He got C H I N K E D

>> No.13979728

What are those pants???? That fabric looks good

>> No.13979740
