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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 123 KB, 1001x1024, 1544574064463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13919081 No.13919081 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there still a diversity problem in the fashion world?

>> No.13919083

Because white people from New York, Paris and Milan are the fashion cities of the world. Of course those places don’t fucking hire nig models

>> No.13919087


No one in the fashion world considers it a problem, only outsider-SJWs do. But it's not like Chanel or Dior are ever going to pick their models from shit-tier model agencies.

>> No.13919094
File: 89 KB, 383x525, 412BCDE5-3B0C-4B9D-B424-5C15C9AEB7DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really, really good looking

>> No.13919103

Oh god, SJWs have ruined films. Please let them ruin fashion too

>> No.13919116


Never gonna happen. Just like none of the traditional fashion houses began to hire fatties when moaning about anorexic models was trending about 10 years ago.

>> No.13919127

>true celebration of diversity
>none of the whites that get caught in limbo because they aren't aryan
There's still a diversity problem because even if white people are good with non-white models, non-white people aren't. Some of the biggest objection to black women having kinky hair is from black men. A K-pop star got shit from Korean fans for posting a photo where he looked brownish yellow because he normally makes sure to look acceptably pale. It doesn't matter that I'd bang half the people in those headshots and would be artistically intrigued at the rest, because they're marketing towards the people who might subconsciously skip over a poster if they don't find the person on it comfortably attractive.

>> No.13919132

Do you really think NYC is majority white? Have you ever been there?

>> No.13919155

If we’re talking about the ones with jobs than yes.

>> No.13919169


>> No.13919172


>> No.13919178
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>> No.13919186

How do you look like a baby and an old man at once? Like I can totally picture this dude in some dungarees and a straw hat playing the banjo but if he shaved his beard he'd look eight years old.

>> No.13919189

Most of those people are average looking.

>> No.13920207

Because white people are objectively better looking. The only ones that come close are the japanese and the hispanics, but only the "whitest" ones.

>> No.13920282

dollar store fat mc ride

>> No.13920304

Nothing like making a separate exclusive group for certain people and making it easy to see why prestigious legitimate agencies didn't hire these models.

>> No.13920492
File: 509 KB, 2137x1931, whitewoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very redpilled.
Attractive whites, compared to attractive non-whites, can achieve a higher attractiveness level because of their big eyes, small noses, and defined cheeks, cheekbones and jawlines. White people are also taller on average than most non-white nations.
In addition, colorful iris creates an eye-catching contrast with or without eye makeup.

>> No.13920818

It is funny how the minorities put forward as attractive just have strong European features

>> No.13920883
File: 19 KB, 200x200, 800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you truelly believe that beauty is related to race, I'm sorry to tell you that you're very retarded.

>> No.13920967

The only attractive models in OPic are the top row far right woman and bottom row far right man.

The rest are mediocre at best, and I unironically think that POC tend towards better models (more strikingly interesting features, if not conventionally attractive.)

>> No.13921065

this. it's a shame really. i really wish all races were as beautiful and smart as the europeans. i don't like being racist but it's the truth.

>> No.13921098 [DELETED] 

Shitskins you mean?

>> No.13921101


>> No.13921256

Elaborate, please

>> No.13921275
File: 311 KB, 499x502, wuz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diversity means non-white

stay woke kangz

>> No.13921367

>All have dark eyes and black hair

Wow, like watching an early 1900s motion picture.

>> No.13921442

Lmao nah

>> No.13921443

He mean't poc, learn to read /pol/tard

>> No.13921450

>no whites
at least they're in the open about it

>> No.13921463

get back in your hole shitskin

>> No.13921482

The truth

>> No.13921492

I'd actually like to see more models near a normal height. I don't give two shits about ugly gap tooth niggas, in fact i prefer to not see faces when clothes are displayed online.

>> No.13921503

Not the op, but there's literally no such thing as "objective beauty." It's entirely subjective. Having somebody say that whites are more attractive because of their bodily proportions, how pale they are, or the color of their eyes is a totally western concept. I think >>13920492 puts it into perspective well. All of these attributes are what western society finds attractive. More recently, societal beauty norms have been surprisingly inclusive (see image), but high fashion is still white dominated. Essentially, the original post is saying that failing to recognize that what white people, for the most part, have decided what is beautiful makes you an idiot with no sense of social objectivity.

>> No.13921508
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Also I'm a fucking retard

>> No.13921510

why is she so sweaty

>> No.13921519

>there's literally no such thing as "objective beauty." It's entirely subjective.
cope harder.

>> No.13921532

Damn, didn't think /fa/ was racist

>> No.13921554

you're not going to get very far arguing constructionist viewpoints here
it's 4chan, and it's the internet. people find ideas/other people attractive for all sorts of reasons (it's what they're used to, it's what's around them, they've had a personal experience along those lines, they have an ideological commitment, etc.), but here is where they express the beliefs they have most transparently. it's both that 4chan is unusually racist (because it has that reputation and therefore people with those beliefs come here) and that 4chan is not unusually racist (because those beliefs are latent in most of society and simply not expressed because they're not acceptable)

>> No.13921555

Yes there is. Beauty is always objective because by definition, it's a quality of an object.

>> No.13921560

There is no diversity problem.

>> No.13921564

Oh god. I needed a good laugh.

>> No.13921567

Beauty is not a quality of an object in and of itself, but of our experience of an object. Without perception there is no beauty, and perception is highly subjective.
That isn't to say that there isn't a large amount of overlap between what various people experience as beauty, but to say that it's a "quality of an object" as if it's an intrinsic property in which subjective experience plays no role at all, is just wrong.

>> No.13921615
File: 203 KB, 279x461, 2018-12-13 11_04_47-(3) Daft Punk - High Life - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never did like red lipstick with dark brown skin, I think it clashes. Should be black, blue, green, or even light pink for that 80's anime look (i mean if she has slight features and not the usual ogress features that blacks have)

>> No.13921648

Are they even trying? I'm not white and I think these people are almost all ugly. Also this is just as racist as an all-white modelling agency,

>> No.13921657

That’s not what objective means, >>13921567 is correct.

>> No.13921663

Reverse racism doesn't exist, moron

>> No.13921674

He never said it was reverse racism. It's just racism, you fucking twat.

Reverse Racism would be if you thought races other than your own were superior, not racism against whites. You idiot SJW fucks can't read a god damn dictionary to save your life.

>> No.13921699

>The first none white modeling agency in the world
The only way that could be true is if by none white they mean explicitly and openly exclusionary towards whites

>> No.13921793
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Europeans are diverse.

>> No.13921887
File: 17 KB, 495x391, 1 f2XrwNtOkGf6840871tuxA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Society disagrees

>> No.13921903

Those poor Asian men

>> No.13921939
File: 53 KB, 610x514, 23u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is there still a diversity problem in the fashion world?

There are still worthwhile or at least interesting arguments to be made about race in fashion. Like how people got upset at vogue for using Kendall Jenner in a fashion shoot and perming her hair into a kinky blowout instead of just getting a black (possibly light skinned) model for the shoot. I personally don't care that they used Kendall or that they gave her an afro but there's a point to be made about specifically going for an already privileged wealthy white model, and making her up to imitate a certain image instead of helping the career of a black or mixed race model who doesn't need a whole team of stylist to get the look the director was going for.

I think people get overzealous about the lack of diversity when I see a lot of black and asian models and even models of older age and different body sizes on the runway now. But it's also still easy for the people making the decisions to forget about the rest of their consumers and revert back to just using white models to advertise everything. So I guess it balances out.

>> No.13921952

What about diversity of height? Most male models are 6'1"+. Let us manlets have some shine

>> No.13921956

it’s not a problem

>> No.13922090

How does this prove your point even remotely? You aren’t immune to western beauty standards just because you’re black or asian if you still live in western society and are surrounded by western culture.

>> No.13922123


Maybe not for high fashion so much but I do see men of average height on the runway and, if shorter, in advertisements. Streetwear mainly but if you're in shape there's a lot of sportswear, outdoors man, or fitness based modeling you can do.

>> No.13922147


Its black women. It always fucking black women who fuck things up for everyone.

Black women will never be pretty. ever. They baw and baw and baw and they don't get they can't shame men into fucking them.

Any other demo group can model. Whites. Latinos. Asians. Black men. Even fucking dev Patel and some Indian girls can make it to the world stage.

Black women are 10 years from suicide bombing modeling agencies cause of "eurocentric beauty standards" or "colorism"

Kinky pube hair fucking sucks. Wearing weave sucks. The world would be a better place if every black woman just disappeared without a trace.
T. Black man

>> No.13922153


>> No.13922156
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1523746809428s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because niggers are ugly

>> No.13922160
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>> No.13922172

The only people who are good looking in That picture are the Asians, and the two pajeets in the top left and bottom right corners

The black dude in the bottom left looks normal. Maybe he could model suits.

The brown girls are meh.

The black girls look like someone shaved their pubes and baked the shavings in a bowl with rotten ground beef for 6 hours

>> No.13922191

>T.[sic] Black man
of course

>> No.13922200

Actually the most annoying ones are the mixed race mutts. They look like shit and always have a complex about white people.

>> No.13922207

This enrages the POC whose only color derives from melanin just like 80% of the planet, where they all look like each other in their regions. The other 20% are euro-Caucasians with much phenotypic diversity in terms of pigmentation.

>> No.13922232

>they look like shit

Its a mixed bag really. There are some 10/10 mulattos who hate blacks and embrace white culture.

Also mixed races from other countries are amazing. Mulattos from Brazil or Europe are fine. US is filled with cancer

>> No.13922239

Honestly most white people look like freaks.

The only ones who look any sort of normal are meds, Jews, Hispanics or Arabs. Anything close to browns.

Blondes and gingers are just recessive freaks who suck at reproducing. Ew.

>> No.13922244

>10/10 mulattos
Not without surgery.

>Mulattos from Brazil or Europe are fine.

>> No.13922246


>> No.13922252

Yeah check out all those model tier Australoids

>> No.13922261

could you be any more of a fucking loser?

>> No.13922264

Basado y rojapillado

>> No.13922265

Go away simp

>> No.13922291


Mixed race people don't belong to any group which makes them unhappy and hate the biggest group that feels at home, white people

>> No.13922304

you okay brother? call your mom and tell her you love her

>> No.13922306

You can't control who you're attracted to. This is something sjws, black women, Asian men, and incels need to learn.

"conditioning" doesn't fucking exist. If you can be conditioned to only like certain features you can be conditioned to become gay. Congrats you just won the Nobel peace price with your fucking rapey shit posts.

Black women, specifically West African black women, have by and large been the ugliest group of women on the planet. They're only available to fetishists and dudes with no other options. That's why they roll with matriarchies wherever they go. Left up to men they'd collectively throw black women in the sea overnight.
If black women had the physical strength they'd fucking rape every man they could into submission. Their pussies are that dusty.

Likewise, a white dude with no chin and a fedora will never be attractive. If you have shitty bone structure, forget it. If you're a 5'4 Asian with a bug face, fucking forget it.

White men (first place), black men (second place) didn't become the most sexually sought after demo because someone conditioned them. This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.

Incels are the fucking worst and you deserve every Friday night you spend alone covered in cheeto dust and dried jizz.

Winners: whites. Black men. Asian women. Arabs. *some Hispanics*

Losees: black women. Asian men. Indians overall. Short Hispanics.

Stay. fucking. mad.

>> No.13922309

Everyone holds racial prejudice, only whites are expected to hide theirs.

>> No.13922311

you don't understand psychology, history or society

>> No.13922312

I didn't grow up with in black matriarchy community and I thank the lord I didn't have a single black mammy.

Fuck off. I actually have a father. Go turn gay or bum around the streets and get killed. I don't give a fuck.

Black society needs to die reborn without black women.

>> No.13922315

Kill yourself. No amount of pseudo academic gaslighting is going to make black bitches the woman of choice for any man.

Stay "woke" . I don't give a fuck.

>> No.13922317

bro why are you so angry this isn't healthy
>I don't give a fuck.
your posts say otherwise

>> No.13922320

My mums not black try again Negro

>> No.13922327
File: 301 KB, 435x435, kamehameha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self hating BMWF mulatto

>> No.13922329

>why are you so angry

Anger is a perfectly normal human emotion in the face of injustice. It's an appropriate response to the dog piles of screeching black women go to to get men to fuck them and give them their money. They feel entitled to love and sex much like thirsty school shooter white men and act on it in the most annoying ways.

The more they go on with this #blackgirlmagic shit the more black men are just gonna ghost their asses. It's already happening en Masse in the middle and upper classes it has yet to trickle through the ghetto.

>> No.13922334

yikes man im just glad im not american and black girls here are normal

>> No.13922335



Like clockwork. You know this stopped working a year a

>> No.13922337

Seriously, minorities in general are so massively insecure and then project it all on whitey because that’s all they know how to do. We’re not going to get hard for black women no matter how hard they bitch.

>> No.13922338

*a decade ago, right?

>> No.13922346

>black women are x
no, they're individuals. are you seriously so autistic that you paint them all with the same brush?

>> No.13922350




Black America was a mistake

>> No.13922353

Stop defending your fat ogre of a mother simp. You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.13922356

If you're going to spew racist views, please go to /pol/

>> No.13922357

>fat ogre of a mother
considering your mom is white and bred with a black man this sounds like projection. you never see white female/black male couples that aren't completely fucked

>> No.13922364

You know what's hilarious? I never said my mother was white.

You just played yourself

>> No.13922371

alright whatever shes a fat spic or flip i honestly don't give a shit, your self hatred is nearing on psychosis and should be checked out though.

>> No.13922385

You're adorable

>> No.13922417

If you’re going to be a crybaby please visit /reddit/

>> No.13922431
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>> No.13922614

even AI programs determined whites are objectively more attractive than dark skins and it probably got fed a magnet

>> No.13922839

yeah haha, lots of "asian" models are used where i am cause lol diversity but theyre all mixed. and they all have very strong white features

>> No.13922864

they all meh cept the short hair black girl on botom row.

>> No.13922865

Ya she looks like poo

>> No.13922867

well done

>> No.13922882

why are they all so ugly bar maybe 2?

>> No.13922904

Its ugly brown people just screeching that they're not attractive brown people or white

Walk away

>> No.13922913
File: 320 KB, 640x513, trans volleyball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because no one tells idiots "no" anymore

>> No.13922921

if every person in that pic were shot in the street i wouldn’t give a single fuck. they all look like worthless talentless piles of “gibs me dat i’m such a model” garbage

>> No.13922923

Can’t tell if bait or just onions. Virtue signaling with ethnic minority models has never been trendier. If anything whites are probably underrepresented.

>> No.13922924

Not even lmao they're so inbred they HAVE to have nosejobs to fucking breath out of those beaks.

>> No.13922930

Long noses are incredibly attractive
Fuck off pignosed irishman

>> No.13922966


>> No.13922971

They don't have "long" noses they have deformed fucked up things on their face. Arab nations are the "nose job capitals" of their world because everyone has to get one.

>> No.13922972

bc everyone on the planet has an okcupid account, ur logic is infallible anon

>> No.13922989
File: 15 KB, 662x285, ouch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur either baiting rly badly or ur actually this mad, both are embarrassing

>> No.13922999

its been around for a decade and has a massive sample size most governments use a fraction of to study shit
so its kinda hold some legitimacy

>> No.13923002

oh man did u see that new steven crowder vid? fuck those sjws!!!

>> No.13923020

sounds more like some black kids fucked with you in high school and now you carry that resentment around as an grown adult, noice

>> No.13923022

mentally ill looksmaxxing incel mutt hands typed this post

>> No.13923038

Yeah exactly, used as a fraction. Then cross-referenced with other sources of data, not just "here's a screen shot of okcupid stats that means im right"

>> No.13923049

yeah fuck bare facts that first dont consult the intersectionality experts

>> No.13923054
File: 14 KB, 478x219, NYC demographs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I don't. The Polls do.

Also, Latinos aren't stigmatized in modeling, so I don't think they count

>> No.13923063

the only reason there are even minorities in nyc besides rich asians and arabs is rent controls

>> No.13923074

Because the beauty ideal is still heavily Caucasian. Understandably so given that the vast majority of the world's cultural trends emerge in predominately Caucasian societies. We still hold Graeco-Roman Classical era aesthetic ideals in our consciousness whether it's subconscious or not. Until the next global revolution I don't see this changing. Diversity is just a marketing trend and once it no longer promotes the same level of profitability it'll fade away just like flared jeans.

>> No.13923088

Most 'latino' models are just spanish who settled in south america and never mixed, or nazis who did the same.

>> No.13923141

Internalized racism, ultimately caused by crackers.

>> No.13923163

t. cracker

>> No.13923219

>Honestly most white people look like freaks.
Shitskin cope

>> No.13923232

Beauty isn't decided. People don't come to a consensus by doing clinical analysis and democratic debates about what makes beauty. Beauty is seen, selected and ranked by very biological imperatives. There is nothing "white-centric" about it.

>> No.13923380

she objectively looks like a turd

>> No.13923386

He's not really any worse than all the rest.

>> No.13923681

Okay, facial symmetry isn't race specific

>> No.13923685

>pseudo academic gaslighting

Oh anon, that tickles me pink

>> No.13923688
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Because it is not a problem, you are just a whiny little crybaby making one out of it because white people are simply more successful in most domains.
Fuck off with your divide and conquer bullshit, making a race or gender issue out of everything.

>> No.13923702

If you're black.

You'll never have the white/Asian/latina girl like you anon.

You're love of non-black women arises from a deepset desire to have children that aren't as black as you.

In effect you are also spurning your mother for fucking a black man and make you black too.

If you aren't black.
Grow up.

>> No.13923860

Stefan Burnett?

>> No.13923871
File: 257 KB, 1000x562, tyra-banks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tyra Banks has been famous as fuck for about 20 years now. In elite modeling People of Colour might even be over-represented but I think they are at least more represented there than in say... Acting.
This non-white agency is nothing but a racket.

>> No.13924167
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>> No.13924169
File: 176 KB, 736x866, 1540488574515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't,I'm sorry to tell you that you're very very VERY retarded.

>> No.13924425

Show any proof that "western beauty standards" exist and how they control individual taste

>> No.13924439

I love how diversity to the libtards just means 'not white'

>> No.13924441

think it’s possibel to even have a dollar store mc ride?

>> No.13924442


>> No.13924453

but it's objective. your point is that it isn't

>> No.13924468

And he was talking about the fashion world of New York City, not the ghettos.

>> No.13924486
File: 45 KB, 480x360, 1542227490126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you retards really want to go into this we can all just go through Melanesians and liqian people who are both non-white groups with different coloured eyes and different coloured hair making them the both the most 'diverse' people on earth. Damn this /Pol/ shit is getting stupid and next they're gonna claim it's cuz it wuz cacausoidz bludz and sheeit.

>> No.13924532

based and redpilled

>> No.13924533

Neither of my parents are black try harder

>> No.13924538

it's true though you fucking retard, the majority of the American black population are just rape baby mulattos to some degree, but they're ALL fucking ugly with the exception of maybe 1% of them

>> No.13924548


There's going to be a turning point in the west where black women will be virtually unable to reproduce. Biracials/multiracials are already beginning to wake up and reject the already fallacious one drop rule. Most "blacks" in the west aren't even 56% African. Coupled with the rising populations of Latinos and other non-whites in the US, whites will be a minority, and the dominant force will be a racially ambiguous brown.

Whites will lose out and dark skinned blacks who still cling to the wakanda fantasy are going to get lost as well.

Deal with it. The black matriarchy will die out and so will all you simps.

>> No.13924550

Show me Some non european non brown eyes right now , doesnt exist

After al eyes are the window to the soal

>> No.13924551

American blacks aren't black. Most of them are lighter skinned than Indians and Arabs.

Black America was built a bunch of lies. Let it die.

>> No.13924554 [DELETED] 

fuck off chink

>> No.13924561

im from eastern europe and asian men seem more attractive than black men
i heard numerous times that only the lowest trash white girls go to black men. its not even like from one person or /pol/ or something
why do people shit on asians on this board so much?

>> No.13924564 [DELETED] 

there's a difference between a nice, slender, long nose and just having a flat out kike nose, since I've actually spent some time around these sorts of people, so I can confirm their noses are the most disgusting ones out of everyone in the room

>> No.13924566

the north eastern ones look pretty good

>> No.13924569

t. kazakh/kyrgyz chink

>> No.13924588

nah, idk what dreamworld you're talking about but blacks here are still dark, although they lean more towards a brown color instead of black, usually just as dark as Indians, but definitely not lighter than arabs.

>> No.13924589

nah. you have to admit that asians have higher status. they are more intelligent, more successful and less violent
outside the athletes i dont see how blacks are more attractive

>> No.13924591

guess you live in the south

Blacks pretty much everywhere else in the US are more mixed to some degree

Have fun with that crispy

>> No.13924609

What do you consider black

>> No.13924618

Looks like a cool dude desu.

>> No.13924619

look mate i have seen like 3 black people in my entire life
but i dont understand why i should define this. anything brown shade is black unless its like an obviously mixed dude

>> No.13924638

>look mate i have seen like 3 black people in my entire life


>> No.13924663

>look mate i have seen like 3 black people in my entire life

LMAOooooooooooo nigga

>> No.13924664

cant you read you fucking mongrel cuck?

>> No.13924670

stay mad mutt surrounded by nigger and licking kike boots

>> No.13924673

Americans shocked to find that no every nation on earth is 14% black?

>> No.13924674 [DELETED] 

t. seething gook

>> No.13924680

*10% mulatto
*4% black


>> No.13924686

Tyra banks isn't black.

>You're love of non-black women arises from a deepset desire to have children that aren't as black as you.

Are you one of those hotep negroes who thinks Dominicans and Brazilians are blacks in denial and Meghan Markle is a black woman?


>> No.13924695

Buddy she's Afro-American.

>> No.13924734

She's creole as fuck. If I dropped her ass off anywhere in SA or the Mediterranean she'd pass.

"African-American" is a meaningless term. It does more harm than good that needs to be thrown away.

>> No.13924740

Based and redpilled

>> No.13924763

i already stated in my first reply that im from eastern europe, what did you expect? are americans really this delusional or what? outside huge cities its still mostly white and black people are rare.

>> No.13924790

non-white women hate white women because white women have prettier faces, prettier hair, prettier noses, look better without make up, age gracefully(if take care of themselves) and white women's body hair is cute and nice, while non-white's women body hair is gross

yes i am white nationalist and love my women

>> No.13924795

>80% of the planet
honey, whites(euorpeans, some aussies and some north americans) are only ~8-9% of world population

we are true minority

>> No.13924804

Do you dream of white wife?
Do you understand no good white women ever date outside the race? Pure biology, only sick ones can be attracted to non-whites

>> No.13924806

Fact remains that all the hot white girls are sleeping with black and brown men

>> No.13924812

I forgot, only West African purebred women and white women exist. No other phenotype of woman exists.

White women and dark black women are both disgusting.

I am a olive/brown skinned supremacist.

>> No.13924869

THIS is how black Santa looks like. Change my mind

>> No.13924953

because white is peak aesthetics and deep down every race knows it

>> No.13924983

No should wouldn't and she's not Creole. Both of her parents are African Americans. Vanessa Williams also has two black parents.

It's not a meaningless term, your dumb as can't separate ethnicity from race or phenotype

>> No.13924997

You are the one that stated at the end you're black.
No what's gonna happen is three things

1. Being white with some African ancestry won't make someone black. Wentworth Miller is evidence of that.
2. Black Americans are gonna increasing look more mixed
3. Those that don't are gonna get more representation as other racial and ethnic minorities begin to mix as well.

Black American culture is distinct enough that there will always be people trying to claim it as their birth culture.

There are so many YouTubers that talk specifically about dark skin and brown skin women vs mixed woman in terms of one drop rule and representation.

However if you see Black America as a imagined nation you'll realize there are near white black Americans and pitch black black Americans with other people raised within the confines of the culture.

>> No.13925002

>Tyra banks: both her parents are mixed race mutts

Vanessa Williams:

> Later in life, she participated in a DNA test with the following results: 23% from Ghana, 17% from the British Isles (specifically English, Welsh and Irish), 15% from Cameroon, 12% Finnish, 11% Southern European, 7% from Togo, 6% from Benin, 5% from Senegal, and 4% Portuguese.[4]


Stop regurgitating the bullshit the single fat black mammy taught you in African studies and open your eyes.

African American is a meaningless term. If the consensus actually narrowed down the definition of black to the darker skinned Africans who are closer to 90%, we could actually address some of the poverty issues affecting these people. You'd have to be blind to not realize that the poorer you are, the darker you typically are in black America.

African American needs to be done away with. Call anyone under 56% sub saharan African DNA "American Creole" and move the fuck on.

The black to Africa narrative is fucking cancer. Fuck off.

>> No.13925104

Nigga I am a J&J, you don't think I don't know what you're talking about?

My family has been BV for three hundred years you fool.

We are all part of the same ethnic group with a distinct ethnic culture because of white policies. That does not mean we are racially the same.

I'm a African American with a father with an Polynesian mtdna marker and northwestern European ydna marker. One grandparent has blue eyes, I was raised by an Asian looking father and his red headed, green pale skin aunt.

They are just as culturally and ethnically black as any other black population.

But seeing as you clearly aren't a descendant of the Talented Tenth you're gonna chimp out.

>> No.13925128

White Americans, Black Americans and East Coast Native Americans are all interrelated if they are of Colonial descent and are all Creoles.

That's the stupidity of your statement. Creole is not a race based term, it's one of culture you retards.

>> No.13925305

>distinct ethnic culture because of white policies. That does not mean we are racially the same.

But it does mean you're a stupid Cuck who can't separate yourself from the white man's law. Everything you do and think has been taught to you by "white policies" you are still a walking talking slave. I ain't on that Kanye shit but his mind was in the right place.

Accepting the one drop rule is accepting white supremacy and does more harm than good to actual Africans.

Your "culture" is a joke and based on a lie. I bet you're a Christian too aren't you?

Carry on. Have fun with your weave bitches and your Bastard hood rat kids. Don't be surprised when someone busts your jaw open when you tote that lame hotep shit in public

>Creole people are ethnic groups which originated during the colonial-era from racial mixing between Europeans and non-European peoples, known as creolisation.


>> No.13925433

You dumb ass thought she was Brazilian or whatever.

>> No.13925436

She might as well be.

I'll say it again. Light skins are not black. They never will be.

56%, at LEAST.

>> No.13925515

I don't disagree with your assessment on the mongrel states and their ethnic makeup but she ain't Brazilian.

>> No.13925581

Based and redpilled

>> No.13925768

Keep talking about inner city black culture because it clearly shows you don't have the pedigree or the ability to know Historical Black Institutions and the culture of the Black middle and upper classes.

Hyperdescent and Hypodescent are both eurocentric because blood is the basis of identity. Black America it's blood and culture, that's the importance but your impoverished thick skull doesn't understand that.

Black culture like the black church can be appreciated for it's served purpose without engaging in it.

You're an outsider looking in and truly the kinds of I'll my family would never allow to marry into our family.

The first people to use the term Creole were colonial era Africans who incoporated European socio-cultural ways into their lives. It evolved to mean throughout the Americas to mean "of the colony" Creole comes from the Portuguese term "to create".

>> No.13925783

HAHAHHAHHAHA. What the fuck? All of those in that pic are ugly as FUCK. That black girl on the middle far right has the bug eyes. , Bearded guy looks like he is retarded. Like they picked up Homeless people of the streets and said. Yeah. You bitches are Models NOW: Cus Diversity is GOOD.

>> No.13925817
File: 855 KB, 1400x974, North-Sentinel-Island-Andamane-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>when whites actually leave blacks alone.

>> No.13925821

These people would outlive you three times over if you actually had to produce for yourself

>> No.13925834


Is that in their cyrochambers on their spaceships?

>> No.13925852

>Tyra banks isn't black.

I never said Tyra Banks was black. I implied she is a Person of Colour and that she is.
The agency OP is talking about isn't for 100% Africans it is for People of Colour.

I don't know what this other stuff is about I assume this is addressed at some other dude and you forgot to >> him.

>> No.13925856

>All of those in that pic are ugly as FUCK.

I think that may actually be part of the scam. We point out that these models are ugly and they say:
>omg, racism, you are saying all minorities are ugly!

>> No.13925870

okcupid is the parent company to most dating apps including Tinder. If you don't know how big Tinder, you probably live in a third world country.

>> No.13925876

Well he is right in that OKC can't necessarily be taken to be a random sample of people, right?
Actually this may not even be a good argument because if you look at OKC people they skew heavily towards being left-wing, "open minded," college educated, sexually... Adventurous.
So if anything OKC people would probably be the most likely to race mix.
Unless we take those people to be "doth protesting too much" and they're just lying to cover up being even less likely than average to race mix.

>> No.13925891

They could just be virtue signalling predators.

>> No.13925905

Are you suggesting the women are predators too? I'm coming at this from a hetero' man's perspective so I don't know much about men that use these sites.

>> No.13925917

I don't care about black American anything you're all ass backwards to the rest of the diaspora regardless of class

>> No.13925919

asian men are on average shorter in both height and penis lenth

east asian people have neoteny but this makes their men look feminine and therefore less attractive

biology instinctively tells women to go for a macho man that can provide and protect. an asian man looking like a 12 year old doesn't fit that.

>> No.13925924

That is completely false.

>> No.13925928

>Black culture like the black church can be appreciated for it's served purpose without engaging in it.

There is no such thing as black culture. Get this through your Irish rape baby skull. Nothing about AA's is remotely authentic or more legitimate than any other African descendent group. Your ilk are taking huge L's in the states so miss me with that "well were more American than u immigrant poor blax lul"

Honestly you atakas should be bloody happy blacks and African descendents from around the world are coming to the US to. Improve your image because it's fucking trash

>You're an outsider looking in and truly the kinds of I'll my family would never allow to marry into our family.

I'd rather drink bleach than marry into an African American family. Go worship "black" Jesus and sing and dance lawdy lawdy and coddle your shitty HBCU

>> No.13925929

I means this shit is true but most of the faggots in this board are fucking ugly, white or not

>> No.13925930

I think it's more that the black guys have game and approach the girls and the Asian guys post on asianmasculinity or whatever it's called.

Man, I saw an ABSURD pairing the other day. The girl looked kind of like a Greek Kaley Cuoco. I want to say she was thicc but thicc generally means fatter than she was. Good boobs, thighs, hips.
Her boyfriend? A SE Asian that might have even been shorter than her, had no chin, was skinner than she was in every way. Even her neck and shoulders were bigger than his.

>> No.13925931


>> No.13925956

>The agency OP is talking about isn't for 100% Africans it is for People of Colour.

Its for ugly people of colour

>> No.13925958

You continually are referring to a small minority of black folks that are the equivalent of rednecks. The black american community ultimately reigns supreme as the broadcasters of Black middle and upper class media and representation.

We are the most powerful black group in the world, we have created the pathways for Caribbean and African immigrants for decades.

Black Americans as a local people to this land are underappreciated here but when I go to France or Japan or Argentina it is we who are the pinnacle of intergrated black folks of distinction.

Maybe if I was a child on here I'd be upset but I've seen the world and I engage these companies and black American's global position is very high.

Nice try though anon.

>> No.13925959

Easy, white people are objectively better looking than nonwhites.

>> No.13925979

The culture you American blacks have was sold to you by Jews to cripple you and blacks all over the world eat up that culture.
In my country we have fresh off boat Africans and they come here with that fake culture already installed.
They eat it up because as manufactured and poisonous as it is: it appears to them to be far superior to anything they natively had.

>> No.13925991

ahahahahahahahahah what a fucking cope you stupid non white sub-human piece of dogshit

>> No.13925993

Hahaha the light skinned mixed middle and upper class are still trash. No amount of money is going to change your ass backward beliefs. You can't compete.

Congrats you sing and dance on TV for claps from white people. Now that makes you king of the diaspora? Lmao. And you tote having white people admire you abroad as an accomplishment, so you're still seeking white approval after all that BS lmao you're a fucking clown.

You're not the only person who's traveled and mingled with the upper income brackets. A bunch of Sri Lankan kids wear air Jordan's and listen to rap and that makes you feel good? Fucking sad.

Black Americans wouldn't be anywhere without the the rest of the diaspora to show them how to wipe their asses.

I don't put too much blame on you. White people fucked you up good in the states. You're traumatized and retarded from the years of abuse and murder I get it.

But you're still fucked up and nobody wants a part of that. Black Americans are like the burn victim at the diner table. It's not your fault half your face melted in that car crash, but nobody wants to stare at someone's raw eyeball while eating.

Black America needs a mercy killing.

Have the last word senpai. you're way too deep in your lawdy lawdy white massah rape PTSD to think creatively about your future. Try not to sniff glue this weekend

>> No.13925996

>can;t be conditioned
>thinks black men are attractive

>> No.13925998

>blacks all over the world eat up that culture.

That's new and in small numbers. Most non - American blacks and mixed people of African decent still think black Americans are mentally challenged

>> No.13926003

3,10,12 are the ONLY good looking ones

>> No.13926006

Because half of those "diverse" model pics literally look like mugshots.

>> No.13926051

There hasn't been since the 90s, only trashy media switches betwen racist and forced diversity.

There is: symmetry.
But I wouldn't confuse beauty for attractive, there are a lot of mesmerizing models that look somewhat like freaks.

>> No.13926063

He's the friendliest looking one. I'd get beer with him based on appearance alone. He's probably soft-spoken, doesn't like his coworkers' politics, likes having a chill time, and just loves his family and mom. The other ones look like they're part Jewish and tweet about killing white people.

>> No.13926068

>That's new and in small numbers.

Every nigger refugee in Australia identifies with that culture.

>> No.13926135

My culture is derived from the historic free black american communities of the 17th to 19th century. You people have no clue what you're talk about because none of you are privy to our culture and society.

They eat up consumerist hip-hop, they don't know the roots of hip-hop nor do they take cues from the vanguard that created legitmate music businesses from their hustle.

That's the annoying shit, most white Americans have no clue of black middle class and upper class culture and most internationals only know it from Bill Cosby and Lisa Bonnet's spin-off.

I recognize that black Americans are the fordt population in the black diaspora have a continued musical, political, economic and cultural impact the world has seen. In Asia, the Americas, Africa, Europe, etc... Black Americanisms have spread. From Blues, Rock & Roll, Jazz and disco and within those musical traditions black subversive politics and thoughts.

You're trolling but I come from Jack & Jill's, Martha's Vineyard, The Talented Tenth, the Divine Nine, Blue Vein Societies and the leadership of the civil Rights movement.

Your scope is so reductive that it only shows how ineffectual your critiques of black Americans really are.

HBCUs educated innumerable early independent politicians of West Africa, Dubois set up the foundations of Accra's Universities. HBCUs fostered the literary and political landscapes of the Carribean as well and our impacts reverberate with those nations even if they resent that fact.

The reality is our impact is greater than the credit we give because we always accept black immigrant populations in our fold and always minimalize our ethnicity for the sake of political blackness. It's our ultimate downfall but also the gift that allowed so many new backs intergrate seamlessly.

Your attacks are all again on our urban redneck population who have in many ways given many things to this world despite their size.

But that's not all there is.

>> No.13926158

Most of your people are mentally retarded and if it were up to me we'd deport you all to Africa and you would be one of the aristocratic class ruling over them.

>> No.13926165

Most more or less white americans have lost most of their old culture, which is what can happen with refugees, and seem to replace it with consumerism, freedom-culture and some trendy culture of others.

Those that couldn't really fit into any of those joined the weird racist club of desperate people that somehow feel like they're about to loose their right to feel superior because of better genes (maybe because their phenotype is nothing to brag about, I don't know).

>> No.13926224

You can call us mentally retarded but you know Americo and Sierra Leonean Creoles along with Brazilian Returned in lusophone West Africa really did become an upper crust not because of admixture or "iq" but because the ability to restructure ones culture and economy to a globalized context.

Liberia's shit and they'll be sucking China's and Nigeria's dick more than they are now, they will not be able to intergrated like Americos did and the poor will continue to be poor.
Seriously though there are many white Americans who have the Heinz 57 ancestry and a culture that comes from the 1950s along with some old country recipes that talk about their history and culture but *none follow it*.

I sat on the laps of Tuskegee Airmen and civil rights forces, I've participated in black coming of age cotillions and have seen multi-generational groups of black men take on future leadership.

Like these other people don't get it. I don't like a lot of the white southern price types but at least they have some sense of self beyond "Negroes rabble rabble rabble"

>> No.13926244

Liberia is shit for a few reasons but one, I reckon, is that their constitution is cuntpasted from the USA.
I wouldn't have a system for niggers where they can vote. It would be up to guys like you to rule over them.

>> No.13926256
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None of them are good looking - otherwise there would be a diversity problem.

There isn't, it's just the narrative that justifies them putting in more PoC,
There was never a problem in the first place, because it functioned without the existence of so-called 'diversity'.

>> No.13926258
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>> No.13926261
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yea, and that poll says that 55.4% of NYC is non-white ;0

>> No.13926268

Americo-Liberians had already assimilated Congolese people in route to slavery. They had adopted people like the mother and father of Liberia's current president.

The main issue was they dealt with coastal people's who had degenerated in slavers or Porter's/sailors for slavers when from the beginning they should have worked hand in hand with the inland Muslim populations who were traders and skilled workers.

"Pure" Africans are stupid or without order because they are not westernized, there are just many ethnic groups that were completely shifted due to slavery. Kru and Krumen being an example.

>> No.13926277

*Arent stupid

>> No.13926649

>They eat up consumerist hip-hop, they don't know the roots of hip-hop nor do they take cues from the vanguard that created legitmate music businesses from their hustle.
I knew you would bring this up. Jamaicans started hip hop in New York and black Americans stole it

You're so stupid. Bye Felicia

>> No.13926854

I wouldn't put too much stock in what poll says. They a bunch a fucking idiots

>> No.13926868


Unless that's short for pigment of crap, go back to your liberal arts studies, niggerlover

>> No.13926884
File: 155 KB, 992x1024, diversity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beauty is a social construct
>niggers aren't actually ugly
>whitey made niggers ugly
>the answer is more "inclusivity" (getting rid of whitey)

Your programming is showing

>> No.13926893

Whites deserve their own nations, their own borders and their own state.

Just not on American soil

>> No.13926912

Neither do you. Congrats on spending $40,000 of your parents money to hear Marxist half-truths for 4 years kiddo.

>> No.13926957


>> No.13926975

t. uneducated NEETs

>> No.13927065

Do you think white/asian people complain that there are no non-negroes in African model agencies? You're retarded and ugly.

>> No.13927069

White people do this all the time. Just check twitter

>> No.13927076

His lips alone distinguishes him from humans.

>> No.13927096

Black men are socially engineered to be perceived as attractive by their massive representation is Americuck media.

>> No.13927112

Outside of trade school, yes
lol no

Imagine thinking that you need to be 40k in debt and thoroughly indoctrinated by Marxist professors to get a well paying job #justnpcthings

>> No.13927118


This liberal idiot is going to start attacking you for not going to a liberal arts college and you're uneducated and stupid because you have no college degree, which in of itself is a form of "class shaming"

The irony

>> No.13927125

But there are blacks who do make it to the cover of vogue and are elevated to high standards of beauty in western nations.

Everything about "representation" and "eurocentricity" is just pseudo academic screeching from fat ugly Single black women in shitty African and lgbt studies programs at low quality HBCU colleges.

There are many black women (typically non-American) who are easily at the upper levels of beauty but the whole movement is basically a trade union for fat aunt Jemimas that will die alone

I've never in my life met a Brazilian Latina or Caribbean who cared about "standards" of beauty. Even women straight from Africa know how to present themselves

Its purely black American women trying to rape your minds. It isn't the Jews, it's black women and Oprah.

>> No.13927380

My college certificate got me further than his uni degree ever will.

>> No.13927423
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They're all ugly as fuck, must just be a coincidence.

>> No.13927438
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>> No.13927452

they do exist but they are rare. whereas amongst europeans it is extremely common

>> No.13927756

Dj Kool Herc played Funk and used the tools of thr disco era, two genres formed by black Americans and using the forming youth culture rooted in Black American culture, he grandmaster flash and Africa Bambatta all immigrants intergrated within black american cultural sound and movement formed the foundations of hip-hop.

This only reaffirms a statement I made above, black Americans always allow immigrants into our culture. They saw black American culture, shifted it and married into it.

And? You seem to not know much of what you're talking about.

>> No.13927764

That second to last paragraph is not true, the first Black Carnival Queen of Brasil was stripped of her crown due to being dark skin and had talked about her struggles with brazlian beauty standards before and after the incident.

>> No.13928005

i never went to university it's called reading books *dab*

>> No.13928444

Beauty is related to race, but not to ethnicity. The only racially pure extant populations today are primitives in the Kalahari, Arctic, Patagonia, Australia, Papua, Congo, and so on. Everyone else is mixed to varying degrees between the root races of the Neolithic. Conventional attractiveness is related to (but not dependent on) Aryan racial features, which can be found in people regardless of whether they are "White", "Black", "Asian", etc.

>> No.13928552
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That word doesn't mean what you think it means. If you actually went to college you'd realize that the vast majority of professors are Liberals, and the few actual Leftists are so deep into the Liberal identity politics trap that they're almost completely unable to engage with actual economic issues.

>>13928444 (checked)
Doesn't Aryan mean Indo-European? Wouldn't these features be extremely underrepresented in Asians if this were the case?

>"conditioning" doesn't fucking exist. If you can be conditioned to only like certain features you can be conditioned to become gay.
Actually, yes you can be conditioned to be gay albeit only during very early childhood during the initial sexual development period by having unusually strong attachments to your mother.

>White men (first place), black men (second place) didn't become the most sexually sought after demo because someone conditioned them.
Cultural phenomena like societal beauty standards aren't pushed by a nefarious "someone." Read up on how systems work my dude.

>Blondes and gingers are just recessive freaks who suck at reproducing. Ew.
Take that back.

>> No.13928565

>worlds first non-white modeling agency
>modeling agencies in china, japan, korea have been entirely chinese, japanese, and korean for fucking decades
>doesnt count because white people didnt do it lmao
Just another example of liberals being implicitly racist as fuck while virtue signaling about how open minded they are.

>> No.13928612
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>If you actually went to college you'd realize that the vast majority of professors are Liberals
is that why 99% of people only become marxists when they go through university?

>> No.13928650
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Because people with radical views are much more vocal than the average person, and your definition of Marxism is so autistically broad that it applies to every Tumblr feminist and everyone who complains about White men or whatever.

I'd consider taking a break from /pol/ and actually reading Marx before forming opinions about his work.

>> No.13928657
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>> No.13928888

>fashion is for the working class

>> No.13929119

Is he drinking coffee?

>> No.13929132

I'm all for proper representation, but I feel like fashion is actually one of the industries that has been really good at that already. But objectively speaking, launching a specifically "non-white" business is segregationist and racist at it's core. They would be better off just being an industry that promoted a proper white-to-non white ratio based on say, the demographics of London where it's based. London is one of the most diverse cities in the world so that would produce a good result without being blatantly problematic.

>> No.13929175

I’m Persian and I was born/grew up in Vancouver. I got engaged to my oneitis from high school, who’s also Persian. Idk what tf you guys are on about. Every race is fine, it’s just that sometimes, it just easier to be in a relationship with someone who’s culturally similar to you. White people tend to have colder relationships and be somewhat more childish/self-centred into adulthood, but they’re also more open and relaxed. Every culture has its hangups. As for getting upset about foreigners fucking women from your race, you guys are absolutely insane. What is it, your sister? Why the fuck do you get so upset about something as irrelevant as who’s fucking who? Grow up. You don’t own anyone, and if you think this way, you’ll never be able to have a meaningful relationship without being obsessed with sex and purity. People need to time to grow. As for the model thing, I don’t see the issue with mostly white models, since most the people/consumers in North America are white.

>> No.13929199

Imagine having a free neuron to waste on this bullshit

>> No.13929213

You're not wrong. Most people here are white (myself included) and (1) are predisposed to find white people/the Western standard of beauty attractive, (2) like all people, don't like having their ideas challenged (especially considering it's 4chan of all places), and (3) are probably insecure about their appearances, making the idea of them being perpetually more attractive than the majority of people (non-whites) reassuring.

To them, you're saying they're wrong on an unchanging fundamental level, pointing out why they're wrong (which is more of an attack on their persons than their ideas to them), and tearing down their preconceived place in the world.

I'm still sure as fuck that I'm not attracted to "primitive" looking blacks though, and don't think that'll ever change. But that's just my subjective view and so on and so forth.

>> No.13929221

The Ling Lings in the middle are kind of cute desu

>> No.13929963
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>no australian aboriginals
not true diversity ;)

>> No.13930063

How come the prettiest black girls tend to have white features?

>> No.13930126

This is based on a false narrative that non-white models are severely underrepresented. Truth is that fashion has been pretty inclusive of non-white models for quite a long time now: there have been black models among the most famous and successful of their time—of all times, even—at least since the late 80s. I bet you that someone like Naomi Campbell will show up on many a "top models of all time" list.

>> No.13930239

I don't care too much about diversity, but I do think it's fucking weird when ads in places like china or japan have white people plastered everywhere. TanTan a chinese version of tinder has only white people in it's ads.

>> No.13930255
File: 417 KB, 999x925, Beja man - Sudan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your silly western mind thinks a face pic related is something only white people or someone who is part white can have. when the truth is, he's just eastern african. Sudanese, if you will. From the Beja tribe.

>> No.13930337
File: 441 KB, 1350x900, 1519102287432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinks are not brainwashed by (((progressive))) propaganda.
They recognize that whites are the most beautiful race.

>> No.13930350

You forgot Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and southern Brazil.

>> No.13930353

Chile is majority mestizo.

>> No.13930363
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Based and redpilled

>> No.13931726
File: 9 KB, 163x232, la_creatura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dios mio...

>> No.13932016

The only non-brainlet answer in this thread

>> No.13932450
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>> No.13932457


>> No.13932464

>>being this retarded
eastern africans are actually negroes mixed with kushits, or maybe you think that Ethiopeans are also black?

>> No.13932476


>> No.13933764


>> No.13933856

One drop

>> No.13934308

Man, I'm not white and even I think that everyone in that pic is ugly as fuck. The only one who isn't is the black chick at the top and even she is nothing noteworthy.