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File: 21 KB, 236x377, 1f38415ac68c5de7985445a698a3aed3--man-jewelry-jewelery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13921451 No.13921451 [Reply] [Original]

Signet rings, bracelets, necklaces etc. For men

Approved? Do they bring the right amounts of edge to a look?

>> No.13921455

dont do it.

>> No.13921456


>> No.13921459

Depends on a lot of factors- not just look/style and the type of jewelry but also the man. Some guys can't pull off anything tasteful and that's a simple fact. Take turkroaches for example

>> No.13921493
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What you're attempting to look like vs what you actually look like.

>> No.13921518

The only jewellery a man should ever wear is his watch and his wedding ring.

If Johnny Depp can't pull something off, neither can you.

>> No.13921521

no, only a watch

and no gold tones whatsoever

>> No.13921525

>only a watch

>no gold tones
Woah woah woah sir

>> No.13921584

If you have to ask you're clearly not comfortable about them.
So don't.

Anything remotely feminine requires complete comfort in your fashion choice to be pulled off.

>> No.13921590

Did you father not teach you about the birds, the bees, and the bracelets?

>> No.13922117

My dad didnt force biologic essentialism down my throat you fucking cisfuck

>> No.13922163

They look either excessive or just simply bad in the vast majority of times.

Nah, he seems to have force something else down your throat, kys faggot

>> No.13922164
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>> No.13922170
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>> No.13922171

listen here, OP... Wear what the fuck you want to wear and if it doesnt feel right then take it the fuck off

>> No.13922174

i like cockrings

>> No.13922180
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>> No.13922183
File: 42 KB, 1308x1308, tiffany-classicmilgrain-wedding-band-ring-12637942_934396_AV_1_M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought this wedding band. I think the milgrain looks really nice but I'm a little worried it'll get rubbed smooth pretty quickly.

>> No.13922195

which is which here?

>> No.13922198

This is faggot shit.


>> No.13922307
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>> No.13922634

>being this uncomfortable

>> No.13922915
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Nah fuck that

>> No.13922943

Rings necklaces bracelets etc make you look either thuggish, gay, or most likely both. NEVER redeemable. They’re tattoo-lite.

Men get a watch, that’s it, full stop.

>wedding ring.

Nothing spices up a marriage like the distant hint of intrasexual competition.

>> No.13922945

In other words, wearing a wedding ring is like neutering yourself

>> No.13922951


Married men are instantly viewed as more attractive because preselction you trip nigger

>> No.13922958

good point; there’s a trade-off between gaming your wife and gaming other women. I guess wear a ring if you want to cheat.

>> No.13923011

my dad wears earrings and necklace and bracelets. It can look good if it fits with your overall aesthetics.

>> No.13923167

rule #1: don't dress like a bottom

>> No.13923203

The only remotely good looking one here is Depp but that’s only because he’s features can overcome his gay necklaces

>> No.13923208

rule #2: dont have the face of a bottom

>> No.13923331

Is that the white gucci mane with a spray tan on the bottom right? You must have made a mistake, there's no way someone would use his picture in conjunction with a negative statement like that.

>> No.13924284
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As long as you are not in your face with it jewelery can work on a guy

>> No.13924477

Are you white or asian?
Don't do it. Just get a watch.

If you're a feminine chink maybe get a piercing.

Are you latino?
Get a watch and a crucifix.

Are you a nig?
Get a chain and a watch.

Are you a pajeet?
Wear whatever jewelry you want just make sure it's all gold, a polished turd is marginally better than a regular turd.

>> No.13925797
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>> No.13925804

Crazy how a fucking Apple Watch can kill a fit like that

>> No.13925813

i think watches, rings, bracelets and necklaces are fine but i'm against earrings and essentially any piercing.

>> No.13926106
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Margelia bracelet

>> No.13926174

Thin chain with relevant small charm
>left hand
Watch, one ring. Signet ring, wedding or other.
>right hand
Signet ring (if not on left), and or other. Two rings max. Good combos are thumb and index, or index and pinky. Wrist should have a minimal bracelet or two.

Key point of any item of jewelry is it should be relevant or have some kind of story behind it, adding depth and avoiding making you look like an overladen jewelry faggot. Good examples are incorporating birth stones, family heritage or religious beliefs.

>> No.13926177

I should also add, you can only pull of jewelry if you don't dress like complete shit. Some idiot wearing all that shit with cargo pants and a t-shirt is going to look like a retard regardless.

>> No.13926194

I like to accessorize sometimes either a chain or my gold playboy ring that I'm pretty fond of. Just keep it simple and don't over - do it.
Everyone telling you not to accessorize in these threads without giving you a reason not to are actually just insecure with their sexuality.
>The only jewellery a man should ever wear is his watch and his wedding ring.
The absolute state of this homo

>> No.13926259

My grandfather and father never wore anything, even wedding rings. "Men who use their hands don't wear rings". I think men's jewellery is a fairly new concept, so I wouldn't trust any "rules", but I think a conservative chain + a ring or two of similar metals is a proven style. It obviously doesn't work with athletic and workwear styles.

>> No.13926417

Men have worn jewellery and had long hair for thousands of years. Most of what people think of as old-fashioned/ traditional comes from arbitrary victorian definitions of what it meant to be "proper."

>> No.13926447

More then one ring is pretty gay, not edgy

>> No.13927115
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>> No.13927230

Des gay

>> No.13927349

I'm not married and bought a wedding band for myself to wear when I'm traveling and out at bars. Sluts get wet at the thought they're with a taken man. Fucking cunts they are.

>> No.13927366
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Can men pull of head cages? I think they look cool

>> No.13927420

>Men who use their hands don't wear rings
Let me guess, they're also the kind of men who think back hair is mainly and taking showers is effeminate

>> No.13927495

>Mens jewellery needs a meaning or story behind it

This is the worst meme I've ever heard. If you like it, wear it, that's all the reason you'll ever need. You think women have a story behind the jewellery they wear? You think kings back in the day had a story for every single piece of jewellery they wore?
No one gives a flying fuck why you're wearing a ring.

>> No.13927525

Youre dad and grandpa are a couple of dumb old bastards

>> No.13927552
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>i have no idea what i'm talking about

i bet you hipsters have never done manual labor beyond raking leaves. a guy at my job almost lost his hand because a watch got caught on the cams of a screw machine

>> No.13927562

You know you can wear a different outfit after work right?

>> No.13927570

The guy at your job is a retard
And so are you

>> No.13927572

All I'm saying is that what those 'dumb old bastards' said is completely true. Watches, rings and necklaces are totally hazardous in almost any industrial environment. Now I realize most guys don't work those sorts of jobs anymore, but thats the generation they came from and the advice is still true.

okay starbucks

>> No.13927755
File: 253 KB, 1280x960, 4562828D-DCB7-4A18-B9D2-E2ED9D0118E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I’m a Jew

What kind of JEWelry should I get

>> No.13927762

My dad wears a thin silver chain. It works on him because he’s muscular and won’t look feminine because of it

>> No.13927826

The point is that the sentence "Men who use their hands don't wear rings" clearly implies that only men who do manual jobs are "true men", which is a very philistine notion.

>> No.13927877
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Well, women who use their hands shouldn't wear jewelry either. If he said that, would the idea of a "true woman" even come to mind? I think you're reading too much into it. For people who work blue collar, 'men' is basically a synonym for people. I agree with what he said but not how you're interpreting it. For example, neither running a business or working in finance require much manual labor but I consider those both very masculine jobs.

I understand that a lot of blue collar guys do have this weird coping superiority complex. Either way, most jobs will tell you if jewelry is allowed/safe so its not very good boomer advice. I'll do yardwork wearing my Omega no problem, I used to do construction with a $500 Seiko. Machines are the main thing you need to be cautious of.

>> No.13927963

Oh ye

>> No.13928179

If youre using a lathe or something yeah, but unless youre doing something where you cant even wear long sleeves, it’s not an issue unless your watch dangles off your wrist or if you dont tuck in your necklace.

>> No.13928273

looks really nice, just take it off if you gonna do any heavy manual labor.

>> No.13928352
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a nice watch is the master race of men's jewelry, I don't have a problem with gold, this one looks super nice >>13922915

just avoid any of the designs that negros wear and you gonna be fine