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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 883 KB, 1024x682, 1516798179215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13887223 No.13887223[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about the appreciation of watches, as well as the micro-engineering and materials engineering that are required to make a functioning timepiece.

> Required viewing for newfriends:

> Discord

> Used watch guide:

> Strap guide:

> watch essentials 102:

Previous thread:>>13882704

>> No.13887234
File: 2.77 MB, 7392x5568, 1515184988150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F.Shitter really does make some nice watches

>> No.13887238

Thank you Kol

>> No.13887262
File: 51 KB, 624x624, 1532139601744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? You're not just shilling now you have to circlejerk as well?

>> No.13887264


>> No.13887267
File: 2.39 MB, 4032x1960, 1543064564199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13887275
File: 167 KB, 450x600, 6345A-2901-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on the Seagull 1963. I like the look of the dial, but it seems to be a bit chunky when ive seen wrist shots of it.

>> No.13887276

doesn't even through a nato strap on? the g shock?

Wasn't even into watrches when i was in the military and that was a must if you wanted it to be secure

>> No.13887286
File: 221 KB, 728x1240, 18.2290.679_01.C498_image_standard[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw endgame

>> No.13887289

I don't like it

>> No.13887293
File: 1.78 MB, 2307x1538, 5485CB81-A27E-471D-A4B6-AEC7751B571E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a drink or 6
>posting watches
Enjoy your day, /wt/.

>> No.13887298

I cant wait for you to post that you can't believe the weekend is over u repeating bitch

>> No.13887299

It looks too much like a fashion watch to me.

>> No.13887301

>Hating on hammybro
Kill yourself

>> No.13887302

Why so much Casio, a lot of what you have there is basically the same. You need to switch it up with something that stands out.

>> No.13887305

Have you thought about getting the original gshock square?
It would suit your collection and taste imo.

>> No.13887307
File: 593 KB, 2048x1536, A44ECB01-1861-45C6-8DE8-62F65AF271D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t beleive it’s still on.

>> No.13887309
File: 111 KB, 1000x921, 2017092500306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not in military or any rugged situation. I wear gshock to feel like a big man doing big things, they wrap around my wrist like a blanket and tell me I matter. Next up is a glacial gold and a DW-5900, then one day, this fucker

>> No.13887317
File: 103 KB, 1200x900, G-GW-S5600-1JF_a2_1200x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need to F5 before replying, yeah I need a square. Thing is though I am only trying to get 1 of each g-shock model, so buying a square isn't an easy decision. If the radio tower doesn't go down in 2019 for america, then I'll probably get this. Carbon fiber with titanium back, if not then I will probably get a newer one with a combi bracelet.

>> No.13887332

Aye, that's a pretty good choice.

>> No.13887350
File: 36 KB, 786x525, https _hypebeast.com_image_2018_11_casio-g-shock-dw-5900-walter-rerelease-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My original plan was to get that, and an oceanus. Both weightless on the wrist. Pic related and a glacial gold (will buy both at the same time) are up next, the DW-5900 might as well be a square form factor wise

>> No.13887365
File: 32 KB, 643x482, stephenh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of squares, RIP

>> No.13887378


>> No.13887385
File: 82 KB, 550x350, Omega-Watch-thumb-550x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roll digits for whether tax season will be juicy enough for me to buy an Omega aqua terra

>> No.13887389


>> No.13887395

Credit card it is

>> No.13887397

Looks like a Presage.

>> No.13887408

I'm crazy about the 8500 caliber. Wondering how much of it's changes like the coaxial are just memes but I really think it'll stand the test of time.

>> No.13887409
File: 575 KB, 2057x1200, stephen-hillenburg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steven Hillenburg, creator of spongebob

>> No.13887413

The guy who made SpongeBob died

>> No.13887426

Bro, they are trashtalking your collection on the discord.

>> No.13887427
File: 148 KB, 500x711, C0FB608A-1A88-419E-AD89-4E4422216DA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The newer ones have backup Bluetooth for time, vibrating alarm, lost phone function and more

>> No.13887433

People in the discord got very interested in Vagers.
We would love to drop some info(how do you like in it, how it wears like, what's the quality like) and maybe a few pictures.
Thanks mate.

>> No.13887437
File: 120 KB, 1024x856, 1517486593270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picture to grab attention

>> No.13887439

This isn't new retard, casio hasn't had "mail" or "calls" on the squares since like 2013.

>> No.13887443
File: 200 KB, 2048x995, class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just the one dude, didn't get any replies the first time so he posted it again. I am /wt/ , the quality of my pieces speak for themselves.

I really wish they didn't put "bluetooth" on the actual watch, idk it just bugs me

>> No.13887452

>it just bugs me
75% of the shit printed on digital watches is stupid marketing stuff so I don't see why it bothers you.

>> No.13887476
File: 721 KB, 938x704, monkeys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a stupid discord nigger makes a new thread early so they can advertise their gay clubhouse episode

>> No.13887485

Discord zoomers are the fucking worst

>> No.13887527

Pretty much on the same level as tudor or the other faggots

>> No.13887543

I'm guessing posting a discord, at least for these threads isn't something that can be banned? I forget where you go to ask mods about that stuff, but it seems like they should be able to. We aren't playing a game together or anything, it's just people posting there instead. There is no benefit and only 10 people (MAYBE) actually talk on it.

>> No.13887585

God I fucking hate discord fags.

>> No.13887617

Why does anyone even care? Its just a line of text in the op

>> No.13887624

Yeah maybe I was too harsh, but he should at least have some fucking decency and wait till the old thread is at bump limit.
This just messes things up.

>> No.13887627

Did you actually threadsplit 100 posts early? Actual trash.

>> No.13887628

>early thread
Let me just remind you all that if some OPs wasn't excluding the discord link(proper one, not one with missing letter), the "discord fags" wouldn't be so active about making new threads and advertising their 'cord.
>same level as tudor
Our combined efforts was the reason tudor stopped bothering us, and you.
>it's just people posting there instead
>only 10 people
There are more people active there than here.
More content. You can have private conversations. No captchas. Some people are only-discord at this point. Other topics too if you are into that.

It's your choice to join or not, we just want everyone to know that there is this option too.

With deepest sympathy,
Discord Admin

>> No.13887631

If they don't want to post in the thread they shouldn't come here. Might as well be a subreddit or some shit "hey guys, post here instead!"

fuck that, these threads are slow enough, the same 5 people can circle jerk here instead

>> No.13887641

Fair enough

>> No.13887654

>Implying the level of watch discussion is higher on the discord
Enjoy the same five people endlessly memeing the same worthless watches and spamming no wimminz aloud

> Private conversations, other topics
If I wanted Reddit I'd use Reddit

Don't threadsplit just because the op didn't post a link to your super sekrit club.

>> No.13887660

The perfect watch is a circle with twelve numbers, fwo hands, one dial, and nothing else is neccesary desu.

>> No.13887662

>Don't threadsplit just because the op didn't post a link
I'll decide that.

>> No.13887664

Or you can not come here at all, that would be cool. What you are describing doesn't sound like 4chan(nel), if you don't like the format of here then maybe stay off. You could try reddit or watchuseek of something too, I believe they also don't have captchas, private messaging, etc.

>> No.13887668

except it doesn't and it isn't a cheap seiko

>> No.13887674

From Discord

>Only reason I want the link the op is that newcomers could find this place. More people=better discord.

Yeah fuck off man, how about a better 4chan thread ya secret club faggot

>> No.13887682

>A better 4chan thread
Sure, make one.

>> No.13887686

What he doesn't realize that the more people he gets there the more it becomes like a 9gag comment section, it already is full of memes and shit.
I still use both on occasion, but very little actual discussion is happening, there or in this thread.
At least I can thank him for driving away the fucking tudorcuck, he was the fucking worst thing these threads have seen.

>> No.13887692

You guys are like women, no wonder you're always shit talking people with money who can afford certain watches.
Let the discord fag post his shit, I tried discord once and didn't like it but you're just bringing more attention to it with all your whining

Also the discord OP is no worse than the faggot who couldn't use the thread with the guy asking about JLC because he needed to make a thread with his horseshit greentext and the faggot with gay casios needed to post first

>> No.13887696

>We are on /fa/ now, hmmmmm how can we make this even worse? I know, a discord!! I love having a username, messaging, and heavy moderation! Let's try to get more people from the thread.

>> No.13887700

Go back to discord, or any other platform if you don't like it here. Just don't link it here

>> No.13887705

Yes, but over there you can at least be sure 75%+ of the questions and opinions posted aren't bait from shitoposters. At this point there only 2 or 3 posters to these threads I'd ever bother typing out a seriously reply to because I recognize them and now they aren't just baiting people.

>> No.13887708
File: 30 KB, 480x480, supreme_gentleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You guys are like women, no wonder you're always shit talking people with money who can afford certain watches.

Ps. Filtered, do not bother responding

>> No.13887709

They'll do as they please, faggot. You don't the thread of dictate how it goes. If anyone had that power they'd nuke you russian shitter faggots

>> No.13887712

If anything, you people are exactly like that fag
Go post a pic of your plastic casio on a nato strap, queer

>> No.13887715

go back to discord

don't come here then, stay on whatever other platform you like

>> No.13887724

Why would I go back to a place where I never was?
Go back to the time teller and tgv's comment section

>> No.13887725

I've been on these threads for several years and I'm not going anywhere. I just finally learned to stop trying to spoonfeed horology to shitheads.

>> No.13887730

Who are you?
t. Not anyone of these retards throwing poo around.

>> No.13887786
File: 1.47 MB, 3024x4032, 20181201_113528-3024x4032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning wt.

The 19GS was the first (only?) traditional mechanical watch in a ladies size.

>> No.13887790
File: 3.86 MB, 2990x2504, 20181030_230722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13887792

first 36k vph*

>> No.13887808

Nice 19GS. How's it run? I'm sure whichever watchmaker you one day have to bring it to will love working on a hi-beat that small.

>> No.13887811

>very little actual discussion is happening, there or in this thread.
I have seen multiple people say this. why not add to the discussion in either place instead of bitching about it. Last time i saw someone bitching in this thread about discord was talking about how people didn't know about some technical topic. Instead of correcting them or explaining it here they bitched about how stupid other people were. The thread is made up of only us. There is not horological jesus that will come down and start posting good watch related content. Be the change;etc.

>> No.13887819

of course the watch thread has the greatest concentrations of autists on /fa/ engaging in a 100 post long meta discussion about the quality of said autistic conglomerations

>> No.13887824

Runs excellent actually, I regulated it to -5/+8 spd in six positions iirc. Yeah, trying to figure out where to get it serviced, especially since, like the 45, there's no cheap donors.

>> No.13887838

Yeah we should send these fags back to /g/, like seriously, that'd be crazy if we did that somehow. Like what if we really got that to happen? oh man, we should do that

>> No.13887851

Okay this is epic

>> No.13887869
File: 84 KB, 1080x810, S-SARY082_1080x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this watch? yes or no

>> No.13887876

Any nudes?

>> No.13887885

Nah, it's kind of thick and big for a dress watch. Hardlex instead of sapphire. Kind of clunky

>> No.13887886

I hate date dials. Use a window ffs

>> No.13887890

We’re live! Get in here, guys.

>> No.13887903

That is fucking disgusting

>> No.13887913

>Literally who
When is the Craig show tonight?

>> No.13887921

craig is a yuppie faggot

>> No.13887960

Both of them are cancer, except the bearded tub of lard is ugly as fuck

How much?
I see they're around 500-600

>> No.13887984

I always envied watch owners. I hope to own a watch myself one day...

>> No.13888026

t. Slen

>> No.13888031

Why are people so mad about the discord? It’s just another tool.
I don’t use it but people were really nice the one time I tried it.

>> No.13888037

Based craigposter

>> No.13888049

Listen here you jamoke Craig puts out quality streams everyday while you are speculating on steel Rolex prices while eating off brand potato chips in your mom's basement.

>> No.13888053

Craig is a quality man who loves extreme beauty. I guess it's not your fault you are a little slow on the uptake since you probably went to public school.

>> No.13888085


Hes a fag