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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 242 KB, 780x520, whitesboots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13860966 No.13860966 [Reply] [Original]

All boot related faggotry goes here. Post your boots, ask for recs, get help and discuss leather care questions here.

ABSOLUTELY NO DR MARTEN OR SOLOVAIR POSTING ALLOWED! So sick of threads getting shitted up with people posting about those garbage boots. Make your own thread asking for Doc advice so real boot lovers can just filter it.

Helpful links:
>How to polish boots
>Learn about leather (long read but recommended)
>Common types of boot
>(Heddles also includes other helpful boot related articles so is worth a browse)
>other handy tips

>> No.13860975
File: 2.33 MB, 1920x2560, 1452379482238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was literally about to make this thread

need some new boots, i want them to be black suede or some other material, just not leather

>> No.13860976
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something like this

>> No.13860979
File: 262 KB, 1000x1000, cesare-paciotti-mens-sho-41395-4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but with maybe a diff sole that will provide better grip, but similar material/shape, design

>> No.13860985
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>> No.13860990
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>> No.13860994

Why the fuck would you think we want to see your nasty fucking toes in that resolution?

Anyway, check out Dayton's service boots in charcoal nubuck. Looks to be about what you're looking for.

Also suede is leather, just split, it's similar to roughout but roughout isn't split. I think what you mean to say is just not smooth leather.

>> No.13860999

yeah, no shiny smooth leather is what i meant

>> No.13861007
File: 487 KB, 1242x1570, 51D2C1F8-C341-4C02-AA9D-68D950201A11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evenin’ Gentlemen!

>> No.13861008
File: 33 KB, 338x600, blackoiltanroughout1_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just checked that link

these ones are perfect but kind out of my price range. Most i feel like spending is like 200/$250 max

>> No.13861014

With boots you get what you pay for. Pay extra for quality leather and a Goodyear welt and you'll more than make your money back over the many years you'll get out of your boots. Or you could buy cheap $200 crap that you have to replace a year later with another $200 dollar pair and a year later replace those and next thing you know you've spent more than you would have on a quality pair.

If you can't afford good boots then don't buy boots.

>> No.13861022

so you say those daytona boots are worth the $500+? they seem to be that price because they make them custom for you. I don't care about fit. I care more about look/style

>> No.13861025
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>don't care about fit
Never gonna make it. Just get Docs then.

>> No.13861026
File: 105 KB, 1400x1050, 1452382141749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like these are my current boots which i already posted but they don't make them in black suede material which is what i want

>> No.13861030

i mean idc about custom fit. Clarks fit me perfectly and theyre mall tier sale rack shit

>> No.13861031

Moc toes and crepe soles are some of the most nu-male cringe shit I've ever seen.

Post your glasses that I know you're wearing so I can confirm my suspicions.

>> No.13861032

Those look like shit. That welt looks terrible, holy shit

>> No.13861050
File: 33 KB, 591x352, bronzong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want chelsea boots but my friend says they're on the out wtf do I wear then

>> No.13861051

comfy though

look better in person >>13860975

>> No.13861063
File: 311 KB, 942x1182, irs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lookin' good anon

>> No.13861064
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Imma cop these and you can't stop me

>> No.13861075

See you in hell

>> No.13861077

Who makes good vegan leather boots?

>> No.13861080

No such thing. Go real or go home

>> No.13861112

But I don't want to support the enslavement, torture, and slaughter of sentient beings.

>> No.13861124

bugs are sentient and you kill them all the time

there is literally nothing wrong with farming livestock.

>> No.13861125
File: 1.52 MB, 4160x2340, IMG-20181121-WA0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are downstairs and I am too lazy to go down to get another pic but here's a shitty one anyway

>> No.13861131

>bugs are sentient
Disagree, or at least they are at nowhere near the same level of sentience as mammals.

Also I avoid killing bugs as much as possible.

>> No.13861311

>or at least they are at nowhere near the same level of sentience as mammals.

there is literally nothing wrong with farming livestock. you wouldnt be alive today if your ancestors didn't learn to farm. if humanity insisted on being vegan it would be extinct.

>> No.13861315

It's quite likely that I'm also here because one of my ancestors raped another of my ancestors, but that doesn't make it morally justifiable.

>> No.13861321
File: 1.91 MB, 1440x2560, 20181121_225451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown suede gang

>> No.13861322

any black friday stuff to keep an eye on in Canada?

>> No.13861329
File: 22 KB, 540x540, Taft_OnWhite_20170216-053-min_540x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a brown casual boot. Should I go with suede, brogue, or this crazy thing? Also what brands are good in the $100-$200 range?

>> No.13861341

if you think farming livestock is equivalent to human rape you have brain problems.

>> No.13861343

I didn't say it was, but it's the same kind of justification you were using.

>> No.13861345

You made the comparison. Farming is an essential part of human survival and you even have canine teeth sitting in your mouth right now, designed to eat meat.

>> No.13861354

Your argument was [your existence] depends on [thing] therefore [thing] is good.

Regardless, eating meat may have been necessary for survival in the past, but it isn't now. You can get all the nutrients you need without destroying other sentient life to get it.

>> No.13861356

>You can get all the nutrients you need
lmao, another weak sickly vegan

>> No.13861358

This is a thread about leather boots. You want to come here and virtue signal about your malnourished "lifestyle"? Do it elsewhere.

Instead of buying Made in USA leather boots, you want to buy some synthetic crap made in Asia from child slave laborers. Your priorities are fucked up.

>> No.13861359

Not as weak and sickly as your lack of an argument.

>> No.13861362
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>> No.13861365

There is literally nothing wrong with farming or leather products. You huff your own farts and own made in china clothes from slave laborers. You're retarded.

>> No.13861370

>This is a thread about leather boots
The OP says boots, nothing about leather. I asked about vegan leather boots.

>virtue signal
What do you think this means? What is the value of "virtue signalling" on an anonymous board?

>you want to buy some synthetic crap made in Asia from child slave laborers
I do? That's funny, I don't recall ever saying anything like that.

>> No.13861372

>There is literally nothing wrong with farming or leather products
As a sentient being myself, I believe it's wrong to cause the suffering of other sentient beings.

>> No.13861373

>What is the value of "virtue signalling" on an anonymous board?
Nothing, but you do it anyway. Vegans shit up any thread they touch.

>> No.13861376

Combat boots? yes/no?

>> No.13861380

>I believe it's wrong to cause the suffering of other sentient beings.
Yet you own a smartphone assembled by suicidal asian factory workers.

>> No.13861389

Only if you're 6'0" or above and not soi

>> No.13861394

What about a strong 5'10" and very not onions?

>> No.13861395

could probably work

>> No.13861402

You're right, I do. And I'm sure that extends to many of the products I've bought. But I do still try to make more ethical choices in what I consume. Just because I can't make perfectly ethical choices 100% of the time doesn't mean I can't try my best.

>> No.13861406

>You're right
Thanks, now fuck off you preachy faggot.

>> No.13861408

The thing is, all I asked for was non-animal leather boot alternatives, and I was the one that was told to "go real or go home." If you don't want a thread to become a shitfest, don't start slinging shit.

>> No.13861415

I don't think I will, but thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.13861418

people in this thread like leather. 99% of boots posted here are leather. The OP mentions leather care and types of leather.

Like all retarded fag vegans, you immediately start preaching about your lifestyle when people tell you to fuck off.

>> No.13861424

Oh god another attentionwhore vegan

>> No.13861436

>people in this thread like leather. 99% of boots posted here are leather
And I don't like leather. Non-leather boots exist. What's the problem?

>Like all retarded fag vegans, you immediately start preaching about your lifestyle when people tell you to fuck off
How about you stop insulting me for my beliefs?

>> No.13861453

Shut the fuck up you retarded vegan virtue shitter. Make your own thread and spam it with your holier than thou garbage.

>> No.13861456

YOU shut the fuck up you animal torturer piece of shit.

>> No.13861458

>ITT: Vegan, and anti-vegans create a perpetual faggotry machine.
Can we just talk about boots please?

>> No.13861460

Sure! Know of any good non-animal leather boots?

>> No.13861463

Imagine being this much of a non-vegan baby that you gatekeep footwear

>> No.13861465

No, sorry I don't.

>> No.13861468

Too bad. You'd think there'd be more options by now - seems like a very underserved niche in the market.

>> No.13861486

what brand / w2c?

>> No.13861549

I think """""DOC MARTENS(tm)""""""" or """""""""SOLOVAIR(tm)"""""""""" might actually have V*E*G*A*N~~L*E*A*T*H*E*R!!!!!******:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:))))))))))))))) boots.


>> No.13861568
File: 59 KB, 1000x600, 002928_1_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody have experience with Ahimsa boots?

>> No.13861607
File: 118 KB, 900x1080, kisspng-suede-combat-boot-shoe-adidas-keith-f-silverman-dmd-5b3a11b19c92a3.9037287615305322736413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13861608

Are there vegan docs? If so, that's probably a good option. Leather is so corrected it doesn't look like actual leather anyway.

>> No.13861611
File: 138 KB, 1200x800, 91fc433cd3e7bcf15f4ab89a5b339a3e5f367470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13861613
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>> No.13861615
File: 289 KB, 1000x840, 1460 vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah there are. These >>13861568 are also vegan.

>> No.13861620
File: 391 KB, 477x651, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got a cheap as shit pair of boots for like $65 for a semi casual occasion, thoughts FA?

>> No.13861633

These threads are Doc/Solovair discussion free. Make your own thread if you want to discuss them so we can all filter it.
The only reason I'm mentioning them now is to inform you. I'm done now.

>> No.13861668

>These threads are Doc/Solovair discussion free. Make your own thread if you want to discuss them so we can all filter it.
>all filter it
Big assumption to think that everyone else is also as cripplingly autistic as to shit their breeks at the mere mention of Docs. If you can jumpstart that grey slime in between your ears you'd realise the off the cuff remark wasn't even positive. Go sort your collection of piss bottles.

>> No.13861676
File: 18 KB, 395x322, 81mG4o-94QL._UX395_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Red Wing Heritage Moc Boots waterproof? Also, Do they last longer than Timbs?

I'm looking to replace my classic Timbs which I use for everyday casual use. The Timbs lasted 3 years and I didn't maintain them at all.

Will the RW last longer or is it better to just keep buying new Timbs? Are RW worth the USD100 price difference?

Would appreciate your wisdom fa

>> No.13861683

>I take 4chan super seriously because my opinions matter to anonymous people around the world on a Japanese cartoon image board

I know you're going to reply to this with some long drawn out response because you absolutely have to have the last word because it makes you feel better getting the last word to strangers on the internet. Go ahead.

>> No.13861698
File: 167 KB, 488x652, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these the most anti-/fa/ boots?

>> No.13861701

Probably. Those just look so cheap and plasticy. Like something you'd buy at Ross for $15

>> No.13861715

I take 4chan too seriously? You're the pissbottler trying to police which opinions about what boots get posted in the boot thread. Get a fucking grip.

>> No.13861740

It's my thread, I make most of the boot threads. I can say whatever I want.

>> No.13861743

I'm curious too. Really like these.

>> No.13861747
File: 17 KB, 518x690, footwear_180712_008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have experience with Our Legacy Camion Boot?

>> No.13861750

>I can say whatever I want.
So can I dipshit, it's kinda the point of the website. If you want to autistically police your own threads become a mod or fuck off back to whatever facebook group or subreddit you just blew in from.

>> No.13861779
File: 36 KB, 441x588, redneck_boot_sandals_brown__11499.1436296221.490.588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gf said she likes cowboy boots which is good cause i always kinda wanted to get a pair. The problem is i dont know anything about cowboy boots in particular. Any tips or suggestions? Should i even get cowboy boots at all if im not very "country" to begin with?

>> No.13861785

Why are most suede boots so ugly? Literally look like wearing dead rats on your feet.

>> No.13861798

im going to a very cold snowy asian country for a while and want some boots. i dont know shit about boots and only have 2 pairs. i want something modern. i usually dress pretty casual. need something comfy for a lot of walking. any recommendations? also i fi wanted to pull a blade runner aesthetic what should i get?

>> No.13861822

Check out Tecovas

>> No.13861833

There are these >>1386154
And there's also brave gentleman, novacas, and wills vegan shoes.

I would advise you to just buy secondhand leather though. It will wear better, last longer, and the chemicals used in making the plastic that passes for synthetic leather are terrible for the environment.

>> No.13861852

Beautiful, that ostritch leather is ridiculous, well worth giving up the toe medallion for.

I was going to get a pair while I was working in outback queensland because everybody larps as a texan there, just couldn't quite find one at my local outfitters that had everything I wanted.

Why not?

>> No.13861859

>>13861025 dumbiest shit i've seen

>> No.13862085
File: 24 KB, 400x390, 239-RARE-Mens-LL-Bean-Chippewa-Katahdin-Iron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be a better question for /out/ but what soles are good for a NE USA winter? Last winter I was slipping all over the snow and ice. I was thinking of resoling my boots so I don't break my neck walking to work.

>> No.13862086
File: 54 KB, 1060x1019, 11eyehawkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solovair 11 Eye Hawkins Boot

>> No.13862135
File: 14 KB, 225x300, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A full lug (pic related) is gonna be your best bet.

>> No.13862183

Lmfao the vegan redditor got stuck buying Docs

Poetic justice

>> No.13862191

I have 3 pairs of RWH including mocboots. My oldest pair (chukkas) is 10 years old, I've resoled them twice. Resoling cost ~100, but I think you could probably get it done for less. If you resole them once you'll probably come out ahead on cost, and holy fucking shit are 5+ year old boots comfortable. Around the 10 year mark the leather starts to crack unless you did a very good job caring for it.

I am a huge fan of my RW but there's some stuff you should know:
1. Toe box is huge. For me this is a godsend because my toes are huge but it makes the fit different. I take a 1/2 size down in RW, imo you should find somewhere to try them on.
2. I'd be surprised if any of the Heritage boots were waterproof. Resistant, sure but the midsole construction has exposed leather, and if submerged I think it will eventually be damaged for sure. If these are very serious work boots for you I would not buy Heritage, which is more of a luxury line.

>> No.13862209

This is everything I needed to know.

Thank you so much for the help, anon.

>> No.13862218

If Red Wings are the standard entry point for Americans, what's the UK/European equivalent?

>> No.13862237

imagine being mad over someone else being vegan

>> No.13862244

imagine being mad other people like leather and shitting up a leather boot thread

>> No.13862248
File: 320 KB, 1600x1236, 1487435175750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you okay with them creasing

I know it's inevitable and I'm telling myself I'll be okay with it but deep down I'm really questioning if I'll be comfortable with 2+ years worth of creases, and then resoling.

>> No.13862267

i'm not even him and am not even vegan lol

>> No.13862287

just bought some palladiums lads

>> No.13862294

He wasn't mad until others started shitting everything up though, just wanted recommendations.

>> No.13862300

Are palladium boots good?

>> No.13862312

Cause im not very country. And if youre not then people might call me a poser or something

>> No.13862370
File: 6 KB, 180x176, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snow boots that dont look autistic?

>> No.13862371


>> No.13862372

>1. Toe box is huge. For me this is a godsend because my toes are huge but it makes the fit different. I take a 1/2 size down in RW, imo you should find somewhere to try them on.
You mean your forefoot is really wide?
Have you any experience with the alden trubalance last?
It's pretty much the only boot last that's comfy for my fucking feet (foot). Right foot big toe likes to stick "out" (splay to the left, inward) making narrow toeboxes a no go.

I tried some RW moc toe model, 1911? It had a no. like a year, and that was too narrow.
What model exactly do you find works for you feet? Is it a special width?
I'd be most interested.

>> No.13862374
File: 529 KB, 690x1028, panama jack dover emery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one?
Any other rec for european winter boot not too expensive?

>> No.13862376
File: 30 KB, 736x736, bowrey-8525-blacksuede-profile-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13862378
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>> No.13862380
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>> No.13862382
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>> No.13862385
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>> No.13862402

why is it always so tryhard cringey with you guys I don't get it

>> No.13862416

I have no idea about the continent, as decent, europe-made stuff for a reasonable price basically doesn't really exist anymore and the market is littered with shitty foreign imports that are pretty much interchangeable. Seems like a sad state of affairs.

The UK shoe industry is another matter.
However, they cannot outdo the North Americans in terms of casual "can wear on my day off and it won't look out of place" shit, casual boots and the like that make RW all the way up to say, Viberg in Canada, popular. The closest they have to "casual", type shit is country footwear. So you're gonna have to like brogues.

Brand wise, for shit that's actually made in the UK, then it's either Loake's 1880 line (and solely this line; the rest is indian made meh), and Sanders as an entry level. I don't recall what casual style stuff's Loake's 1880, but I recall that there are some country styled boots. These two, from what I can remember, are the most affordable.

Going up in price you have Cheaney that's being a little more experimental and bold in terms of offering more than just "city shoes aka black capped oxfords" and "country browns aka brogue boots and bluchers".

Trickers was really wild at one stage and offered traditionally english country style footwear in a riot of colours and materials.
I wasn't brave enough to get a captoed shell cordovan boot in fucking violet shell (I got navy) but sometimes I wonder what could have been. They've scaled back somewhat but they probably still do lots of collabs. The collabs are almost always as casual as you can get coming out of the traditional English shoemakers.
(Solovair is UK made still, if that counts for you).

The Americans are lucky in that they have red wing and the like. There's a dearth of more formal makers though, as the fare from allen edmonds and alden are kinda meh in that regard by comparison (in style and overall quality: the UK makers shit on the US makers in terms of consistency of QC).

>> No.13862424

I don't know what would pass as snow boots as I've not seen snow for like 15 years, but I always had it in the back of my mind that if I were to leave my tropical messhole for some colder, snowy climes I'd look at the red wang icecutters.

>> No.13862443

First time boot guy here, anyone recommend a good pair for around $100?

>> No.13862444
File: 29 KB, 637x637, austrian memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying a pair of austrian meme boots. They tend to fit a size large, right?

>> No.13862477


>> No.13862525

i think creases look good in thick leather, obviously your opinion may differ. but yes, obviously your 5 year old leather shoes will be creased as fuck. i think this is an argument in favor of getting a tougher material, like the saddle leather

the toe box that works well for me are the heritage chukkas, i have two varieties and they both work well. i also have asymmetric feet, but obviously every pair of asymmetric feet is different so no idea if they will work for you

>> No.13862688


>> No.13862720

Real talk why does /fa/ hate BROWN BOOTS?

>> No.13862748

We don't. I actually just placed my order for some MTO White's boots in their brown oil tanned leather.

>> No.13862757
File: 47 KB, 499x499, 1411862015822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my heels hurt /fa/

>> No.13862759

Great answer, thanks a lot for this.

>> No.13862765

plantar fasciitis and/or heel spur
it's a bitch

>> No.13862777
File: 88 KB, 800x800, 1511117911733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in english doc
i got new boots and im grinding down my heels its not cancer
it hurts /fa/

>> No.13862781

where on heel does it hurt?

>> No.13862790

Nice to see CCP doing some new things. He also has a new model of drip sneakers coming out.

Glad he's experimenting again.

>> No.13862796

I've been looking for some brown boots myself. I was hoping to get some recommendations, but /fa/ just ignores whenever I ask. Guess I'll just have to go with Thursday Boot Company (tm).

>> No.13862797

i had blisters but i rubbed off the skin on top too so now its just flesh pits feels bad

>> No.13862811

blister bandages?
they're sticky as fuck and i could never get them to work
i hate breaking in boots
i've done it so many times for it to turn out that they don't fucking fit me well in the end anyway (the last just didn't work with my feet)
so now i just stick with the lasts and leathers that don't require my feet to fucking wreck themselves before shit "breaks in"
stop wearing them until you can cover your weeping sores and get that blister shit on them

>> No.13862816

the only things i've read about thursday is that they're super low quality junk that only just passes wearablity
if that's the only thing you can afford then whatever, but if you can hold off and save for something better, that's what i would do

>> No.13862821

yeah i put some band aids on but they just rub around as well its a big mess
probably just gonna spend the weekend by not going outside and trying to recover

>> No.13862827



>> No.13862841

yeah stop wearing them until you get some skin back
but there are specific blister bandaids
they're super sticky gel like things that cover a wide area and aren't flimsy like normal bandaids.
look for them at a chemist/pharmacy or whatever the fuck you have that passes for a dispensary
normal bandaids won't cut it.
they never worked for me because i would get blisters on a really odd part of my heel instead of the traditional place people normally get them on (right on the back; i'd get them inner side because my feet are fucking weird
look the blister bandaids up

>> No.13862862

I've had a pair for a year now and it's been nothing but great. I know the people here don't like them, so I was just hoping for someone to point me to something they consider better for about the same price point.

>> No.13862865

oh, one thing about those blister bandaids that just fucking ptsd flashbacked for me:
get them on when the blister is formed; if the skin's all ripped and shit wide open already you probably don't want to use them
i can recall, when i finally wanted to take them off, having to fucking cut it off bit by bit because pulling would've ripped skin off my fucking heel (the loose, ripped blister skin)
so it's important to put them over a just formed blister
don't be retarded and stick them on raw, ripped, popped blister skin like i was because of my impatience.
shit that was terrible
i had little chunks of that crap stuck on me for a while until it finally loosened in the shower and i wasn't game enough to rip off my own flesh to take it off

>> No.13862869

StrideWise i know for a fact got paid to give that positive review. He straight up admits on his website that he gets money every time someone goes through his website and buys boots.

Not sure about the other guy. His voice and face is too annoying i couldn't get through the video.

>> No.13862874

>paid youtube shills
so objective
manufacturer even comments on vid
so blatant

>> No.13862901


>> No.13862908

Literally shills.

A year ago fakespot.com gave them a D rating saying, "Reviewer(s) account looks to be generated by automation" and "Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is high deception involved." Bots and shills. Not to mention rampant deleting and blocking of people who said negative things about them on social media.

They've cleaned it up A TON, especially since people caught on and called them out. They've cut back a lot on the fake reviews and bots but they still have youtube shills talk up their boots for money all the time. I am extremely skeptical of any youtubers or celebs reviewing them.

>> No.13862989
File: 2.11 MB, 1242x1660, 9D1E2727-918A-4ACD-B805-E1632A573589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone ID these boots???? Looking to cop my first pair of boots

>> No.13862993
File: 1.91 MB, 1242x1674, 964F47C8-E327-4588-A58E-F0082BD46144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s another pic

>> No.13863065
File: 44 KB, 425x505, F-20030989-20030989-BROWN-HRPRODUCT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harry Rosen Canada and instore only

>> No.13863142
File: 1.27 MB, 1762x896, Untitled8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being vegan
>mu-muh morals!

Fucking haunted cunts, stop being so spooked, okay?

>> No.13863172

looks like an old worn down pair of Whites logger boots

>> No.13863188
File: 348 KB, 1500x1874, 4BAFEDDE-388D-4329-B460-A946531BCD80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did I fuck up?

>> No.13863220

get gel insoles bro

i got shin splints from my last set of boots. anything vaguely old fashioned will have zero padding and will jar your legs good

>> No.13863228

>real boot lovers

Also, real brit boots>american hipster heritage

>> No.13863232

If its just the stiff leather wearing at your Achilles then youre just gonna have to suck it up.
If its an actual pain caused by impacting on your heel then this is gonna sound odd but you walk wrong.

>> No.13863257

For your First boots get Dr martens (rage all you want autists) they don't really need any leather care, accepted by Normie's and its pretty hard to go wrong with a pair so you won't look tryhard or cringe.

Found them to be pretty true to size in my experience, maybe a half size big at the most.

Trick I learnt from my mother, put the blister plaster on boot where its rubbing against you. Could also try wearing a pair of thin socks over your normal ones - that usually works for me.


Buy what you want. Be your own man

>> No.13863264

i just bought some black timbs no i'm not black and from new york OP what are you going to do about it?

>> No.13863384

yeezy season 5 or 6 i believe

>> No.13863401


yes or no?

>> No.13863411
File: 312 KB, 970x626, DSC_3010_8a995c8a-a0dc-4f99-8820-ad91150c1be9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda want to cop a pair of black Timbs too. I think they look good and i don't feel they're as played out as the beige ones.

Should I?

>> No.13863412

2013 called

>> No.13863420

Ordered Wolverine 1000 Miles and they just showed up yesterday. Holy shit these are turds compared to my Iron Rangers

>> No.13863474
File: 112 KB, 1023x631, 20181019160457_af1006a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What boots do people buy for the winter? Is it cheap crap like this, or moreso the slightly expensive, leather work boot-ish ones you guys are all posting?
It's getting way too cold where I live. I can't say I know much about boots, and I could really use anything at this point, so it'd be cool to know.

>> No.13863574

no, how basic are you? fucking disgusting troglodyte shit.

>> No.13863592


Anything with a decent sole will be good and leather you can dubbin+wax

>> No.13863601

Literally anyone here would have told you that. Why did you order that crap?

>> No.13863604

Dr Martens

>> No.13863605

>falling for the chromexcel meme

How long will people unironically fall for this shit?

>> No.13863679

Wouldn't go with DM's the sole is too shallow, you want something more aggressive like

>> No.13863697

>9.5 foot in a size 13
Hopefully you can get some boots that fit properly.

>> No.13863698
File: 233 KB, 1200x1200, 50124_P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these any good? durability wise? anyone has them?

>> No.13863713
File: 29 KB, 900x675, 792FC4FF-8F12-48F6-B966-951774F94D6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13863725

what is vegan leather

do they just wait for them to die normally or something

>> No.13863743

Lmao, that'd be a better idea.
Its either plastic or for more "premium" items some weird pineapple skin shit

>> No.13863790

Whats the most general purpose color or style of boots for like casual leaving the house to see friends, go to the store etc.

I don't have boots for the winter that I can wear casually

>> No.13863830

Where to find this allsaints boot?

>> No.13863843

Best monkey boots?

>> No.13863848
File: 152 KB, 1280x850, 7FA7E5B8-DF6D-401F-BD54-E822DDC0D267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Want s pair of whites boots so bad..

Also would love a pair of wesco

>> No.13863872

kek i was looking for his comment

>> No.13864033

I'm going to get some light brown leather boots. Can't decide between brogue, or cap toe.

>> No.13864059

Definitely brown.

>> No.13864064
File: 772 KB, 1909x1432, feetsies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sometime last year I posted in a boot thread asking if Wolverine 1000 miles were any good
>some anon told me they were garbage and that Whites is better
>checked out Whites and fell in love
>bought a pair and it was objectively the best boots I own and I liked it so much I just ordered a new pair in a different leather
>tfw holiday season and it may take over 6 weeks to get made and delivered to me

White's is probably the best value you can get for the money. A completely handmade boot made exactly how you want it that is Viberg-tier quality for $300 less.

>> No.13864077

Here's a tip: there is no such thing as vegan leather. What you're getting is polyurethane, which is a type of plastic.You sign yourself up for a nonbiodegradable upper that adds to our species trash footprint. If you're concerned about supporting unethical farming practices feel free to reach out to family farmers that love and depend upon their animals to source your leather, but framing Plastic as a superior alternative to leather for moral reasons is dumb. Animal deaths resulting from pollution should be our priority if we want to have a real impact.

>> No.13864085

Please don't reply to him. The last thing we need is him shitting up the thread again with his self righteous shitposting.

>> No.13864103
File: 40 KB, 1200x630, ma_diesel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are my boots, they are great for stomping queers

>> No.13864109
File: 863 KB, 527x630, dddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what boots are thes?

>> No.13864115

I got gel insoles for one of my boots and it feels so fucking good I bought gel insoles for like my 3 most worn shoes. or you can just slide them into your other shoes too. I like to leave the original soles in the shoes too for double padding it fucking rules. I feel like I have cheatcodes on. I walk and stand in comfort while everyone else around me walks around in pain, and discomfort.

>> No.13864132

Not boots. Clown shoes

>> No.13864148

>boots that don't even have a midsole
Looking at you, Red Wing

>> No.13864152

Leather tanning is pretty bad for the environment though too, so that's hardly a good argument in favor of real leather.

As far as fake leather, it looks like there are some alternatives to polyurethane, but most of them are in still in development and haven't reached commercialization yet. One that has, Pinatex (based on pineapple fibers), has a wrinkly finish that doesn't really fit these type of boots.


>> No.13864158

Work boots just crapped out, was waiting for December to roll around so I could get the colour and style I want.

Found a decent temp pair in an op shop but they are in desperate need of conditioning. If all there is at the supermarket is cooking or baby oil and neutral polish, will some combination of that help to recondition the leather?

>> No.13864209

What are these??

>> No.13864238


>> No.13864272
File: 27 KB, 469x500, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Backpacked a night with these last winter, best I saw

>> No.13864308
File: 2.24 MB, 4032x3024, 0A3C1BAD-490D-4A3F-A8FF-D11EF74CCFF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13864310

I really wish Taft would sell in Europe.

They have designs no one else has. Not always good, but you'll be the only one in town with this exact shoe.

>> No.13864367

boots have been kinda ruined by every second "fashionable" guy wearing chelsea boots

>> No.13864394

Give them a wash with some hand soap, then coat the leather with baby oil until it stops being absorbed, overnight? then give it a wipe down to get all remaining oil off, then a few coats of polish and you're good to go

>> No.13864404

Like the other anon said, they're a beat up pair of White's.
Not loggers, but semi-dress.
It looks like a custom:
white's semi dress model
unstructured (ie. "no celastic") toebox.
single midsole
rubber half sole of some sort
dunno the last
dunno the width
dunno if lined; probably not
brass eyes and hooks
might be double stitch sole, can't tell
standard heel (aka not the traveler heel)
leather is anyone's guess it's just beat to fucking hell and those heels have just about had it and are in need of replacement
get any standard, non exotic brown leather and never treat it and it'll look like this and be on it's way to a shorter usage lifespan before you know it.

be careful of white's: these are they type of boots that definitely need to be tried on
most pairs you'll see talked about online are custom orders since the rtw shit that's available is always fucking boring.
they fit weird too; very pronounced arch support
might not be comfortable for everyone, but if they work for you they're reputedly the most comfortable boots for someone that's on their feet literally all day (say, machine shop, or, you know, forest firefighters "smokejumpers") etc.
you have to try this shit on in person to get a feel
same goes for nicks and all the copies that have sprung up in recent years

>> No.13864420

although i have no idea where they're readily available
tricker's really shit the bed the past few years "streamlining" their custom ordering process etc.,
there's bound to be a japanese collab somewhere - they go fucking banana's over tricker's monkey boots

failing that, based purely on quality of construction and materials, then the cheaney monkey boot
it's a new model; i've not handled it
just basing this purely off their reputation and the stuff i own from them so far
problem is, it doesn't look like the traditional monkey boot to me
have a look, it's probably not what you're looking for though

>> No.13864456

I'd have to say grafters. The original + they're near indestructible

>> No.13864508

Did anyone try jodhpurs? They look cool, but too flashy for some

>> No.13864567
File: 47 KB, 455x475, 1063467_mrp_fr_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Red Wing 3343 Blacksmith Leather Boots
>$210 shipped for black friday sale
this a good deal for a first pair of boots? need something versatile and easy to wear. these seem to be made of quality material, from what i've read.

>> No.13864583
File: 170 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20181123_15_27_18_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these Palladium comfy boots, its fucking cold here and they are perf.

>> No.13864584
File: 101 KB, 500x500, palladium-pallabosse-sc-wp-black-05938-010-m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13864587

Should mention I live in Florida, and don't need a winter boot.

>> No.13864606

yes, blacksmiths are good quality for $200 and dont have the bulbous toe box of other red wing boots

>> No.13864609

They literally have the toe. You're an idiot.

>> No.13864611
File: 80 KB, 870x1110, i-red-wing-iron-ranger-leather-boots-brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, they dont

compare them to iron rangers

>> No.13864617


>> No.13864623

where is that deal at?

>> No.13864647

It was on Mr. Porters. I just grabbed the last pair that was my size (12).


>> No.13864655

dang thanks.

They are doing a 20% off coupon for tomorrow though so I may still do that. I was literally looking at blacksmiths before I saw your post. Enjoy

>> No.13864692

no problem, man. good luck.

>> No.13864730

These have been shilled pretty heavily all around these days.
But are they actually any good?
>comfort of a sneaker
>overall feel and look of a (combat) boot
they're fugly as fuck tho

>> No.13864774

the most common sizes have already sold out, but At The Front is running a black friday sale on its prototype reproduction german ww2 boots

>> No.13864777
File: 423 KB, 1519x1046, levis_emerson-shoes-38295-0134_medium-brown_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I?

>> No.13864806

tongue slippage

>> No.13864844

They´ll be decent looking, if not for the branding. But it´s just your basic cemented low quality boot, so if you can´t afford big investment ATM, go for it.

>> No.13864895

Nah m8, You can’t go wrong with Danner

>> No.13864903
File: 229 KB, 1200x1200, danner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're fugly as fuck tho

For a combat/tactical boot I disagree. They don't look big combat boot style limiting options or looking like a larper. They could fit with many styles, tech wear, even things such as luncarcore etc.

>> No.13864942

Are Taft boots any good?

I keep seeing ads for them

>> No.13865039

Have you guys had any luck finding boots at thrift stores? Im about to go looking today

>> No.13865089

or maybe a military surplus

>> No.13865099
File: 14 KB, 395x324, 81J1SifHtDL._UX395_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I crazy if I like this pair?

>> No.13865122

They're superb for hiking. For fashion, nah.

>> No.13865128

ugly hiking shoes/boots are pretty on trend right now

>> No.13865263

Just realized that there's a redwing option:
2996 "lineman".
That'll probably be the best price for quality option out there at the moment.

>> No.13865275

>ugly hiking shoes/boots are pretty on trend right now

fashion victim galore

>> No.13865287

whether they look good is up to opinion but they're objectively a trend right now.

>> No.13865458
File: 92 KB, 868x1300, boot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on this one? please

>> No.13865461

Shape looks pretty old in a bad way, the ingraving on the top kinda ruins it too.
Still nice if under 80 bucks I guess, but this looks like something Walter White would wear.

>> No.13865462

You stupid fucking retard. They're made on the exact same last. The only real difference between them is the cap toe on the rangers and the back is slightly different. The Beckman is also made on the same last and has the exact shape.
All three have the same toe.
The Merchant is made on the same last as well but with an unstructured to, so it doesn't have the bump.

Please don't post in this thread if you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.13865468
File: 80 KB, 868x1300, bornboot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a $27 pair from nordstrom, this'll be my first pair of boots so im just looking for beginner ones.

How about these?

>> No.13865473

Don't know if they're good buy they are different. There's a kid in one of my classes who wears some and they look nice.
Can't speak of quality or anything, though.

>> No.13865481

Oh, well these look better imo, at least. But don't forget that unless you start pumping out 200 bucks and more you won't get lasting boots.

>> No.13865489

ok good to know thank you for your help :)

theres a good deal on docs but i know u guys hate them but they are kinda tempting

>> No.13865514
File: 88 KB, 868x1300, bootpublicopinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok hey last one, im liking these a lot

>> No.13865527

That's just my thing but I really like my docs to be honest. Don't see any problems with them for now and they're def worth it if you really can't put more than 200 in boots, but you'll be better for solovair that's for sure.

These are even better, if you don't mind the upper holes. Just get pants that can go with 'em

>> No.13865539

thank you!

ok so one more thing lol.

since ive never worn boots before could you style these with black pants? or strictly denim. im trying to go for all black

>> No.13865553
File: 104 KB, 1440x960, gavin-watson-dr-martens-skinhead-style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the last one you posted will go with denim, blue or black.
I guess you could take inspo from skinhead stuff, as they wear a lot of boots and denim. remember to cuff you pants and have long socks that don't slide down if you want to wear high boots

>> No.13865574
File: 69 KB, 500x384, 23436547 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13865578

any good sales?

>> No.13865595
File: 998 KB, 250x251, tumblr_m7swmtmv7n1rn95k2o1_250_zps880b4a1e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is goodyear a meme or not?

>> No.13865598


>> No.13865620

It's basically the gold standard for boots.

>> No.13865636
File: 57 KB, 640x480, 0408081827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw considering custom nicks for next season

>> No.13865642

Good winter boots a 5'7'' manlet can wear?

>> No.13865654

just like selvedge is the gold standard for denim and yet it's completely unnecessary
I'd like to know more about boots but it's hard to make the difference bewteen actual relevant arguments and pseudo elitism coming from people repeating what they read on the internet because everyone else says so
Well maybe I'm just trying to be a contrarian

>> No.13865655

it's a meme just like selvedge

>> No.13865657

Why do you not mention a budget? Why is it so difficult?

>> No.13865658

no, its just a glorified, yet unnecessary and deprecated production method

its often found on high-end boots but its not necessary for top-notch construction and often (on slim boots) even bad for the aesthetics

>> No.13865670

id on boots?

>> No.13865714

Because I'm looking into any reccommendations I get then deciding if it's worth it.

>> No.13865716


>> No.13865718

Crockett and Jones Coniston boot

>> No.13865726

Thank you

>> No.13865727
File: 122 KB, 1600x1066, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooooo, why is chromexcel a meme?

>> No.13865731

Because it's a boot with a regular shoe sole, also the stiching looks like shit

>> No.13865737

because its very low quality "leather"

>> No.13865749
File: 27 KB, 600x600, redwingmerchent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do merchants fit the same as iron rangers?

>> No.13865768

Where do you get it 300$ less please link?

>> No.13865782

thank u so much for ur help man really appreciate it

>> No.13865786


>> No.13865834

w2c? pls

>> No.13865875

It's very low quality leather they imbue with waxes and synthetic beeswax to make it appear better.

But it wears terrible and it's shit.

>> No.13865886

It's durable, general water resistant and resoleable.

>> No.13865889


>> No.13865903
File: 82 KB, 1000x1000, coniston_8637-7095-26_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just copped these.


>> No.13865933

What's better that Goodyear welted? Not Blake, not stitchdown and not cemented.

>> No.13865942

I had a pair of marc anthony suede boots that lasted for like 3 years and cost $45

>> No.13865943

Yeah, since they're built on the same last. Go half size down and you're golden.

>> No.13866022
File: 34 KB, 817x443, 14105838246011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw brainlett that cant find or pick out quality boots

>> No.13866056

Id on these boots? Theyre actually pretty nice desu

>> No.13866080
File: 59 KB, 195x839, boots2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c these boots?

Also, what are some boot recommendations for backpacking around Europe in winter?

>> No.13866102

Just pick docs, they're fine.

>> No.13866111

Just some shitty Docs. The stitching gives it away

>> No.13866127 [DELETED] 

How do you care for leather boots? The OP has a very nice guide about polishing them, but I imagine you don't do this every month.

I know you should use shoe trees and alternate, but do I need to apply like leather conditioner once a month even if I'm not going to polish them?

>> No.13866140
File: 2.25 MB, 994x1434, 12121212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you care for leather boots? The OP has a very nice guide about polishing them, but I imagine you don't do this every month.

I know you should use shoe trees and alternate, but do I need to apply like leather conditioner once a month even if I'm not going to polish them?

>> No.13866178

Anything nice for actual winter? Like, <-15c?
Waterproof would be ideal.
~300cad limit

>> No.13866389
File: 1.74 MB, 3024x4032, z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you were so close

>> No.13866397

Clarks Iron Mile

>> No.13866507

I think they're actually made in england docs, there's a tiny bit of brown leather in he picture right where the sides fold over the tongue

I'd actually made a little handy boot tips section in the sticky of the previous thread but retard op replaced it with his sperg about Dr martens.
Brief guide for most boots
Saddle soap them at the beginning/end of each season. Polish them whenever you feel like it.

>> No.13866514

Also, as its the time of year, if you're somewhere where you're expecting snowfall, load the leather up with dubbin and keep them nicely polished, the dubbin will help keep the boots waterproof and the polish will stop the salt and grit sticking to your boots which will destroy the leather. I'd recommend a polish with carnauba wax in for winter. I use kiwi personally

>> No.13866528

Cool thanks that explains things well.

>> No.13866530
File: 40 KB, 960x640, the-shoe-snob-mink-oil-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also you mention using saddle soap between seasons. The guy in OP mentions mink oil renovator, I assume they do the same thing?

>> No.13866539

What boots are these? I like

>> No.13866558

P. Sure he just took that from the shoesnob link I put in the op. Mink oil is better suited to dress shoes as while it does better condition the leather in a single application, it softens the leather a massive amount, it does however darken the leather slightly. I would recommend saddle soap as unless they're dress boots you don't want the leather that soft, saddle soap will also remove any cracked polish which keeps your boots looking nicer in the long run (unless you want to strip all your polish off once/twice a year) but yeah, they do basically serve a pretty similar purpose that's just my reasoning for going with saddle soap

>> No.13866596
File: 1.28 MB, 1440x2737, IMG_20181124_004304_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Black Friday picks from Allen Edmonds
Other boots in my collection include three pairs of Wolverine 1000 Miles, cordovan Daltons, Ariat cowboy boots, 8" mocktoe Danners, Allen Edmonds Yuma

I always need more boots

>> No.13866620


6'0 vs 5'9

>> No.13866644

what boot is this?

>> No.13866648

I have a pair. They're perfect for my job but look decent in other fits, waterproof, and comfy. The lacing is really nice and easy to tighten.

>> No.13866665

Diesel cassidy boots

>> No.13866667

leather is for faggots
quints confirm

>> No.13866687

>I can't make perfectly ethical choices 100% of the time
If you want good quality leather boots, this is one of those times

>> No.13866696

Lmfao no you fucking don't you total sperg, you've made the last 3 you absolute mong. And in those last three threads you've removed useful information from the sticky and added a rant at the start of it as well as not linking back to the previous thread

>> No.13866706

The gods of digits smite you for your heresy

>> No.13866707
File: 215 KB, 859x672, 182703M228002_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those aren't bad. Acceptable

>> No.13866712

Check the archive. He literally hasn't changed any of the links or anything, just the wording at the beginning that is meaningless
Kill yourself vegan faggot

>> No.13866753

why are vegan/synthetic boots frowned upon here?

>> No.13866758

Because this thread doesn't specifically say it, but it's leather boot thread, not just boots in general.
Vegan shit is made of plastic.

>> No.13866820

Because vegan leather is horrible plastic that looks bad and doesn't last, vegans don't seem to understand they can buy fabric boots for some reason and insist on horrendous not-leather

I'm not vegan and I put a little tips for people new to boots or something at the bottom of the sticky which is not there on any of this current ops threads. What was the point of you replying to me ?

>> No.13866913
File: 457 KB, 1000x1333, 5h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13866935

Why do so many of you insist on supporting the torture and murder of innocent animals?

>> No.13866938
File: 365 KB, 1524x2200, PI912K01E-Q11@10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright faggots. should i cop these or not?

>> No.13866939

t. vegan faggot who larps wearing leather

>> No.13866941

I don't like this new meme in these threads.

>> No.13866942

You call me a faggot, but deep down you know I'm right.

>> No.13866953

You do realize even if your vegan leather isn't real, others might not be able to notice the difference and just hop on the actual bandwagon, you absolute sperg

>> No.13866955

I agree - it's probably a good idea to avoid wearing anything that looks like leather, to avoid inadvertently supporting it.

>> No.13867121
File: 13 KB, 480x480, 36197020_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clarks Macoronic Hi. Anybody heard of these or know what they're like?Could them up for a great price bit struggling to find any info on them.

>> No.13867300

they dont look too bad, not really fashionable, but ok

>> No.13867303
File: 134 KB, 1354x696, timberland-6-inch-premium-boot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13867305


>> No.13867326

Why did you buy these boots in that size? You don't have a long foot especially. If there is enough room in the toe box for double your toes length then they are too big.

>> No.13867388

ID please

>> No.13867417

i think wheats r more versatile

>> No.13867644
File: 58 KB, 795x561, 14949715594453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are cheap (below 200-300$) durable (ones that you would actually wear in shitty weather, wet autumn and cold winters included), but still good-looking (so you can wear it to uni with jeans) boots made in EU? Basically, workboot equivalent that doesn`t need over-the-ocean shipping. I usually find some brogued dress boots with leather soles, but they are too dressy, would slip in winter and i don`t trust their durability.

>> No.13867822
File: 105 KB, 1523x1015, HD_0000161917_339104_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clarks batcombe Lord 100$
Thoughts ?

>> No.13867829

I'd rather have white skin or not be a construction worker

>> No.13868344

Looking for the exact same stuff my man, I'm considering these >>13862374 (panama jack) but I don't have much info about the quality and durability

>> No.13868789


>> No.13868853


>> No.13868870
File: 92 KB, 900x808, SOON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heritage Red Wangs
>Around the 10 year mark the leather starts to crack
>unless you really take care of them
my fucking sides
People loading tons of waxy goop onto overpriced plasticky leather meme boots.
It is what it is.
my fucking sides

>> No.13868877

>obviously your 5 year old leather shoes will be creased as fuck. i think this is an argument in favor of getting a tougher material, like the saddle leather
>saddle leather
holy shit, you need to get a vasetomy for the good of all mankind