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/fa/ - Fashion

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13838088 No.13838088 [Reply] [Original]

Is /fa/ satisfied with Grailed?
Specifically, are you happy with their buggy service and 6+% they get for doing absolutely nothing?

They just closed a deal for a $15mil investement, their website is a buggy mess, their app is shit, and they still didn’t add so many features that would make the community so much happier.

>> No.13838107

its not perfect but im fine with it. ebay takes 10% and has a smaller market

>> No.13838131

they understand that they have the marketplace market cornered so why try harder than they have to? their "grailed protection" is a meme and I've lost to scammers countless times because of their incompetence.

>> No.13838135

I got a lot of steals on it and they have most of the clothing that I'm interested in so I'm happy enough. 2 weeks ago I copped a Final Home jacket for 180$ which I think was a great price. Only thing that annoys me about it is that it doesn't say on the app where the seller is shipping from.

>> No.13838140

dispute on paypal you fucking retard

>> No.13838146

Grailed is the shit, I've gotten so many good cops. I've had only 1 out of like 10 purchases that was subpar

>> No.13838152
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It was better before they took a cut out and spammed the entire thing with hypebeast shit and supreme.

>> No.13838154

they pour more resources into scanning direct messages for bannable phrases than anything else

paypal is heavily pro-buyer and unless the seller takes all the precautions before shipping then they lose 9/10 times

>> No.13838170

If anything goes wrong , you're fucked. The customer support is honestly very bad, they don't even read the messages properly

>> No.13838198

Programmer here, if I was to create a Grailed alternative what feature(s) would make you switch? Is scam prevention the biggest problem?

>> No.13838408

Op here, would you guys prefer being charged $1 per listing you make but having no fee to pay upon purchase (except the paypal one of course)

>> No.13838411

do you have an ig? I might be really interested in what you are saying

>> No.13838418

A solid userbase that doesn’t flake every 2 seconds. But unless you’re able to take on Grailed’s user numbers i dont see people switching much. You dont have a market without the people trading in it

>> No.13838425

there are plenty of free listing promo ebay does, youre right though that the market on ebay is smaller for clothing

>> No.13838427

you could probably program out flakes actually. ebay has an option for sellers to require any buyer using 'buy it now' has to pay within 24 hours. you cant force people to complete a paypal transaction but that would cut down on buyers flaking on offers. it would also mean sellers have to post their actual lowest sale price

>> No.13838430

binding offers like ebay has, it would stop lowballing faggots

>> No.13838436

well yeah graileds inflated prices were in response to rampant low balling

>> No.13838448

i know, ive done both selling and buying. i say price is non-negotiable in the item description but ive had pms from people who didnt even bother to read it, or just offer $10 lower because they want a deal anyway. wish i could tell them to fuck off.

you could set up a marketplace so there's no haggling or offering, and buyers who don't complete the transaction are penalized

>> No.13838449

they seem to revel in the fact they cater to mouth breathers who can't dress, and have helped create a culture where people who like supreme now buy number nine and yohji and rick and all sorts of shit. their styling for things like grailed 100 is offensive but its teaching kids that its ok to dress like a clown as long as the internet approves of the individual pieces because theyre hype
i believe it, so worried about losing their tithe they forgot to make a good product

>> No.13838458

I don't care how bad is website. I just buy hi end stuff for up to 80% discount and some middle tier brands which I missed before final sale

>> No.13838496

I developed a whole functioning marketplace for clothing platform, with WTB ads and Trading options built-in, and I’m sitting on it.
We are not an american team, but we are looking for some more developers.
We won’t serve the US at the beginning.
We only care about making a good product and let the community flourish without robbing them.

People will switch as soon as they see a cheaper and better platform. Sellers only care about making money, buyers go where sellers go.
As soon as a FREE platform doing basically the same thing but way better people will be all over it.

>> No.13838508

No ig but feel free to email me at sine.exec@gmail.com

>> No.13838521

They market to teenagers and unsurprisingly that’s who buys this shit

>> No.13838566

the biggest problem is the newfag community of niggers and hypebeast chinks that dont know jack shit, scam, and have no taste.

blacklisting every single streetshit and niggercore brand is the solution but at this point i think the OG community of good buyers/sellers from sufu, sz, r/mf, fa has all been driven out by r/streetwear.

>> No.13838592
File: 473 KB, 1281x567, Grailed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no issue with Grailed, alot of steals on there

>> No.13838600


>> No.13838606

Surprising so many people are willing to settle for such a sub-par product.
Even without first hand experiencewith the site, their code is bad enough that even google analytics shits on them, even with all the money and manpower they have.
They must have over 1 million users by now.
And all it is needed is a cheaper platform to make all that go away.

>> No.13838627

>find your shit
The majority is always wrong but scrutinizing everything is just autism.

>> No.13838694

Not scrutinizing shit.
They had years to work on improving their product.
They have 37 emplyees, millions in investment, and no work ethics.
So much more can be done.

>> No.13838701

how does grailed compare to other sites like vestiaire collective and the real real for selling? where could one sell for the best prices?

>> No.13838718

different services.
both the real real and vestiaire look so old to me, slow and inconvenient.

>> No.13839334

It's not really Grailed's fault, but I'm having kind of a shitty experience with a seller right now. Bought something and the seller told me they'd ship it next day and to send them messages for questions. A couple days pass and I haven't heard back so I send them a message asking what's going on and no response. It's been almost a week now with no reply. I'll probably send another message soon and if they don't reply within a day or two, I'll just get a refund.

>> No.13839340

>you could set up a marketplace so there's no haggling or offering
That sounds super boring like Depop

>> No.13839922

This is pretty accurate. My account number is in the thousands but most people I sell to are in the hundred thousands not even tens thousands.
Half of the shit is just supreme garbage and all the nice stuff is wildly overpriced or sits forever. Hell there’s not even that many CP Achilles in white anymore. Most are nearly at retail or beat to fuck

>> No.13840548

its no less boring than any other kind of retail online shopping where the price you see on the website is what you pay. this would remove the unnecessary guesswork that buyers have to do to find the seller's true sale price, and the unnecessary price listing the seller has to do to prevent lowballing.

honestly if you think it has to be entertaining you've given yourself away as one of the reasons why the offer system is shit. you are the type of buyer to offer 50% of the list price then flake if the seller actually takes you up on it, all because you are bored and want a little dopamine kick

>> No.13840565

how do you tell your account number?

>> No.13840659

Use the site. Should say it when you click on your profilw

>> No.13840687

Most of the features I've always wanted to see on Grailed involve the fitting room. The ability to make folders, or at the very least the ability to filter by designer/category within the fitting room is needed. Also the ability to create outfits using what's in the fitting room could be kind of fun.

Something that is absolutely necessary is a feature that let's you blacklist certain brands. The amount of Uniqlo U shit listed as "Uniqlo x Lemaire" I have to dig through whenever I'm browsing Lemaire listings is horrible.

>> No.13840694

Absolute trash service

>> No.13840774

>paypal is heavily pro-buyer
No they're not all you need to do is post shipping information to them which is very possible to do when you've actually delivered the product

>> No.13840785
File: 44 KB, 940x562, Screenshot_2018-11-14 Messages - Grailed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't see anything. blanked username for privacy

>> No.13840864

look at the url

>> No.13840871


>> No.13841104


>> No.13841313

>Check photos of clothes on Grailed
>American seller
>Brown hands
Every single time

>> No.13841324
File: 56 KB, 491x585, 1489685551379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buyer is from canada
>province is bc or ontario
>last name is nyugen, chen, or dong

>> No.13841334

>He thinks this is a steal
You can thrift better.

>> No.13841346


>buyer lives in canada
>is actually an east asian immigrant who gets really angry when you don't want to ship to them

>> No.13841600

I've purchased about 170+ things and have been scammed about 4 times but I always got my money back.

I've sold 300+ things and only had problems once.

Fees could be lower but there is a user base that buys things on there which is great.

>> No.13841688

What is this platform that you speak of?

>> No.13842457

The one I developed. I won’t serve the US right away, first I’m bringing the service to other countries that still don’t have it.

Does your purchase history work? G is so buggy and slow. It’s actually way below average speed.

>> No.13842789

Whoa number nine has some really nice stuff. Their pants are great, the blazers are fantastic, very nice graphic t shirts, and some beautiful suits. I'm eyeing a tux right now on grailed. But I will say I don't know shit about Yoji and Rick is only good for the leather jackets.

>> No.13843124

>Does your purchase history work? G is so buggy and slow. It’s actually way below average speed.
Its slow to load it takes a few seconds every 5 or so things.

>> No.13843155
File: 4 KB, 333x102, 2018-11-15 08_14_36-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Grailed as a seller. You can bump for free, which is a huge feature compared to it being nonexistent on other platforms - but unfortunately any problems between the buyer, it's handed off to the Paypal team who knows fucking anything about clothes

Other complaints against Grailed concerning brands or community, well what to you expect? Youre buying or selling 2nd hand clothes or marked up cops from randos

>> No.13843157

>it's another "im going to make a better Grailed" post

every year lmao

>> No.13843181

I got stung by Paypal because the buyer paid in a different currency and I had to pay conversion fee.
Is there a way that forces the buyer to eat this fee?

>> No.13843207

I've never had an issue with this. And I use a phone.

>> No.13843364

Never had a problem as a user since 2013.

>> No.13843395

number nine is fine but im saying the people buying these brands are now more intrestested in hype shit rather than actually dressing well and its negatively affecting the 2nd hand markets of good designers

>> No.13843399

Just message them everyday and try to stress them out. Don't worry too much about it.

>> No.13843422

Kek I bet, but nobody has the consistency to finish a project.

Launch will be in a little.
I could easily drop it here and get free users, but I don’t want drama.
I’ll just stick to my plan, hang in there boys.

>> No.13843424

another error grailed does. they should have deactivated that with the paypal api, but they are fashion posers, not coders.

>> No.13843842

lmao not gonna happen

see you in the same thread a year from now

>> No.13844758

;) I’m screenshotting this.
See you as my banner when I decide to add english.

>> No.13844765

I recently found out a platform called vinted and am amazed at how well it works and all the options it has.

>> No.13844811

nice catch.
We are too close to launch to add some features, but if I find some interesting ones I can add them to the Xmas update.
Also, that play on names... Graield, Vinted...
This one also works with bumps and pricedrops?

>> No.13844815

Looks like Vinted is older (2008), I guess it’s the Grailed guy who got inspired by the functioning and name.
Still, with 150 emplyees and a decade of work, this could have become so much more.

>> No.13844856

I actually sold my lone item on there, to an asian Wong in Markham, he gave me a 10/10 feedback so was cool

>> No.13844873

Yeah works with bumps but is so much more intuitive than grailed.
Messaging is FB messenger style.
Users can reserve items and there's built in buyer protection etc.
Check it out. Lots of good ideas.

>> No.13844891

scam prevention is the biggest issue for me yea and also so many time wasting fucks askin stupid messages and giving shitty offers.

>> No.13844922

Our chat is also messanger style, it’s super fast, but it isnt push (yet).
What do you mean by built in buyer protecion? Isn’t that managed by paypal anyway?

Our goal is to make our website as cheap as possible for users.
We still don’t know how we will monetize (the site will be free at launch).
Many people in the team think some sort of subscription model with pro accounts would be a way.
Or just a very low subscription fee which would also keep scammers away ($5/year or something), because even if you end up selling just 1 item, it is still cheaper than any other platform out there.

Right now the platform is 100% finished (we are testing the payments this week, then we will apply translations and upload our starting catalog)

>> No.13845752

Or like 1 dollar for every sale. You can turn it into a marketing case.
"It will cost you only 1$"

>> No.13846865

this would be useful

>> No.13847350
