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File: 386 KB, 750x560, IMG_4231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13838941 No.13838941 [Reply] [Original]

How does being bald and bearded make yo go from babyfaced to tough guy? It doesn't work with non-babyfaced guys. They're just regular looking but now bald.

>> No.13838952

lmao people really believe the "shave and grow a beard' self improv shit.

>> No.13838962

It just makes old white guys look like assholes and people looking like that usually are assholes too

>> No.13839017

like he already doesn't look like an asshole with that corny ass comb over
>>13838941 like that he looks like a fucking jeff bridges in first iron man movie. fuck is you talking about

>> No.13839026

Left side is preppy, country club-core; comes from old money

Right side is boomer-core/low IQ subhuman

>> No.13839100


yeah I guess thats what it is

>> No.13839112

Is Trump really old money ? his wealth started with his father and his interior designing tastes are horrible, from an apolitical point of view.

>> No.13839135
File: 22 KB, 615x420, Frank Gehry is my hairdresser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Right side is boomer-core/low IQ subhuman
I agree, when it's a younger man. It doesn't look like a boomer cope on 45+ ur olds. Left definitely doesn't look like old money though. It looks like ridiculous insecurity. The time it must take him to assemble this mess...

>> No.13839140

And here's an example slicked back. Still looks 100x better than that thing on his head.

>> No.13839143
File: 80 KB, 1855x969, much better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.13839271

trump's hair is a brand, if you don't understand this it's time to stop posting.

>> No.13839319

not to mention he's fuckin 71 years old
making fun of an elderly man for being bald is toddler tier

>> No.13839323

nah, i love trump but he eats McDonald's and ketchup.

>> No.13839370

Dude's as 80s nouveau riche as it gets. Right down to the trophy wife.

>> No.13839388

Braindead lefties actually buy into the whole "drumpf is old money XD" meme that CNN spouts, but he's not. His grandfather earned some nice money, his father got a nice haul, and Trump himself made himself rich, but he's not old money; he's the first in his family to be truly wealthy, and arguably the last unless Barron actually is some 999IQ prodigy because his sons are most likely not capable of keeping the money in the family, Ivanka has willingly sold herself off, and Tiffany is Tiffany.

This is actually something that Trump has bitched about btw, in Art of the Deal he complains about how Old Money snobs in the New York area would pal around with him to try and get money (because most Old Money are, in fact, not actually all that rich) and then shit on him in private because he's noveau rich. He ended up just deciding to say fuck 'em and live like a tacky burger king while leaving them in the dust.

>> No.13839412

Amazing, I could actually hear the sounds of you masturbating as you typed this.

>> No.13839476

I honestly don't think there is a chance in hell he'd have won if he was bald. Everyone knows it looks like shit, but I think everyone subconsciously hates the bald look more than his shitty comb-over.

>> No.13839485

>It doesn't look like a boomer cope on 45+ ur olds

Oh yes it does.

>> No.13839489

absolutely. Who the fuck wants a bald president? Not me.

>> No.13839865

Calculated response number z04235

>> No.13839880

Except his skull is way smaller than that. If he really shaved it he'd be a peanuthead

>> No.13839888


left is our dimension, dumb, spoiled draft dodging reality television star and constant national embarrassment who natural 20 luck-rolled an unexpected presidential victory by the skin of his teeth.

right is an alternate dimension version of Trump who answered the call of the draft and became a much more wise and intelligent military officer and eventual general, turned respected leader of the free world who won in a landslide political victory.

>> No.13839900

>everyone subconsciously hates the bald look more than his shitty comb-over.
bald-ING looks like shit. shaved heads are quintessential tough guy and women find them very attractive, assuming you otherwise fit the image and aren't a hipster, gangly nerd, sóylord, etc.

>> No.13839910


>> No.13839936 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 634x615, 3C0FCF5900000578-0-image-m-22_1484185983563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder to that the buzz/beardpill

>> No.13839944
File: 33 KB, 600x400, pjimage-41-600x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder to take the buzz/beardpill

>> No.13839951

If you're already noticeably balding and can't afford some kind of hair restoration bullshit, it's almost always an improvement unless you've got poor skull structure.

>> No.13840591
File: 13 KB, 320x320, 9fa17fce0ef1e6911470562b9df4cec7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who the fuck wants a bald president?
Russians do.

>> No.13840613

>I spend half a hour EVERY day to shave my head and use all kinds of ointments and aftershave to heal all the cuts and other inconveniences to attract women
You're such a sad male, real men don't give a fuck what women think you beta soiboi pussy cucklord

>> No.13840616

That's because Russians know what real men looks like. Putin is pure testosterone and people respond to it. America is such a pussified nation that they want men to adhere to what women think is attractive.

>> No.13840658

Putin just went for a clear cut and his test made his hair fall naturally, shaving is for insecure fags that do "what the ladies want'.

>> No.13840754

He has hair. And it's on his head not on his face.

>> No.13840763
File: 7 KB, 400x300, wlts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just shave it, women love that shit.

>> No.13840920

Doesn't Trump have gold leaf on his ceiling? He's so new money he'd make Gatsby faint.

>> No.13841017
File: 183 KB, 1000x665, fguGwia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't lie, Putin is beta fag, but you shill for him 'cause he's white, give you a false sense of nationalism.

>> No.13841018


>> No.13841093
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He has hair. And it's on his head not on his face

>> No.13841295

Obama looks good clean shaven though. It helps that he has an actually well defined chin, unlike Trump’s wattle.

>> No.13841344

People with beards look like they're hiding something. Just like manlets who wear lifts.

>> No.13841391
File: 311 KB, 644x360, 1788533e7b3abf0514c9eee6e05559fd9ca83e15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master race

>> No.13841449


>> No.13841644

Shit he actually looks respectable on the right

>> No.13841653
File: 754 KB, 750x560, 1542149525855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from here on out you're big boss

>> No.13841656
File: 357 KB, 910x752, 1517865315167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only correct response in this thread. Shut it down.

>> No.13841659

The Boss is a better fit for him.

>> No.13841667
File: 60 KB, 800x533, bc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13841684

photo shopped perfect bald head shape isn't the reality

>> No.13841693

look at his thin little lips... it's hideous

>> No.13841833


Yeah I know, the dude has had the same haircut for his entire life. But he just made a good example of what I was asking.

>> No.13841837

\Also I asked a legitimate question but because the picture happened to be of Trump, the whole thread immediately derailed. Trump is awesome.

>> No.13841993

it's one thing to be bald. it's another thing to cower and hide it.

>> No.13842004

>i-is w-what the ladies want

>> No.13842005

>Obama looks good clean shaven though

>> No.13842011

who are you quoting?

>> No.13842406

Objectively, putting politics aside, Donald Trump sounds like a really interesting guy. It's a shame that any movie ever made about him in the future will just be about how he became president after Obama and was literally Hitler.

>> No.13842410

don't act like you wouldn't do the same if you had the money

>> No.13843252

Honestly this would work for trump assuming his beard isn't a weird fleshy blonde like his hair. Covers up his jowls and eliminates all those silly floppy hair pics. I doubt his advisers would let him do it though, the only way presidents ever change their look while in office is aging heavily.

>> No.13843258
File: 668 KB, 1242x1729, C7A21EAA-B2EC-4D2D-82E3-CBAC71B95B69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13843272

Hurfff glurg um

>> No.13843273

He probably has a lumpy scalp

>> No.13843277

Looks too much like a terrorist with the beard

>> No.13843283

Nice. w2c a dad?

>> No.13843298

Politicians must shave because they need to look friendly and not scary

>> No.13843302

Hurfff Glurg Um - around the corner from H&M

>> No.13843780
File: 71 KB, 634x577, 3BDD85E500000578-0-image-m-26_1483616019741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13843896

Gone from 3rd sexiest recent world leaders to a generic east african politician.

>> No.13843930

fucking delusional thread what is this shit

>> No.13844728


The guy literally made less money in the fucking NY REAL ESTATE MARKET, the most profitable investment opportunity in the entire US (apart from some tech companies) than he would have made if he had put Daddies money in an index fund.

>> No.13844804

I have a similar hairline to Donald Trump's, but I also choose to style my hair more forward. In fact, I like the hair he's had for the better part of his lifetime. It's a little thin looking, and the parting on the side is a little too low, but it's his look.

>> No.13844812

The Donald should shave his head, don’t his supporters think his combover is weak as fuck? His hair is a metaphor for everything about him

>> No.13844816

Trump has never made money thanks for trying

>> No.13844819


>> No.13844821


>> No.13844919

he doesn't have stubble though. I doubt he can grow a beard

>> No.13845979

>implying he would´ve made hundreds of millions of dollars by investing 1 million USD (roughly what his father gifted him) in an index fund and let it sit there for 40 years
Math is not your strong suit, is it?

>> No.13845999


Trump is not old money.

>> No.13846009

More like boss baby

>> No.13846062

The "tough guy" impressions doesn't come from the actual haircut itself, but from the fact that "old man" is taking control of his image as he gets older. Nothing is worse than the 75 year old with the jet black dyed hair, or the guy with the comb over....Trump is clinging to a hairstyle that is outdated and has alway looked silly....Shaving his head would be badass because it would prove that he gives zero fucks.

>> No.13847260

You got it the other way around, it makes you look like more of a baby face.