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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.55 MB, 1125x1311, 78C709A3-36E5-4429-BE42-F292BB706890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13835717 No.13835717 [Reply] [Original]

Siri Lehland

Norwegian mtf model

>> No.13835721
File: 128 KB, 1024x625, 9A9ACF30-25EC-42F2-8C74-F62429B47F97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the cover of Elle.
God bless hormones

>> No.13835724
File: 97 KB, 571x557, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, show body, you disgusting fags. Still a guy.

>> No.13835726
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>> No.13835728

i wanna suck those titties

>> No.13835730
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>> No.13835735
File: 168 KB, 905x594, acsac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice cherrypicking

>> No.13835742

What do you mean? I actually thought she was a girl up until her Elle story came out

>> No.13835746
File: 1.20 MB, 1125x1397, ACC97966-197D-4493-B7B7-7B0250AFEF8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m more into thinspo type girls so I didn’t suspect anything lmao

>> No.13835814
File: 221 KB, 1200x679, 202EFABD-F9C6-406B-AC42-43B0804BF613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still can’t believe she’s trans

>> No.13835822
File: 178 KB, 600x880, dbdfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, but fuck your gay shit.

>> No.13835844
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>> No.13835847
File: 472 KB, 720x900, D770D81F-9102-4BAD-9630-E101B2F96509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m honestly annoyed because she looks good. It should be illegal to be trans and not look obviously trans

>> No.13835853

Frick, he’s*

>> No.13835855



>> No.13835857

> she
He is 17 years old and has ruined his life because of hormones.
You can already see his malnourished frame, receding hairline which will no doubt lead to balding, and clear brain damage to think that he is a girl.

>> No.13835859
File: 21 KB, 500x312, 78476a4ee7a8b5b1caf4949491bff335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being such an immense fag

>> No.13835860
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>> No.13835863
File: 432 KB, 720x900, BC597323-8ADB-408C-BAC6-5D1BF9FC5CD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s unfair that he’s trans tbqh. I don’t think his hairline is receding, just a Nordic forehead and “malnourished” is just being lanky & “thinspo”.
If only he wasn’t trans

>> No.13835867

He looks like he has cute feet. Post photos of her feet.

>> No.13835872
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>> No.13835881

Wwyd if you find out after taking her home that she’s not really a girl?

>> No.13835907

>he's never watched the crying game

If I saw her IRL I would just think she was a pretty 12 yr old that might one day be hot. She (he) doesn't really look like a woman or man.

>> No.13835926
File: 1.87 MB, 1125x1392, DF56E7EF-DAD1-4858-AAEB-6DEE46476849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s womanly enough if only she were a real “woman” though.

>> No.13835940
File: 751 KB, 1125x752, A23C270C-15FE-4270-9D7A-CDA16D7EB263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the odds he suicides knowing the rates of trans suicides?

>> No.13835960

I'm glad people with this mental illness are now free to take themselves out of the gene pool like gays. 50 years ago this kid would have suppressed his illness and procreated.

QT traps are a nice byproduct.

>> No.13835963

The good looking ones don't kill themselves. They are ultra rare though.

>> No.13835969

for being as transphobic as you are, you sure do love posting and talking about her.

>> No.13835986
File: 583 KB, 1125x831, 5FA11702-67C6-4CBE-92B5-62380FF958EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am transphobic yes but I also do have a crush on “her”, I knew of her before her story came out and it’s conflicting. Tell me you wouldn’t.

>> No.13835993

it's almost as if sexuality isn't a black and white concept

>> No.13835996

No, it’s almost as if I’m attracted to feminine features

>> No.13836016
File: 742 KB, 1125x1242, 4FAB89E2-12D9-43D9-A810-BA19FF4CDEBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, what if they’re like the “happy” people who don’t show signs?

If she was a real girl, it would be a waste if she didn’t procreate.

>> No.13836023

physical attraction is rooted in sexual desire. but she has a penis, right? what does that make you if you're so attracted to her while knowing that? sexuality is fluid, who cares. you don't need to keep reassuring yourself and everybody else about how straight you are. it doesn't matter.

>> No.13836042

vice is pretty shit but you should read this https://broadly.vice.com/en_us/article/kb4jw9/the-straight-men-who-have-sex-with-trans-women which goes over a man overcoming his insecurities about being attracted to trans women. you might be able to relate

>> No.13836055

I’m not insecure lmao nor am I trying to overcome this. Her face is just a waste because she’s trans

>> No.13836083

imagine curbstomping this fags head in haha

>> No.13836087

You yanks sure are violent

>> No.13836121

Nigga she gay

>> No.13836140
File: 1.07 MB, 1125x1209, D2D877A6-5935-4FDA-90CB-16FABE8CDA0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is very much true.

>> No.13836144

The absolute state of Scandinavia. These fucking nordcuck degenerates are responsible for ruining Europe

>> No.13836149

Damn, not even hormone replacement can change manhands and manfeet. Shame, she's cute. But not her hands, nor her feet.

>> No.13836156
File: 834 KB, 889x1118, 0B4CBF06-58CE-4915-A9A3-0C5E9DEFE31C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least this trans doesn’t do the pride bs

>> No.13836173

no but this trans is still mentally ill

>> No.13836180
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>> No.13836199


>Norwegian mtf model
So... A dude?

>> No.13836208

Yes who used hormones to become “feminine”

>> No.13836219

whats manly about her hands and feet?

>> No.13836247
File: 1.51 MB, 1125x1135, BB518DFE-4DE5-4202-8303-1C641BA43026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea

>> No.13836251

I can see “him” in this one

>> No.13836587

She cute. You sure she’s a dude?

>> No.13836596

but having a dick or vagina is. don't be obtuse

>> No.13836605

sigh. i'm a faggot.

>> No.13836631

>Her face is just a waste because she’s trans

I don't understand this logic. She's cute, she models. Her face isn't being wasted. Why does it matter that she's trans? It affects nothing about anyone else's life.

>> No.13836707

I wanna see his penis.

>> No.13836736

Hah. like such a thing exists.
You faggots are a hoot.

>> No.13836788

>>13835986 especially you
>>13836631 you too

>> No.13836888

Is she not attractive?

>> No.13836915

I don't think it's transphobic to pity these men pretending they are women, it's truly sad how they ruin their futures for some delusion. They never will look like a woman. This guy being as attractive as he is (not gonna lie, i'd do him) is an extreme outlier. I rather they learn to live with their disorder instead of encouraging them it's normal. That's really transphobic...

>> No.13836936

Being accepting to trans people is not transphobic. Pushing them to kill themselves is transphobic.

>> No.13836938

freaks like this should be rounded up and executed

>> No.13836943

So you have a bunch of freaks who are hideous to look at, will never be accepted by people who aren't so indoctrinated by liberal beliefs that they actively pursue their double think (these people are hideous but i have to accept them) and they can never have a normal life with children because hormones fuck up their reproductive organs. Not to mention the costs and stress to the body that those surgeries cost, and they are irreversible.

Yes, very open minded of you, you literal blue pilled NPC moron.

>> No.13837145

No, ‘she’ looks like what ‘she’ really is: a teenage boy with severe mental problems

>> No.13837156
File: 268 KB, 1200x1600, 0ievkFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also confused by the whole "model" bit. thin, blonde, etc but i'm used to models looking "different" in some way. i get he/she is attractive, but it has a plastic surgery face...that's not normal model material.

this pic especially is like Instagram model but not "real" model. got brit face round forehead syndrome, personally find that feature really unattractive regardless of gender

>> No.13837161

The problem is they're treating MTFs like they are actually women.
Morbidly obese girls all over the planet can pretend they're attractive because a heavily photoshopped fat woman appears on magazine covers: but no amount of magazine covers will let an MTF think he is attractive, passable or sane.

>> No.13837248

Except when we are young and have access to hormones early along with supportive parents who allow us to socially transition before puberty we have seamless lives from our cis counterparts.

Idk, you can scream into the void but I am a success story and I have 63 young people 13-19 that I've supported over the past 3 years that will go out into society being completely assimilated and happy. None have turned back, none have wanted to.

Surgeries aren't in the minds of most of them immediately. Idk, seems like your afraid one if these days you're gonna fall for a trans woman, not know that and be worried you're a faggot for that attraction.

Well to be honest I can tell you now dude, you already are one. Continue to obsess over our genitalia though


>> No.13837253

may i introduce you to the radfem community? they're batshit insane, but the one thing they have right is that trannies are cosplaying as women. it's very strange that trannies are probably the most liberal, open to all genders, etc...yet they all dress like super antiquated versions of females. normal women don't wear pink dresses, bows, and thigh highs. trannies are a caricature of women, and real women are starting to get pissed at it. how can they claim that gender is fluid...yet only want to be the furthest right version of female? it's pretty fucked up.

not to mention the whole "being a tranny means that i get stared at and i might get harassed, used as a "fetish", or raped on the street". so literally what females deal with every day? interesting that they want to be women so bad but as soon as someone stares at them for their looks it's a hate crime. isn't that exactly what they wanted?

>> No.13837285

If I ever fall for a trans lady I wouldn't know If I'd nail her butt, never faced that. Should be there. But one thing is certain: no womb, no potential partner.

>> No.13837288

boy butts and chick buts are different, assuming you've never been with a chick, then i guess you wouldn't knows the diff.

>inb4 butthole purists..i mean the general area and reaction

>> No.13837451

She a sword swallower? that's all i care about...

>> No.13837453

kill it with fire

>> No.13837457

/fa/ has gone to shit.

die in a hole you neon haired faggot

>> No.13837474

I heard an anon claim he decided to take his lust for tranny porn irl and he couldn't go through with it because the smell of the tranny hooker was telling his brain it was a man: he had only been pretending to himself that he was queer.

>> No.13837478

Not even that guy but are you 15? Have you ever stopped to think about the fashion industry as a whole? It's one of the most liberal industries out there and you're here on 4chan venting your unfounded hate about a guy that could easily be mistaken for a runway model.

She's /fa/, you're just bitter because your genes are mudslime tier.

>> No.13837487

This is all fine but what is the voice like? Nearly always the biggest giveaway.

>> No.13837494
File: 34 KB, 500x348, 1421939940952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these pics new?

she looks like some emma ellingson wanna be. She even copy her fashion and take poses just like her

>> No.13837500

From a study on trans suicide

"The suicide attempt rate among transgender persons ranges from 32% to 50% across the countries. Gender-based victimization, discrimination, bullying, violence, being rejected by the family, friends, and community; harassment by intimate partner, family members, police and public; discrimination and ill treatment at health-care system are the major risk factors that influence the suicidal behavior among transgender persons."

>> No.13837543
File: 34 KB, 512x288, 939B014D-694B-43F0-94B5-0CFFE7DC1290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re friends

>> No.13837545

Sounds like a real girl tbqh https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9rbLHL2Abvg

>> No.13837549


She doesn't sound like a girl to me, same for Emma. I also hate the way they incorporate american slang into their Norwegian. It's jarring and I'm American.

>> No.13837560

Might be a bias. After get Elle story it felt like the chair was pulled from under me because I had no reason to suspect she wasn’t a girl lmao

>> No.13837617

>I had no reason to suspect she wasn’t a girl

well that's the whole point of going through treatment for gender dysphoria . It's less about tricking anyone and more about being as close to their desired identity as possible. It's not that big of a deal honestly, and I'm kind of glad that doctors and science has started to get better results and better treatment methods for trans people. It's much better than what it was from even two decade ago, I've seen and met some real ( for lack of a better word) "Frankensteins". I prefer the ones that pass easily, they're less "offensive".

>> No.13837765

>Her face is just a waste because she’s trans
Not really if she has a big dicc.

>> No.13837891

>I also hate the way they incorporate american slang into their Norwegian
yeah, it's fucking disgusting
t. scandi

>> No.13837902

you can't start a family with a transwoman, it's all an illusion.