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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 66 KB, 500x529, sense of fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13834383 No.13834383 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder this is what 95% of the population see as peak fashion

>> No.13834398

>Caring about other people feelings and thoughts

>> No.13834410

People who dress like this have herpes

>> No.13834418

Maybe if you live in shitholeia.
uni girls, the only girls worth going for, don't like that garbage

>> No.13834428

Yeah they do as long as the guy underneath it is ripped enough. A gigachad I know dresses exactly like the ones in the OP and pulls shitloads of university pussy.

>> No.13834429
File: 2.68 MB, 1440x2712, 1522764586220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13834484

Guy actually has pretty decent stuff. I've always seen these H&M tier fits but his wardrobe is worth thousands just from what I've seen on his chelsea boot collection in Youtube and I wonder why we don't see anything more than Asos model looks.

>> No.13834488

Does it matter that your wardrobe is worth thousand if it consist of chelsea boots, ripped jeans and camel coats ?

>> No.13834520

The guy has many good stuff for footwear

>> No.13834542

>if it consist of chelsea boots, ripped jeans and camel coats ?

Aka the things women like
While you spend thousands on Rick Owens permaincel toys

>> No.13834549

the only good thing from this picture is his top in the 1st picture. You can throw those last two right in the trash.

>> No.13834562

women don't like that, you incel.

>> No.13834566
File: 29 KB, 374x229, edf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Daily reminder this is what 95% of the population see as peak fashion

>> No.13834571

I know a Chad lite (7/10 looks) who dresses like this and he drowns in pussy

So don’t tell me „hurr durr that’s not what women like“

>> No.13834575

Found the Rick Owens cringelord

>> No.13834587

>I don't have the confidence to get women with my own style so im going to badly rip off mens fits on Pinterest

>> No.13834605
File: 296 KB, 1098x836, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13834606

do you realize how retarded this statement is. you could apply this to anyone wearing any sort of style and replace Pinterest with whatever place the style the guy is wearing is popular on.

>> No.13834618

If you think they'd like this look on some 5'6 skinnyfat, you're wrong. It's that he's not wearing a superhero graphic T and his name is Chad.

>> No.13834628

I'm not a all black Rick/Ann D cringelord.
the fact is that women don't like H&M-core. they like responsible adult core, especially if you're young. like a toned down prep.
i don't dress like what I just described above since clothing is a bit of a hobby for me so I like more autistic shit like tattersall, brogue derbies and aran sweaters, but when I can't be bothered and just wear an oxford, lambswool sweater, stone chinos and penny loafers is when I get the most compliments.

>> No.13834640

>I like more autistic shit like tattersall, brogue derbies and aran sweaters, but when I can't be bothered and just wear an oxford, lambswool sweater, stone chinos and penny loafers is when I get the most compliments.

So r/mfa had it right, after all...

>> No.13834648

I really hope your trolling

if you are unironically copying someone's bland, shitty outfit verbatim while simultaneously sucking the style off as "peak fashion" and "what women like" you are illiterate to fashion and you're doing a bad job projecting your insecurities.

Contributing to your own distinct style and using fit or WAYWT pics for inspiration, picking and choosing some aspects and incorporating them into you're own style is how fashion works retard. Not ripping off GAP adds and dressing like some wannabe UVA frat boy.

>> No.13834655

can someone explain to me exactly what is so bad about these fits? he looks like a normal, handsome, well adjusted man who probably get pussy on the regular.

>> No.13834664

>is when I get the most compliments.
Compliments on being well-put together — perhaps

Women actually desiring you — no

>> No.13834669

Actually no

>> No.13834674

ofc. no one desires someone over their clothing style. if OP pic was wearing what I or you are wearing it'd have the same caption. at the end of the day, clothing is a bit of a meme when it comes to attracting mates, you can't do much more than not dressing like a slob

>> No.13834693

imagine actually thinking women care that much about how your dress. they don't. as long as you don't look like an autistic child, your clothes or style aren't going to make or break you. be relatively /fit/, be at least slightly above average looking or at least not ugly, have some personality and have a decent full time job. on the contrary, most of the women i know consider having fashion as a hobby to be a major turn off. why would a woman ever want the man she's considering to know more about fashion or be better dressed than her? not many things are more effeminate.

>> No.13834708

Lol yeah the class of women universally seen as most likely to put out wouldn’t go for this. They must be too busy chasing after tequila soaked dumb ass frat boys that routinely piss themselves

>> No.13834777

i need to get rid of my fucking stans already

>> No.13834778

>4chan fantasizing what women like

Always an amusing read

>> No.13834779

* all of his clothing is far too tight, and make him look like a sausage
* disgusting abomination of a color palette on the left fit -- why would you ever wear lightwash denim, not to mention pairing it with a black sweater ?
* and finally, as other anons have elucidated, all three fits are extremely boring, and the posing in these images combined with that leads me to think this man may be one of the fucking gigachad spammers on this dead shit board

>> No.13834783
File: 74 KB, 453x262, UniGirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uni girls, the only girls worth going for
>don't like that garbage
they like whatever chad is wearing

>> No.13834784

t. 170kg anime fashion exper

>> No.13834786

I have herpes and I dont dress anything like that

>> No.13834789

good job on completely ignoring what the post said retard

>> No.13834812


>> No.13834841

Is this the same guy? Proof of eye area theory Tbh

>> No.13834856

soon as I saw him I knew that bitch was german lol @magic_fox on Instagram or some shit

>> No.13834858

>all of his clothing is far too tight
i agree with this, but i've seen a lot worse. you seem jealous because he has a good physique
>disgusting abomination of a color palette on the left fit
it's really not that bad tbqh. it's not offensive.
>all three fits are extremely boring
define boring. he just looks like a normal, well adjusted young adult. what's he supposed to do? cosplay in some /fa/ core like mall ninja or "prep" or lunarcore? none of that shit attracts the right kind of attention. it just communicates that it's easy to take your money and you are more than likely a supreme autist

>> No.13834873

There is nothing bad about it, it is just not fashionable. It is normie dress code which has been executed to an attractive man, that's all. People conflate fashion and dress code all the time, hence the existence of /r/malefashionadvice. You will notice regular shit tier threads here too where people ask "is X piece of clothing /fa/?", basically being retarded about what it means to be /fa/.

>> No.13834911

yeah, its horrible

one german female friend of mine actually showed me his insta once and giggled "take notice" or something

>> No.13834933

Yes, its Daniel Fox (magic fox)

>> No.13834934

Boring in the manner that they are probably the current trend clothes from H&M

>> No.13835187

The guy clearly has a good fashion sense and the income to build a nice wardrobe. What I meant is that he isn't your average zara wearing chad asshat. Imo he has some nice outfits and clothes but also a terrible tendency to wear pleb tier getups to promote himself and get easy pray from normies. Not defending him at all just saying it ain't as bad as it may seem.

>> No.13835217

>a terrible tendency to wear pleb tier getups to promote himself and get easy pray from normies

>wear outfits that most people appreciate and think you look good in
>these outfits make you more successful and admired
>your outfits influence other people with how they present themselves
somehow this is not fashionable

>Caring about other people feelings and thoughts
fashion is entirely to do with caring about other people's feelings and thoughts

>> No.13835227

The only thing delegating this to a cringe thread instead of the inspo thread is this guy's short muscular legs. His proportions are shit for fashion.

>> No.13835249

If you have to comment this implying you dont care what people think of you, you clearly do care lmao

>> No.13835260

I think it's the meme beard and meme hair that ruin it

>> No.13835297
File: 56 KB, 800x800, MJC353_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, that's why i go completely in stealth mode with grandad fashion, feels good, my nig.

>> No.13835324

yikes, my condolences
I showed this to a friend who isn't really into fashion but I talk about it a lot and he correctly assessed it as boring and normcore. proud of him

>> No.13835335

found your mistakes

>> No.13835345
File: 477 KB, 598x599, magic_fox slp meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Its less about the fit and more about the /fit/ in this case. Sure its generic and /fa/ has a daring attitude but apart from the bland color palette, there is nothing inherently wrong with his fits. Maybe the boring ass white t-shirts. I hate those

>> No.13835347
File: 472 KB, 601x600, imeanhehasafucking8pack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and like I said, /fit/ plays a big role, even with clothes on. If you think physique doesn't affect how your fit looks you're in denial

>> No.13835349

That a good point. I will report my findings tomorrow or so

>> No.13835370

Dead meme


>> No.13835441

Some fag who doesn't wear socks?

>> No.13835459

he looks like he takes dick daily

>> No.13835464

don't like the shorts and the shoes are only ok but 10/10 fit

>> No.13835522

the fits not that good

>> No.13835541

lmao sup virgin