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/fa/ - Fashion

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13828925 No.13828925 [Reply] [Original]

When will it become the norm for guys to dress like girls? I'm tired of waiting.

>> No.13828945

the more people do it the more it will start to seem normal

>> No.13829098

If you dont pass probably not in your prime years.

>> No.13829100

Not as long as I’m on this earth to stop it.

>> No.13829105

what if I told you skinny jeans and oversized jumpers were for girls

>> No.13829519

When you kys.

>> No.13829522

fuck off, faggot

>> No.13829536

As a queer person who's used 4chan for practically a decade at this point, you're gonna have to try a bit harder to scare me away.

>> No.13829540 [DELETED] 

As soon as I'm too old to crack faggot skulls you fucked up pervert.

>> No.13829543

Damn, you're right. You're way too depraved to be affected by us.

>> No.13829547

Yeah, sorry about your retarded view of people. It's not intimidating or impressive. Gender is a social construct.

>> No.13829549

kill yourself

>> No.13829609

>t. Soros

>> No.13829615

I'm sincere, get help. Staying mentally ill isn't going to help you.

>> No.13829616

Yeah. What this guy said.

>> No.13829622

>kills self before 25

>> No.13829629

Still not impressed or intimidated.

>> No.13829633

Based and redpilled. Love to see it, lads

>> No.13829640
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>> No.13829677

your defense against people pointing out your mental disorder is not intimidating or impressive

>> No.13829687

No one is trying to impress or intimidate you, retard. Get some help.

>> No.13829690
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Never. Faggots ruined it.

>> No.13829727

>boo hoo I watched so much porn and media and made myself a faggot, now everyone do the same or I will kill myself
kill yourself, cunt

>> No.13829759
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>> No.13829764

What in the fuck does queer even mean? Is that just some dirty bastard who will stick his prick in anything warm?

>> No.13829787

Not sure how being a queer person is a mental disorder. A disorder is defined by it's desirability or undesirability. A person with a genetic disposition for athleticism may be seen as having a positive medical condition. A person who has a brain tumor may be seen as having a negative one because a tumor is undesirable.

But what it is being a queer person? Well, it would seem that it's undesirable to some who feel that queer people threaten their lifestyle, which is ironic considering people act threatening in response to a benign display of femininity. Femininity isn't really that threatening to you, is it? What's at stake when you see someone behaving the opposite gender? Your feeling of power and domination which you've built the foundation of your personality on, which makes you feel threatened when you see an expression of the gender which in your eyes is supposed to be your submissive rape slave. This is why men hate femininity in men, and this is why men hate feminism in women. It undermines their sense of power and control over a subordinate class.

So what is a mental disorder? Could it be something which makes people believe in fairy tales told 2000 years ago, on unsubstantiated claims about the universe made by ignorant desert dwellers? I think that might constitute a mental illness, considering the outcome of such a belief is the degradation of those who you feel are your subordinates. Could it be a mental disorder if something as harmless as someone expressing themselves as the opposite gender makes you feel so insecure that you feel the need to react violently? That to me seems like a disorder which should be worth getting checked out, but not being a queer person. Being a queer person seems perfectly normal to me.

>> No.13829798

Stop smoking so much weed faggot.

>> No.13829807

this board has been overrun by /pol/ zoomers. When they hear the word "queer" all they can think of are stereotypes of gender dysphoric autists like Chris-chan

>> No.13829810

>I want to sodomize myself and do lots of destructive behaviour all my life without people criticizing me or even looking at me like I'm doing something wrong but you're the strange guy because you believe in God

>> No.13829812

jesus christ, reads like a post straight off reddit
do us all a favour and fuck off, you mentally ill freak

>> No.13829815

Not everything you don't like is /pol/, faggot.

>> No.13829817

>the ancient civilizations were all ignorant desert dwellers, now if you'll excuse me my amazon order o sage and pentagrams has arrive, I am a witches failed abortion and will cast a spell on you

>> No.13829823

I'm not that Reddit tier queer, but multiple genders have been pretty common in ancient societies, even Western ones

>> No.13829826

Only a /pol/tard would know to derail a thread about androgyny on /fa/ though

>> No.13829830

oh yes sorry, you're the special of the specials, of course, you don't want to fuck yourself and others in the ass, you're the cool type of faggot who has yet to get aids, gotcha

>> No.13829833

androgyny is not you dressing like a 50s housewife when you are in fact a skinny-fat square of a man

>> No.13829837

What??? Women are supposed to be in the kitchen cooking for me! What will happen when men, the dominant gender start acting like women??? They might make us cook for them and force us into slavery like we did to women! NOOOOOO! Don't let the queers undermine straight cis hegemony!!! I can't be anything without feeling superior to otheeeeers!!! Noooooooo!

>> No.13829839

Agreed but that's also not what this thread is about. I'm transphobic as fuck and you still come off as a retarded little shit to me

>> No.13829840

you're really not doing a good job at convincing others you aren't mentally ill

>> No.13829844

This but unironically

>> No.13829850
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Huh, what are these glasses I just found in a box inside a church next to a homeless shelter. Let's put it on and read your post.

>Vote Trump, believe in god, hate minorities, protect fragile masculinity at all costs.

Huh, weird.

>> No.13829862

horrible bait, stop pretending to be an npc meme for (You)s

>> No.13829869

>I'm transphobic as fuck
yeah I'm not buying it, if you were based and redpilled you wouldn't buy into their terminology now would you? You can't convince me to change my convictions by pretending to be on my side, the truth doesn't work that way, and it makes you look pathetic because those tactics now look like they would work on your pathetic social status looking ass

>> No.13829870

i'm a straight dude with a gf who has bleached hair, wears crop tops and i occasionally paint my nails. the problem is faggots like you try to use androgyny as another way of pushing your shit tier politics and teenage angst onto others. you're not cool or original for taking it up the ass and nobody is interested in hearing about your delusions brought about by mental illness. wear whatever the fuck you want but shut the fuck up already

>> No.13829873

I'm not on your side I think you're retarded. And I have no problem calling myself transphobic because I'm not an insecure little shit you like /pol/ zoomers

>> No.13829874

Gender and sexuality are different things. God, some people are so uncool. Get with the times grandpa.

>> No.13829875

nah dude, you're the gf and she is the bf, and she will leave you because of this ''do what ever you want, honey'' attitude no matter how hard you try to dominate her in bed, women need it all the time or they will hate you

>> No.13829877

t. kissless virgin

>> No.13829881

Yeah, do what this guy says and subordinate your girl! We need to maintain cultural hegemony to protect our fragile egos at all costs! If I act girly I won't feel powerful anymore and this will undermine the mythology of masculinity we've built our lives on!

>> No.13829882

yeah, that's what I said, you retarded uncreative fuck. No not insecutre at all but has to convince an anonimous person that he is cringe because you think everyone cares about your aproval. And the rest was revealing a bit too much about yourself.

>> No.13829885

and so the mentally ill wannabe tranny and the tranny for the gf who can do what ever she wants unite

>> No.13829892
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Weak b8

>> No.13829893

There is more than 2 people here shitting on you, idiot. I'm a normal male with a normal gf

>> No.13829899

This is a garbage thread, but to answer your question OP, it isn't going to happen. The entire point of Women's """""""""""""""""""Liberation"""""""""""""" was to include them in the set of things that a man can do and replace the things a man couldn't with technology (Be it physical or social). So no, you'll never get to wear a dress because you're a man and that's not efficient for the economic order of the day, but girls get to wear pants because pants are more efficient for working in a controlled environment than skirts and dresses are.

>> No.13829912

nope, the way i dress isn't reflected in my behaviour at all. i don't have the "do whatever you want, honey" attitude whatsoever, i have no idea where the fuck you got that idea

>> No.13829913
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Guys already are dressing like girls, if they have the body for it, because at that point it literally doesn't matter. If you're some broad shouldered dude with an Adam's apple the size of a bowling ball, well, you're fucked and better come to terms with it.

>> No.13829985

Who cares man gender is a social construct and genetics are a farce created by big government to perpetuate the atriarchy. Also pedophilia is on par with homophobia and you can't convonce me otherwise.

>> No.13829989


>> No.13830608
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found the pedophile

>> No.13830665


>> No.13830721
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Stop believing in this retarded reactionary regressive cargo cult. Yes I know the self-identified queer anons in this thread are being annoying as fuck, but that doesn't make your pseud hyper-reductive autismo maximo interpretation of interpersonal relationships correct or desired to be shared.

>> No.13830723

nobody thinks like that you sound the most stereotypical femcel. I gave up dressing androgynous, its not original like tranny thots make it out to be and doesnt suit the male anatomy. women are already all over me for my androgynous face so dressing the part was just me trying to fit in and be an attention whore

>> No.13830866

holy fuck people actually allowing their clothing options to be limited by society's standards fuck off you dont deserve to know what fashion is

>> No.13830943
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>> No.13830948
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why wait? make it the norm yourself, bruh

>> No.13831748

yuck, hope this is bait. Everything girls wear is made to constrict movement and is generally uncomfortable in some capacity. Any counterexample is unisex or mens clothes. I don't hope you die or anything, I just hope you get your act together.

>> No.13831769

>I don't hope you die or anything

>> No.13831795
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