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File: 160 KB, 719x485, Screenshot_20181109-185402_Tinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13828207 No.13828207 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't anyone match with me? Am I in the grey area of effay and basic?
Also tinder thread

>> No.13828210
File: 58 KB, 719x410, Screenshot_20181109-185503_Tinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13828214


>> No.13828221

Oh, thanks

>> No.13828222
File: 77 KB, 671x1000, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really simple actually, you are ugly, sooner or later you realize looks are the only thing, cope or rope my man

>> No.13828223

is this a joke

>> No.13828227
File: 153 KB, 1168x1760, 8UJyQjw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO why do I do this to myself? I'll just have that shit ringing in the back of my mind for a few weeks now.

>> No.13828228

Your profile tells me you dont do anything(music and eating as hobbies) and you’re annoying(armchair philosophical debates). You scream beta virgin with “if you tryna frick stay out my clique” it says you arent sexual. I can understand why you dont have any matches because my profile only has one picture and its a bad one and I still get matches. Work on your profile a bit and include a job. People like working people for some reason. Also have the picture or pictures you use for your profile be one taken by someone else in a normal setting with nothing weird going on because it implies you have friends and arent a loner and a weirdo.

>> No.13828229

jeez you sound obnoxious

>> No.13828242

I told a 26 year old tinder girl in chunky sneakers "act your age" and she asked if I was incel

>> No.13828243

are you?

>> No.13828248
File: 55 KB, 719x339, Screenshot_20181109-191200_Tinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This any better?
> You scream beta virgin with “if you tryna frick stay out my clique” it says you arent sexual.
I want a legit girl/boyfriend before we do anything. Casual sex is so unappealing to me

>> No.13828255

No, I have 2 gfs, but I have to drive at least 2 hours to see them and I want one that can just be here

>> No.13828257

why are you trying to make this stupid tone work
take out bitch, delete the 3rd line, replace the 3rd photo with something non-stupid and you're okay
no one is even "tryna frick" so don't worry about your chastity

>> No.13828268


>> No.13828269

You're not matching with anyone because you take shitty photos of yourself and you talk like a semi-ironic 15yo faggot. It screams insecurity

>> No.13828290

I guess I'm behind 3 years then developmentally, I didn't get out much until recently.

I just realized I used to and still do surround myself with negative people, but that's all they did, be negative they never offered criticism or I would ignore/silence it. I'm now realizing that this criticism is incredibly valuable and there's no way for me to grow without it. Thanks

>> No.13828315
File: 55 KB, 436x410, 1537132093674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noodle arms. Please change that third photo to a better looking full body one.

>> No.13828317

don't hang out with losers. learn what the line is between good friends who like to mess around vs. negative people

>> No.13828335

Don't just have pictures of yourself posing in front of the mirror. Have something exciting or attention captivating. Maybe a picture with some friends or something. Bitches always swipe right when they see you with another girl.

>> No.13828339

>I want a legit girl/boyfriend
Imagine being this fucked in the head.

>> No.13828379

>if you're trying to frick stay out of my clique
If you're not trying to fuck, you shouldn't be on tinder. Girls aren't on there to have armchair philosophical debates. Girls are on there to get laid or at the very least find guys worth going out with.

Your looks are fine. You're not getting any matches because of your profile. And girls probably aren't going to analyze what you're wearing in the context of whether or not it looks effay. If anything that will only make them think you're weird or possibly gay. Girls will analyze what you wear but are looking to see if you look cool/in style, masculine, successful, confident, etc.

My advice would be to ditch the cringey bio (replace it with something about where you're from, where you go or went to school, what you do for work, what your interests are, what sports teams you cheer for, etc.) and ditch the awkward selfies and replace them of pics of you going out with girls or friends.

He's not ugly at all, looks better than most men. Decent bones, good facial hair, decent hair.

>> No.13828421

>make them think you're weird or possibly gay
He is literally gay.

>> No.13828439

Ugly faggots dont get matches

>> No.13828448

You sound like a huge faggot

>> No.13828458

>Am I in the grey area of effay and basic
No you're just basic as fuck.

>> No.13828484

>I want a legit girl/boyfriend before we do anything.
just put that in your profile bro

>> No.13828690

Fucking hell...

>> No.13828692

>I want a legit girl/boyfriend
>on tinder

>> No.13828978

get rid of this bio immediately my man and replace it with something simple, like your height and the city you live in

>> No.13829005

incredible how hard you can fuck over yourself because of insecurity. Stop trying to be quirky or random XD, it makes me fucking cringe. Women, people in general, are attracted to extraordinary people, which is not the same as weird.

>> No.13829044

my tinder profile has a couple shit selfies and says "looking for a girl with magic powers or straight bangs." I've gotten ~100 matches
I'm too scared to talk to any though and if they message me I ignore them

>> No.13829047


>> No.13829053

>your height and the city you live in
That's what people who want casual sex do. OP's not looking for that

>> No.13829074

What openers do you guys use that have worked?

>> No.13829087


get some more normal pictures like the first one only with your mouth closed

add a picture of you with friends or something

go for a simpler, more relaxed bio

You look good but your profile gives off an odd vibe.

>> No.13829093

It's never your fault, it's always someone else's with you people.
Kill yourself.

>> No.13829108

Does tinder let you set race? If so: set your race to black.
IAC wants to increase interracial match-ups on their sites so it's likely that setting your race to black will benefit you now or in the future.
(the algorithm is unlikely to look at your pictures and take the advantage because you're not actually black)

>> No.13829111

I mean you are just above average. not saying that's bad, it's just not enough for girls on tinder as they get far better looking dudes than you lol
It would help if you had better pictures and less weird/quirky ones. also your bio plays an important role since girls like to find any flaw to swipe left on you (unless you look super good, then they don't care)

still good luck brother! I'm an ugly shit and have gotten 50 matches in a bit over a month by simply having good pictures. I haven't got anything out of them yet, since I'm still ugly and insecure, and pretending to be someone you aren't only gets you this far, but you actually look confident enough!

>> No.13829361
File: 26 KB, 400x300, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol strong myspace angles. This is him IRL.

>> No.13829508

You suffer from gayface in addition to being ugly.

>> No.13829514

>He's not ugly at all, looks better than most men. Decent bones, good facial hair, decent hair.
>decent bones
He has those andro low prenatal T skull proportions and his orbitals are 404. I bet his digit ratio is at least .98

>> No.13829538

Only incels think this hard about facial aesthetics. He looks better than me and I get laid at least once a month.

Also, OP, if you went traveling for a year with family, you should have some good pics of you in cool places, which is always good for a tinder profile. Use some of those.

>> No.13829546

You probably just suck at rating men. He is sexually attractive to zero (0) girls.

>> No.13829558

just remember most of these guys look like something that crawled out of a prison toilet OP.. you look fine

>> No.13829581

It's your pics OP, I can tell just by looking at them that you are a boring autiay probably. If you want girls to swipe on you you need pictures of you with lots of friends and in interesting locations. If you look "boring" you'll never get matched.

>> No.13829586

>I can tell just by looking at them that you are a boring autiay
Yeah, because he's ugly and low T

>> No.13830367

Tinder is fucking trash. 90% girls that are 3-5/10 larping as 7-10/10. All of them have the exact same taste in music and somehow "love food" or being "so sarcastic" is an interesting personality trait. Still found an edgy qt that listens to Autechre and Yung Lean though, so not all bad.

>> No.13830378

You don't look half-bad, but your 2nd & 3rd photos seem super spontaneous while your bio is bland. If you get more into your music tastes and foods you like, you're likely to get a better response. Happy cuffing season my guy.

>> No.13830507

Just keep this up. You sound terrible and there's no need to have false advertising ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.13830509

Are you a eugenist or incel? Both?

>> No.13830533

i feel like i've seen you on tinder before. are you from new zealand by any chance?

>> No.13830540

never call your own work shitty, looks childish and insecure

>> No.13830543

Delete the last pic it looks too ironic and goofy, you already have that small mirror pic to be the goofy pic. And post a photo of you with a dog or something, girls like a man who has a pet (It shows that you can handle responisibility.)

>> No.13830563

>that first picture combined with "armchair philosopher"
y i k e s

>> No.13830597

Weird photos
Pretentious bio tldr

>> No.13830603
File: 184 KB, 2048x1078, Screenshot_20181110-210616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medium-effort was put in

>> No.13830613

and it says Software Engineer. I get a like or two a day

>> No.13830621

How is this related to fashion in any way ?

>> No.13830637


you are ugly and have a cringe personality

>> No.13830643

I'd match with you, you seem cool dude. don't let these beta fags on this board get you down

>> No.13830651

This reply is cringe

>> No.13830656

that shirt is fuckin sick tho

>> No.13830702

god tier autism

>> No.13830780

try shutting your mouth in the pic. also wtf is the backpack pic. try to get a pic with hobbies or friends or at least good photography ur profile is snooze

>> No.13830951

You got a dumb look on your Face in the first pic that's why get a better first pic. Also as a rule I don't think mirror selfies should be a first pic you want something that shows you go out and do stuff and not swipe right on tinder trying to get coochie all day, get one of you doing a hobby or just out and about, could be a gym or whatever just as long as your not at a mirror in your bedroom

>> No.13831019

Speaking as a girl, for 1 don’t listen to anybody in here calling you ugly, you look just fine. You know how people on here are. 2.) Your bio is not good, drop the clique thing. Drop “lets chill!” Drop the philosophical armchair talks. Girls will say they like deep conversations but they don’t actually mean it. 3.) Like some other people in here have said, try to include photos of you with people or engaging with a hobby.

Just try not to seem like you’re trying too hard, because even if you are, most girls don’t like that. You’re actually quite cute. Given you do all of the above, I’d actually keep the backpack pic, it shows you have a sense of humor.

>> No.13831044

based and red pilled

>> No.13831223


>> No.13831257

Put the same profile on Grindr, post results.

>> No.13831261

Would drink beers with left guy, would punch right guy repeatedly.

>> No.13831269

You look and sound like a total douche desu

1) dont make that stupid face
2) include something else than pretentious wannabe shit (armchair philosophical debates lmao)

it has nothing to do with looks and everything with personality. that's what incels don't get and that's why they are forever alone

>> No.13831270

try looking like i should want to gt fucked by you

>> No.13831349

>I run in short shorts

>> No.13831503

? Don't know

>> No.13831506

Close your mouth faggot

>> No.13831513 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 369x655, bandicam 2018-11-11 14-04-08-245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a tinder prof recommendation & r8 thread

>> No.13831517
File: 73 KB, 369x655, bandicam 2018-11-11 14-04-08-245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a tinder prof rec & r8 thread

>> No.13831520

you look like a fag and you got yucky noodle arms.

>> No.13831528

Usually I comment on something funny and lighthearted that in their bio's or pictures. That works 99% of the times.

If there is no bio or interesting pictures, I usually just start with "hey man, how're you?". Low effort, I know. But it works 60% of the time.

For me the problem is my conversations just end after a couple of days.

>> No.13831540

I would lose the "and I'm sad" part.

>> No.13832157

don't be sad, man. It's gonna be alright.

>> No.13832173

You look really profoundly creepy.
I would suggest you have some friends take photos of you but I assume you don't have any

>> No.13832276

m8 3 of those where taken by my friends

>> No.13832532

You traveled around with your family for a year and you don’t have a single nice picture of you at some recognizable touristy spot?

>> No.13833135

I don't know if many girls even know about that movie since it's not worshipped everywhere like it is here. If they do I think your bio is funny. HOWEVER. That's a sarcastic/funny bio and that pairs well with funny/sarcastic pictures, not with the take me serious pics you have chosen. My advice is add a sarcasm/not trying too hard picture. Please trust me girls like guys who don't care too much, especially tinder thots.

>> No.13833189

Quick rundown of why I'd swipe whichever way is the rejection way
>doped out expression and weird beard, do you sell drugs to skater kids?
>goofy ass pic with noodle arms, not funny, just annoying
>write like a retard
>stupid stoner personality confirmed by what you write about yourself
>would despise nothing more than look at your face making that stupid expression while you armchair philosophy about how the government is keeping us apart man
>seem to have no job, no calling, no goals, no aims, just drifting from meeting one new (but completely the same) person to the next while numbing your senses with some noise and shoveling food into your vessel

>> No.13833499

>implying ripp wouldn't be proud of noodle arms

>> No.13833501

Would super like

>> No.13833509
File: 603 KB, 2048x1275, celine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Past one of the following literary quotes in your bio:
>Why kid ourselves, people have nothing to say to one another, they all talk about their own troubles and nothing else. Each man for himself, the earth for us all. They try to unload their unhappiness on someone else when making love, they do their damnedest, but it doesn't work, they keep it all, and then they start all over again, trying to find a place for it. "Your pretty, Mademoiselle," they say. And life takes hold of them again until the next time, and then they try the same little gimmick. "You're very pretty, Mademoiselle..."
>so many vaginas, stomachs, cocks, snouts, and flies you don't know what to do with them ... shovelsfull! ... but hearts? ... very rare! in the last five hundred million years too many cocks and gastric tubes to count ... but hearts? ... on your fingers! ...
you will be drowning in puss.

>> No.13833516

Dunno about you guys but I just wish there's a way to filter fat and/or trans people holy shit.

>> No.13834725

Dude so you are so unfuckable it's great. Glad that's one less dude out there as competition. You look like down syndrome in that first pic. fucking idiot

>> No.13834767
File: 1.36 MB, 1506x1334, tinder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desc says : "I have shitty tattoos and better musical taste than you. 'course I'll harass you with dick pics. Always close to the soundsystem"

250 matches in a month I think, tinder+ subscription. I mostly match artsy hoes and goth hoes.

>> No.13834772

The pleasures of conformity

>> No.13834792

/fa/ in a nutshell

>> No.13834797

how many STDs did you get

>> No.13834808

None thank god, only had sex with around 15 with rubber on and raw when it got serious

>> No.13834992

ferocious left swipe

>> No.13835085

drop that 7th picture or replace it with one that makes you look less fat

>> No.13835110

gaping your mouth at the camera looks fucking stupid.

>> No.13835117

If you tryna frick, stay outta my clique. Alpha male

>> No.13835121

People on 4chan naturally want to make you feel like shit.

>> No.13835193
File: 784 KB, 635x727, CURVES FOR THE WORMCHAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13835247

based, this is how you do it.

>> No.13835534

You seem like a boring and unoriginal try hard faggot. Don't be one, use better pics, easy peasy.