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/fa/ - Fashion

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13823723 No.13823723 [Reply] [Original]

How do I dress in a way that makes it clear I'm not a degenerate nu male?

>> No.13823726

if you have to ask, you are already a nu-male and there's no way to fix it

>> No.13823734

This makes literally no sense. No human was born with an instinctual sense of fashion

>> No.13823736

>No human was born with an instinctual sense of fashion
Maybe you, you filthy pleb.

>> No.13823764
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>"OMG no human was born with an instinctual sense of fashion!"

>> No.13823767

hahaha what a fucking embarrassing post, and an embarrassing thread to have started.

>> No.13823769
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you're already an impressionable idiot incel. you're hopeless.

>> No.13823774

Hitler Youth was unironically /fa/, even their cuts are still being rocked by dumbasses to this day

>> No.13823777

>kekistan faggots
>alt right

>> No.13823786

I genuinely feel bad for the guy with the milk

>> No.13824218

skinny jeans faggot

>> No.13824245
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>> No.13824255

>not all kekistanis

>> No.13824257

Exit-bag core.

>> No.13824260

Humans learn everything through social contact. Our social development is what makes us unique among all species

>> No.13824359

No kekistani is alt right retard they’re civic nationalists

>> No.13824374

who says alt right has to exclusively refer to fascist larpers from /pol/? it's used as a catchall term for emergent right movements based on memes

>> No.13824540

Civ nats aren’t alternative at all so they can’t be alt right

>> No.13824567

lol fucking kekistan faggot, just let it die

>> No.13824585

Unironically bee urself. If you end up looking like a "nu-male" then accept that you cast that judgement on yourself.

>No human was born with an instinctual sense of fashion
Not being an instinctual/intuitive being makes you a "degenerate nu-male" no matter your political belief. If you need people to hold your hand and guide you how NOT to dress like a certain in-group, you are an NPC.

>> No.13824598


>> No.13824608

That chart is very ironic.

/pol/ approved: nigger streetwear
/pol/ disencouragrd: traditional European menswear

>> No.13824619
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This is the better guide, OP. That chart is basically streetwear, which is by its very nature degenerate. Prep is the future, embrace the classic American style of the mid-Atlantic high society

>> No.13824625

>how to dress as boring and forgettable as possible: the ultimate guide by insecure, racist incels

>> No.13824657

too late 4 u if u saved that

>> No.13824835

>fails to offer constructive criticism
guarantee you're a newfag dressing like shit

>> No.13824856


>unironically avoiding anything wool
>unironically avoiding wearing a watch
>unironically only wearing dad jeans and clearance rack trackies to trigger the libs.

You're kind of in a catch-22 because what's "fashionable" even within fashion communities is probably considered "nu-male degeneracy" by /pol/ autists and the #menswear trad style you could go for you already think is M'lady commie pinko bullshit as your post suggests so you've got yourself between a rock and a hard place.

So basically, if you want to dress well you have to stop being such an impressionable reactionary shithead and grow up and go outside you fucking freak.

>> No.13825418
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>rugby shirts
>cwc ring

>> No.13826860

But the guys on the right are the ones who took the KEK meme seriously, they are clearly redditors and despise everything about Nazi Germany, calling Antifa "left wing Fascists".

True poltards, like me, adapt to their environment to become invisible, thats how I perfected the "STEM student who's Mom still picks out clothing for him" look.

>> No.13826875
File: 19 KB, 511x613, New Arrival Barbour Romedale Waxed Jacket Olive - Men - IS9772_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dress more traditionally. Literally everything women would not like, but in return men will respect you more.

>> No.13826907

This pic is satire.. right?

>> No.13826909

Why do you think women don’t like this?

>> No.13826924

>He doesn't proudly wear a Reichsadler on his Chest
Bluepilled as fuck

>> No.13826926

When is /pol/ going to be deleted?

>> No.13826965
File: 225 KB, 1435x1404, are you seeing a therapist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13827017
File: 210 KB, 900x1350, 17-purple-label-ralph-loren-fw18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post has a point.