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File: 86 KB, 600x794, 1516382464019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13819441 No.13819441 [Reply] [Original]

anybody in that weird limbo between very attractive and model? Like lots of success with the opposite sex, tons of attention from people, general halo effect stuff, yet not quite striking enough to model?

How does it make you feel? Do you find it irritating?

>> No.13819446

you sound like a clueless faggot OP

>> No.13819450



>> No.13819459
File: 1018 KB, 580x578, 1520144611274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that you?
Your face is the problem..

>> No.13819546

If you think like that I would urge you to consider the idea that you may have a personality disorder or some other kind of mental illness.

>> No.13819571

She's far away from being very attractive and wouldn't be able to make a buck in modelling with these wide hips. On the other hand she can't become an "instagram model" with that face. You're probably also delusional

>> No.13819737

I'm in that weird limbo between very ugly and model, even got scouted for my weird look

>> No.13819848
File: 285 KB, 640x1136, 31875EE1-5104-4E62-9FD4-9732A0B4AE0C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, same. the plight of the chadlite.

>> No.13819885


post pics/bio my man

>> No.13820036

this is me >>13819755 , not gonna post any of my pics since they're reverse image searchable

my bio is:

-6'1" (6'2" online)
-[region] rap music video icon [I was an extra in a popular local sc rapper's video and one of my pics is from that]
-if you squint and turn your head I kinda look like Chris Pratt

>> No.13820087

How many notches did you make out of it?

>> No.13821220

Not at all. I am ugly, thanks for asking

>> No.13821243

I'm a dicaprio pitt mix. I've been scouted off the street twice.

>> No.13821252

>anybody in that weird limbo between very attractive and model?
I don't mean to brag, but I have gotten many compliments on how I look (even despite the fact I gained weight and am fat from the meds I'm taking), and in the past had an actual model friend ask me to model with them (they could have just been saying that tho, I was too short and skinnyfat at the time so obv I said no). I used to attract a few hotties, mostly dorks and black guys tho. I'm working to lose weight, but I do wish I was that extra few inches so I could be model-tier.

Alas, all attractiveness is canceled out due to extreme autismo and being a hermit.

>> No.13821259


you're a 5/10 at best, guessing you've never had to worry about being in this limbo and just want attention

>> No.13821262

Reverse image search, brah. That's not OP.

>> No.13821265

>tfw too attractive to model

>> No.13821283

Post pic. I'll be the judge of that.

>> No.13821335

Post face

>> No.13821340

Girl or guy?

>> No.13821344

Girl (girl)

>> No.13821346

Pls be in London

>> No.13821353

Nah, I used to live/grew up in NYC, now I live in some boring suburban hell in upstate NY.

>> No.13821356

Post fat butt pics plz.

>> No.13821365
File: 80 KB, 500x508, IMG_1496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ass got bigger def (had no ass before), but most of the fat went to my gut. :(

I-is that an issue, anon?

>> No.13821366

guessing you're either over 40 or just moved from a country without internet

>> No.13821371

Not really. You're probably a cute chubby if you get compliments like you say you do, which makes my pants tighter

>> No.13821372

jesus christ stop this shit is embarrassing

>> No.13821383

I just want some ass pics faggot, go fuck yourself.

>> No.13821389

not gonna happen dude let a real man handle this
hml sweetheart, you're in upstate NY, I'm in Rochester what's up

>> No.13821406

Thanks, I guess? Well I don't feel comfortable posting my ass on the chins. Would post a cute cat pic, but the uploader keeps derping on me.

Hello, how's it doing? Actually I live in Poughkeepsie, which is about 4 and a half hours away (checked my map app).

Apparently people dispute Poughkeepsie as being upstate tho, according to some articles I found. Hmmm...

Sorry, pal. I'll take my autism elsewhere.

>> No.13821411

If you can act you could probably get a lot of work on soap operas/network shit. It seems like everyone on those shows is passably attractive but nothing special.

>> No.13821441

I’ve fucked five of my matches, had seven dates I think

>> No.13821759
File: 116 KB, 710x473, wojak_07.nocrop.w710.h2147483647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too intelligent
Does anyone else struggle with not being able to connect with the average person on an intellectual level?

>> No.13822132

you're not more intelligent you're just void of empathy

>> No.13822137

Well said.

>> No.13822160
File: 494 KB, 672x1116, F3D17242-919E-4316-9CFF-0306C2E4F0F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13822161


no offence dude youre not ugly but... youre bang average
like youre a 6/10 no one should really notice irl
be happy youre a white man
insane youre getting so many matches

>> No.13822170


>> No.13822206

before i moved to ny i would have considered poughkeepsie to be upstate, but not anymore. i didn't realize people up here divided their areas into so many regions.

>> No.13822261
File: 339 KB, 1591x1752, image0 (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my pics on tinder are much better than the aspie selfies I can post here imo, but yeah idk I'd like to think I have an eccentric music taste an interesting bio, either way I get propositioned a few times a month by thirsty 5.5s and 6s and usually take advantage of it because I'm lazy

I think the core of lookism is correct, but it's way more complicated than people make it out to be when it comes to irl scenarios. most women are probably intimidated by model-tier chads with ridiculous cheekbones and diamond-cutter jaws, and opt for slightly softer, "cute" looking guys like me because when we hook up they don't think I'm gonna rape and murder them

>> No.13822293

whoa nice job, buddy!

>> No.13822296
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>> No.13822624
File: 713 KB, 750x990, 3776130D-4442-4B2B-9619-8C3DB14F5B56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes sir :3

>> No.13822803
File: 104 KB, 960x714, B03E4F84-682F-4EEA-992A-2FCEFA35DE9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13822806


Kinda. I've always been told I was handsome or cute by women , depending on their age. Like when i was younger older women wanted to fuck me bad, and now that I'm older it seems like the younger women want the D. It's like always being in the wrong time at the right place, and always too fucking awkward to know what the hell was going on and capitalize. I don't think I'm that attractive though desu. Humans all look like varying degrees of shit to me, so whatever. We're all just oddly specialized biological machines, and aesthetics are purely subjective.

Besides, I've always appreciated more unconventional beauty anyhow. Weird and interesting is beautiful. Something fascinating to say or talk about is beautiful. Humility and grace and compassion are beautiful. Being obsessed with your own visage is not.

>> No.13822807
File: 2.87 MB, 320x240, 1538119635186.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13822808


>> No.13822814



>> No.13823121

post face

>> No.13823127


negative. you'll just have to take my post at "face" (ha ha) value.

>> No.13823219

>eccentric music taste
How do you even put that on tinder and since when did women care about that

>> No.13823280

You link your spotify. I live in a small city and go to a liberal arts college, so it could be my sample size, but I’ve had girls message me first about music a lot. It just helps you look cool (more accurately it’ll amplify your good looks, like fashion)

>> No.13823295

I'm smart too and have multiple friends, get it together bro