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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 610 KB, 1280x720, img_20130320_203112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13813890 No.13813890 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ cigarettes

>> No.13813902

Just bought a pack of these not half an hour ago.
The current pack design is so much less cool than that one.

>> No.13813911

hu? I literally bought one about an hour ago is the same design.

>> No.13813914
File: 826 KB, 3024x4032, cam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess you're smoking old stock, friend. I've only seen them in this red box for a bit over a year now.

>> No.13813917

Why don't your packs read Smoking kills?

>> No.13813919


>> No.13813925

>live in upsidedownistan
>have to look at pictures of dead people and rotting body parts on my fags
btw anything other than RYO is not /fa/

>> No.13813926

i personally roll my own but its kind of inconvenient and pretentious. a lot cheaper tho and also additive free and better tobacco (usually)
when i dont roll my own i like camel filters or turkish royals. used to smoke kamel reds but i cant remember what they're like. i feel like they burned for too long or something so i didnt like them

>> No.13813940
File: 52 KB, 600x600, doctors choice candy cigarettes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13813945

Nothing /fa/ about cancer.

>> No.13813946

Do you people genuinely believe that smoking makes you cool/er? Not even trolling, I'm just genuinely curious if you smoke because of all the weltschmerz within all of you, or because you saw pseudo-artistic pictures of attractive guys in nice clothes doing it.

>> No.13813951

shoo shoo redditor
back to your vape

>> No.13813953
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I've abandoned potential relationships because of smoking. You realise you fuckers stink right?


>> No.13813956

>not smoking makes you a vaping redditor

>> No.13813972

thats why we date girls who smoke too dummy

>> No.13813977

They do it just doesn't take up 75% of the box like binknifeistan

>> No.13814128

No, I do it because I like it and lack the willpower to quit. I started smoking when I was 11. Only a complete fucking retard would smoke as a fashion statement.

>> No.13814133

I love how a large chunk of /fa/ still thinks smoking is effay or a way to make up for your lack of personality. Smoking is literally useless. It doesn't taste good and it has no pleasing effects to me whatsoever. At least weed makes you chill.

>> No.13814134

imo smoking is cool but i dont do it cause its expensive and i dont want cancer, but mainly cause its expensive

>> No.13814150

I don't smoke, but I always thought camel straights were very cool. Lucky Strikes being the obvious choice.

>> No.13814207


>> No.13814313

>Dude weed lamo

>> No.13814320

>inconvenient and pretentious
It's just a thing students and poor adults do, unless you're 30+ no one's going to think about it. Also I've never heard about it coming off as pretentious, how would you even be pretentious about being poor?

>> No.13814337

I fucking hate new effay. Where are my daily coffee and cigarette threads, now its filled with yuppies like you

>> No.13814354

Nice argument

>> No.13814369

I love tobacco. Pretty much every kind of it. But I don't smoke cigarettes regularly because I live in Australia and shit is expensive. If I lived somewhere it was cheaper, I would probably smoke a lot.

>> No.13814377

Weed is worse. If you smoke weed over the age of 20, you probably still watch cartoons and skateboard.

>> No.13814405

The difference is that weed is not something you smoke every 30 minutes- 1 hour like a regular cigarette. Of course both are harmful, but smoking weed twice a month is not going to have the same harm as chainsmoking. I was just referring to the effects of weed, I wasn't talking about normalizing blunts and joints in such a way that cigarettes are normalized.

>> No.13814417

When I smoked my favorite was Camel wides they had a nice nutty flavor. Still shit thread that will kill you and rot your clothing and teeth.

>> No.13814421

I started to have something to do between classes in between classes in undergrad, almost 5 years ago.

First month or so I did hear a group of girls whispering about me being cute, and I got play off this eastern european girl I met outside a comedy club by sharing a light, so part of it is probably me thinking I'm the shit.
I also kind of hate myself, and love the excuse to leave my desk at work.

>> No.13814422

marlboro reds are the most effay but i think im gonna switch to lights

>> No.13814443

good choice

>> No.13814451
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Managed to try these from a couchsurfer from Algieria

>> No.13814461
File: 49 KB, 327x480, 65e941d07421f030d2c3bddbf1f3d100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the most effay packages I've seen

>> No.13814480

how do you guys feel about golds?
i wish they still had this package

>> No.13814593

not the same cigarette

>> No.13814604

ulaan shonkhor or belomor, nothing else is fa.

>> No.13814619

>not making a monthly trip to the airport to get duty free fags in their original packaging
never gonna make it chavs

>> No.13814627
File: 840 KB, 2761x1588, FFB30428-BB36-4C70-9F95-49F3111138A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winston Reds for daily smoke blue collar Appalachia aesthetics, Parliaments or Dunhills when you’re bougie

>> No.13814635
File: 67 KB, 504x642, E9E89012-AA14-4F95-B337-331CDBC44E3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people don’t like the new pack design but I think it’s fine, the new blacks have a way better pack

>> No.13814645
File: 37 KB, 500x500, artikel_0194535_b_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes comes with pictures of old dead people

>> No.13814653
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>> No.13814666
File: 39 KB, 540x540, IDShot_540x540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking love the camel aesthetic. too bad I never get to enjoy it
fuck this cucked country

>> No.13814668
File: 88 KB, 1200x630, default-2849ee59326bf55eb640a0f94e2eeb99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13814669

Underage, reported

>> No.13814674

wow, that warning is really aesthetic, usually it's some gore

>> No.13814677

I would do this, but the packs at the airport also have the anti-smoking propaganda on them.

>> No.13814680
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Thoughts on Camel Blue?

>> No.13814682
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Double menthol capsule Luckies

>> No.13814686
File: 1.61 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181104-172708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky strike switch

>> No.13814698

they basically just have one like these >>13814680
which is way better than most labels
>they're cheaper
you're literally retarded if you can but choose not to go for duty free fags

>> No.13814794

I feel like it’s something that people do to further set themselves apart from the crowd and be elitist about smoking because it’s generally higher quality tobacco. Like it’s not as down to earth as just pulling a square out of a pack. There’s a whole process and show to those around you.
I also think way too far into how I am perceived by people because I’m like hyper-aware of others behavior

>> No.13814949

Wanted to smoke. Whats beginner cig i can smoke?

>> No.13814973
File: 21 KB, 350x350, dunhill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all covered in warnings and medical photos now though.

>> No.13814979


Very much a cultural thing. Roll ups are about the cheapest and least chique form of tobacco where I'm from.

>> No.13814984

Winston Reds. All-natural, cheaper, better-tasting Marlboro Reds. Bonus points because very few young people smoke them, so you’ll look more eccentric.

Solid throat hit and buzz will get you through the day on fewer

>> No.13814993
File: 48 KB, 426x500, 53AF95F1-61A4-425E-910A-0A04DEB70F30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AS golds and turquoise
(Hogarth and Gawith, Dunhill nightcap, Lane MV 1000, full English)
Gurkha, Perdomos, Midnight Express

>> No.13814994

Probably left it out this time to be legally able to even upload their shit to any secured website

>> No.13815034

Yeah, they are. The Turkish line was discontinued and out of production in the states for years, this new packing came about from them being re-released. The cigarette design itself is identical. Fucking chump.

>> No.13815164

Because The United States is the land of the cowboy, the explorer, the inventor. We know smoking kills and some of us choose to do it anyway. We're too based for that kind of thing.

>> No.13815180
File: 105 KB, 500x500, swisher_sweet_2_for_99_sweet_500__74054.1398759483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swisher sweets filled 4/5ths with weed

>> No.13815205

>not even diamonds

>> No.13815248

Yeah in America any attempt to look “European” is usually seen as tryhard

>> No.13815259
File: 49 KB, 446x453, camel-non-filter6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Softpacks (and nonfiltercigs)?

>> No.13815358
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>> No.13815830

Welp when i turned 18 first pack i bought were marlboro red 100s, after that i moved onto light blue american spirits. Then lucky strikes but they are hard as fuck to find in michigan.

>> No.13815838

i smoke camel blues, they're very light and smooth compared to the golds
not sure if camels different where i'm from (canada)

>> No.13815842
File: 197 KB, 800x1250, 9P7XCen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the best cigarettes you can buy and fa as fuk

>> No.13815876

so glad i quit.

>> No.13815890

que puto asco

>> No.13815894

Onions Americano y trabje en una tabacalera, estaba curioso por el funcionamiento de clic

>> No.13815896

I smoked them for a while but they're not much better than say the unfiltered lucky strike however it's a bit bland in comparison, personally I recommend just rolling your own

>> No.13815911

Hello fellow bong

>> No.13815930
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the GOAT nonfilter

>> No.13816268
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someone please tell me where I can get these in the states

btw, most effay cigarette ever is 7star
but the best and most fa pack of cigarettes are a soft pack of filterless lucky strikes.

>> No.13816351

i smoke socially and sometimes as a chaser for when i'm drinking or high. i haven't once though about how cool it made me look but sometimes i worry about people bothering me for smoking in a public place

>> No.13816375

Camel straights were the only thing I smoked besides menthol Newports until I quit smoking a few days ago. Expensive as fuark though, $100 a fucking carton.

>> No.13816384

Always got a fucking pack of winnie blues on me cunt. Fuckin oath.

>> No.13816401

Weed makes you smell like shit though lmao

>> No.13816406

Please die

>> No.13816409

Nothing screams "im an annoying highschooler that thinks im way cooler than i actually am" then a fucking juul. At least cigarettes make you look cool when smoking them

>> No.13816411

>Doesn't taste good
If you're a faggot maybe. Tobacco is an incredibly sweet plant, far sweeter and significantly less pungent than grass. Literally not up for debate.

>> No.13816412

I can't even tell if this is bait or not

>> No.13816422


Cigarettes. The quickest way to show people you desperately want people to think you're cool.

Pro Tip : You're not.

You suck cock.

>> No.13816424


Stinky nigger.

>> No.13816431

the difference is in talking about it
you can choose whatever you put into your system but if you show it off and buy into the cringy stoner culture, you are pretty bad, yeah

>> No.13816437

Rolling your own is the best since you can get higher quality tobacco and the papers aren't loaded with chemicals.

>> No.13816494

idk I just roll, its way cheaper and I like the aesthetic

>> No.13816593
File: 1.14 MB, 3120x4160, Roth-Handle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't smoke anymore, but when I did I picked up a pack of Roth-Handles when I was on vacation in Germany. Really good, with a cool pack design to boot.

>> No.13816638

>Hand rub

>> No.13816639

is he effay?

>> No.13816701
File: 3.88 MB, 4032x3024, 20181104_234653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nippon cigarettes

>> No.13817043
File: 3.37 MB, 4032x3024, 20181105_173808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How has no one posted these yet?

>> No.13817106


>> No.13817107

7 stars are better

>> No.13817117

Anyone else smoke amber leaf?

>> No.13817120

This. Most people on here smoke to look cool lmao fucking posers man.

>> No.13817213
File: 41 KB, 259x196, processing-cigarette-tobacco-leaf-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying untreated tobacco leaves and blending your own rolling tobacco

>> No.13817252

Imagine wasting money on addictive carcinogenic toxin and having difficulty getting erections in your 30's so you become an actual Viagra customer, all because you fell for some marketing campaign.

>> No.13817361

was thinking the same thing

>> No.13817383

Parliament Lights

>> No.13817545
File: 24 KB, 458x458, i-p-s-black-100-parker-simpson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're cheap and heavy

>> No.13817555

there are no effay cigs. smoking looks effay if you are effay yourself and even then its pretty stupid to do. smoked for a decade and am trying ot quit. want to kick myself in the ass for ever starting

>> No.13818236

cigs give you nothin but an addiction man, might as well get high

>> No.13818248

This. I just love tobacco. If it's not cigarettes then it's cigars, a pipe, hookah, and even snus. I just enjoy smoking. I can't stand dip tho.

>> No.13818313

It’s chill I could go
For a nice cut and coffee like when I was in Vietnam. Also when you don’t chain smoke you get a nice head rush

>> No.13818317

By the time you are good at skating you are in your 20s I fact your best years are 21-26

>> No.13818332

Smoking is easy to quit..

>> No.13818410

Where can I get these in the US?

>> No.13818889

I just smoke juul because I like nicotine and its convenient. Smoking to be cool is pretty fucking retarded.

>> No.13819041
File: 13 KB, 215x260, chaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dippin is the only effay way to consume tobacco

>> No.13819110

Living in Yurop nothing is /fa/ anymore, unless they're duty free packs without the pictures of dead babies and stuff. Smoking is not cool anymore, but I'm a degenerate junkie so yea

>> No.13819122
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>> No.13819607

Softpack is a must to be /fa/

>> No.13819623

it makes you cooler if you're 13-15 yrs old

>> No.13819646

fags are for fags.
don't sacrifice your health just to impress people.

>> No.13819647

What happened to this guy's jaw?

>> No.13819648

an incel who didn't check out before 25.

>> No.13819659

Pretty sure lung cancer isn't /fa/

>> No.13819808
File: 26 KB, 259x222, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not vaping
nothing is cooler than saying 'sorry mr. homeless guy, I can't lend you a ciggarette, i'm vaping :D'

>> No.13819946

in my opinion I use the Juuls because it's cost effective and gas stations pretty much have them everywhere. and no im not underage, I'm 23.

>> No.13819967
File: 70 KB, 800x1024, american-spirit-yellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only option

>> No.13820010

where do I find these in the states

>asking bc my name is Kent

>> No.13820014

>People arent allowed to like things I don't like!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.13820021

>bro, you might as well just make yourself non-functioning bro, like dude.... weed man...

Some of us have jobs

>> No.13820247

>all these zoomers in this thread
Yikes, remember when we used to have comfy cig threads in /fa/.

>> No.13820287

I’m a smoking zoomer, I used my freshman scholarship stipend to buy a carton of parliaments

>> No.13820290
File: 259 KB, 1000x861, 1530136291532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when cigarettes were healthy? those were the days. off yourself you old fuck

>> No.13820299

based nicky addiction

>> No.13820673

only smoke cigs when i take opiates

>> No.13820700
File: 1.80 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13820709

also nicknamed as "red hand of death" or "lung-torpedo" in germany

>> No.13820826

I was going to take a piece of shit beater guitar and cover the body in Bazooka Joe wrappers, should I cover it in the fronts of various cigarette packages instead? It'll probably be a lot easier to go through enough cigs to cover the body than to chew that much fucking Bazooka.

>> No.13820858


>> No.13820861

I'm curious to know if there is a market for custom cigarette containers because of this shit in your countries.
Who would want to look at that when buying or using?

>> No.13820871

nat shermans or nothing u tools

>> No.13820876

that was my choice, but i quit recently. pack costs 4euros in my country

>> No.13820883
File: 272 KB, 3200x1680, tng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cigarettes are shite but its undeniable that it makes SOME men look fucking cool. That said, the negatives aspects outweigh the positive (which is almost 0).
I personally like cigars, I smoke on my own so its not about vanity, I just enjoy tobacco as a kind of meditation instead of an addiction. Sitting for an hour, taking my time, slowly puffing a cigar for 40~60 minutes is excellent.

>> No.13820975
File: 744 KB, 2000x1125, smokes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These now fuck off. The rest of you talking about looking cool and cancer go smoke a pack of cocks.

>> No.13821095
File: 107 KB, 573x680, Dunhill_International.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13821118
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>> No.13821129


>> No.13821772

Pic is spot on

>> No.13821776

This desu. Smoked a pack a day for years, tried vaping but it was too bulky and never replaced the craving. Kept smoking until I tried a juul. Now I can get a nicotine fix without having to go outside, and I don't smell like shit. Best of both worlds, but people hate it because kids are idiots. Half tempted to switch to a suorin for the refillable pods and to avoid the eyerolling against juuls.

>> No.13821781

"Also no I can't spare change because physical currency has become obsolete"

>> No.13821783

Cigarette threads were always like this newfag

>> No.13821786

I smoke because a jew told me so. Is smoking really bad for your health?

>> No.13821824
File: 9 KB, 322x156, darts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Laughs in Australian
We joke that they're like trading cards now.
Aussie here, the demand for cigarette cases has rapidly increased. There's decent ones that fit 27 for $3 sold at any tobacconist.

>> No.13821827
File: 5 KB, 163x240, karelias.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best looking cigarette.
There's better pics here because I can't be fucked posting them all.

>> No.13821828
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>> No.13821831
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>> No.13821861
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>> No.13821875

they brought these in here in Ireland now too. Fucking stupid way of thinking people will stop

>> No.13822411

>americans want to smoke shit soviet cigs
what a time

>> No.13822415

where I'm from bums would ask for a few puffs from your vape
just you wait till bums have card readers it's gonna fuckin happen

>> No.13822838
File: 475 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20181005_171956_551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on construction cite is quite stresfull, im 23 and 3 years im already in this business, and im smoking all thiss 3 years, almost 2 packs a day, because of stress and dealing with atupid people, if you smoke because its cool, you dumb as brick, but if you smoke because is take awsy stress and clearing your mind, then you bro

>> No.13822851

>gatekeeping nicotine addiction
what a time to believe

>> No.13822853

You don't have to do it every day my guy

>> No.13822859
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20181107_235507_274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having some sort of addiction
why live anon, you would die at same age as me, we all would die almost at same age

>> No.13822866

what? I smoke but I'm just saying who gives a shit if people that don't pour concrete for a living smoke

>> No.13822880

sory, im a bit slow when it comes to English languge, and some phrases i dont fully understand what you was saying

>> No.13823061
File: 743 KB, 3024x4032, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, camels, and American spirit are the coolest American smokes.
John Player and CNT are the coolestcanadian ones, Viceroy and Belmonts are for tryhards. Hand rolling is def cool af

That being said, smoking regularly is pretty retarded and you shouldn't be buying your own packs.

>> No.13823073

bootlicker faggot

>> No.13823089
File: 46 KB, 263x291, Spud_design_1_menthol_cooled_s_20_s_usa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't smoke Spuds

>> No.13823093
File: 501 KB, 778x1024, 10887160426_b136cd9f4b_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't smoke Salems

>> No.13823106

No thanks.

>> No.13823112
File: 58 KB, 400x553, viewsalem3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you

>> No.13823156


>> No.13823319

Hey, those are the ones I started with too. Very pleasant, don't see any reason to switch.

>> No.13823601

They probably only cost like 50 cents at the time but they look cool and that's what really matters
I've been thinking about rolling my own with clear rolling paper after I looked into it.

>> No.13823657

is this supposed to be gay subtext? hard to read culturally because it is 70s and their aesthetics are so warped.

>> No.13824022

whered he get that?

>> No.13824131

Only ugly people smoke camels. Marlboro reds bro

>> No.13825493
File: 2.63 MB, 4128x3096, 20181108_100918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ones I rock

>> No.13825517

that one andrew jackson jihad song got me sold on parliament

>> No.13826319


I’ve found a pack of these in Poland

Don’t even think of smoking em they’re awful

>> No.13826360

any ausfags know where i can cop camel silvers in sydney

>> No.13827381

any ausfags reeling over how fucked cig prices have been? Almost $30 for a 20 pack now. Trying to vape to quit, using a Mi-pod. Actually pretty sick device

>> No.13827394

Git ya self a pack of fuckin Dunnies

>> No.13827705

This looks like Nigel Thornberry if he was an obvious undercover cop.

>> No.13827710

>not filling your own

>> No.13827729

Dead Beat Dad cigs aka newport menthols aka nig cigs

>> No.13827732

>Half tempted to switch to a suorin for the refillable pods and to avoid the eyerolling against juuls.
you can refill juul pods as well

>> No.13828332
File: 19 KB, 500x500, djarum-black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13828384

>using the term gatekeeping

>> No.13828633

tobacco tastes good, and i find a pleasing effect on the mind, similar to coffee

>> No.13828714

USA decided it was more effective to shame society into not smoking, tax the hell out of it, and ban smoking in many public areas instead of scarypix

>> No.13828722
File: 38 KB, 458x458, camel-natural-flavour-filters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those a fucking nasty. Here, have some better tasting cigarettes at a price only a bit higher