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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 687 KB, 721x587, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13811213 No.13811213 [Reply] [Original]

>A South Korean mania for shirts sporting the campaign logo from Jesse Jackson's presidential bid has spread across the Pacific rim, getting knocked off in China, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.

>The logo is prized for its "smart color scheme," "sensuous lettering" and "harmonized colors."

>The shirt was popular with celebrities and college students alike: Rapper Moonbyul, for example, wore the shirt in the music video for her May release, “In My Room.” After the Jackson shirts’ initial appearance in South Korea, they quickly spread to stylish women across Asia, sold in cheap shopping markets and on e-tailers from provincial China to Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand.

>> No.13811220

asians are retarded

>> No.13811269
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>> No.13811277

alright i know about the hype meme but what the fuck.

in their defense it does look like a pretty handy suitcase. maybe they got them because they're really cheap from overproduction

>> No.13811292

Ohhh Jerssy Jurakusan wery good!

>> No.13811319

maybe you werent of age then but there was this period of time when fucking EVERYONE in their 20s got a chinese character tattoos on the back of their neck, down their spine, on their wrist(s), etc

>> No.13811792

come on, really? racism is not funny

>> No.13811794

Bug people

>> No.13811802

people like you make it hilarious

>> No.13812149 [DELETED] 

I'm not racist, I love Japanese for instance. So I am not racist against Asians. But Chinese are soulless subhumans who eat dogs, beat their children, and have absolutely 0 awareness of what is happening around them.

>> No.13812158


>> No.13812159

Chinese isn't a race. They could be white but if they behaved the same way I would have the same sentiments. I despise their culture

>> No.13812161

People call you a racist for pointing out that azns literally eat dogs. They think it's not true.

>> No.13812162
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>Let me tell you how your society works

>> No.13812163

Don't let the Japs off so easy what with the rape of Nanking and all

>> No.13812164

Perhaps R*ddit is more your speed

>> No.13812166 [DELETED] 

This is a blue board or else I would post some dog boiling webms. Or the dried pressed dog jerky.

That is true but they were only killing soulless Chinese so I consider that doing the world a favor

>> No.13812178

Only because your retarded friends all got tramp stamps with ramen recipes tatted doesn't mean EVERYONE did it. Not everyone here grew up in a trailer park buckaroo

>> No.13812191

based chinks

>> No.13812322
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does it really matter what the shirt means as long as it looks cool?

>> No.13812333

LOL at butthurt Americans and their dogs. Dogs are fucking shitters

>> No.13812340

t. 9fag who barely made it into boards other than /b/

>> No.13812348

This is dope, I'm not a weeb by any stretch but I kind of want one.

>> No.13812358

>eating dogs is different from eating other animals because they have been bred to love humans

You brainlets will never learn

>> No.13812364

how did this happen?

>> No.13812385 [DELETED] 

Chinks are subhuman drone scum outside of their dog consumption so your edgelord point is moot

>> No.13812392

They're all fakes
Costs you about 20 bucks in one of their knock off malls.

Having worked with them extensively and traveled there the best way to describe these people is >>13811794

>> No.13812641

Chinese believe that suffering makes meat taste better, so they make sure the dogs and every other animal die a horrible death.

>> No.13812680


>> No.13812684
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how to into robot core?

>> No.13812687

You can't buy meat at your local grocery store and complain about animals being killed in horrible ways.

>> No.13812724

>You can't buy meat
*sticks blow torch up cows ass*
>at your local grocery store
*skins dog alive*
>and complain about animals being killed in horrible ways.
*throws puppy in boiling pot of water*

>> No.13812914

>I'm not racist,
>But Chinese are soulless subhumans who eat dogs, beat their children, and have absolutely 0 awareness of what is happening around them.
>racist: showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another.
yes you are racist. have you ever been to China? How many Chinese people have you interacted with? Dog eating is largely frowned upon in China. Even if it weren't, how is eating dogs worse than eating pigs, cows, or chickens? Do you have some evidence to back up your point that Chinese people beat their children more than any other ethnicity? 0 awareness of what is happening around them? What do you even mean by that?

>> No.13812918 [DELETED] 
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Pic related

>chinks are evil
I see no racism here

>> No.13812917

>im pretending the animals killed for food that i eat are treated more humanely than the animals other people eat
>im avoiding the argument by thinking of webms ive seen that make me feel like another country is more barbaric than mine

>> No.13812929

If you think China is a homogenous society then you clearly lack the education required to participate in this discussion. Where are you getting your racist ideas? Are you going to address any of my questions or just keep repeating your non argument?

>> No.13812938

exactly. only one ethnic grouping of the 52 in china eat dogs, for some sort of yearly festival

>> No.13812944

um wow ok weren't we talking about fashion?

>> No.13812946
File: 152 KB, 410x380, IMG_2968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks going to some meme college makes him a race ambassador

>only one
One is more than enough

>> No.13812956

I'm not a brainlet so I don't use my liberal powers to imagine that every shithole has the same standards as my first world nation.

>> No.13812957

>>he thinks going to some meme college makes him a race ambassador. Embarrassing
nice ad hominem. we are reeling from your intellectual prowess.
>One is more than enough
proven wrong about an entire country eating dogs, so you moved the goal posts. do you feel that the actions of a small group of people that you disagree with in your country are representative of you and your country as a whole?

>> No.13812966


>> No.13812969

That's literally racism because it doesn't apply to the entire race, except you are stating it as if it does.

It's like saying all white people fuck their cousins.


>> No.13812972

but you're still avoiding the question: how is eating a dog worse than eating a cow, chicken, pig, or other animals? and you're using your liberal powers to assume a webm you saw in a rekt thread is representative of the standards of an entire country. do you know anything about the methods used by your first world nation to provide you and the rest of its population with meat?

>> No.13812998 [DELETED] 
File: 232 KB, 1280x780, IMG_6251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Offended subhuman chinks

>> No.13813004

basically this

>> No.13813032

um wow ok why don't u fuck off to tumblr um m'kay

>> No.13813048
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They really do it for free, don't they



>> No.13813054

Part 2


>> No.13813056
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>> No.13813065
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This seems pretty fitting to the thread

>> No.13813131
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Retoasting epic image

>> No.13813141

>Waaaah why does the outcome of having an empire's endgoal always results in homogeneous culture?
Fuck off whitey

>> No.13813145
File: 168 KB, 1000x599, goxip_long-jacket-2p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the puffer jacket craze

>> No.13813154

lee on dong ass

>> No.13813156

it’s fucking cold in Korea, I’m not surprised these are so popular

>> No.13813161

Asian teens are sheep. If someone wears something all of their Asians friends must buy them.

>> No.13813164

but those don't actually keep you warm

>> No.13813170

I remember something similar happened in the country I live in during the early 2000s. Everyone had this stupid t-shirt that said 'Okinawa '69' with a print of an uzi underneath. Nobody knew what it meant or where it came from, but everyone wanted it. Like an epidemic.

>> No.13813183
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To be fair, most of the Kpop groups are being sponsored by brands like Gucci, CDG and all that shit. They get literally supplied with truckloads of clothes and have people tell them exactly what to wear, at which venue, how many times in order to fulfill their contract. Nothing about them is real. Kpop is the closest thing to turning a human being into a living product.

>> No.13813329

Prove these societies are more homogenous than yours :)

>> No.13813616

>even his tie is leather
This is a fetish thing, isn't it?

>> No.13813627

Asians are the true NPCs

>> No.13814360

Checked out some reviews on Amazon for a leather tie:

>This looks to be the perfect leather tie for those 80s acid-flashbacks. It's thin, which makes time a half-Windsor a breeze (a full-windsor is tough, but I'll get there) and it's a great length. Very happy with this.

>We had a black tie event to attend and the theme was leather and lace. The leather tie looked perfect with the black tuxedo!

>> No.13814383

where are the proofs?

>> No.13814392

t. chang ping lee ding dong

>> No.13814515

The Chinese government pays people to defend China online, if you’re wondering what happened in this thread. Type another true thing about China and see what happens.

>> No.13814663
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Holy shit... I never knew asians were so insufferable before this thread

>> No.13814691

One of the few relevant responses in this thread.

>> No.13814704
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>> No.13814718

I was the first one to bring it to /fa/ when the movie rip came out.


>> No.13814722

ok, wow

>> No.13814744

>In China’s western Xinjiang region, populated by mostly Turkic-speaking Muslims, up to one in 12 Muslim residents languish in political re-education camps, according to the United Nations. Many have been confined for seemingly inoffensive activities, including:
>Abstaining from alcohol and cigarettes. Having too many children. Owning a tent or a compass. Refusing to let officials take a retinal scan or a DNA sample. Giving a deceased relative a traditional Muslim burial instead of cremation. Traveling abroad, or just having spoken with someone who has.
fuck those yellow motherfuckers

>> No.13814759
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The original

>> No.13814776

>durr stop trying to teach me that its not about the outcome but its about the process and about why we do things

you are a brainlet sir

>> No.13814788 [DELETED] 

stay mad gook

>> No.13814970

>be me
>be Chinese
>wake up for work
>apartment elevator shaft closed cos somebody's cut in half
>use stairs instead
>parking garage collapsed, car totaled
>walk to work
>barely avoid being swallowed by sidewalk sinkhole
>narrowly dodge a car that runs over a 4 year old child
>make it to train station
>escalator eats guy in front of me
>10 people trampled to death trying to board train
>train derails, killing hundreds
>crawl out of rubble and stumble to work
>clock in at oil refinery
>work 16 hours straight
>take allotted 10 minute lunch break
>light a cigarette
>refinery explodes, 4 city blocks vaporized

>> No.13815000

And that's considered a good day.

>> No.13816141

it looks so much better on an Asian

>> No.13816157

Thrift sourced for a film vs reproduction.

>> No.13816337

It's funny because in Japan right now there is a similar trend but with Kiss/Rolling Stones shirts so if you go to Tokyo right now you'll just see an endless sea of women wearing the exact same Rolling Stone shirt lmao.

>> No.13816341


What a bunch of sheep.

>> No.13816343


Fucking retarded. T-shirt supporting a corrupt, racist asshole.

>> No.13816347


It absolutely does. I find the swastika aesthetically pleasing. Should I wear a sweater with one on it? Retard.

>> No.13816350


It doesn't.

>> No.13816354

Based Chinamen. Western cucks could learn a thing or two from them on how to handle mudslime terrorists.

>> No.13816386 [DELETED] 

this unironically. chinese people are ill-mannered dogs. they're all extremely self-centered and have little to no spatial awareness. watch that china disneyland video and you'll feel the same way

>> No.13816389

I think the only retard here is you, pal.

>> No.13816705

What is she wearing under the jacket.

>> No.13816710

I didn't make a value judgement about eating delicious doggos.
I will clarify my claim and say that you can very specifically refer to the kind of azns that eat dogs and they disbelieve it and call you racist. They're not making faggot Not All Asians Are Like That statements when they say it.

>> No.13816826

Doesn't look like any kind of fashion I've ever seen

>> No.13816867

Kill yourself faggot mods

>> No.13816913

ok guys I ll do it


>> No.13816979

Asian stores always have shirts with random logos or slogans on them

>> No.13817283


>> No.13817890


>> No.13817925

>i take everything randoms on 4chan say as fact

>> No.13817954
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>t. Coping Chang

The only thing Asians got going for them is that their men make decent traps, especially since white women are cows these days

>> No.13818576

the heart is directly over the position of the real heart

>> No.13818584
File: 209 KB, 1600x896, Screenshot_2018-11-05 spooky black - reason - YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spooky Black circa 2014

>> No.13818704

>racist is a /pol/tard incel that blames white women
Like fucking clockwork.

>> No.13818802

>taking shitposting seriously
wow and i thought asians were smart.

>> No.13818804


>> No.13818823


>> No.13818838


>Earlier this month, the Ministry of Public Security for the People's Republic of China announced a three-month crackdown on food safety violators, some of it involving rat, fox and, mink flesh being sold as lamb meat. They reportedly uncovered 383 cases of meat-related crime and made 904 arrests of people suspected of selling 20,000 tons of fake, diseased, or counterfeit meat.


>According to Ginn, rats are most commonly eaten in Asia because of the rice crop. In areas where rats feed off rice paddies rather than garbage, the rodents are considered safer to eat.


>Sick Video Shows Chinese Restaurant Cooks Laughing While Preparing Rats For Meals


Video is baleeted, but there are photos. Anyone have a mirror?

>> No.13819330

What did you mean by this?
Is it related to the fashion that the Black Pink singer is wearing?

>> No.13819341
File: 302 KB, 614x577, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the OP says Moonbyul wore the shirt; here's a screenshot from her music video. It's the same shirt just black.

>> No.13819362

def better than normal supreme

>> No.13819364


>> No.13819765


>> No.13819804

based & redpilled

>> No.13819862

Koreans are stupid

>> No.13819868

The Chinese are a subspecies

>> No.13820636

there's a reason why Korean culture has taken the world by storm and ``stupidity'' isn't one of them.

>> No.13820691

But the majority of people are stupid that like stupid things, like singing-dancing-manufactured-corporate twinks.

Also shit like Kpop is funded by the Korean government. So "taking the world by storm" is nothing worth talking about. It's essentially like a son bragging about the corporate job his father gave him.

>In the late '90s, when Asia went through a huge financial crisis, South Korea's leaders decided to use music to improve its image and build its cultural influence. So the country's government poured millions of dollars into forming a Ministry of Culture with a specific department devoted to K-pop.
>"It turns out that the Korean government treats its K-pop industry the way that the American government treats its automobile and banking industry, meaning that these are industries that have to be protected," Hong says.


>> No.13820710

That's exactly why it happens. Because of the millions and millions of literal brainless retards thinking kpop is cool. Fuck off with that trash.

>> No.13820715

nearly ordered one of those 2 years ago:

>> No.13820779

I don't think they are "stupid", Someone could wear that around where I live and they would be hip.

Im sure there are a lot of comparisons of weird things that got popular in America

>> No.13820789

yeah big dog shirts are at least 3 times worse

>> No.13820800
File: 179 KB, 640x634, IMG_0308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im sure there are a lot of comparisons of weird things that got popular in America
No shit, I said the majority of people are stupid, didn't I?

>> No.13821601

will Uggs ever die?

>> No.13822482

>Libertarian paradise

>> No.13822893

This is one meme I fully support, even despite being ass ugly. I bought a pair of UGGs cheap secondhand, and wear them to work. Let me tell you, bud, these shits are mega comfy. Would buy again.

>> No.13822941

Chinese are the ultimate NPCs. Pretty sure 95% of their population have been coded.

>> No.13823067

asians are weirdos

>> No.13824014
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Apparently they're making a comeback

>> No.13824024

Only the Japanese fuck words like that, IDK how you're supposed to bully South Korean speech tho

>> No.13824026

>I wear uggs to work
Please don't.

>> No.13824032

>I want our nation to be the most beautiful in the world. By this I do not mean the most powerful nation. Because I have felt the pain of being invaded by another nation, I do not want my nation to invade others. It is sufficient that our wealth makes our lives abundant; it is sufficient that our strength is able to prevent foreign invasions. The only thing that I desire in infinite quantity is the power of a noble culture. This is because the power of culture both makes ourselves happy and gives happiness to others.

Written by Kim Goo, president of the Republic of Korea in his autobiography.
I’m not a fan of Kpop, but South Korea managed to become known and liked worldwide through popular culture alone, not shedding any blood or fucking over any countries in the process. I’d say they fulfilled his desires, and I’m sure they care more about the wishes of one of the most important figures in modern Korean history than what people on the internet think

>> No.13824049


It's funny if it's accurate.