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/fa/ - Fashion

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13798014 No.13798014 [Reply] [Original]

Are proud boys /fa/? Fred perry is /fa/ as fuck.

>> No.13798093


>> No.13798226

No /fa/'s whole schtick is beta self-flagellation about how fits can only get you so far while genetics are what make you effay or whatever.

Proud Boys are just a bunch of failsons in cargo shorts and bad facial hair who smoke cigarettes to compensate for the fact they're fucking manlets who needed a hipster daddy to tell them to stop jerking off if they want to be "real" men.

Fred Perry is cool for mod style or whatever, but Proud Boys are both revolting on a moral and aesthetic level.

>> No.13798244

ugh wh*Toids

>> No.13798258

>Fred Perry
It is a brand associated with highschool kids larping as hools. Pretty much like Stone Island was before rappers started to wear it.
If I were to wear Fredy Perry polos people would probably take me for a warehouse worker.

>> No.13798263

>morally revolting

How do?

>> No.13798270

It's literally
>we're not racists btw fuck niggers - the group

>> No.13798300

Fred Perry IS still /fa. "Proud Boys" need to end themselves.

>> No.13798303

It seems that their promoting the idea of western supremacy over that of race

>> No.13798317

All their talk aside, in their eyes white=western other=foreign.

>> No.13798337

I mean western culture is predominantly white.

>> No.13798402
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They're the least cringey far-right group, but they are still cringey. Better than walking around with retarded patriotic shirts like rednecks do

>> No.13798405

I hate mutts

>> No.13798414

Barring how shitty the dude actually is, I'm not sure where you're getting /fa/ from, the dude just has a collared shirt and khakis oooooo so /fa/

>> No.13798535

don't care for proud boys whatsoever but this is pure nonsense

>> No.13798620

Yes. They are fine with people who come here and assimilate and dont try to push their personal ideals over western ones(like most asians)

They seem to take issue with splintered off groups who fixate on history to try to get victim points. Like indians who bitch about coloumbus, or BLM bitching about reparations. Everyone's history has had trials and tribulations. Some less than others, but no one other than the 0.01% can say their ancestors didnt deal with shit... but its a moot point, because my great great great grandfather being a dirt farmer who was overtaxed by crooked politicians has just as much impact on me as someone elses great great great grandfather being a slave. Infact i'm more fucked than the other dude, since society acknowledges his family troubles and in turn takes my tax dollars to subsidizes him.

If you drop all the "white privilege" BS and just look objectionably at who has the most support from the government or private programs, you'll be hard pressed to find white men getting ANYTHING(even Ben Shapiro went back on his "for white men only" scholarship because of all the hate and threats to him) where as you'll almost fall over all the offers of help, programs, scholarships, preferential placement, etc... for minorities or women.

>> No.13798629

they’re the worst no

>> No.13799052


absolutely fucking not

>> No.13799068

Imagine being such a bitch that a bunch of civnats, led by closeted homo, with BASED minority friends trigger you.

Gavin even did a photoshoot and is friends with Terry.

>> No.13799078

Fred Perry Polos are /fa/ when worn by the right person. However, Polos should never be part of a uniform for any serious organization. Polos are Bestbuy tier. Uniforms for political organizations should be far more formal, or more militarized. Not BestBuy tier.

>> No.13799081

It's 2018. Appealing to your Nazi jack off fantasies is not the same as appealing the the public.

>> No.13799082


>> No.13799097

No, and I voted for trump. They're cringe losers who watch too much internet videos

>> No.13799264
File: 69 KB, 618x410, proudboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"are proud boys /fa/?"
shut the fuck up nazi

>> No.13799294

That guys wife is black and he has a mixed race child with her, you're an idiot who believes media lies and fake news. Sad.

>> No.13799304

proud boys are universally mocked by everyone on the dissident right. their leader shoved a buttplug in his ass ffs.

>> No.13799322

He's still a fucking proud boy and his wife calls herself a Proud Boys Girl you fucking ingrate.
Her race has nothing to do with shit

>> No.13799337

This. It's not enough to have a black wife and a mulatto child. If you don't want to be called a Nazi today you must have a black wife and a black wife's son.
Your evil genes must not exist even in racial mongrels.

>> No.13799357

>being this out of touch with modern political alignments

>> No.13799364
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>> No.13799437

>Thin blue line
It's even funnier when they have a gadsden flag somewhere in the same fit / on their bumper sticker at the same time.

>> No.13799442

I don't have any black friends an I am a racist. It's funny that you want to play it as being a less racist person than a guy that literally breeds with niggers, though.
How many nappy haired kids do you have?

>> No.13800169

as long as he didn't stroke his dick, fine with me

>> No.13800925

what a bunch of fags.

>> No.13801746

What about "breeding with niggers" makes you less racist?

>> No.13801751

you obviously don't hate them if you're willing to create children with one. No man hates himself that much

>> No.13801785

they'd look better with caved in skulls

>> No.13801798

>muh nazis!!!!!1!1!1
Jesus Christ. How stupid can you be? Look at any of their group pics and it’s a bunch of brown people with a couple amerimutts.

>> No.13801800

they're all fucking losers

>> No.13801820

white privilege is real and anyone but the majority of white men need all the support they can get

>> No.13801841

Nothing is good enough for this shitlib because this is a church with no salvation.
You have to be a self-flagellating cuck that hates yourself forever and nothing is ever good enough until white people are extinct.

>> No.13801848

im not white so i dont give a fuck if loser whites spend all their time virtue signaling about my lower wages

they're not helping me in anyway what so ever so they can fuck off

but they can waste their fucking time all they want still won't vote democrat. kanye see's through these white women trying to use us colored people too

shit doesn't work we know old white women wont do shit to help us

>> No.13802523
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>> No.13803089 [DELETED] 

replace /pol/ with reddit