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13786208 No.13786208 [Reply] [Original]

>first year at a big uni
>see rich asians wearing designer clothing
>one guy is decked out in full Rick
>ask him if that's Rick Owens
>conversation ends there
How do I make friends with rich asians?

>> No.13786217

why do you want to they're fobby and usually rude

just leave them alone

>> No.13786258

because who else am I gonna talk fashion with

>> No.13786275

bow and ask if they want to eat sushi with them

>> No.13786279

Don't encourage them.

>> No.13786292

you don't, they're usually assholes to anyone who isn't asian. I live in SoCal Orange County and man are these people rude af

>> No.13786301

ask open ended questions, like
are you into fashion
what brands do you like

>> No.13786501

it's probably all fake, but if you wanna make friends, learn chinese

>> No.13786517

your future :)

>> No.13786522

get an asian girlfriend, they’ll surely talk to you then

>> No.13786528 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13786554

If they're Chinese, buy a pack of Zhonghua cigs and offer them some.

>> No.13786589
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literally did this by accident. I had class with one and we got paired up together we just talked about music and shit. He's chill and gives me rides when he sees me walking from class but is unintentionally rude sometimes. He invited me to go to a concert with him but he also invited all his other Asian friends. This essentially meant me being on a road trip not understanding a goddamn word anyone was saying except for the few times they addressed me directly.
There are no benefits, anon. He doesn't give me money or fashion advice. I just ended up having to pay for a separate hotel because he drops 200 bucks on one like its nothing.

>> No.13786666

Chinese people have elaborate friendzone system.

Chinese people inviting you with his friends are 'hey, meet my social circle because you are rather trustworthy friend' tier. It's not a 'we met 10 years ago and we're sworn brothers that vowed to die same day' tier friends but 'everything going fine, knowing each other towards, business tier betrayal may happen but that's business' tier.

And Chinese people really hate someone make him do shameful display on public, publically humiliated means you need to be publically humiliated or something big on public that showing you respect him and he is your superior should happen.

These are foreign concepts even to an average Korean or Japanese so westerners wouldn't figure out himself.

>> No.13786676

what the fuck are you talking about? do you have autism?

>> No.13786689

yes, i do this everyday

>> No.13786704

no good comes of associating with insectoids

>> No.13786761
File: 75 KB, 602x402, main-qimg-b476b68247f698896fcfd5c8c21adecf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by insectoids i hope you mean white ppl lmao
anytime you feel superior, just remember that you are to us like niggers are to you!
have a nice day :)

>> No.13786796

Fuck western asians like the fung bros and their fucking stupid "bubble". Fucking retards complain they cant get western pussy when they themselves are the problem. South east asians we out here

>> No.13786810

I've never had a problem with Asians in my area being rude except for fobs who talk shit all day in viet and call black people the n word directly in front of them knowing they can't understand.

>> No.13786813

You go to Irvine ?

>> No.13786816

By insectoids i mean hivemind chinks, humans are social creatures, iq doesn't mean shit if you are unable to think for yourself and connect with others

>> No.13786822

Good bait.
The separation between us and us catholic interests me. Why is it specified?
Also, Netherlands, Japan, Korea. No China.
You even read the thread?

>> No.13786823


>> No.13786824

not worth it, fucking robots, every chink into fashion ik always has that blank stare like they are all harshly judging me

>> No.13786826

Where else would all the international students in Orange County be ?

>> No.13786871

But what if I’m an ashkenazi Jew ?

>> No.13786875
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>open rick owens web page
>pic related

>> No.13786882

Copy that.

>> No.13786884

this image is to trigger ppl lol, so i think its there so you can discriminate more
IRL, whites are alot closer to asians, but the "US" line includes black people which drags the mean down even through there is a separate US Black distribution

u need to be gassed

>social creatures
lmao retards trying to justify their low IQ
its like the "where do you work out? i do it at the library" meme, cope is real

>> No.13786932

Nah your're right bro, chinese masterrace. Next time i pass one on the street i'll be sure to kiss his filthy RMs

>> No.13786940

im not sure what RM means but sure!

>> No.13786950

Now im certain you are just here to bait

>> No.13786959

Based Vietcongs putting niggers in their place

>> No.13786987

it was bait, but i actually dont know what RMs are
ramones are my only guess

>> No.13786992

RM Williams. Pretty common where i live to see chinese dude dressed head to toe in it

>> No.13786998

>ask open ended questions, like
>are you into fashion
You don't know what an open ended question is, do you.

>> No.13787057

Quads don't lie

>> No.13787155


>> No.13787786

I started dating my gf in uni who's a Chinese fob and she works here now. I've gotten to meet some because of this and they're pretty nice. Her work friends invited me to hang out with them and we all drank together and played games and it was a lot of fun. I smoked a cig with the guys and we talked about cars and our lives and their shitty relationships with their parents and everything. They were very friendly with me and made me feel welcome. I'm in contact with international kids a lot and what I've learned is that it's just as hard for them to go outside their circle as it is for you so you just have to be friendly and make a legitimate effort

>> No.13787803

i want international student friends now desu

>> No.13787808

they dont care about fashion. they care about flexing and trying to show off their parents money.

>> No.13787851
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asians are not human and therefore they do not care about self expression, they are just compensating for their lack of souls by buying really expensive materialistic possesions

>> No.13787860

I too form my worldly opinions based on citationless graphs.

>> No.13787869

This is not the way. If you're not Asian man dating an Asian they all hate you when you're not around. Personal experience. They especially hate white men dating Asian women. More than blacks even

>> No.13787886

Any chance I have as a brown man with a turban. Playing life on iron man mode.

>> No.13787907

I'm south Asian so not white. Can you stop generalizing and assuming about every single person from a group of a billion? These aren't assholes with a narrow worldview, they're nice people. Not everyone is the same. You might have dealt with people like that but I've seen other types as well that don't automatically shun non east asians.

Not sikh myself but have known many. Not gonna lie the turban makes it pretty fucking tough man.

>> No.13788035

Koreans are the coolest Asians, the rest are for the birds; they love to drink, always like to bring foreigners into their social circles, and are generally nice people.

>> No.13788547
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Two months in uni at small LA liberal arts college. Became best friends with two americanized and fashionable asians. TFW they take me in their Porsche or Alfa Romeo to smoke in Malibu and we go shopping every weekend.

>> No.13788557

Most of it is fake real talk

Especially if they're korean

>> No.13788559

>>13788547 btw but they don't care about race, they just value that you've had an international upbringing similar to theirs and have travelled. I have white skin but was raised in Argentina,.

>> No.13788712
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did you have a stroke anon

>> No.13789020

I agree