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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 325 KB, 750x544, E295D0F1-8E14-4004-A903-C534A64985CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13781777 No.13781777 [Reply] [Original]

At what age did you realize that fashion doesn’t exist or matter for men? Literally all that matters is being visibly fit and having an attractive face. Your ____core means nothing to anyone.

I only say this because I’ve completly lost all sense of fashion, self identity and I’ve gone insane.

>> No.13781787

Even if i would live in a lost island, i would dress like i want to. I dress for my self and im happy with it. Do you have -18?

>> No.13781792

if you're only interested in fashion because you value other people's opinions of yourself then you probably dress like shit

>> No.13781796

You're right OP, cope replies will be frantically spammed but it's the truth. However if you are visibly fit and handsome, good fashion sense can take you from a 9/10 to a 10/10. And if you're ugly the right fit can bring you up from a 2/10 to a 3/10.

>> No.13781803

>Literally all that matters is being visibly fit and having an attractive face

I mean if you're some kind of beta faggot who exclusively concerns himself with gaining the approval of sluts, yes.

>> No.13781824

That's not fashion just you being a moody adolescents.

>> No.13782273
File: 638 KB, 843x948, soyboy_by_tullamoredew-dc79c49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember dressing like some avant garde post punk twink faggot with a long young leo haircut and being depressed as fuck

It was 20 or 21 for me when I realized that making gains in the gym gave me waaay more confidence than any piece of clothing ever did

Now I dress in mallcore lumbersexual way and I was never more happy

>> No.13782283

Dressing well can take you up a point max
Getting fit can get you up two points max
If you are 3/10 male, dressing perfectly and being ripped will get you up to 6/10
Height > Face > Fitness > Clothes, work with what you got faggot

>> No.13782678
File: 10 KB, 187x269, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jeez, just stfu already. It depends on the girl dammit. Stop pentending we're all the same; it will only make you feel more alienated.

>> No.13782681
File: 31 KB, 400x344, pGXZ4xC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13782687

naw, more like
1 personality
2 face
3. money

for women it's
1. face
2. body


at least most of the time.

>> No.13782694

Only thing worse is realizing that no many how well you get along or how smart and interesting you are, if the guy doesn't find you hot, you will always be in the friend zone. =/ this was around 12 years.

>> No.13782702


>> No.13782704


Women are not, by and large, visual like men. That doesn't mean they aren't superficial most of the time, but it does mean that they don't look for things that men look for. Muscles, expensive/sophisticated fashion sense, good grooming, these are all indications to a woman that a man is stable and will provide security. Clothes and haircuts make you more attractive as a man.

Women, on the other hand, only need to dress well for other women. Men can spot some big ol' titties or an ass or a pretty face from a mile away. Doesn't matter if she's wearing a tube top and hot pants or a garbage bag. Men are visual. They see a hot chick in shit clothes they just think her self-esteem is low and she'd be easier to get.

Men, on the other hand, get haircuts and instantly get more attractive.

>> No.13782706

>lying on the internet for anonymous strangers who couldn’t give less of a shit.

>> No.13782713

I mean, I have literally seen men who are not that attractive or rich who have girlfriends(some even WAY hotter) but fine, keep living in your own self inflicted hell due to ignorance.

>> No.13782720

this is wrong but right in someways. Haircut shapes your face whether woman or man. A girl who smells, bad acne/ just looks dirty will not attract many guys. How do you think gurls "get pretty" lol Very few are just "born with it." C'mon anon as a supposed /fa/aggot, you should know better.

>> No.13782733

The truth hurts faggot

Keep thinking pieces of fabric give you importance

>> No.13782784
File: 102 KB, 959x659, david4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men who are not that attractive or rich who have girlfriends
subhumans getting looks matched doesn't mean anything, its all about slaying the highest amount of prime pussy if you can't get 9/10 slut to ride your crotch its over

>> No.13782837

you're an idiot and will probably be lonely for a long time. But hey, suit yourself. I've never met a group of people who abuse themselves like this as the basement dwellers of 4chan.

>> No.13782857

You need to stop this cope, accept LMS, the objective truth, and apologize to Mew before its too late you fucking melted face heretic.

>> No.13782873
File: 94 KB, 788x688, confident.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women are not, by and large, visual like men
Cope like the pope famalam

>> No.13782879

Mew? What autistic speak is this?
Now,you're getting angry at me for being logical/down to earth? Can't say I'm surprised.

>> No.13782884

this guy looks like he has,an actual genetic deformity. His,head looks very small, like congenital microcephaly small.

>> No.13782896

I am showing you the well of truth but you are refusing to drink, thus sabotaging your own ascension which makes me frustrated since I want to see all my brothers ascended before I move away to the heaven as an angel

>> No.13782917

You're the one that is missing the point.
You should be into fashion because you like it.
All of those that get into it for getting girls are retarded. That's your problem.

>> No.13782924

Have you ever watched a movie? For your entertainment? Fashion can be just that, something fun.

>> No.13782936

okay but also wtf is up with his haircut? yeah if he had a better haircut it wouldnt make him don juan but also he wouldn't look like a fucking pencil neck disaster. the multitude of necklaces arent helping.

>> No.13782938

you're crazy. Also, you're just pushing yourself and them down a path of self hatred and lonliness. No one deserves a hot bf or girlfriend. Hell no one deserves one period. It just happends. Grow up, Elliot.

>> No.13782944

that is a big one too. I actually was going to add that but I forgot. He needs a better cut to shape his face. A full beard (if he can grow it) would help too. It's If my 5/10 face tried to pull off a pixie cut i'd look like absolute shit. Autists and people in general need to understand the beauty is work and finding what fits/enhances you while staying away from whats you look worse.

>> No.13783023

So youre saying only way to be happy is being atractive to women? Okay buddy, thats cool stuff